Modern Aquarium

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Cichlids Are Not


ichlids have become among the most popular species of fish with both hobbyist and scientist, and it's no wonder why. With seemingly high intelligence and noticeable personalities, they are more than merely "cold fish." They are interesting and highly diversified "pets." There are over a thousand different varieties of cichlids spread across Africa, Asia and the Americas. The uninitiated aquarist should be wary, for the cichlid family is full of surprises. Some remain under three inches in length and have amenable dispositions. Others grow with lightening speed and rapidly take on the personality of a professional wrestler. Even long time bred pairs sometimes fight so violently that it's a good idea to keep a hospital tank ready for the casualties.


Some cichlid species are so difficult to manage that only an aquarist with many years of experience would be recommended to care for them. On the other hand, other types of cichlids could be kept and even spawned inside of a garbage can half filled with water. These fish spawn easily and produce hardy fry which they provide excellent parental care for. It is not unusual for pairs of these avid breeders to rearrange your tank decor as they see fit. It's amazing the way they move gravel, plants, and even rocks around to suit their needs. This "customization" of their environs seems to be a universal trait of most cichlid pairs while breeding occurs. The easiest way to describe the various species of cichlids is to first divide them into three groups. The first two are arbitrary and scientifically meaningless (please forgive me, Dr. Loiselle!): Dwarf cichlids are mostly members of the genera Apistogramma, Microgeophagus, and Pelvicachromis. Although certainly not restricted to these three families, they represent dwarf cichlids to many. They are beautifully colored, even-tempered, and rarely grow beyond three inches in length. They are a bit more

Apistogramma pertensis — A dwarf cichlid

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