7 minute read

Annex 1 Questionnaire for students






PROJECT TITLE: Collaboration for Effective Digital Education AGREEMENT 2020-1-SK01-KA226-HE-094384 EU PROGRAMME: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness





M&M Profuture Training, S.L.



EUBA, 4.5.2021


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Dear students, The pandemic of COVID-19 affected virtually any country of the world and alternative modes of instruction are needed. Your opinion is extremely important because you can help us to identify in detail and sufficient depth your needs for the enhanced effectiveness of digital teaching. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers. Your responses are anonymous - the survey will not contain any information that will personally identify you. The results of our research will be analyzed and used for improved effectiveness of digital teaching and learning.

Consent form: I understand that my participation in this research survey is voluntary and confidential. By clicking on the "agree" button below you indicate that you have read the above information and you voluntarily agree to participate in this survey.

Agree Disagree


Indicate gender: • Female • Male

What is the population of the city you live in? • < 1 999 residents • 2 000 – 4 999 residents • 5 000 – 9 999 residents • 10 000 – 19 999 residents • 20 000 – 49 999 residents • 50 000 – 99 999 residents • 100 000 < residents

Please indicate the region in which you were staying during the remote learning (if other, please indicate the country): • Bratislava region • Trnava region • Nitra region • Banska Bystrica region • Trencin region • Zilina region • Presov region • Kosice region • Other: _____________



Degree of study • Bachelor • Master • Doctoral

1. How much have you learnt during remote learning compared to regular school instruction? • much less, • somewhat less, • about the same, • somewhat more, • much more

2. What device do you use? Please, tick all devices used • Laptop • Desktop • Tablet • Smartphone • No devices available • Other, please, indicate what

3. How much time do you spend each day on an average on distance education? (click one choice) • 1-3 hours • 3-5 hours • 5-7 hours • 7-10 hours • 10+ hours

4. Do you prefer regular, hybrid, or online classes? (click one choice) • Prefer regular classes • Prefer hybrid classes • Prefer online classes • No preference Please describe why: _____________

5. How effective has remote learning been for you compared to traditional instruction? (click one choice) • Not at all effective • Slightly effective • Moderately effective • Very effective • Extremely effective Please describe why: _____________

6. Rank the top three reasons you enjoy online learning for • Learn at my own pace • Learn when it is convenient for me

• Interact online with the teacher • Study topics that are not offered at my school • Learn wherever I choose • Interact with other students through social media • Learn from a variety of online resources (i.e., video, animation, interactive media, simulations, virtual manipulatives, etc.) • Collaborate virtually with a team on a project • Do not enjoy online teaching


A)How easy is it for you to use the remote learning tools your university provides? (click one choice) • Not easy at all • Slightly easy • Somewhat easy • Quite easy • Extremely easy

If you answered that it is not easy at all, or it is slightly easy, please, explain the difficulties you have faced ………………………………….

B) If you are a student with special needs:

How easy is it for you to use remote learning tools your university provides? (click one choice) • Not easy at all • Slightly easy • Somewhat easy • Quite easy • Extremely easy

If you answered that it is not easy at all, or it is slightly easy, please, explain the difficulties you have faced …………………….

A)How helpful your University has been in offering you the resources to learn from home? (click one choice) • Not at all helpful • Slightly helpful • Moderately helpful • Very helpful • Extremely helpful

Please, explain your answer …….

Could you provide your recommendation for improving this aspect? ……….

B) If you are a student with special needs:

How helpful the University has been in offering you special resources adjusted to your specific needs to learn from home? (click one choice)

• Not at all helpful • Slightly helpful • Moderately helpful • Very helpful • Extremely helpful Please, explain your answer ……………………….

Could you provide any recommendations for improving this aspect? ......................

1. What technology-based applications have you used for online learning? Select all that apply • Webex meetings • Google for education (G-Suite, Google Classroom or Meets) • Zoom • eSchool • HIDOE Continuity of Education Resources • Social Media • Moodle • Ms Teams • Other, please, explain which ………………………… • None

2. If you were able to ask for a specific teacher/university support to help you with your online study, what kind of support would you need? ………………………….

3. Which methods do you personally engage with to learn digitally? • Individual assignment • Small group (No. 5 students) work • Large group (No. 10 students and more) work • Project-based learning • Other, please, specify which …………….

4. Which digital approaches motivate you to learn? • Animations • Whiteboard and pen • PowerPoint presentation • Digital pen and slate • Other, please, explain which ………..

5. Which digital collaborations enable you to work on a specific task at ease? • Two by two (2-member team) • Small group workgroup (3- 5 students) working together • Large group (6-10 students) working together • I prefer working individually • Other, please, specify which ……..

6. What is your most preferred method for clearing doubts/unclear points about the material covered in the online learning process? • Ask an instructor during/after an online class • Post a query in a discussion forum of your class and get help from your peers

• Go through an online material providing an additional explanation • Searching publicly available internet resources • Other, please, explain what …… • I am not seeking the clarification of unclear material

7. What is ONE thing you would like your teachers to do differently with technology to enhance your academic success? Please, comment …………………

8. What additional tools or technologies do you rely on for your academic success that are not provided by your university?

Please, specify: ………………….

9. Considering only online services, or features that you have used during your online studies at you University, which specific features work well for you? (Select all that apply) • Lecture Capture - recording, storing, and distributing videos of lectures, guest speakers, presentations, discussions, etc. • Export of recorded sessions to open-systems exchange media (e.g., posting recorded lectures and posting them to Blackboard) • Online class discussions • E-mail to, from, between students • Course access limited to official class rosters • Access to virtual classroom sessions limited to paid students • Electronic grade books for assignments, tests, and other graded aspects of the course • Homework assignment and submission • Online testing • Secure online testing software with anti-cheating security tools • Student group tools such as discussions, file exchange, email, wikis, blogs, etc • Learning modules (units of course content or learning activities, e.g., chapters, units, weeks, topics, etc., including "chunking" course content and activities) • Class calendars and scheduling • Uploaded documents make available to students • Links to electronic course reserves • Links to external web pages • Convenient access to course materials for instructor and students (e.g., syllabus, outlines, notes, presentations, etc.) • A multimedia asset management (MAM) system - software/hardware that enables storage, annotation, cataloguing, retrieval and distribution of digital assets, such as audio and video streaming • Encrypted (https) sessions • Other, please, explain which …………..


1. What is your biggest barrier in effectively learning online from home? • Need to care for brothers or sisters • Lack of quiet workspace • Lack of needed technology • Lack of reliable internet connections • Other factors, please, specify which …………………..

• I don’t have any barriers with online learning

2. A) Have you received adequate technical support and training at your University to follow, plan and prepare for your online classes?

Yes Please, specify what support you received ……………..

No Please, specify what support you would need ……………..

B) If you are a student with special needs: Have you received adequate technical support and training for following and planning your online classes?

Yes Please, specify what support you received ……………..

No Please, specify what support you received ……………..

3. Is there any additional information that you would like to share about the use of digital teaching tools and online instruction at your university?

Please, comment here: ……………….