News Notes - Fall 2022 - Vol 2 Issue 1

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NOTES news


VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 • FALL 2022

Spartan Turf.

2016 Michigan Golf Hall of Fame inductee Joe Vargas, PhD, has worked to improve turf quality on every global continent except Antarctica. An MSU Distinguished Faculty member, Vargas has advised master’s and doctoral students and served as faculty coordinator of the MSU Turfgrass Research Center while working with industry for more than 50 years.

Learn from our world-class turfgrass pros
TABLE OF CONTENTS MTF NEWS NOTES | FALL 2022 3 5 President’s Message 6 Five professors are currently funded by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation 7 Research News — x WinterTurf Data Collection - We Need Your Help! x 30-year utility player. Thomas A Nikolai PhD 11 Vargas Endowed Chair Update 12 Industry News — x Members in the Field 17 MSU Turfgrass Field Day Recap 2022 20 LaFontaine Golf Outing Recap 2022 22 Meritorious Award Winner 23 Welcome to the board Mitch Hooton 24 2022 Michigan Turfgrass Conference Guide 27 2023 MTF Candidates for Election 28 Executive Director’s Report 31 Michigan Turfgrass Membership Application 32 Attend MSU’s Turf School short course in December 34 Icebreaker Day 36 Shanty Creek Resort Superintendents As Executives (SAE) Scholarship Award 38 Industry Job Board
MTF Executive Committee PRESIDENT Mr. Curt Boak VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Dan Mausolf TREASURER Mr. Brad Lazroff MTF Board of Directors SECRETARY Mr. Scott Rettmann EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mr. Carey Mitchelson EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Ms. Britney VanderKodde Mr. Mitch Hooten West Michigan Whitecaps REPRESENTING: Sports or Institutional Turf Appt/Kuhna - October 2022 Mr. Christian Koval Lakelands Golf and Country Club REPRESENTING: Mid-Michigan District Elected: 2022 Michigan Turfgrass Foundation P.O. Box 27156 Lansing, MI 48909 VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 TERMS TO EXPIRE ANNUAL MEETING 2025 Mr. Eric Davey Prestwick Village Golf Club REPRESENTING: Greater Detroit District Elected: 2016, 2019 Mr. Curt Boak Lawn Tech REPRESENTING: Turfgrass Services Representative Elected: 2016, 2019 Mr. Brad Lazroff Huron Meadows Golf Course REPRESENTING: Cemetery, Park, or Sod Representative Elected: 2017, 2020 Mr. Dan Mausolf LIC, CSP, ASM Stine Turf & Snow REPRESENTING: Lawn & Maintenance Elected: 2017, 2020 TERMS TO EXPIRE ANNUAL MEETING 2023 Adam Palmatier Helena REPRESENTING: Commercial Turfgrass Supplier Appointed: 2022 (Replaced Doug JohanningsmeierPresident Emeritus Term Expired) Mr. Matt Gaver
Mr. Jeff
CGCS Egypt
Country Club
Phone: +1-517-392-5003 2022 Michigan State Turfgrass TURF SCHOOL December 12-15, 2022 See Turf School information on page _____ Upcoming Events 2023 Michigan Turfgrass CONFERENCE January 10-12, 2023 Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort Michigan Turfgrass Foundation TEE TIMES 4 TURF Spring 2023 Mission Statement The mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to work in partnership with Michigan State University, supporting ongoing programs in research, education, and extension in the area of professional turfgrass management that will benefit all individuals who manage turfgrasses or derive pleasure from the results of such management. 4
REPRESENTING: Western Michigan
Elected: 2017, 2020
REPRESENTING: At Large Elected: 2018, 2021
Scott Rettmann Walnut Creek Country Club REPRESENTING: At Large Elected: 2018, 2021 TERMS TO EXPIRE ANNUAL MEETING 2024 Mr. Craig Moore Marquette Golf
REPRESENTING: At Large Elected: 2018, 2021 Mr. Dan Lucas Kingsley Club REPRESENTING: Northern Michigan District Elected: 2015, 2018, 2021


The leaves are falling, and the winter months are on the horizon. Which means the off season for us in the green industry. After coming off a very busy season with weather challenges, and staff shortages we all can use some down time to reflect on the past season and prepare for the next. For you that could be working on equipment, setting up new procedures for staff, meeting with material vendors, or planning a sunny vacation down south. Whatever you have planned make sure it includes attending the Michigan Turfgrass Conference at the Soaring Eagle Resort January 10-12, 2023. We have a great education track, Vendor show, and the facility is top notch. The conference is great for those looking for MDARD recertification credits, reconnection with old colleges, and meeting new. Registration is open to sign up today.

