Modern Aquarium September 2010

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September 2010 volume XVII number 7

Series III ON THE COVER Adding an additional female, even if separated by a transparent barrier, to the a tank of a pair of Betta splendens can help stimulate spawning. Al Priest discusses the use of spawning trios with members of the genus Betta in his article, “When Three’s NOT a Crowd,” on page 9.

Photo by Alexander A. Priest


President Vice-President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary

Dan Radebaugh Mark Soberman Jules Birnbaum Warren Feuer Edward Vukich

Members At Large

Claudia Dickinson Artie Friedman Ben Haus Leonard Ramroop

Pete D’Orio Al Grusell Emma Haus

Claudia Dickinson Leonard Ramroop Warren Feuer Mark Soberman Al Grusell Alexander A. Priest Claudia Dickinson Claudia Dickinson Warren Feuer

MODERN AQUARIUM Editor in Chief Copy Editors Exchange Editors Advertising Mgr.

In This Issue From the Editor G.C.A.S. 2010 Program Schedule President’s Message Member Classifieds G.C.A.S. Sponsors and Advertisers Tonight’s Speaker: Ed Vukich Cichlid Breeding Tails by Claudia Dickinson

When Three’s NOT a Crowd by Alexander A. Priest

MA Classics

Committee Chairs

A.C.A. Delegate Bowl Show Breeder Award Early Arrivals F.A.A.S. Delegate Members/Programs N.E.C. Delegate Technology Coordinator

Vol. XVII, No. 7 September, 2010

Dan Radebaugh Sharon Barnett Susan Priest Alexander A. Priest Stephen Sica Donna Sosna Sica Mark Soberman

Feed Your Fish Some Gourmet Cooking by Mary and Dan Carson

You Know You’re an EXTREME Aquarist When by Susan.Priest

Cichlidically Speaking by Claudia Dickinson

G.C.A.S. Happenings The Undergravel Reporter Making Fashion Statements

Fin Fun (Puzzle Page) Bon Appétit

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From the Editor by Dan Radebaugh


hile putting these issues of Modern Aquarium together, I am sometimes bemused by the way themes can emerge, and by how, with just a little more luck or foreknowledge, an even more compelling theme might have emerged. For instance, if I had only held Joe Ferdenzi’s excellent article from our August issue, “My Perpetual Daphnia Tank,” until this month, we could justifiably have called the theme for this current issue “Eat, Prey, Love.” Alas, we preyed a month too soon. Nevertheless, we do nail the other two. For instance, just look at Claudia Dickinson’s introduction of tonight’s speaker, Ed Vukich, whose subject is “Cichlid Breeding Tails.” Just dives right in; no foreplay at all. Then there’s Al Priest, who suggests that to stimulate more romantic action from our perhaps jaded charges, we tempt them with a ménage a trois! At least Al keeps some perspective, by also submitting a puzzle entitled “Bon Appétit.” To be fair, I suspect Ed will likely include some comments on the importance of food for mood. But even if he doesn’t, we’re still well covered. For all you recipe hounds “MA Classics” this month includes an article from 1968 by Mary and Dan Carson, entitled “Feed Your Fish Some Gourmet Cooking.” Parenthetically, I’m sure I’m not the only one here old enough to remember how popular do-ityourself recipes used to be. There are still a number of beef heart based recipes out there on the internet, but the necessity of home cooking for your fish has by and large been obviated by the increasingly large number of good specialty fish foods that are now commercially available. I also have to believe it would take a very understanding spouse to deal with regularly having the kitchen commandeered for fish food preparation. Of course that begs the question, what are our spouses already putting up with? For some possible answers to that, see Sue Priest’s “You Know You’re an

