Train of trainers

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Train of Trainers: new knowledge for a new reality 1. Introduction Within this training of trainers course participants will have the chance to further develop their competences as trainers and will be given new skills and knowledge, considered essential when working as non-formal education trainers. This course will help participants to build on their existing instructional skills, giving them multiple opportunities to evaluate and improve the way they design, conduct and evaluate a training event. Sending partners: educational organizations involved in formal, non – formal and informal learning, such as schools, adult training centres, resources centres and other relevant organizations active in school, youth and adult education field established in Erasmus program countries. Participants: 15 – 20 participants involved in education Language used: English Profile of the participants: The participants are teachers, adult trainers or responsible. Course fee: 520 € The costs are distributed as follows: 350 € the course fee (70 € per day, per participant, as it is established by the Erasmus + guide). It includes: − Enrolment to the course − 5 days of onsite training course − Training material (handouts) − Certificate of Attendance

170 € management and coordination fee. This amount can be paid from the 350 € that you will receive for management budget (in case you will receive a KA1 grant, from the Erasmus + programme), so you will keep still 180 € left. This fee includes: − Management of the training and accommodation − Certificate of Competence (Europass) − Coffee breaks


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Firewall lunch Administration costs

Objectives: • • • • • •

Providing knowledge of basic theory on adult learning. Providing competences to design adult educational programs. Providing competences to improve their communicative process with students. Fostering better understanding of their competence as teachers and learning how to develop creative strategies in their own organizations. Developing tools and techniques that can be used to increase students’ motivation. Understanding and developing effective stress management mechanisms, especially important for those that work in highly demanding environments.

2. Methodology The training is organized in an interactive way, involving theory and practice and offers a list of interactive activities like: simple activities – icebreakers/energizers – and simple and complex problem solving activities. The core of this process is ‘experiential education’ or learning by doing. This is a learning process which engages the individual as a whole: intellectually, emotionally and also physically. For theoretical inputs we use two methods: the inductive and the deductive way. In some cases, theoretical models are presented first and the experiences are reviewed with the help of these models, in other cases models are deducted from the experience itself. For the practical part of the training, participants will organize scenarios and through meta-reflection sessions they will get feedback both from their colleagues and the trainers.


3. Structured Course Programme Modules of the training course Module1. Fundamentals of adult education − Principles of Adult Learning − Design and Delivery of Adult Learning Programs − Different roles for different “actors” − The process of evaluation and reporting the training: How do you know if your students are learning? Module 2. Effective Communication Skills − The role of communication in teaching and training. − Introduction to communication: process, methods, channels, frames of reference, etc. − Effective verbal and Non-verbal communication, body language, icebreakers, presentation techniques and role play in triads. − Classroom communication tips. Module 3. New Methods and Techniques − How creativity and innovation supports your teaching philosophy. − Creative and Innovative Resources. − Thinking outside the box – Creative methods - Visual Thinking. − ICT, digital media and apps. − Problem-based learning. − Gamification’s World. Module 4. Stress management in learning organizations − − − −

Role of thoughts, feelings, body and behavior in stress response. Exploring internal world in stressful conditions – understanding “my patterns” How to stay calm in the classroom: noticing, accepting and letting go off negative thoughts. Building stress management techniques: mindfulness, self-reflection, relaxation techniques, etc.

NB: Order and/or contents could be adapted, modified, reduced and extended, according to the participants’ profile, in order to better meet their needs and interests.


4. Training Course Structure Details The duration of the structured training course is 30 hours from Monday to Friday with both theoretical and practical contents. The aim is to reflect about the new knowledge gained, apply it into practice and exchange ideas and best practices with the other participants and the trainer. The participants will also plan in group work about how they will pass on the new knowledge to the staff of their organizations, which will not be present in the training (personal knowledge transfer, providing eLearning resources to the colleagues and the organization, etc.). Registration: We kindly ask you to pre-register on time for the training course. Your preparation for the training and journey can only be started after the written confirmation of M&M Profuture Training, S.L. The organizer reserves the right to carry out the course only if a minimum of 15 people have registered and transferred the fees for the course.

5. Contact M&M Profuture Training, S.L. Lleó Fontova, 6 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat - Barcelona – Spain / Tel. +34 697 27 66 66 / VAT number: B66253659 Legal Representative: Montserrat Renedo (

Under Creative Common. Author: M&M Profuture Training, S.L.


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