Housing Density Study

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for other purposes and reducing costs. The downside is the frustration felt by residents that miss out on a space and this may lead to conflict and overspill parking off site.

Matrix 1 7.8. In practice, there is likely to be a mix of allocated and unallocated spaces in communal areas – with spaces needing to be allocated to occupiers of wheelchair accessible homes (where not provided on-plot) and possibly some family-sized homes, which are likely to be the next priority. The balance between allocated and unallocated space will differ from site to site, but such management arrangements should be used to best effect to help optimise density. 7.9. Dynamic car parking management plans secured by planning condition or planning obligation, can help manage parking over time. It may also be necessary in areas of parking stress around sites to consider the Matrix 2 of Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) and designation to potentially prevent occupiers of new homes on a

site from obtaining parking permits – thus preventing displacement of parking into surrounding streets. 7.10. The Outer London Commission has made a number of specific recommendations in relation to the implementation of London Plan Policy 6.13 (Parking) and Table 6.2 in the context of other relevant policies to secure a level of accessibility by private car consistent with the overall balance of the transport system at the local level and recognising the continued importance of the private car in outer London. The draft Housing SPG includes two alternative indicative car park matrixes. Matrix 1 seeks to emphasise through the use of graduated colour-scales that while PTAL should have an influence on parking provision, the appropriate allocation is quite properly a matter of judgement. Matrix 2 also uses graduated colour-scales to provide a visual indication of flexibility by re-introducing a link between the density matrix and parking provision, including units and habitable rooms, settings and PTAL. Both matrices are set out below.

Matrix 1

The two alternative indicative car park matrices from the draft housing SPG

Recommendations Matrix 2

––Prospective developers should integrate car parking provision into residential and mixed-use schemes to help optimise density by developing car parking strategies that take account of the issues identified above.

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