EXTREME Fishkeeper When…” on page 15. Even “Cichlidically Speaking” (announcing the ACA’s Spawn of the Year winner) and the Undergravel Reporter (take a look at that picture) fall prey (Aha! I love it when a plan comes together!) to the general tone of carnal sensuality. We need more articles! Please! Help pull us out of this decadence! Send me an article detailing the water chemistry issues you’re facing. Or maybe some hints on calculating how large a tank our floor can withstand. More seriously, Modern Aquarium is produced by and for the members of Greater City Aquarium Society. Our members are our authors, and with ten issues per year, we always, always need more articles. I know several of you are keeping and/ or breeding fish that I would like to know more about, and I’m certain other members would be interested as well. Share your experience with us. Write about it! If you’re a little unsure about the state of your writing technique, don’t worry – that’s why there are editors. If you have an article, photo, or drawing that you’d like to submit for inclusion in Modern Aquarium, it’s easy to do! You may fax it to me at (877) 299-0522, email it to, or just hand it to me at a meeting. However you get it to me, I’ll be delighted to receive it!

Articles submitted for consideration in Modern Aquarium (ISSN 2150-0940) must be received no later than the 10th day of the

month prior to the month of publication. Please fax to (877) 299-0522, or email to Copyright 2010 by the Greater City Aquarium Society Inc., a not-for-profit New York State corporation. All rights reserved. Not-for-profit aquarium societies are hereby granted permission to reproduce articles and illustrations from this publication, unless the article indicates that the copyrights have been retained by the author, and provided reprints indicate source and two copies of the publication are sent to the Exchange Editor of this magazine. Any other reproduction or commercial use of the material in this publication is prohibited without express written prior permission. The Greater City Aquarium Society meets every month, except January and February. Members receive notice of meetings in the mail. For more information, contact: Dan Radebaugh (718) 458-8437. Find out more, or leave us a message, at our Internet Home Page at: or


September 2010

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GCAS Programs 2010-11


t is our great fortune to have another admirable cast of speakers who have so graciously accepted our invitation to join us throughout the coming season, bringing us their extensive knowledge and experiences. You certainly won’t wish to miss a moment of our prominent guests, not to mention the friends, fish, warmth, and camaraderie that accompanies each meeting. I know I can barely wait to see you here! Enjoy! Claudia September

Ed Vukich Cichlid Breeding Tails


Rusty Wessel Mexico - The Panuco Valley: Livebearers and Cichlids of the Region


Joseph Ferdenzi


Holiday Party!


Winter Break


Winter Break


La Monte Brown Native Fishes

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010


President’s Message by Dan Radebaugh


irst of all, congratulations to all on a very well-attended and well-stocked Silent Auction last month. Everything went smoothly, and everyone seemed to leave happy. Everyone wins at these auctions. Some of us get rid of unused items we’re not quite willing to throw out, while others are able to find an item they’ve been needing, at a price they can feel good about. And on top of that, Greater City gains as well. Well done! As I have looked through Modern Aquarium over the past several months, in particular the “GCAS Happenings” page toward the back of the issue, I’ve been struck by how many members of Greater City have been speaking at other clubs around the region. Many of our members are also members of some of these other clubs as well, and some of our member/ speakers may even consider a different club their “home” society. I see that less as a source of competition between organizations, and more as a cause to consider ourselves very fortunate that so many of our members have the dedication and time to devote to multiple clubs, and to thus be a treasured resource to aquarists all through our region, and even beyond. In recent months we’ve been treated to talks by several of our star members, including Mark Soberman, Jeff Bollbach, and tonight, Ed Vukich. We’ll also soon hear talks from Joe Ferdenzi and, following the winter break, La Monte Brown. My hat is off to these gentlemen. It takes time, skill, knowledge, and practice, as well as some more intangible qualities, to prepare and deliver a presentation that will both hold the attention of an audience of fellow fishkeepers, and leave that audience feeling that they’ve benefited from the time they spent listening. Thanks, gentlemen; you are assets to Greater City and to the hobby.



