American Graphic Design Expression

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inspiration and talent of the

attitude, emotion or humor. “Swiss” was found to

alternative to intuitive design,

designer. This had a profoundly

be more suitable for the corporation’s demand for

semiotic theory began to inform

professionalizing influence in

factual accuracy– the perfect style for an annual

some of the Swiss adherents

American graphic design, further

report–while the big idea was more suitable for

in the U.S. Although this diffi-

replacing the commercial artist’s

advertising’s persuasive goals. Swiss tended to

cult and complex theory was

servant image with one of a disci-

rely on representational photography and mini-

little understood, the “scientific”

plined, educated professional. As

malist typography, while the “big idea” was far

flavor reinforced that “objective”

this method influenced the field,

more image-oriented, employing illustration and

tone of Swiss design, and rein-

graphic design began to split

symbolic photography. “Swiss” graphic expres-

forced the idea that graphic

apart from advertising design, a

sion stressed the syntactic grammar of graphic

design was more than a personal

major division that remains today.

design with structured grids and typographic

art form. Semiotics became the

This classic “Swiss” method

relationships. This form of Modernism neglected

first codified theory of graphic

prescribed an ordered process

some of early Modernism’s discoveries with visu-

design, a major step in the evo-

rather than the genius of inspi-

ally expressive typography and surrealistic imagery.

lution to professionalism. As

ration, and promised far more

For the most part, classic Swiss typography was

Massimo Vignelli has so often

dependable, however predict-

meant to be read and its imagery to be seen only

reminded us, theory as well as

able, results. It assumed a ratio-

in the conventional modes.

history and and criticism are the

nal systems process based on

Semiotics, the science of signs in visual language,

essential trinity that distinguish a

semi-scientific analysis and prob-

was a theory explored in the late 1960s in Europe,

profession from a craft or trade.

lem solving. The ideal was the

especially at the Ulm school in Germany. This

The “big idea” originated in

objective (dead serious) presen-

scientific approach to the analysis of meaning in

New York, an American synthesis.

tation of information, rather than

communications was very compatible with the

The visual symbolism owes some

the subjective expression of an

rationality of the Swiss method. Promising an

debts to surrealism, but the copy


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