2 minute read

City of Sunshine Teen - Melanie Potter

From an early age, I’ve always had big dreams. I once had a teacher tell me that I had to be the change I wanted to see in the world. That phrase always inspired me to want to do something that would leave a positive impact on the world. At the age of nine, I made the decision to become a vegetarian, in an effort to promote animal rights. As a nine-year old when I first approached my mom about it, she probably thought it was a phase. But it was a decision that I've stuck with ever since.

But despite always having these big ideas, and this desire to do something, i’ve always struggled with having the courage to speak up. I had always wanted to, but never felt like I actually had the ability to change anything. I lacked the confidence I needed to speak up and felt like I was too young, or too small to ever make a difference. But being in this program changed that for me. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself and the platform I needed to express my ideas, feel heard, and make change. It taught me how to turn my ideas and aspirations into plans and make them a reality.


I never thought that by signing up for this program I would gain so many amazing friendships and opportunities. But the women in this program have all become like a second family to me.

The amazing women on our board of directors are all so welcoming, selfless, and supportive. I’m so lucky to have such amazing mentors and mother figures in my life. They have provided me with guidance, love, and support throughout my entire journey, and have volunteered countless hours to help and support the young women in our program and our community. I am so grateful for all that they do and I'm very fortunate to have them in my life. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them. They have taught me so much, and have always been sources of endless support and encouragement.

In my family, I’m the oldest of two younger siblings—both little brothers. So naturally, I’ve always wanted a big sister… and now I have three! Alyssa, Anna, Annikah and I, were all new to pageants this year. For each of us this was our first time competing in pageants as well as our first time being titleholders. It’s been so amazing getting to spend this year learning new things, experiencing new things, and making new memories with my Pageant Sisters. It was intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult at times as there was so much I needed to learn. But I’m so glad that all three of us were going through it together and that I had my Pageant Sisters as well as my amazing board directors or “Pageant moms” here to help me the entire way. I’m so grateful that I got to experience serving my community, and learning what it means to be a titleholder in the miss America program this year and I’m so honored that I got to represent our amazing community at Miss Oregon.

Throughout my year of service as I titleholder I’ve come to understand and realize what an amazing supportive community we have, and I’m so greatful to be part of it. This year has truly taught me so much and has shaped me into the person I am today. I’ve truly loved being a titleholder and representative of klamath county. The past year has been absolutely amazing.

Signing off for the last time, Miss City of Sushines Outstanding Teen 2022, Melanie Potter

Melanie Potter