Cellular Adaptation, Injury and Death

Page 36

Types of necrosis: 1-Coagulative necrosis 3-Liquefactive necrosis

2-Caseous necrosis 4-Fat necrosis

Coagulative necrosis It is a local death of tissue in the living individual, which is characterized by maintenance of tissue architecture and loss of cellular details. It results from denaturation of cellular proteins.

Causes: 1-Local ischemia as infarction. 2-Toxic products of certain bacteria as Fusobacterium necropherus. 3-Chemical poisons as mercuric chloride. 4-Virus infection as FMD. 5-Mild burns. 6-Nutritional deficiency (Vit. E, Selenium) results Zenker's necrosis

Microscopic Picture: 1-Maintenance of tissue architecture. 2-Loss of cellular detail.

Macroscopic Picture: 1-The necrotic tissue is gray or white in color 2-Firm in consistency. 3-Depressed under the level of surrounding tissue.

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