1936-1937 DMLC Messenger Vol. 27

Page 14

The D. M. L. C. Messenger





• TO THE NEW STUDENTS Although we are well into the beginning of a new . school year, the Messenger takes this opportunity to welcome back all the old students as well as the new ones. You have decided to continue your studies and are already acquainted with your duties at our institution. I say our institution, because it belongs to all of US; therefore our . sense of pride should urge us on to do our utmost to fulfill those curricular duties which experienced hands have found necessary to fit us out for our work. It is also up to us to abide by the tradition of our school, so to speak. We are of course referring to the extra-curricular activities. The Literary Societies will soon begin their work. Then there are the Band, the Girls' Glee Club, the Marlut Singers, and all kinds of athletics. Although you may not take an active part in all or any of these, your moral support is indispensable. Finally there is the Messenger to consider. Only a few take an active part in the making of our schooI paper. But more than your moral support is necessary here. The finances must also be taken care of. To that end you have subscribed for the Messenger, but that is not enough. The greatest expense is offset by the advertisers. It is for this reason and not because, as many may think, to fill up space, that in the advertising section of the Messenger we often read, "Patronize Messenger Advertisers!"


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