Portfolio_Yuxuan Liu_UCL

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Application for University College London 丨 Architectural Design March 丨 B.Arch, Northeastern University, China E-mail:20196340@stu.neu.edu.cn Tel:+86 13582022590

Index Ⅰ

Endless Party

Architecture Design Studio 10, Commercial Complex in Shenyang, China Individual work, Spring 2023

People Plaza

Architecture Design Studio 11, Plaza renovation in Shenyang, China In colaborator with Peixing Yang, Spring 2023


Garage, or the new center of communities Intern work, residential districts planning in Woodland, California In colaborator with Chuyu Shang, Caiyi Zhao, Xin Liu, Fall 2023



Grave For Death, Engrave For Life

YAC Competition, Extinction Museum in Cratere Degli Astroni, Italy In colaborator with Ningqiu Qiao, Xianlin Li, Sicheng Liu, Fall 2022


Other Works


Ⅰ Endless Party Commercial Complex in Shenyang, China

Architecture Design Studio 10 Instructor: Chang Liu Individual work Spring 2023

Under the impact of online consumption, the commercial complex is gradually transforming to experiencing consumption. At the same time, in the process of urbanization in Shenyang, commercial and high-rise buildings have been erected, and the public activity space originally belonging to children has been swallowed up. The Pay-to-Play mode created by the commercial complex of Shenyang has become the norm of Shenyang society, shutting out more children. This design aims to turn the commercial complex into a children's big urban toy, in the flat form of Enfillade, so that children can freely experience and explore in it, so as to return the urban play grounds to children. At the same time, a new type of economy could be born here, owing to the boundless room connected. It's no longer a party for the few(developers, nobilities etc.), it's a party for everyone.



SITE INFORMATION The site is located on Youth Street-Golden Corridor in Shenyang CBD. From 2005 to 2022, the street has been filled with famous commercial buildings.

PAY TO PLAY ON THE RISE To meet the economic requirement of this area, a pair of big hands is controlling the buildings on the street and commercial buildings will only increase at any expense. And children have to pay to play in the complex. 02

PLACES TO PLAY ON THE DECREASE Greenlands and playgrounds that can be used by the kids are far from enough to meet the number of schools. 02


FUNCTION GENERATION I hope to extract the play behavior of local children and add it into the commercial complex, so that the commercial. complex can become a tailored new toy for local kids.

STEP 1: Turn the behavior that is extracted from the surroundings into commercial functions.

STEP 2: Break the original functional combination, randomly arrange different functional rooms to increase the uncertainty and ambiguity to arouse children's curiosity.



STEP 3: Choosing the form of Enfilade to fully expose the rooms to the children and guide them to explore.

The range and analysis of point's field of view.

STEP 4: Enfilade the rooms into an integral one to create the boundless spaces to invoke children's interests to go forward.





STEP 5: Refine the rooms and create the theme atriums to attract the children.




_______ 1. Aerial view 2. Commercial complex entrance 04



1. retail store 2. reception room 3. dancing hall 4. clothing store 5. restroom 6. career experiencing room 7. photography studio 8. mahjong room 9. furniture store 10. theater 11. book store 12. reading stairs 13. ocean ball park 14. storage district 15.parents lounge 16.pet store 17.exhibition gallery 18.basketball court 19.poolroom 20.outdoor amusement 21.run track 22.stage 23.rehearsal room



ENFILADE SPACES 1 Sitting in a dinning room, I can see kids taking photographs next door and children dancing in the farther room. It keeps me wondering what's next.

FROM PUBLIC TO PRIVACY The building displays increased privacy from bottom to top. The space that can become public toys is placed on the ground floor, and the private learning space is placed on the top floor. 06

ENFILADE SPACES 2 Spaces are choreographed so that I can experience the garden and market before entering the library. 06





Ocean ball park



Reading stairs

Exhibition gallery 07

Ⅱ People Plaza Plaza renovation in Shenyang, China

Architecture Design Studio 11 Instructor: Rudai Shan Colaborator: Peixing Yang Spring 2023

Zhongshan Square is one of the most powerful places in Shenyang, with a statue in the middle and government offices nearby. We think of the plaza as a space prototype of panopticon, with the tall monument in the middle representing the power behind it. This power is keeping people away from it, so we try to deconstruct the power and create buffer zones to ease people's relationship with power. Inspired by the Panopticon scheme by Koolhaas, we want to put the statue down and return the spaces to the public, so that everyone can come here. Interior spaces created are functioned as galleries and exhibition rooms to educate people with the historical and cultural value of Shenyang, while the exterior places are served as open parks to all people.





n ha gs on Zh ad Ro

Planning of Zhongshan Road under the Japanese regime in 1935


The surfaces of historical buildings indicate architectural historical elements and bear the memories of citizens' lives in different periods of power. By connecting the surfaces of buildings from different historical periods, the two boundaries of different historical elements are determined. The intersection of the two boundaries is chosen as the place that can best represent the collective memory, so that the nearby historical buildings are selected for the generation of subsequent schemes.

TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL ELEMENTS IN ZHONGSHAN ROAD By looking for buildings with historical elements, we selected four of the most representative buildings as the basis for the structure of the plaza. 09


a. Building standing for Japanese power

b. Building standing for Russian power

c. Building standing for Communist power

VERTICAL DECONSTRUCTION PROCESS In order to escape from the Panopticon, we turned the inconographic imposition into an object of memory and connected the plaza with the surrounding buildings from underground to attract more people to come here and boom the plaza again.

d. Building standing for nowadays

Step1: Turn the monument into an artifact

1. Footprints' graphic superimposition

2. Buildings turned into passages in the plaza.

I.Platforms at different heights.

3. Links to surrounding buildings.

II. Clearify the circulation.

4. Set the statue down.

III. Links to surrounding buildings.

Step2: Connect with adjacent buildings from underground


Mukden Police Station

Red Cross branch

Bank of Korea Mukden Mitsui Yoko Building

Yamato Hotel Building 136, Zhongshan Road



SECTION The building displays increased privacy from bottom to top. The space that can become .The building displays increased privacy from bottom to top. The space that can become .The building displays increased privacy from bottom to top.



-1F Plan

-2F Plan

-3F Plan

The historical features of three different power periods are reflected in the space by forms of light. Duration is associated with the accessibility to the outer spaces, severeness is associated with the volume of light and correlation with people is associated with directions of light. 12


EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR Indoor spaces are exhibitions and outdoor spaces are leisure spaces. 13

EYE LEVEL WITH THE STATUE With the monument set down to a lower level, people can look at it horizontally. It makes the plaza more accessible and approachable.




Ⅲ Garage, or the new center of communities Residential area planning in Woodland, California

Intern work, Fall 2023 Phase: Schemetic Design Instructor: Lei Chen Colaborator: Xin Liu, Chuyu Shang, Caiyi Zhao Fall 2023 15

The parking spaces threatens the interaction between people of Woodlands in today's era. Recognizing this, our project aims to envision the future of parking lots-which should actually be the center of the communities and should be redefined as a space for shared interaction. We interweaved the parking lot with a series of mixed-use spaces in a sandwich pattern. As a result, a time-consuming suburban commute becomes an enticing opportunity for landscape enjoyment and leisure.


"Des Moines, IA alone has 7.75 square miles of surface parking, the size of six central parks. This translates overall to 19.4 parking spots per household, which a study in 2012 concluded that nearly 35% of all parking was not used. Surface parking lots are a scorn on our cities." — Hayden Clarkin, January 27, 2022

TURN PARKING INTO PARKS The college wishes to turn parking lots into parks and make those empty and boring spaces interesting.

1.Surface Parking Buidling

2.Side Parking

3.Car Parking Buidling

4.Underground Parking

PARKING TYPOLOGIES The existing typologies show the distinct isolation between parking spaces and public spaces. Based on these, I choose a vertical form so that two spaces are fully combined.

THE INVADING PARKING LOTS Urban planning makes it difficult to make cities walkable. This also means that we need to provide separate parking Spaces for each necessary station. But when we prioritize cars, it limits the space we can allocate to housing, businesses, utilities, and other amenities. It also increases construction costs, which in Los Angeles, for example, cost developers at least $50,000 per parking space. As a result, many are starting to rethink the amount of land we use just to temporarily store our cars. 16

GARAGE GENERATION Insert the public spaces into parking spaces in a vertical form. Intertweave the two parts and bind them together closely. 16



1.Current status of the site: including six small commercial buildings, one 'New Image' and one 'Walmart' (which can be demolished).

2. Continue the urban pattern to divide the site and integrate the site back into the city. The original Walmart plot is intended to be used as the core area of the community.

3. Retain part of Walmart to strengthen the central area as parking garages and add functions like community centers and commercial buildings to it.

4.The houses are placed and the central area is overlaid by the High Line park, which has a good view of the city facing the street.


Apartment groups

Connections between groups Central garage

1.Highlight the locations of different theme apartments.


2.Connect all the theme apartments to strengthen social links. Identify the minimum parking-to-home routes.

3.Add relevant functions to the central garages along the parking-to-home routes. 17




Parking area

The parking-to-home routes are used in the plans' function generation and zones division.

SECTION 3 We interweaved the parking lot with a series of mixed-use spaces in a sandwich pattern. As a result, a time-consuming suburban commute becomes an enticing opportunity for landscape enjoyment and leisure. 18



ROOFTOP PARK In order to maximize the use of garages, rooftop gardens are invited to people's life.

GARAGE ATRIUM The close integration of parking and activities improves people's parking experience. 19


Parking and leisure spaces are organically intertwined, to achieve the functional system compound and appropriate expansion of public space.Since then, the parking garages become an interesting part of community life. 20


Ⅳ GRAVE FOR DEATH, ENGRAVE FOR LIFE Extinction Museum in Cratere Degli Astroni, Italy

YAC Competition Project Finalist Award Instructor: Lei Chen (Contact:com) Colaborator: Ningqiu Qiao, Xianlin Li, Sicheng Liu Spring 2023 21

If there is no biosphere remodeling caused by mass extinctions in previous generations, there is a great probability that mankind will not exist. However, today's undetectable extinction is also endangering human survival step by step. Extinction has brought human beings the possibility of life, but also means crisis.

