1 minute read


This project really pushed me to work my hardest, do most research, and design the best I can. It gave me a lot of insight into the true sadness of social media addiction, and made me really think about whether or not I have a social media addiction myself.

While on the surface social media may seem harmless, it can cause negative effects on the human mind, especially young adults. The brain is still forming and growing at ages 18-25, social media can cause devastating effects on the brain and cause people to spiral into depression. It’s not fair what social media can do to people. It’s supposed to be a fun app where you can view your friend’s posts, like photos, and share your own adventures. Social media is darker than we think. Addiction is real and even addiction to social media means a lot more than what society portrays it as.


I’m glad to be a part of society that wants to help others, and want others to seek help if they need it. Everyone is equally important. Never be afraid to ask for help.

don’t be afraid to ask for help.