Buy Whatsapp Clone Script - Chat Messenger App Development

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Whatsapp / Line / Viber / WeChat Clone Script!


Whatsapp Clone Script

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Start your own Whatsapp like instant messaging service for just $599, within minutes!

Whatsapp Clone Script

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Features :  Self hostable PHP MySQL based back end server. Most other sites use a BAAS as their backend, thereby, bound to keep paying Parse or Quickblox even after purchasing their scripts for a premium price.  When you buy FreshIM, you are truly free to create your fortunes, without paying a cut to anybody.  One to one chat with image, video, stickers, contact and location share (Private Chat)  Many to Many chat with image, video, stickers, contact and location share (Group Chat)  Message Sent and Seen Notifications  Stickers – You can now share stickers like Facebook Messenger with your friends (You could contract us to create custom stickers for you) Email :

Whatsapp / Line / Viber / WeChat Clone Script!

Whatsapp Clone Script

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What comes in the box:  iOS 7 compatible native iOS source code for the client (Included in iOS and the combo pack)  Android 4.4 compatible native Android source code for the client (Included in Android and the combo pack)  Creative UI set pieces and default logo  Instant Messaging App Server Source Code in PHP MySQL that you can host on any server shared, VPS, Dedicated or Cloud  Web Admin Dashboard to control the server, app and the users

Whatsapp Clone Script

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Whatsapp Clone Script

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