Outdoor learning by real experience

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Outdoor training: learning by real experience

1. Introduction With this course we want to improve teachers/trainers’ skills to reconnect the teaching/learning activities to the natural environment and to transfer this to their daily school actions. Offering this kind of activities we want to make them aware of the benefits of outdoor education and the availability of nature as a knowledge resource. Our methodology is based on ”learning by doing”, combined with “reflection upon action”. The five-day programme will be held in a natural - rural context, forest and meadows, coming back last day to the urban city. Sending partners: educational organizations involved in formal, non – formal and informal learning: schools, adult training centres, resources centres and other relevant organizations active in school, youth and adult education field established in Erasmus program countries. Participants: 15 – 20 participants involved in education Course fee: 960 € The costs are distributed as follows: 350 € the course fee (70 € per day, per participant, as it is established by the Erasmus + guide). It includes: - Enrolment to the course 1


5 days of onsite training course Training material (handouts) Certificate of Attendance

440 € accommodation. It includes: - Full Board (4 days) - Transport: Barcelona – Venue – Barcelona - Outdoor activities - Gala Dinner 170 € management and coordination fee. This amount can be paid from the 350 € that you will receive for management budget (in case you will receive a KA1 grant, from the Erasmus + programme), so you will keep still 180 € left. This fee includes: - Management of the training and accommodation - Certificate of Competence (Europass) - Coffee breaks - Administration costs NOTE: The option of self payment it is also possible. Language used: English Profile of the participants: The participants are teachers, adult trainers or responsible, interested in discovering and using unconventional outdoors places for teaching/ learning activities (formal, non-formal, informal) to create a personal/ school activity strategy in order to develop outdoor education and apply new strategies in a cross curricular perspective. Objectives:  Knowledge of basic theory on environmental education for personal development and social Outdoor, environmental education and health through outdoor activities  Plan the design and development of your outdoor space to maximize the enjoyable and fun learning opportunities for all ages.  Develop and support plans for longer term continued use of the outdoor space as a complementary and vital benefit to ongoing learning.  Landscape interpretation and outdoor experiential education. 2

 How to use your outdoor space to its full potential for teaching and pedagogical value.  Knowledge and methods of teaching mathematics, science and art in an interdisciplinary approach.  Knowledge of social roles and its influence in organizations and personal relationships.  Learning based on problem solving as a pedagogical tool using outdoor activities.

2. Methodology The training is organized in an interactive way, involving theory and practice and offers a list of interactive activities like: simple activities – icebreakers/energizers- and simple and complex problem solving activities. The core of this process is ‘experiential education’ or learning by doing. This is a learning process which engages the individual as a whole: intellectually, emotionally and also physically. Our outdoor activities are unique and exciting. But we believe that it's not enough to merely be active together as a group: in order to real learning to take place, action needs to be grounded in reflection. We do not do outdoor activities just for analyzing them, but for deep reflecting about them. The experiential learning cycle we use during the whole training is based on plan – do – review. For theoretical inputs we use two methods: the inductive and the deductive way. In some cases theoretical models are presented first and the experiences are reviewed with the help of these models, in other cases models are deducted from the experience itself. For the practical part of the training, participants organize scenarios and through meta-reflection sessions they get feedback both from their colleagues and the trainers.


3. Structured Course Programme Modules of the training course: Day 1. Arrival to our destination and why is outdoor education useful?    

Get to know each other and the place. Introduction and expectations of teaching using outdoor activities. Starting thinking about your outdoor activity: What do you want to teach? Preparing our portfolio. European social evening: who we are and what we do (professional exchange by participants).

Day 2. Making outdoor activities real      

Preparation for the expedition: teambuilding, orientation, constructionism and social roles. Outdoor activity: "Are you with me? Be the group guide” Evaluation of the expedition: Learning by real experience. Philosophy and theory of Outdoor Education and their impact in different personal, educational and social spheres. Linking outdoor activities to social roles and constructionism. Gala dinner

Day 3. Outdoor education as a social construction     

Preparation for the outdoor activity: using the outdoor to teach mathematics, science and art. Evaluation of the expedition: Learning by real experience. 2º Part: Philosophy and theory of Outdoor Education, its tools and knowledge. Workshops: preparing the own outdoor activity. Night outdoor activity (voluntary)

Day 4. Learning by doing      

Making real your planned activity. Experiencing total learning in outdoor setting Evaluation of the expedition: Learning by real experience. Workshops on how to teach different school subjects outdoors, learning by doing and reflecting upon the action. Thematic creative activity, a toolbox for teaching different subjects outside the classroom, method designed for larger groups of students What I have learnt? Preparing the action plan: portfolio.


Day 5. End of our trip   

Retrospect of the week and evaluation of the course. Closing ceremony and certificates delivering. Coming back to the city.

NB: Order and/or contents could be adapted, modified, reduced and extended, according to the participants’ profile, in order to better meet their needs and interests.

4. Training Course Structure Details The course will be from Monday to Friday with both theoretical and practical contents. The aim is to know how to plan, design and develop your outdoor space to maximize the enjoyable and fun learning opportunities for all ages, being capable to use the outdoor space as a methodology for its full potential for teaching and pedagogical value. On the other hand, the knowledge of social roles and its influence in organizations and personal relationships and the learning based on problem solving as a pedagogical tool using outdoor activities will be the main topics worked on the course and will be a learning path to the students.

Registration: We kindly ask you to pre-register on time for the training course. Your preparation for the training and journey can only be started after the written confirmation of M&M Profuture Training, S.L. The organizer reserves the right to carry out the course only if a minimum of 15 people have registered and transferred the fees for the course.


Course Venue, Travel and Accommodation:

The course will take place in a natural environment, in the middle of the mountains. The exact place will be confirmed in advance. Travel, accommodation and subsistence will be covered by the accommodation fees and M&M will manage all the logistic issues and students needs. Staff Training Abroad – Training Course Provider: M&M Profuture Training is a trainer provider located in Cornellà de Llobregat, strategically placed near Barcelona with an important relationship with the training and education world. M&M is a modern consulting company founded in 2014, whose staff has wide experience managing and implementing training procedures and activities that give them enough skills and knowledge to develop the activities related to the proposal. As a training service provider, M&M organizes, manages and delivers high quality specialized training for companies and local and other public authorities, which provides the tools to implement and manage high quality projects.

5. Contact M&M Profuture Training, S.L. Lleó Fontova, 6 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat - Barcelona – Spain / Tel. +34 697 27 66 66 info@mmprofuture.com / www.mmprofuture.com VAT number: B66253659 Legal Representative: Montserrat Renedo (mrenedo@mmprofuture.com)

Under Creative Common. Author: M&M Profuture Training, S.L. 6

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