We use graves as metaphors for life and death, and scatter them throughout the site and let them run vertically through the two exhibition halls, reminding people of the relationship between extinction and human beings at all times. 21



Everything here seems to be upside down. The terrain is like an upside down mountain, and the special microclimate created by the terrain causes the plants’inversed vertical zone. In order to show respect to the nature, we decide to turn the stories buried deep underground upside down into our extinct museum, following the vertical natural pattern.





1. The site is located in the oval center to control the whole site.

2. Gravestones converge towards the center in a certain order.

3. Gravestones clusters to form the museum.

4. The roof is designed according to the fractal principle.

5. Process the fractals according to terrain changes.

6. Make the roof complete on the land, fragmented close to the lake.

7. Skylights are inserted according to the form of the roof.

8. Insert the exhibition hall on the top floor.

9. Insert the traffic core.

The museum is integrated with nature and there is no artificial entrances, instead, visitors can enter the museum from all directions. 23


SECTION 1:1000

1. Hall 2. Dinosaur fossil booth 3. Visitor center 4. Water church 5. Gravestones arrays 6. Multi-function hall 7. Library inquiry 8. Café

2F PLAN 1:1000

INTERIOR SPACES Skylights introduce natural light into the interior exhibition hall, producing the sense of being in real nature for visitors. 24



Guided by the gravestones, visitors can gradually reach the Extinction Museum. The tombstone is engraved with information about extinct animals, which is also part of the museum.

2 The museum is integrated with nature and there is no artificial entrances, instead, visitors can enter the museum from all directions.

4 In the interior exhibition hall, the floor is shaped like free and dynamic mountains, and visitors can feel the ups and downs of the six mass extinctions according to the time axis.

5 The light tube on the roof, a symbol of hope, is projected on the extinct animal exhibits, provoking the thoughts of visitors.

3 Entering the museum, the engraved stones above seem to tell solemn stories of the past.



Other works Time bank in an old house

Breathing field Green building design Competition, 2022-2023 Department of architecture building expansion project Site: Liaoning, China Instructor: Zheming Liu, Lei Chen Colaborator: Weiqing Xu, Xinyi Zou, Chenxin Hu, Yihuan Huang

2022 Teamzero Award, 2022 Site: Liaoning, China Instructor: Ying Chen, Leilei Wang Colaborator: Yiman Xia, Lingpeng Zheng

In order to continue a doctor's spirit, we implanted a 'time bank mutual assistance' mechanism in the old house and added new glass boxes with functions of mutual assistance. We hope visitors can more deeply experience the continuation of the spirit of helping people here through interaction with residents. 26

In the context of the novel covid-19 epidemic, this design integrates green building technology into the expansion building of the architecture department hall to make the new and old building halls coexist harmoniously. 26

Returning to the leaf Architecture Design Studio 8, 2022fall Shenzhen University library design Site: Shenzhen, China

Wencheng International Hotel Lobby innovation Hower Design London UK ltd Intern work, 2023.4 Site: Zhejiang, China My job: Rendering video

The whole truss structure is adopted in the structure of the building, and the indoor floor is suspended by the top giant truss to realize the transparent reading space inside.

Kindergarten design Architecture Design Studio 2, 2020fall Site: Liaoning, China Instructor: Wei Liu Individual work

Youth hostel design Architecture Design Studio 2, 2021Spring Site: Liaoning, China Instructor: Leilei Wang Individual work Shenzhen University Library, combined with regional nature, allows people to return to the 'leaves'. 27


Integrated visual training Architecture Design basics, 2021 fall Instructor: LIna Zhang Individual work

This training has trained my ability of graphic composition and design. In the process of placing the canvas shoes, I made lots of attempts to think about their diversity in unity. It was included in the Basic Course of Architectural Art(ISBN: 978-7-5180-9250-5)

Studio poster design 404 Studio 2023 New Year poster design, 2022 Instructor: Lei Chen

The left poster implies that in 2023, the year of the Rabbit, we will go through a maze-like complicated life to find our own hay. The poster on the right is the first draft of inspiration, we intend to use the shape of maze to symbolize 404 studio and the year of 2023.

Drawings Abstract translation training Architecture Design basics, 2020fall Instructor: LIna Zhang Individual work

The course encourages us to extract and translate the elements of photos in life, turn them into abstract and geometric objects, and color them based on the feelings I get from the photos.

Color painting is a very distinctive decoration on ancient architecture in China. It is often decorated with color and paint on beams, square, brackets, columns, ceilings and other places.



1 _______ 3

1.Tangent circle pattern from Shenyang Palace Museum 2.Still life sketch 3. Oil painting sketch 28


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