September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Member Classifieds EQUIPMENT: 1 Eheim 2217 Canister filter $125 1 Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel HOB Power Filter $30 1 Coralife Turb Twist 18 watt with 3 extra (never used) UV bulbs $50 1 Coralife Superskimmer 125w/ pump $100 2 Solarmax 36� HO double-T5Lighting System w/Moonlight $159 ea (new) All nearly new, in original boxes. Call (631) 563-1404 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moving to Florida 125 gallon tank fully equipped w/wood stand-300 30 gallon tank fully equipped w/iron stand-50 Contact Steve Dash: (516) 889-4876 noon till 8pm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Filters: Eheim 2076 (for tanks up to 90 gallons) $200 Marineland C-160 (tanks up to 30 gallons) $50 Call Temes: 718-468-1569

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010


GCAS Thanks You! Our Generous Sponsors and Advertisers The Greater City Aquarium Society extends our heartfelt thanks to the following manufacturers for their generous donations. Thanks also to our advertisers, whose contributions to our success as a Society are deeply appreciated. Please patronize our supporters. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Aquarium Technology Inc Ecological Laboratories HBH Pet Products Koller-Craft Kordon, LLC Marineland Microbe Lift Ocean Nutrition America Omega Sea Red Sea


Rena Rolf C. Hagen San Francisco Bay Brand Seachem Zoo Med Laboratories Inc. Cameo Pet Shop Coral Aquarium Nassau Discus World Class Aquarium Zoo Rama Aquarium

September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

The G.C.A.S. Proudly extends a most Warm Welcome to

Our Guest Speaker

ED VUKICH Speaking on Cichlid Breeding Tails by Claudia Dickinson


s a young boy, Edward Vukich’s father raised mollies and other fish in bathtubs in the backyard of his Brooklyn home in the 1930s, and so it was natural when Ed, at the age of twelve, followed in his Dad’s footsteps with his first 20-gallon tank. Situated in the family den, the aquarium housed various fish over the years such as silver dollars, angelfish, and pink convicts. Ed looks back with nostalgia at the aquarium equipment of the time, such as an outside bubble-up filter, and batteryoperated siphon with a netted bag that spewed the mulm back into the tank. After Ed had been out of the hobby for a time in his life, his brother, Anton, another renowned GCAS member dear to our hearts, offered to purchase a tank for Ed to encourage him to return to the aquarium world. Originally, the tank was to be 55 gallons, but as a 75-gallon tank has the same dimensions, naturally the brothers went for that! Ed soon had his new tank outfitted and his rejuvenated passion took off as he filled Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

this tank with clown loaches, Corydoras spp., angelfish, and a red tailed black shark. Currently, Ed maintains many tanks in his basement, and the inhabitants are as varied as his interests, including Corydoras spp., Ancistrus spp., livebearers, guppies, and numerous cichlids. All of the stands are

September 2010


made by hand and as Ed continues to build more, his collection is growing ever-larger. Excelling at inducing his fish to breed, we all know and are most grateful for the bounteous harvest that comes from Ed’s fishroom. His tremendous generosity over the years goes a long way in making the monthly GCAS auction table overflow with fabulous finds! Along with any task


that comes his way, Ed serves in the role of GCAS Recording Secretary, as well as our exemplary auctioneer. Always ready with a smile to lend a helping hand, Ed is a treasured and integral part of the GCAS. We proudly extend a warm welcome to Ed tonight as he presents Cichlid Breeding Tails!

September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

When Three’s NOT a Crowd Introducing an additional fish to induce spawning behavior in Betta species by ALEXANDER A PRIEST ome species of fish are known to be “harem spawners” (referring to a single male with multiple females). For some other species, a “trio” one male with two females” is considered to be an ideal breeding group. The ideal breeding group for most members of the genus Betta is one male/female pair This article is about inducing spawning in various Betta species in the home aquarium by, among other things, adding an additional fish to the mix. I make no claim as to the applicability of this article to other species (e.g., cichlids, livebearers, killifish, catfish, etc.). Before adding a third fish to a potential breeding pair, there are a few things you need to consider:


Male/female pair Is it possible you don’t even have a male and female of the same species? In some Betta species, the differences between males and females are very subtle, as are the differences among the species. Misidentification of members of the Coccina Complex, which includes Betta brownorum, Betta burdigala, Betta coccina, Betta livida, Betta miniopinna, Betta persephone, Betta tussyae, and Betta rutilans, is fairly common. Instead of a pair of Betta coccina, you might actually have a male B. coccina and a female B. brownorum. While this combination might spawn, it is not desirable from a species maintenance perspective, and while you may not be able to tell the difference, the fish certainly can (which could be the cause of their reluctance to spawn with each other). In some Betta species, a sub-dominant male in the presence of a much more dominant male may take on the coloration of a female or a juvenile for protection. I’ve seen this happen with Betta macrostoma. A short-finned male Betta splendens could easily be misidentified as a female, especially if the fish had a light colored body. making the “egg spot” on the abdomen (a sure sign of a female) difficult to see. I’ve even seen a supposedly knowledgeable judge at a fish show disqualify a light colored, full-finned female Betta splendens believing it to be young male splendens.

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Age Are your fish old enough to spawn, or perhaps too old? Do some research on the species you are keeping. There are some significant differences among them. What applies to one Betta species does not necessarily apply to another. If your fish are too young, you need to have patience. If they are past the optimum breeding age for the species, they may still spawn. but only time will tell (patience, again!). Nutrition and Health The more well-nourished your fish are, the more likely they will spawn. Generally, live food does the best job of conditioning Betta species for spawning. Frozen worms and frozen enhanced brine shrimp are acceptable substitutes if you don’t have a source of live food. Also, check to see that your fish are not showing signs of disease, parasites, or malnutrition. Clamped fins, loss of body color, bloating, protruding scales, sunken in abdomen, frayed fins, cloudy eyes, hanging out at the surface of the water, problems in swimming, lack of appetite, or unusual light, dark, or fuzzy spots, may be signs of a health problem that should be addressed immediately. Environment Once you have a well-fed boy and a girl old enough and healthy enough to “do the deed,” you need the right atmosphere. I have previously written about a tank setup for breeding Betta splendens1. I have also discussed the importance of caves for spawning mouthbrooding Betta species.2 Water quality is always important. Keep doing those water changes. If you have a newly acquired species (whether wild-caught, or tank-raised by someone else), try to replicate as much as possible the water conditions the fish came from (and don’t forget to ask about water temperature and amount of water movement, as these should also be replicated). Let’s say you checked off all the items discussed above, and your fish still show no interest in spawning; now you might consider adding an additional fish into the mix. To avoid

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anthropomorphism (attributing human characteristics to non-humans), whether a fish can be “jealous” (a human characteristic) or not is unimportant. Nonetheless, there appears to be an innate drive to pass on one’s own genes, and the prospect that another’s genes may take precedence often provides an additional incentive to spawn. But, you wanted that particular pair to spawn. Well, it can still happen. You can “add” a fish by putting it in a clear container (including a jar or hurricane lamp sleeve with an opening above the water) inside the spawning tank. Often just seeing a rival fish will induce spawning (if you don’t have another fish, you can even try a mirror on the outside of the tank!). In bubblenesting Betta species, it’s generally the male who initiates the spawning by building a nest of bubbles, coaxing the female to the nest site, then guarding the eggs until they hatch and the fry are free-swimming. It therefore makes sense that males in bubblenesting Betta species tend to be more territorial and aggressive (as is also true to some extent, and for the same reasons, for bubblenesting gourami species).

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In mouthbrooders, the female generally initiates spawning and will often guard the cave in which the male is brooding (all Betta mouthbrooders are paternal mouthbrooders). So the females of mouthbrooding Betta species tend to be more aggressive and territorial. As a general rule of thumb, add an additional female to induce spawning in bubblenestering species, and an additional male (a “reverse trio”) to induce spawning in mouthbrooders. However, in spite of all you do, sometimes you’ll have to concede that your pair are just not compatible. Good Luck!