Included in this issue we have some research updates for the Turf Team. We are entering some exciting times with research projects. Dr. Tom Nikolia started a hydroponic green project this past summer, we have the continued research on winter kill from Dr. Kevin Frank, and Dr. Trey Rogers is creating natural grass fields for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. We will continue to keep you up to date on these projects. We sometimes need to get back to the core fundamentals of the Foundation and reflect on what our purpose is. As the Mission Statements says:

‘The Mission of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is to work in partnership with the Michigan State University, supporting ongoing programs in research, education, and extension in the area of professional turfgrass management that will benefit all individuals who manage turfgrass or derive pleasure from the results s such management.‘

So, when you receive that membership renewal notice, attend one of our events, or get asked to sponsor an event remember the money you give will be supporting the research that will help you do your job in the future more efficiently and save money.


Five professors are currently funded by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation.

Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

John N. Trey Rogers III, Ph.D.

Professor, Turfgrass Research - Golf Course Renovations - Sports Turf and Golf Turf Management Programs; Turfgrass Research Telephone: 517-353-0136

Joseph Vargas, Ph.D.

Professor - Fungicide resistance; disease management; biological control; chemical control and breeding; epidemiology. Telephone: 517-353-9082

Thomas Nikolai, Ph.D.

Senior Turfgrass Academic Specialist - Golf Course Putting Green mechanical and cultural practices, turfgrass health. Telephone: 517-353-0133

Dr. David Gilstrap, Ph.D.

Senior Academic Specialist Sports and Commercial Turf Management Education Telephone: 517-353-0140

Brian Horgan, Ph.D.

Professor and Chairperson Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

Kevin Frank, Ph.D.

Professor and Turf Extension Specialist Telephone: 517-353-0147

Emily Merewitz-Holm, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor - Plant physiologist; abiotic & biotic stresses of turfgrass and crop species; whole-plant, biochemical, & molecular techniques. Telephone: 517-353-0203

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 6

Golf course superintendents around the world helped collect data last season for our WinterTurf Research Project (https://; we truly appreciate all the assistance these superintendents provided. In Michigan we had six golf courses with the sensor package in place. These sensors placed on one green tracked soil temperature, moisture, and gases. Thanks to the following Michigan superintendents for hosting the sensors:

Doug Hoeh, Treetops Resort

Scott Pulaski, Walloon Lake CC

Jim Bluck, Arcadia Bluffs

Ryan Moore, Forest Lake CC

Eric Davey, Prestwick Village Golf Club

Drew Paxton, Spring Lake CC

In addition to the sensor package, once again this winter we are looking for golf course superintendents to collect data throughout the winter. We need golf courses in addition to the courses that have the sensors in place. Last winter the following Michigan superintendents collected data throughout the winter:

Victor Morales-Rios, Leslie Park Golf Course

Craig Moore, Marquette CC

Zachary Gascoyne, El Dorado Golf Course

Jared Milner, Meadowbrook CC

Justin Peckens, The Majestic Ryan Moore, Forest Lake CC

Scott Pulaski, Walloon Lake CC Eric Davey, Prestwick Village CC

Map of golf courses participating in previous WinterTurf data collection efforts.

Goal of the project

We are collecting data on winter stress injury to help develop solutions to this serious problem that affects so many golf courses in northern regions all over the world. As part of our plan to find solutions, we need to collect data at as many sites as possible to capture all the most likely factors that are involved in winter injury.

Why participate again?

We hope those of you who did it in the past will consider continuing another year. Information from a single golf course in multiple years will help to strengthen our data set. The data collection process will be like last year with a few improvements based on suggestions from superintendents.

Why participate for the first time?

We also hope to recruit new golf courses because the amount of data needed is substantial for our project to be successful. Last year, we had 8 courses in Michigan submit a complete set of data. Although it’s a big goal, this year I’d love to see at least 50 superintendents in Michigan do this. We’ve worked for years to get this $8 million research project off the ground-we hope you will see the value of taking part in this important collaboration. If you haven’t joined, please consider it for this year.

What are we asking you to do?

We are asking you to monitor 1-3 greens on your golf course throughout the winter. This will include taking some photos and notes about the green going into winter, then measuring snow depth on the green and making some general observations each week during the winter, and finally doing a final assessment after winter.

Search for #WinterTurf on Twitter and read participants’ tweets from last year and their experiences as inspiration. As one of the superintendents commented last year “The weekly survey was easy and smooth.”

We would appreciate any help you can provide to get the word out by forwarding this information to colleagues or promoting our #WinterTurf tweets (, UMNTurf) through social media.

Winter stress damage at a poorly drained site. Photo by Kevin Frank.

Does it matter if

I use covers?

No! We want data on all types of greens under all kinds of management practices, including covers.

How to sign up?

