The Scientific Journal of the Modern Education & Research Institute, September 2017

Page 22

scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium

The approach to determination of the key components of ethnodidactics suggested by F.G. Yalalov is the most substantiated. The author emphasizes that «ethnopedagogics has an extensive subject of research. And ethnodidactics singles out rather narrow area of ethnopedagogics, only connected with research of the problems of teaching the representatives of various ethnoses». According to the statement of the scholar, «ethnodidactics is ethnically original didactics. Therefore the subject of ethnodidactics is the theory and technique of teaching, corresponding to the ethnic nature of a child». As the author notices, «ethnodidactics is didactics both of concrete ethnos, and ethnic groups, and the people as a whole. There are some special features in didactics of each ethnos. But there is also an invariant centre in ethnodidactics, identical to ethnic groups and the people» [23, p. 47]. As a result of the analysis of the literature it was found out that nowadays the following aspects of the investigated problem had their reflection in the literature: the didactic ideas in folklore; didactic views of thinkers of the past; national ideas and experience of teaching, considered in the context of traditions of intellectual, physical, labour and esthetic upbringing; the didactic potential of a family and its application in school practice; particular methodical questions of applying the elements of national pedagogics at teaching school disciplines and in out-of-class activities. In general it is possible to state that understanding of the essence and features of application of the didactic potential of national pedagogics, working out of the technology of their realization in school practice is out of the authors’ sight.

Description of the research For investigating the didactic potential of national pedagogics it is necessary to reveal its essence, structure, content and functions. More precise definition of the concept «national pedagogics» is of paramount importance. There is a great number of definitions of the concept «national pedagogics» in modern pedagogical literature. In the research as a basic we take the definition that considers national pedagogics as a set and interdependence of concepts, views, opinions, ideas, skills and techniques in the field of education and upbringing, reflected in the folklore [26]. The didactic possibilities of national pedagogics we consider as a set of national didactic ideas and teaching experience, representation and comprehension by the people of the essential features and necessary connections of the teaching process in aggregate with national ways of didactic work, in their close connection and interconditionality. In the course of the research work carried out in 2004-2008 at schools of South-Kazakhstan region, the productivity of realization of didactic possibilities of national pedagogics in teaching and educational process of school was determined and tested. The total number of participants of the experiment: 662 students, 52 teachers of natural-science disciplines and form masters. The experimental work was carried out with application of the worked out technology of realization of didactic possibilities of national pedagogics during class and out-of-class work, and the revealed pedagogical conditions of the efficiency of this process were put in its basis (Figure 1).


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