Modern Aquarium, December 2009, also at: 9/008_best_spawning_under_500_words_2009.pdf


Modern Aquarium, August 2010

September September2010 2010

ModernModern Aquarium - Greater- Greater City A.S. (NY) Aquarium City A.S (NY)

MA Classics In this installment of our series showcasing articles from past issues of Modern Aquarium, we feature a piece from the December, 1968 issue, showing us a recipe for a nutritious, home-made fish food.

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010



September 2010

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Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010


Refreshments & Food Available

Get the Best Fish!

18th Annual New Hampshire Aquarium Society

AUCTION (FISH & DRY GOODS) Sunday, September 19, 2010 Newington Town Hall Nimble Hill Rd., Newington, NH Directions on back

Auction will begin at 12Noon. Arrive early for viewing. If vendors would like to set a minimum bid on any of their items, a non-refundable $1 charge will be applied per item. Bump-ups are $2. Preregistering of lots is appreciated. Mail preregistration sheets to Bill Janetos, PO Box 32, Rollinsford, NH 03869 by Sept 10 or email to by Sept 17. Less waiting for labels!!!! Donations accepted or Sell your extra fish & equipment, 60/40 split. For more information & sheets Call Bill Janetos (603) 749-2667 or E-mail at Call Norman Brandt (603) 642-5074 or E-mail at Visit NHAS’s Webpage at 14

September 2010

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You Know You’re an EXTREME Aquarist When by Susan Priest When you buy aquatic plants at a fish club auction, this is not a sure sign. When you pull a few plants out of your aquariums and contribute them to a fish club auction, this is not a sure sign. BUT, if you keep small, medium and large grow-out tanks for your aquatic plants so you can find just the right size of java fern when you want one, then you know you are an EXTREME aquarist! Changing the water in your betta bowls is not a sure sign. Performing partial water changes on your aquariums is not a sure sign. BUT if you use a baster to dribble the potent water from the bottom of your betta bowls onto your houseplants, and you siphon the “used” water from your tanks directly into your watering can so you can pour it onto your vegetable plants, then not only are you an EXTREME aquarist, you are an extreme gardener as well! Having a bucket labeled “FOR FISH, NO SOAP” is not a sure sign. Having a bucket labeled “FOR SOAP, NO FISH” is not a sure sign. BUT when you have to move the fourteen “NO SOAP” buckets out of the way so you can use the one “NO FISH” bucket to mop the floor, then there can be no doubt; you are an EXTREME aquarist! Buying spring water in gallon jugs doesn’t mean anything, even if you buy them in three-packs. BUT if you have put your toaster oven and your juicer into the cupboard to make room for a double row of gallon jugs on your kitchen counter which contain “aging” tap water, then you are most assuredly an EXTREME aquarist! (Further evidence would be if you know which jugs aren’t aged enough yet, and which ones are, and you always have a couple of empty “spares” for when one springs a leak.) What does it mean if there is dust on your stove or your vacuum cleaner? Nothing in particular unless you combine that with the fact that there is NO dust on your Python or your air pumps. Simply stated, an EXTREME aquarist is probably not an extreme housekeeper, as well! When you go to your favorite store, The Dollar Zone, you spend at least fifteen minutes evaluating the many kitchen utensils as to their usefulness in your fish room, and you spend at least half an hour evaluating the wide assortment of open as well as closed containers as to their usefulness in water changes, as breeding “tanks,” and for transporting your fish (should you pick up an extra watering can?). The amount of time you devote to this is a pretty sure sign in itself. BUT, if you have to run back the next day because you lay awake all night wishing you had bought some of those really cool iridescent glass “rocks” in the shapes of stars and crescent moons to put in the moonlight gourami tank of your dreams, well, there can be no doubt that you are an EXTREME aquarist! You know you are an EXTREME aquarist if you spend $30.00 or more on raffle tickets at the monthly meetings in hopes of acquiring, well, almost everything on the table! (I won’t mention names, but does a certain Gypsy Mermaid we all know and love possibly fit this description?) Going shopping at pet stores that sell tropical fish is not a sure sign. Asking lots of questions of the staff just so you can let them know that you are more knowledgeable than they are is not a sure sign. BUT showing up at the store with your own extra thick plastic bags, your own assortment of nets in different sizes and with bends in the handles at varying positions, and your own bottle of Stresscoat, well, you simply can’t deny it; you’re an EXTREME aquarist! You know you’re an EXTREME aquarist when your out-of-town visitors ask you to take them to your favorite tourist attractions, and you take them to Joe Ferdenzi’s house, Harry Modern 24 Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