The process is the same whether you helped collect data last year or are new this year: please complete the survey linked below and we will email you with further instructions when data collection starts later this year.

Sign up to be part of the WinterTurf data collection: https://z.

If you would like more information, visit our Be a part of the WinterTurf project! (https://winterturf.umn. edu/data-collection) webpage. Please contact our grant coordinator at the University of Minnesota, Kristine Moncada, at if you have questions.

30-year utility player.

A Nikolai PhD Turfgrass Academic Senior Specialist

Igraduated from the MSU 2-year Turfgrass Management Program in 1986 under coordinator Dr. K.T. Payne. My fiancée had two years remaining to earn her bachelors at MSU and my classmates were astonished when I declined an offer to return to Oakland Hills Country Club where I performed my internship for the position of golf course superintendent (GCS) at a local public golf course near MSU.

We were married and following her graduation I accepted the position of GCS at Lakeview Hills Golf Course in Lexington, MI. I remained there until the fall of 89 when my wife’s commute to pursue her master’s degree became burdensome following the arrival of our first child. We returned to MSU and I decided to pursue my bachelor’s degree and earned a job working part time at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Center (HTRC).

I initially worked on the crew, but sometimes assisted Dr. Bruce Branham with research projects which included an experimental product called trinexapac ethyl. That led me to my first research project which I performed for undergraduate credits under the

direction of Dr. John Rogers III. It was a PGR green speed study and as far as I know it was the first PGR green speed study.

I ended up taking a job with Dr. Paul Rieke working under his research technician and graduate student Mike Saffell. Research projects I worked on as a bachelor’s student included:

• Putting green topdressing studies. At the time most courses topdressed once or twice per year following core cultivation and many times with sand mixes including peat, soil, or Milorganite.

• Using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) as a tool to measure water use in annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass greens. Under Mikes guidance we cut rods to a desired length to make our TDR probes, drilled holes in them, soldered them to wire and connected the wire to relay switches we buried in the ground and placed under valve boxes. It took us less than a month of data collection to realize that TDRs would significantly change golf course irrigation practices.

• Mulching tree leaves into the turfgrass canopy instead of removing them with a rake to burn or bag. It was believed that mulching the leaves into the turf would be detrimental.

Hydroponic Green 2022Turf Center Thomas

In spring of 1992 I earned my bachelor’s degree and took the position of assistant at Oak Point Country Club. It was a great opportunity working under GCS Tom Schall on an established golf course that was also adding 9 new holes. I didn’t think I would return to MSU but in June of 92 I received a phone call from Dr. Rieke. Mike had accepted a position with the USGA, and Paul asked if I would interview for the vacant research technician position. One of the main reasons I was interested in the position was I knew MSU would be involved in turfgrass research preparing for the 94 World Cup. That seemed too unique to pass up. World Cup research was headed by Dr. Rogers and results clearly advanced and stimulated sports field research in general. In any event, during my interview with Paul, he told me there were two negatives he heard about me that were, I didn’t like to work weekends and I wanted to be in charge. My response, “If anyone tells you they like to work weekends they are lying, but I have been working on golf courses for 10 years so whatever it takes to get the job done I will be there. Also, if you don’t want someone that wants to cautioned rolling should only be practiced for up to two weeks

discovered frequent rolling decreased numerous pests as well and other

companies including John Deere, Jacobson, Toro, and even Bernhard & Company.

In 1995 I initiated golf spike spike/cleat research with a $100.00 donation from the MTF in 1995. The money was used to purchase 3 pair of golf shoes. As a result, the MSU became the leader in golf cleat/sole design research that brought in over $250,000.00 in industry funding and led to the USGA funding research at the HTRC on the impact of cultural practices to reduce visible foot traffic.

In 1999 we started construction on alternative depth putting greens which proved to have a more uniform moisture retention compared to the flat underlying rootzone. In 2000 Dr. Rieke retired and Dr. Kevin Frank took his place. I became Dr. Franks technician but that was short lived when Dr. Rogers offered me the position of Academic Specialist. That changed my appointment from 100% research to 78% teaching and 22% research which obviously changed my focus.

A lot has changed over the years and numerous people have come and gone. When Greg Lyman departed for the GCSAA, I stepped in and taught “Turfgrass and the Environment”. When Dr. Ron Calhoun departed the industry, I took over weed research and co-taught an agriculture weeds class which was quite a stretch for my skill set. Fortunately, Aaron Hathaway was my weed research technician, however, after several years Aaron departed for industry, and I took over teaching “Pesticide and Fertilizer Technology”.

