Issue 11 - 2014 - January

Page 86

Shawn: Tell us the ultimate goal of Alaska Fashion Week?

said to myself I need to change people’s perception of Alaska. That is when I decided to start AFW. Originally when I announced this the name was Anchorage Fashion Week. Somebody tried to take my idea, and purchased all of the domain names. That is when I changed the name to Alaska Fashion Week. I just kept my mouth shut until I had all of the licenses and domain names. Finally after all that in 2013 I was able to put together the first AFW. Shawn: Tell me a little about the designers being showcased during AFW. Dominick: Well, some of the designers participated in our first year. They have chosen to be a part of the second AFW as well. I love that because they were the designers from our kick off year! Shawn: Why did you choose those designers?

Dominick: As I said before some of them were the first deDominick: My ultisigners to be show mate goal with AFW cased in our first is to have Alaska recognizable worldwide as a fashion- year, and some of them agreed to do a second year. able state, attract potential buyers as well as visitors, What sets AFW apart from other fashion weeks around and be on the map as a fashionable state. the world is the fact that we like to give opportunities to designers even though they don’t have a long history Shawn: Who inspires you? in the fashion industry. It is so hard for new designers to get into the industry. To best answer this question I Dominick: Well… I have always loved fashion. Howev- chose the designers I chose because I love to give oper, in 20011the thought came to my mind about AFW. In portunities to talented designers. 2012 Alaska was called the worst dressed state in country by Leisure Travel Magazine. After that happened I Shawn: Which city would you compare Alaska’s style

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Photo: Model Madison Sisk, Designer Leontine Adbullah,

calendar to raise money for deployed soldiers. That is when he mentioned to me about AFW, and invited me to do a model workshop with celebrity designer Leontine Abdullah. I have been on board with AFW ever since learning as much as I can to prepare myself for April when AFW 2014 becomes reality. I want you to know Dominick like I know Dominick. I want you to know the man who quit his job to put all of his attention on AFW. I want you to be as inspired as I am by this man for following his dreams, his heart, and for having the intestinal fortitude to quit his secure job to venture into the unknown following his dreams. I don’t know anyone else who has ever just left their job to chase dreams. Some might say foolish… while I can’t stop screaming fantastic! So here you go…a glimpse into one bold man’s vision for another person’s ice cold world.

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