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Faustmann’s house, and Ed Vukich’s house, with a stop at Harsha Perrera’s Zoo-Rama Aquarium store on the way home. What’s that? You say you would like to go to the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not exhibit in Times Square? Maybe we can find time to do that the next time you are in town. (They did ask me to take them to my favorites!) If, among the bubbling box filters, the splashing spray bars, and the waterfalls pouring out of the power filters, not to mention the air conditioner as well as the water dripping into the dish of worms in the sink, you can actually hear the thermostats in the heaters going on and off in your fish tanks, then you simply must admit to yourself, as well as the rest of us, that you are the MOST EXTREME of all aquarists!!! If one or more of these EXTREME scenarios describe you, then you might want to spend a little more time with your family. I’m sure they miss you!


Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

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Cichlidically Speaking Your Link to the American Cichlid Association

by Claudia Dickinson

First appearing in the February 2001 issue of the American Cichlid Association’s Buntbarsche Bulletin, my ‘Cichlidically Speaking’ column ran until August of 2005. Its commentary covered current ACA news, as well as relevant cichlid research and conservation efforts. As your ACA Club Delegate, I continue to bring you that column here in the pages of Modern Aquarium. Let us think of it as ‘Volume II,’ or now on its second year with the GCAS, ‘Volume III’?!

ACA Convention 2011 Mark your Calendars Today!

ACA Convention July 21―24, 2011 Hosted by the Capital Cichlid Association Held at the Crowne Plaza in Silver Spring, MD. Just minutes away from Washington, DC! (And…to my added excitement, minutes away from where I grew up in Maryland! (*!*) ) Check for updates at! It’s all about cichlids, and cichlidophiles. My bags are already packed and I can barely wait to see you there! The ACA and Buntbarsche Bulletin: Past into Present A passion for cichlids and the desire to share their experiences and knowledge amongst the warmth and camaraderie of like enthusiasts brought an ambitious group of the great pioneers of the aquarium hobby together in 1968, forming the American Cichlid Association. It all began as the brainchild of Dr. Albert J. Klee, and was followed up by Dick Stratton, ACA Founding Fellow and TFH magazine’s celebrated and recently retired ‘Question & Answer’ columnist for a quarter of a century. Dick’s initial invitation to future members of the ACA opened with the salutation ‘Buntbarsche Buddies,’ which quickly evolved into a numbered letter entitled Buntbarsche Bulletin, and we know what that led to! Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY) September 2010 17

With enormous appreciation to the efforts and dedication of those who have come before, the ACA and BB have seen major growth and change over the past 40 years. What began as a hand-typed newsletter and experienced the days of hand-pasted pages of black and white, is now a glossy, full-color magazine with a future ahead that is as wide open as its future was in the mid 1980s to early 1990s for Editor Wayne Leibel as he sat at his desk, cut-and-pasting each issue by hand. In 2008, a new face and new touches came to BB as we welcomed Dan Doerner of TechnaPrint as our graphics designer. It has been a great pleasure to work with TechnaPrint over the years as our printer, and a particular joy to have them on board on a greater scale in placing the issues together for our members. Thus began a new chapter for BB, and for the ACA new chapters also continue to be written. Steve Edie accomplished the Herculean feat of compiling a BB index, now available at, and Ted Judy has initiated Club Liaison benefits, such as the ACA Cichlid Breeder Recognition. Zoo Med generously stepped up to assist our clubs with the cost of bringing in an ACA speaker. Our hats are off, with many thanks, to Zoo Med! Recently we had the great fortune of Alex Calder, a website guru in shining armor, walk into the life of the ACA. A self proclaimed ‘Code Monkey’ Alex is taking the inner workings of the ACA website by storm and performing miracles that are currently being unveiled. The extraordinary feats that Alex is accomplishing are regenerating the very roots of the future of the ACA. He is a true gem! Please be sure to stop in often at and see what all the talk is about! Positive growth and change for the ACA—yet some things will always remain the same—most especially the warmth and fine friendships that brought our forefathers together four decades ago, and which remain as deep among us today.