In the fall of 1994, the American Society of Agronomy meetings were held in Seattle, Washington. A bachelor’s student with aspirations of going to graduate school inquired if I thought it was a good idea to attend the meetings and network. I said yes, but the problem was he could not afford a room, so I let him sleep on the floor in mine. The student’s name was Brian Horgan and in 2019 Dr. Horgan became the Chair of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, or in other words, he is essentially my boss.

Not including my undergraduate years, I am currently in my 30th year of working at MSU performing turfgrass research. In reflection I have concluded that if I played baseball my position would have been utility player. Not big enough to be the starter focused on one position, but worth a spot in the line-up. I have enjoyed many shifts in emphasis but now I am focused on how to close out the game.


Eric Galbraith is my current research technician, and he is outstanding. Last year, along with prospective graduate student Jack McCarthy, we initiated a fairway leaf-mulching trial, and the results are rather astonishing. We are also working with Dr. Eric Patterson isolating beneficial compounds in the tree leaves. Mike Rabe is a current master’s student who will be performing his research on variable depth rootzone and hydroponic greens both of which are adequately replicated and have contours like real putting surfaces. Two other projects for LCO’s Eric Galbraith and I have worked on include HOC studies and crabgrass timing based on GDD. Our data from GDD / crabgrass timing indicates GDD is a rather poor model and limits the options an LCO should have. I brought this up at an international meeting in Copenhagen this summer and we are looking to perform a multistate study next spring. Over the years a lot has changed but what remains the same is MTF funding has led to research that has changed the way turfgrass in managed around the world. Thanks for your support.

Vargas Endowed Chair UPDATE

One of the largest undertakings ever taken on by the MTF is currently underway as we begin the process of building the Endowed Chair Position in the name of Dr. Joe Vargas. The importance of the position cannot be understated, and the Board of Directors are fully committed to working with MSU to provide enough funding to make this goal a reality. An Endowed Chair would provide the Turf Program a position within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources that would be in perpetuity. This privately funded position will provide and guarantee future turf students and endeavors a place at Michigan State University for generations. Funding by the MTF will represent seed money and indicates our commitment to the Turf Program at MSU.

The Foundation has been extremely fortunate over the years to have far sighted individuals who sought to improve our industry, educate our peers, and provide a respectable definition of someone who makes a living in the turfgrass industry. The Endowments that have been constructed for those purposes were started by a generation past. Funding the Turf Program has always been the goal and as the MTF plans its next step to that goal, the Endowments will play a crucial role. Some concern may be had to the vast amount of financial support that will be sent to MSU that is currently held by the MTF. The plain truth may be …that there is no certainty that the program will always be there. As priorities change, the University will always be reviewing which programs are most meaningful to their bottom lines. With that in mind, the Foundation will do everything to ensure the Turf Program at MSU continues to be an important part of the industry. As for the Endowments, we believe that there are currently some individuals in our industry that understand the need to reinvigorate and perhaps reinvent what was done previously – and pay it forward like those that have done so already.

MTF Members interested in this endeavor or with questions… may contact us at


Members in The Field

Research Vs Reality

October 12, 2022

All turf managers experience the gap between research and reality. The need to extrapolate from a controlled environment to real life with variables like weather, resources, time, soil conditions, etc. means that there is always intuition required in any turf manager’s position. Experience is what closes that gap. Seasoned professionals have witnessed the different variables and their combinations to gain the instinct to make the right call. In the case of innovation or early adoption of new

technologies and techniques the gap is wide, and the risk is high.

In early 2022 we began a cutting-edge project as the first large scale, commercial sod on plastic (SOP) grower in the mid-west. While there are sod on plastic operations in the east, west, and south the number of growers is still minimal, and the techniques vary and are often held close to the vest to keep their competitive edge.

DeBuck’s Sod Farm - DAVISON, MI

We started by gathering as much information as we could from researchers, other growers, and the internet. Once the weather broke in the spring, we started preparing an area on our farm for the SOP field. It required specific grading and leveling, as surface drainage is the only way for water to leave a SOP field. Researchers have touted that SOP can be grown anywhere, including defunct mall parking lots, but reality says the field should be somewhere secure, central to equipment storage, and easily monitored every day for irrigation.

After the ground prep, spring was in full swing. At a fully operational sod farm, the months of May and June comprise about a third of sales for the entire year. That means there is no down time, and it is a critical time to maximize income to have the capital to invest in a large-scale SOP project. While it would have been great to continue progress during spring and early summertime, people and resources were too limited.

It was July before work on the in-ground irrigation system started. Both research and reality agree that quality irrigation

is key to growing grass successfully in one inch of sand. However, the logistics are more complex in reality. We needed a separate well dedicated specifically to this field. With the likelihood of needing to run irrigation almost every day, coupled with requiring a few hours to run through all the zones, it would be impossible to use an existing well and pull away from the ability to irrigate the rest of our farm. Planning, laying out, and installing 20 irrigation zones covering four acres is no quick task and it took most of July and August to complete. Simultaneously, we continued to maintain our regular business production along with waiting for irrigation parts and electric hookup adding to the delays.

