The Holiday 2020 Issue Of Modern Mississauga Media's Interactive Digital Magazine

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Fitting Gift Ideas For

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If someone had told me last year that I’d be recommending ‘mask facials’ and escape room adventures that you play at home as gifts, I might have questioned their sanity. But 2020 has thrown us for a loop, and these strange times call for some more creative gift ideas. Here are our suggestions: ESCAPE MAIL

As soon as we opened the envelope, our family was hooked on this escape room/mystery puzzle. One minute we were holding our heads in our hands, perplexed and bewildered, and the next our arms were raised above our heads in the universal sign of victory. At the end, there were high-fives all around, as we solved the mystery. The Calgary-based company started Mobile Escape when their escape room business that catered to schools vanished due to COVID-19. Determined not to give up their dream, they created these fun and clever mysteries available to anyone reachable by snail mail.


A wise gift, frankincense is believed to have sedative and comforting properties that support the body’s immune and respiratory systems. This time-honoured fragrance is an ingredient in several of Neal’s Yard Remedies best-selling products. This English company specializes in natural products that bring apothecary expertise ethically to customers. Two products especially fitting for 2020 are: Unwind Foaming Bath Collection with blends of essential oil that will encourage your loved one to indulge in a relaxing soak more often, and Night Time Aromatherapy Duo which promotes tranquility. (Hint: put a drop in your mask for a calming effect.) The duo comes beautifully packaged with a ribbon, perfect for hanging on the tree.


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