Modern Law Magazine - Searchflow Supplement

Page 16

The A to Z of Conveyancing From the day–to–day searches to the more unusual or nonstandard due diligence or information services available, we provide a snapshot into the A-Z of Conveyancing for residential and commercial transactions. AML Money laundering is a serious business – with property transactions considered a prime target. The Government has launched its Flag It Up campaign to help raise awareness in the legal, accountancy and property sectors of the importance of undertaking automatic AntiMoney Laundering (AML) risk assessments, for every transaction.

Brine The Coal & Brine (CON29M) report is available for both residential and non-domestic properties, including commercial and development sites. It will identify any underground and surface coal mining activity, including the distance of the property from the mine and if there is any potential for ground movements.

Canal & River Trust The search identifies a number of areas relating to the canals and rivers network and its impact on neighbouring properties. For example, whether any liability falls on the owner of the property in respect of the maintenance or repair or rebuilding of the waterway or its banks or towing paths.

Civil Aviation A Civil Aviation Authority search assesses the potential of aviation activity near a property. It details current aviation activity in the vicinity, planned changes that may affect the immediate area, details of air routes over the property and the potential noise impact on the property.

Chancel Repairs Chancel Repair Liability is a medieval anomaly where the Church was granted powers to charge those owning ‘rectorial land’ within the historical parish boundary for the upkeep of the chancel of the parish church. Chancel search and insurance products will identify any liability that impacts a property, and protect the owner if a risk arises.

Commons Registration To be carried out if the property borders common land, a village green or is agricultural land.

Docklands Light Railway For properties located near to the Docklands Light Railway, London Underground or other railway lines or stations, it’s important to find out if the property may be affected by existing or proposed rail and highway transport schemes, or even if a property may be affected by compulsory purchase powers.

Environmental Today all-in-one environmental reports support you in assessing a host of risks for both residential and commercial transactions – from flood to ground stability – in one single report.

Energy An Energy & Infrastructure report indicates whether a property is likely to be impacted by energy projects such as Oil & Gas Exploration blocks and drilling locations, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), solar or wind farms or renewable energy plants including Waste Combustion and Sewage Sludge Digestion.


| SearchFlow Supplement

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