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Team work

E-module III. Transversal Skills



Team work Collaboration

Divide mentees into groups and assign them a common training problem or topic. For example, they need to evaluate a work-related task and figure out what soft skills should be used.

In addition to how they can build each skill to improve their performance, they can create a presentation for a common topic, i.e., an imaginary campaign about a new product. Another approach is to give them a complaint, coming either of HR or from fellow workmates, and ask them to determine the best course of action. What steps should they take to achieve the desired result? The complaint can be about themselves, about a workmate or about the company. What strategy should they use in each case?

Each team will have to present their solution to the rest of the group. Then, all participants will discuss which idea they think is the best and why. In the end of the exercise have a discussion with the whole team.


2 factors: The time allocated to the educational process and the program provided for, as the implementation of various activities, the discussion, the reflection, the evaluation during the conquest of soft skills.

Introverted character, Lack of self-confidence, Low profile can act as a brake on the effort to acquire skills such as tolerance, openness, respect for diversity, intercultural understanding.