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ERASMUS + TRANSFORM YOUR TEACHING STYLE Context and goals: This course has been developed for teachers who want to transform their teaching style by enhancing their counselling and consultancy skills, emotional intelligence and creativity in the classroom. What are the essential skills students need in order to thrive? While education focuses on cognitive skills, research shows that social and emotional skills are also essential. Even if the school has not instituted a formal program in support of social and emotional learning, there are plenty of activities teachers can initiate right in their own classroom. Understanding that an emotionally intelligent teacher is the first step towards an emotionally intelligent classroom will lead to change in due time, as students will respond to sustained emotionally intelligent role-modelling Positive parent-school communications benefit parents. The manner in which schools communicate and interact with parents affects the extent and quality of parents' home involvement with their children's learning. Teaching means organizing learning activities according to the learning abilities of the student. The learning activities organized by the teacher must be student oriented. The teachers must create a congenial classroom climate for the students to master whatever they are expected to learn. Instructors who adopt a student-centred approach to instruction and increase opportunities for student engagement, which then helps everyone more successfully to develop their personal competencies and skills. Format: in-campus intensive. Duration: Five-day course. Four hours per day. Overall pedagogical aims: The main objective of the theoretical and practical course is to prepare participants to work effectively with: 

How to create the learning experiences which stimulate the learners and the learning arrangements which favour the attention and the desires of the children.

Better understanding of their own emotional intelligence competencies as teachers.

Learning to develop creative strategies in their own schools and classrooms and daily activities, class planning and overall attitude shift regarding the interaction with their students on the basis of emotional intelligence.

Improving of communication skills and problems’ management.

Developing tools and techniques that can be used in order to foster emotional bonding with their students, increase students’ motivation and combat drop-out phenomenon.

Learning techniques to develop emotional awareness, foster empathy and connection with others (parents, students, classmates) while developing new techniques: relaxation and overall emotional well-being while at work, coaching and counselling. All this will be done through a playful and participatory holistic methodology.

Target audience: The participants are: teachers, adult trainers, or active members in the sending organizations interested in using active learning techniques to engage students, and encourage emotional intelligence and creativity. Primary and secondary school teachers, educators and other professionals who are interested in investigating on new teaching methods within classrooms and its potential assets and implementation. Basic modules’ description: -


Since you are already in the educational domain, chances are that you are already trying to work by projects, apply inter-age groups and techniques, gamification and every other concept in the field… These new approaches / techniques help you be more creative, indeed… but… is that all about creativity? Is creativity a technique? In this workshop we’ll focus on creativity as a “HOW”, rather than as a “WHAT”, because how to make it happen makes the difference. -


Most likely, you have heard a lot about Emotional Intelligence (EI) and yet it may seem to you either as a foreign concept, or else like a slogan that no one tells you how to put in place. In this workshop, you will be invited to use emotional intelligence, strategize with it, model student – teacher interactions and find ways to boost your intrapersonal and interpersonal strengths as well as ways to work on your weaker sides. Are you up for it?



If you’d ask anybody if their system, school, or classroom was student-centred they would say: “yes, how could it be otherwise?” But the fact is that a student-centred school or system would be quite different from what we most often experience in our schools and high schools… a student-centred system or classroom focuses on all that which fosters student-teacher bonding. This, as we know, results in greater teacher and student motivation, efficacy, and what is more important; happiness! -


This workshop wants to offer you a new approach that aims at fostering your and your students’ well-being; so, meditation and mindfulness will be part of it. We will also show you the importance of resorting to a process-centred approach that takes some pressure out of our goal-oriented system. This workshop will encourage you to look at the invisible in each one of your students and in yourself as a teacher… teachers go through a lot which they hardly ever get the time to process… unless they learn how to do it on the spot.

General content of the training course: Day 1 and 2: Innovative Teaching Methods Against Tradition: Creative Drama, Role Playing, Attention Management. Day 3: Collaborative Learning-Team Teaching, Multiple Intelligence Classroom Applications. Day 4: Student Leadership, Participation Promoting Element, Game Modelli Teaching Strategy. Day 5: Outside Classroom Learning: going out the classroom for knowing how we can use the environment as a learning tool. Metodology ➢Presentation with audio-visual support ➢Debate ➢Practical and pedagogical exercises ➢Role-play

Contact M&M Profuture Training, S.L. Lleó Fontova, 6 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat - Barcelona – Spain / Tel. +34 697 27 66 66 / VAT number: B66253659 Legal Representative: Montserrat Renedo (

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