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ERASMUS + BEHAVIOUR TEACHERS IN TROUBLES WITH STUDENTS Context and goals: All teachers need to learn how to teach students with behaviour problems. No matter if the child is one student in a classroom with a concern or if the classroom is designed for children with these complex behavioural issues, the methods to teaching and avoiding complications or outbursts are sometimes the same. When teachers learn how to avoid situations that can push the button on these children, it is possible to ensure the classroom’s lesson plan is fully explored and all students get equal attention. Behaviour problems at school interfere with lessons and disturb other students. These problems often overwhelm teachers, particularly novices, and some consider them the most difficult aspect of a teacher’s work day. Children who exhibit behaviour problems invariably require extra attention, which places strain on teachers and slows the pace at which lessons are offered and completed One of the best strategies for teaching in an environment like this is to learn methods that help to prevent the occurrence of behavioural issues. While every student’s needs are different, there are some simple steps teachers can take to help prevent problems as a group. Format: in-campus intensive. Duration: Five-day course. Four hours per day. Overall pedagogical aims: The main objective of the theoretical and practical course is to prepare participants to work effectively with:        

Identify causal factors in emotional and behavioural problems, while assessing the learning implications of such difficulties. Asking powerful coaching questions for better self-reflection and insights in students, developing active listening skills and applying it in classroom situations. Develop individual, classroom and whole-school practices to support vulnerable students, and promote positive behaviour for learning. Learn how to build emotional literacy and pathways to increase academic success. Learning about the approaches you can use to be a successful coach Empowering and motivating students to exploit their potentials. Developing the knowledge of how a good coach can improve students attitude Improving work climate and relationships among teachers/trainers in the organization

Target audience: The course is primary intended to teachers and school leaders in different levels of early childhood and youth education field, who would like to learn about how to manage troubles with students, transmit knowledge and values so that students learn and develop qualities and skills based on empathy, responsibility and mutual respect.

Basic modules’ description: Module 1: Introduction to Program  Behaviour Teachers in Troubles with Student  What happens in the classroom?  What influences student behaviour? Module 2: The role of teachers’ individual characteristics  The effects of individual characteristic on teachers’ practice  Teacher's support to students  Ways of setting up and maintaining new and innovative methodologies to overcome behaviour teachers in troubles with student Module 3: Strategies for Teaching Students With Behavioural Problems  Why can’t teachers be solely responsible for behaviour?  What can schools do? o Applying emotional intelligence o Multiple Intelligence Classroom Applications o Use social problem solving Module 4: Build a new environment  New relationships  How parents can help?  Use positive reinforcement  Match level of instruction to the child’s ability Module 5: Coaching children to resolve conflict  Coaching principles, coaching boundaries with respect to evaluation, mentoring, and counselling, coaching applications  Coaching tools- coaching relationships skills  Asking powerful questions, framework for questions Module 6: Defining relaxation and meditation for Educators & Students 

The power of Body Language and Relaxation Techniques in school context Meditation for kids and relaxing the tensions: implementing techniques in classroom

By the end of the course participants will:       

Using the steps of conflict resolution to coach children to come to their own solutions helps them learn the skills they need. To be able to design a coaching session with different coaching tools included Explore staff support issues and learn how to manage stress levels among teachers. To be equipped with the skills to foster a culture of competence in your school and classroom Learn how to develop effective systems for identifying at-risk students, and provide high intensity supports for high intensity problems. Identify strategies that will change the dynamic and move the situation forward Create a positive climate in the classroom and school using the holistic approach of peers and teachers

Metodology ➢Presentation with audio-visual support ➢Debate ➢Practical and pedagogical exercises ➢Role-play

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