MLC Yearbook 1995-1996

Page 74

A\\i'f'I ke at 6:30 a rn, h~ student bDdy rninus the Ftfth vt>ar iotnd ~eniors took to the task of cleaning uur campu.'!i. VVith the Junior Cli:!~Si hdping lead the sludenLt; on thi s foj thfu] mission ive vvere broken up into groups and \r\rere given our section. This ndssion undl t the supervision ot i:~rofes:;or Lange, 3

the golt cart ma~ touk no time at a!T. After the can1pus spark.1c<l l·V~ \.VC're treated to rJ \'\·onderti. mj picnic n-1enl by the cafeteria. No\v thal our can1pus and the professors'yards are dea11 we can gel back to nur :;l t 1d y Ing.

Right:: I\tlike iv1arquardt fiUing-up after i1 h, rd day. v·,rork .

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