During the same time period, we were also lining up other crucial supplies including 28 truckloads of sand, the plastic sheets to cover the field, and a way to seal those sheets together to form a continuous barrier. Ideally, we want to have a reusable, permanent base layer and have brainstormed a few ideas to try in the future. Hopefully both research and experience aid in finding that solution.

Laying four acres of plastic film requires good weather conditions and ample man hours. The sheer scale of this project when compared to a research plot brings challenges. It is feasible to walk or use small machines to spread sand over a 10,000 sq ft or even a one-acre area, but it is challenging to find the right


equipment to do it efficiently over a four-acre field. How the one-inch sand base would react under equipment of that scale was also an unknown, and we continue to perfect that aspect as we make more passes for topdressing and nutrient management.

Ideally, we would have preferred to have the irrigation, plastic, sand, and nutrients all installed by mid-August and ready to seed, but reality is we seeded on September 18th and saw the first emergence two weeks later on October 2nd. At a research facility it is feasible in situations like this to cover small areas with grow blankets, but it is not realistic or cost effective at this scale. In farming there is a lot more hope in nature and trust in God than in research!

We have come a long way in less than a year, but the road for both research and reality is still long and less travelled. As it stretches out ahead of us, we have many things to ponder and test out both in a controlled environment and in the field. Mistakes will be made, weather conditions won’t be ideal, and money, time, and people will always be in short supply, but we will find ways to do it better, quicker, and more efficiently, both with research and reality together.

Know an MTF member with a project worth highlighting in the next News Notes? Contact us at miturfgrass@gmail. com with “Members in The Field” in the subject line.


Recently, Michigan State University hosted the Dean Shippey Diamond Classic at McLane Stadium. It gave us a chance to check in with Andy Flynn, Athletics Turf Manager for MSU and get an inside look at their operations

Flynn and his team were preparing for upcoming MHSAA Girls State Soccer Finals as well as Baseball Semis and State Finals for all four divisions. It’s a lot of work that includes management of the entire facility during the events. In addition to the field maintenance, his crew takes care of all landscaping and the field equipment including the goals, nets, tarps, paint and clay work for each game.

“The guys that I work with, they’re the ones that make it all happen. I’m super fortunate to have a great group of guys working here. Four have turfgrass degrees, (2) four year degrees, (2) two year degrees. All MSU grads. 4 full time guys, 2 turfgrass students and a couple part time employees.”

Flynn took over as the Athletics Turf Manager two and a half years ago. After completing his Commercial Turf Degree in 2001 and Crop and Soil Science Degree in 2003, Flynn stayed at MSU, going to work at Forest Akers Golf Course.

Two years later he transferred to the athletic fields and is now in charge of all the maintenance and upkeep of the MSU Varsity Athletic Fields. It includes (2) soccer fields, baseball and softball fields, the practice football complex and Spartan Stadium (15 acres of high maintenance/ high value turf) and the general grounds (rough), Landscaping and other common areas.

We love taking care of the fields, there’s a lot that goes into it, and a lot of pride that comes out of it
Members in The Field

Members in The Field

The crew, at this point in the season, is a staff of 9 full and part time people. “Most of the turf students do internships somewhere in the summertime, we’re lucky enough to have some stick around. Spring and Fall we have more part time help because it’s busier, and of course we have the turf students. We get them part time to help out with stuff. We are fortunate to have a turf program, just on the other side of campus.”

When asked about some of the differences between golf turf maintenance vs athletic fields, Flynn noted that golf courses are more turf intensive. “Athletic field cutting is at higher heights. We have other variables to deal with like 350 pound guys tearing up the field. We spend a lot of time regenerating plants and pushing recovery.”

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 16
The team was able to open up the inside facility for batting practice during a heavy rain delay during the Diamond Classic. Flynn started his education at Central Michigan University. A book called “Careers in Sports” helped him discover the turf program at MSU.
“We love taking care of the fields, there’s a lot that goes into it, and a lot of PRIDE that comes out of it.”