Winner of this Year’s ACA Spawn of the Year Contest! Hoplarchus psittacus (Heckel 1840) Owner: Mark Chaloupka CONGRATULATIONS, Mark!!!

Hoplarchus psittacus (Heckel 1840)

Photograph by Oliver Lucanus 18

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Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Buntbarsche Bulletin Convention Issue! Traditionally, the October issue of BB is filled with fun news and a recap of the annual convention. You won’t want to miss out on what fish won each class and division, as well as Best in Show and Reserve in Show, the Ron Georgeson People’s Choice Award, the Patrick Mahoney Award, and the new C.A.R.E.S. Show Award. Then, of course, you have the Mike Sheridan Tankbuster Award that goes to the most stunning and exceptional behemoth cichlid in the show, always a favorite amongst the crowd! Who took the award home this year? Find out this and so much more in the upcoming October issue!

Slate of Nominees for BOT 2011 Brantley Berry Ron Coleman Rich Dietz Joe Fleckenstein

Eric Hanneman Andy Hudson Alan Rollings John Van Asch

News On The Cichlid Scene

Photograph by Klaus Steinhaus

Geophagus sp. ‘Tapajós red head’ A relatively small eartheater at 20 cm (7.9 in), Geophagus sp. ‘Tapajós red head’ resides in acidic waters that rise up to 12 m (39 ft) during the rainy season. The currents are moderate, running over a sandy substrate of basically sand with some mud, which may also include wood, and in some places, rocks (Weidner, 2001). Be sure to read about the maintenance and breeding of this stunning delayed mouthbrooder that turned Klaus Steinhaus, an Old World enthusiast, to the New World, on page 4 in the April 2010 issue of BB, Number 257. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010


A Warm Welcome to ACA C.A.R.E.S. Conservation Awareness Recognition and Responsibility Encouragement and Education Support and Sharing Register in ACA C.A.R.E.S. today! E-mail Thank you for your invaluable contribution towards preserving our fish for generations to come!!!

Because of you, we are making a difference Photograph of Lake Malawi by Claudia Dickinson P

Join the ACA! Be certain that you are a part of the ACA by sending your dues through PayPal to or you may prefer to print out the membership application at and send it to: Marty Ruthkosky ACA Membership Chair 43081 Bond Court Sterling Heights, MI 48313 Please feel free to contact me during our meetings with any questions that you may have, or e-mail me at I’m sure you will find becoming involved with such a special group of individuals as rewarding as I have!

Until next time‌ Keep on Enjoying Your Cichlids! Claudia


September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

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Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

September 2010


GCAS Happenings Unofficial 2010 Bowl Show totals to date:

Mario Bengcion 17 Al Priest 16 Robert Hamje 10


Harry Faustmann 1

Richard Waizman 1

A special warm welcome to new members Wallace Deng, Gerry Domingo, Sherwin Nonay, and Johnson Oropeza!

Here are meeting times and locations of some aquarium societies in the Metropolitan New York area: Greater City Aquarium Society

East Coast Guppy Association

Next Meeting: October 6, 2010 Speaker: Rusty Wessel Event: Mexico - The Panuco Valley: Livebearers and Cichlids of the Region Meets: First Wednesday of the month (except January & February) at 7:30pm: Queens Botanical Garden 134-20 Dahlia Ave (at Main St.) - Flushing, NY Contact: Dan Radebaugh (718) 458-8437 E-mail: Website:

Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month at at 8:00 pm. Alley Pond Environmental Ctr.: 228-06 Northern Blvd. Contact: Gene Baudier (631) 345-6399

