Tüv rheinland egypt training catalogue rev 02

Page 92

On Job Training (OJT) Courses

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ISMS On-the-Job (OJT) or Activity based training can be best described as a process where new auditors learn by performing under observation and having their work assessed within the workplace. It is the fastest and most secure way to ensure behavioral change post training; but capturing and managing these processes and related data in an efficient manner is difficult.

Benefit You will learn how to plan and carry out audits practically by monitoring and guided by the lead auditor during a real audit, we will show you how to align an existing management system with normative requirements. You will be able to assess reports on audit results and present them professionally. After participating in this course, you will be able to carry out internal and external audits and determine whether the management system meets the requirements of ISO 27001.



Target group

Planning the audit Goal setting/scope, responsibilities, resources, processes, continuous improvement, teamwork Carrying out the audit Reason for the audit, audit plan, external audit, checklists, teamwork (process alignment with normative requirements) Communication Questioning methods, audit disclosure, audit questions, active listening, communication problems Audit results/report Summary, alignment with the goals of the audit, potential for improvement, approval Fundamentals of accreditation and certification procedures

First time managers, department heads, supervisors

Methodology Presentations and Group Works, case studies

Course duration 3 days

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