2022 RECAP

Golf Tour

1. Turfgrass Disease Update –Dr. Joe Vargas, Jr. and Nancy Dykema

2. Soil testing & Winterkill reestablishment –Dr. Kevin Frank and Payton Perkinson 3. Turfgrass Physiology & Winterkill Update –Dr. Emily Holm, Kailey Miller, Megan Gendjar, & Michael Itam 4. Plant Growth Regulator Research – Dr. Thom Nikolai 5. Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens –Mike Rabe and Dr. Thom Nikolai

6. USGA golf ball reaction research update –Evan Rogers and Dr. Trey Rogers

Lawn/ Athletics Tour

7. Perennial ryegrass control in mixed stands of cool-season grasses –Ryan Bearss & Dr. Trey Rogers 8. Crabgrass control – Dr. Thom Nikolai 9. Sod on plastic: establishment and maintenance –Jake Kilby and Dr. Trey Rogers 10. Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens –Mike Rabe and Dr. Thom Nikolai

11. Turfgrass Disease Update –Dr. Joe Vargas and Nancy Dykema

12. Sod on plastic: establishment practices –Jackie Guevara and Dr. Trey Rogers

Athletic Fields Tour

Spartan Football Stadium, Baseball Stadium, Softball Stadium, Soccer Stadium and practice field

Dr. Nikolai discusses Crabgrass control Jake Kilby discusses Sod on Plastic at stop 9 Dr. Vargas starts the day with a turfgrass disease update Dr. Nikolai discusses Crabgrass control Jake Kilby discusses Sod on Plastic at stop 9

The MSU/MTF Field Day held in August was well attended and provided an opportunity for the MSU Turf Team to reveal some research findings, newly developed plots and thought-provoking turf concepts.

The afternoon sessions included a trip to the MSU Athletic Turf Fields.

FieldtheReadMSU ReportDay


VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 18
Mike Rabe presents Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens Dr. Frank Soil testing & Winterkill reestablishment Nancy Dykema presents Turfgrass Disease update Payton Perkinson discussing Winterkill reestablishment Dr. Rogers fields a question Ryan Bearss presents Perennial ryegrass control in mixed stands of cool season grasses Field Day Sponsors: Nancy Dykema presents Turfgrass Disease update Dr. Frank - Soil testing & Winterkill reestablishment Mike Rabe presents Hydroponics and Variable Depth Putting Greens Payton Perkinson discussing Winterkill reestablishment Dr. Rogers fields a question Jackie Guevara - Sod on plastic station 12 Ryan Bearss presents Perennial ryegrass control in mixed stands of cool-season grasses MSU
Dr. Holm discussing Turfgrass Physiology & Winterkill USGA golf ball reaction research update Evan Rogers
Practice soccer field Go Green! Field Day Sponsors:
golf ball reaction research update – Evan Rogers
Turf Manager, Andy Flynn lead the Athletics Field Tour
DeMartin Stadium Practice soccer Spartan Stadium! MSU Athletic Turf Manager, Andy Flynn lead the Athletics Field Tour MSU Athletic Turf Manager, Andy Flynn lead the Athletics Field Tour A view from above Secchia Stadium
Go Green! Practice soccer field
McLane Stadium Nancy Dykema presents Turfgrass Disease update


The Gordon LaFontaine Endowment for Turfgrass Research was created to establish a solid source of funding for basic research in the field of turfgrass science. Donations to the LaFontaine Endowment are placed in the Graduate Student Assistantship Fund with the MTF. Those funds are combined with the MSU - Paul Rieke Graduate Assistantship Fund to provide the MSU Turf Team with Graduate Assistantships. Graduate Assistants provide the needed research on projects to help solve tomorrow’s problems today. The LaFontaine Golf Outing is an annual event held to generate income for the MTF GSAF.

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 20
Gordon LaFontaine and Dr. Joseph Vargas The Winning Team!

Team Winners




MSU Graduate Students - Left to Right: Megan Gendjar, Payton Perkinson, Ryan Bearss, Jake Kilby, Jackie Guevara, Mike Rabe
Place Team: -13 (58) Forrest, Frank, Dykema, Horgan
Place Team: -12 (59) Ware, Yorder, LaCroix, Wright
Drive: Kevin Thielke Closest to the Pin (6) Megan Gendjar Closest to the Pin (8) Phil Owen Closest to the Pin (12) Justin Peckens Closest to the Pin (14) Payton Perkinson Closest to the Pin (17) Steve Forrest
Place Team: -12 (59) Welsh, Jones, Doyle, Haydu Longest


Although born in Ottumwa, Iowa Jim Bogart has spent the vast majority of his life in Michigan; growing up in the Twin Cities of Benton Harbor and St. Joseph and settling for the past 50 years in Rockford. He is a graduate of St. Joseph High School and holds BS and MS degrees in Turfgrass Management from MSU, where he studied under the late Dr. Jim Beard. While in graduate school he was awarded a onehalf time assistantship in Turfgrass Extension; working with home owners and turf managers across the state.

