2019 MR Spring Comprehensive Catalog

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Featured Services Study review against What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence standards With researchers certified as WWC reviewers, Marzano Research conducts rigorous reviews of education studies. Our work can help organizations verify the results of studies conducted internally, guide policymakers and practitioners through examples of improvement activities that are allowable under ESSA, and support schools and districts in using research-based interventions.

Research and thought partnership to develop and implement research designs to address critical problems of practice Providing information about evidence starts a process toward using that evidence in decisionmaking. We work with education organizations to help them use, interpret, and apply research, as well as develop and implement research to gather evidence on projects in their local contexts.

Formative and summative program evaluation We conduct formative and summative evaluation of programs and can support your work from initial project design through implementation. Our evaluation services include developing theory of change and logic models to guide projects, designing an evaluation plan that is both rigorous and relevant to practitioner needs, gathering ongoing feedback to inform program improvements and implementation, and measuring a project’s level of success against program outcomes.

Comprehensive literature review We follow a five-step process to systematically review available literature on the impact of policy and instructionally relevant interventions.

Creation of logic models and performance indicators We work with stakeholders to develop logic models for their programs or interventions. This work includes identification of program inputs, outputs, and short- and long-term intended outcomes. Logic models can be used for strategic program planning, to inform program evaluation, and to help stakeholders identify the theory of change for their programs, and are frequently required for federal grant applications.

Development of evaluation plans for grant proposals We work with state and local education agencies to create evaluation plans for grant proposals. We work with our partners to address evaluation questions of importance to them, while ensuring that funder requirements are included and reported. Examples of funder requirements include Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) performance measures, conditions for reporting specific data on specific timelines, and terms for data management and sharing.

Experimental and quasi-experimental studies We conduct randomized controlled trials as well as studies using quasi-experimental designs that are designed to meet WWC Standards.

Learn more


MarzanoResearch.com | 888.849.0851

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