Model Citizen Magazine Issue 5

Page 93

"Every photographer teaches me something new and different."

“I want to be inspired as well as inspire others. I have started my modeling career when my telesales career ended. I needed that push to really find what makes me happy. I always knew fashion, creativity, people and collaboration was what is deep in my soul. I needed a push, but once I started to really get into this industry I found myself again. I originally wanted to be in fitness/ health and I still do, but I was also pushed in the direction of trying other art like swim, fashion, lingerie and more. I noticed I shine differently in each setting but my main focus is to help inspire and motivate rather than tare down others. We only go up if we help support rather than try to dominate and destroy. My modeling career really started when I was borderline older than most who start modeling but in the end I also feel like its the best time for me. I feel I am more confident and better off to do this now than when I was younger! I feel do what you love instead of doing only what you think you should!�

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