Jim Bogart got his introduction to turf management, while working for the late George Graber at Blossom Trails GC in Benton Harbor. Following his time at MSU he worked for the Cincinnati Recreation Commission, serving as Assistant Supervisor of Golf and Playfields for the city. It was there he was approached by Scott’s ProTurf with an offer to return to Michigan as a Technical Representative for the company. Thus began a 40 year career of serving the turf managers of Michigan, covering every corner of the state except Metropolitan Detroit. During that time he also served on numerous association boards, including being President of MTF for two years.

Today Jim and his wife, Joan, continue to live in Rockford where they have been very involved with local organizations. They enjoy traveling and spending time in Arizona each winter.

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 22
Jim at the throttle of Coopersville & Marne Railway locomotive 7014. Jim and wife, Joan, enjoying fall color in the UP.

From the West Michigan Whitecaps website:



Retirement has allowed Jim to return to his childhood love of trains; volunteering at a local tourist railroad; as well as maintaining a garden railroad in his back yard, which is often visited by local residents.

Along with Toro, Spartan Distributors over the years has provided millions of dollars of both turf equipment and irrigation product to MSU’s Turfgrass program in addition to many other contributions. Dawn, Bruce, and Kris are thankful for the long term partnership and believe the future is bright for those now benefitting from past and current investments.

Jim, Joan and their family celebrating 50 years of marriage. (left to right: Son, Jamie; Granddaughter, Hope Deuel; Jim; Joan; Grandson Camden Deuel (MSU Freshman); Daughter Jen Deuel; Son-in-Law, Brent Deuel; and Granddaughter, Ryann Deuel). The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation welcomes Mitch Hooten to it’s Board of Directors! Mitch will be representing Sports or Institutional Turf. is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a degree in Agronomy with an emphasis in Golf and Sports Turf Management He spent the 2016 season with the Beloit Snappers as the Heads Groundskeeper and also has worked in grounds with the Toledo Mud Hens, The Detroit Tigers, The Nashville Sound, and Kannapolis Intimidators. In his spare time he likes to spend time with his wife Emily, daughter Madalyn and dog Dixie.

Dr. Roch Gaussoin University of Nebraska Roch Gaussoin, PhD, is a professor of agronomy and extension specialist at the University of NebraskaLincoln. He is a native New Mexican and an alumnus of New Mexico State University, receiving his B.S. in agronomy in 1980 and M.S. in plant breeding in 1984. His PhD was completed at Michigan State University in Turfgrass Science in 1988. Dr. Gaussoin has received the Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the University of Nebraska, the Distinguished Service Award from the Nebraska Turfgrass

Association, the Exceptional Service Award from the Nebraska Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Col. John Morley Distinguished Service Award. Presentations: Pushing back preemergence applications for better late season control Aeration strategies for athletic fields Reflections on 35 years of turfgrass research and outreach

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 24 SOARING EAGLE RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER 6800 Soaring Eagle Boulevard Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 1-877-232-4532 Hotel Room Block Code: MTGF011023 Cost is $139.00 per night plus taxes Register online at On-Site Registration Hours: January 10, 2023 (Tuesday) 11am-4pm January 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 7am-4pm January 12, 2023 (Thursday) 7am-9am)
January 10-12, 2023 Michigan Turfgrass Conference GUIDE

Dr. Lee Miller Purdue University

Dr. Lee Miller began as an assistant professor of turfgrass pathology in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University in 2022. Lee previously served in a similar position at the University of Missouri from 2010 – 2021 as associate professor and state extension turfgrass pathologist. Lee’s current responsibilities include providing disease diagnosis and control

recommendations for the lawn, golf, sports turf, and sod industries. Past and current research projects include fungicide resistance detection in dollar spot populations, fairy ring identification and prevention on putting greens, the effects of fertility and fungicide application methods on large patch control, detection of Pythium spp. in golf course irrigation water, population dynamics of plant parasitic nematodes on golf greens in the Midwest, and the biology of black layer formation.


Dr. Doug Richmond Purdue University

Dr. Richmond is the Director of the Turfgrass Entomology and Applied Ecology Laboratory at Purdue University. His Research, Extension and Teaching efforts are intended to advance our understanding of the biology of grass and soil-feeding insects with the ultimate goal of improving the sustainability of insect management. His work focuses on I) integration of cultural and biological controls, II)

Truck Hitches and Spray Equipment: Understanding the System What We Can Learn From Truck Accidents developing novel insecticide chemistries and usage strategies, and III) providing a framework for managers to evaluate and implement alternative management programs.

Presentations: Understanding annual bluegrass weevil Fall armyworm: is this the future of turf insect management? White grub management: new products and approaches Billbugs: cryptic culprits environmental management that go beyond his degrees at William Rainey Harper College and MSU.  He has integrated this knowledge into his golf course operations at NSCC and has become a recognized professional and resource within the golf course management industry.