Big Apple Guppy Club Meets: Last Tuesday each month (except Jan, Feb, July, and August) at 7:30-10:00pm. Alley Pond Environmental Ctr.: 228-06 Northern Blvd. Contact: Donald Curtin (718) 631-0538

Brooklyn Aquarium Society Next Meeting: September 10, 2010 Speaker: Jeff Bollbach Event: A Year In The Fish Room Meets the 2nd Friday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30pm: NY Aquarium - Education Hall, Brooklyn, NY Call: BAS Events Hotline: (718) 837-4455 Website:

Long Island Aquarium Society Next Meeting: September 17, 2010 Speaker: Joseph Graffagnino Topic: The History of Catfish in Africa and South America Meets: 3rd Fridays (except July and August) 8:00pm. Greenhouse Meeting Room, Holtsville Ecology Center, Buckley Road, Holtsville, NY Email: Margaret Peterson - Website:


Nassau County Aquarium Society Next Meeting: September 14, 2010 Speaker: TBA Topic: TBD Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30 PM Molloy College - Kellenberg Hall ~1000 Hempstead Ave Rockville Centre, NY Contact: Mike Foran (516) 798-6766 Website:

NORTH JERSEY AQUARIUM SOCIETY Next Meeting: September 16, 2010 Speaker: Dr. Jordan Topic: Mbuna Meets: 7:30 PM Lyndhurst Elks Club, 251 Park Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Contact: NJAS Hotline at (732) 332-1392 e-mail: Website:

Norwalk Aquarium Society Next Meeting: September 16, 2010 Speaker: Karen Randall Topic: Fish and Plants for the Community Tank Meets: 8:00 P.M. - 3rd Thursday of each month at: Earthplace - the Nature Discovery Center - Westport, CT Contact: John Chapkovich (203) 734-7833 Call our toll free number (866) 219-4NAS E-mail: Website:

September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY)

Making Fashion Statements A series by “The Undergravel Reporter” In spite of popular demand to the contrary, this humor and information column continues. As usual, it does NOT necessarily represent the opinions of the Editor, or of the Greater City Aquarium Society. he New York Times recently did an article on “The Six-Figure Fish Tank,”1 about custombuilt aquariums costing, well, six figures. The owners of these tanks usually pay someone else to do tank maintenance, and are more concerned with mood lighting than biotopes, species compatibility, conservation, or animal husbandry. For them, the aquarium is a showpiece, bragging rights, a way to “one up” the neighbors. Professionally designed and maintained tanks should, at least in theory, mean that the fish, plants, and any invertebrates are receiving adequate care. They might do some good if someone seeing one of these show aquariums is encouraged to become a real aquarist, But, I doubt that the goldfish inside the sole of a woman’s shoe (top right photo) is in anything even approximating a healthy environment. At least the “portable fishbowl” (photo below and to the right) has some air space above it, even if it lacks filtration. When will people learn that fish are neither ornaments nor toys?


1 19aqua.html?_r=1&hp

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY) Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

September September 2010 2010

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Fin Fun This is for all those aquarists who insist on giving the linguistically challenged of us (who can barely remember the common names for the residents of our tanks) the scientific names of every fish and plant in their care. Below is a chart with the common names of some popular live fish foods on the left. See if you can match them up with their corresponding scientific names on the right.

Common name

Scientific name


Artemia salina

Brine shrimp

Panagrellus redivivus

Fruit flies

Turbatrix aceti

Grindal worms

Lumbriculus variegatus


Daphnia pulex

Mosquito larvae

Culiseta longiareolata.

Tubifex worms

Enchytraeus albidus

Vinegar eels

Drosophila melanogaster

Water fleas

Enchytraeus buchholzi


Answer to our last puzzle: Fish

Tubifex tubifex


No bones

Cuttlefish Spiny Eel


Hermit Crab


Puffer Fish


Red Tailed Black Shark


Ramshorn Snail




Anemone Fish




Mosquito Fish


Leaf Fish



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X September 2010 September 2010

Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY) Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S. (NY)

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