Valflex catalogo 2014

Page 64

:,/'( CINEMA

Struttura interna con molle insacchettate indipendenti a 7 zone differenziate, che si adeguano alle forme del corpo in base alla pressione che esso esercita, assicurando XQ VXSSRUWR HUJR DQDWRPLFR VHQ]D ULQXQFLDUH DO VRVWHJQR deciso.

,QGHSHQGHQW SRFNHW VSULQJV structure with 7 GLǺ HUHQWLDWHG ]RQHV adapting themselves to the body shape according to its pressure, ensuring an ergo-anatomic support without renouncing to the stable support.

Struttura interna con molle insacchettate indipendenti a 7 ]RQH GLǺ HUHQ]LDWH

Fascia laterale 3D Air System ad alta traspirabilità e maniglia con logo.

Rivestimento in


High transpiration 3D Air

Antichoke and


System side band and handle with logo.

WHVVXWR VWUHWFK DQWLVRǺ RFR H ipoallergenico, con trattamento $FWLJDUG FKH FRQIHULVFH igienicità al prodotto.

hypoallergenic stretch fabric upholstery, with Actigard® treatment, which gives hygiene to the product.

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