Dan Dinelli North Shore Country Club

Dan Dinelli is a third-generation golf course superintendent at the North Shore Country Club (NSCC) in the Chicago area and thirty-year member of the GCSAA.  Dan has achieved success as a certified golf course superintendent meeting the rigorous performance standards, including agronomic, business, leadership, environmental, and communication standards, for his certification.  Dan has significant continuing education in IPM, turfgrass agronomic practices, turfgrass research, pesticide use, and

Presentations: Creeping bentgrass growth in sand-based root zones with or without biochar Managing surface firmness on putting greens


Ken Rost Frost Inc. Spray Technology Products

Ken Rost is the founder of Frost Inc which specializes in spray technology products for agriculture and turf care. He has over 25 years of experience in the spray technology field and has been fitting spray equipment with GPS guided application systems for the last 10 years. Prior to Frost Inc, Ken was the OEM and International Sales manager for Pentair/Hypro specializing in agriculture and turf care markets. Ken earned his undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Agricultural Science at University of Minnesota. He currently resides on his farm in Shafer MN. Ken’s experience working hands-on with precision farming technologies and the people who use it, brings a realistic approach to the execution of spray applications.

Presentations: Spray Equipment – Avoiding Common Mistakes and How Technologies Help!

Dr. Christian Baldwin

Christian Baldwin is the Business Development Manager for the biotechnology program at the Scotts MiracleGro Company. Prior to leading business efforts, he was the technical lead for the biotech program. While serving as the technical lead, Dr. Baldwin’s research focused on

quantifying benefits of novel traits, such as reduced mowing, shade tolerance, and grassy weed control, as well as developing best cultural management practices for turfgrass practitioners. Dr. Baldwin received a BS (business), MS (turfgrass science), and a PhD (turfgrass science), all from Clemson University. He also received an MBA from Southern Wesleyan University.

Presentations: Novel Kentucky bluegrass genetics cuts mowing requirements in half (+ grassy weed control)

Dr. Paul Rieke Graduate Assistantship Silent Auction

Michigan Turfgrass ConferenceJanuary 10-12, 2023

Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 •

Exhibit Function: January 11, 2023 / 4:00 - 6:30pm

The Silent Auction is always one of the highlights of the Michigan Turfgrass Conference.  Held during the Halftime Show, the Silent Auction helps raise funds for the Graduate Assistantship for ongoing graduate student positions at MSU.  These students provide critical turfgrass research, and participate in extension and teaching programs, which garner additional grant funding through research publications and further examination of turfgrass subjects. For more information please contact Adam Palmatier at palmatiera@ or by phone at 616-340-9557.

This years Halftime show will be held in the larger Entertainment Hall at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort. Vendors are now able to bring in motorized equipment! View the new Vender Registration Form for more information on the website at

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 26

2023 MTF Candidates for Election

Matt Gaver — Tullymore Golf Club

Representing: Western Michigan District - MiGCSA

• The deadline for nominations is 10 days prior to the election date. (November 25,2022)   Nominations can be sent to and must include a headshot and brief bio by the deadline date.  This year’s election will be held December 5th, 2022.

A native of Michigan, Matt is a graduate of Rutgers University 2 year Professional Golf Turf Management program. With over 30 years in the golf course maintenance industry, Matt has been involved in many aspects of the business. After spending 11 years on the east coast between hosting major events and new golf course construction, Matt returned to Michigan in 2013. Matt is currently the Superintendent at Tullymore Golf Resort in Stanwood. He has been honored to serve on the MTF for the past six years and is excited to continue that service. The work MSU is doing in turfgrass research is invaluable to the industry and with the support of the MTF will continue to help turfgrass professionals worldwide long into the future.

Brad Lazroff — Huron Meadows Golf Course

Representing: Cemetery, Park, or Sod Representative

Brad is a proud graduate of the 2-year Golf Turf Management Program at MSU and has spent the last 15 years as a golf course superintendent. Currently Brad is the Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor at Huron Meadows Metropark in Brighton, MI where he oversees an 18-hole public golf course, a 1500-acre park with hiking trails and picnic facilities, and in the winter one of Southeast Michigan’s top cross-country ski programs. Brad believes that being involved with the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is an opportunity to give back to the industry that has given him countless opportunities. The research being done at MSU with the MTF’s support is an intricate part of our industries future, and it is exciting to be a part of that.

Dan Mausolf LIC, CSP, ASM — Stine Turf & Snow

Representing: Lawn & Maintenance

I have been part of the green industry for over 25 years dedicating 19 of those years to golf turf and many aspects of golf business. Beginning in 2016, I altered career paths to pursue the professional lawn care industry. Currently, I serve as the General Manager at Stine Turf & Snow and have taken on responsibilities and titles including Landscape Industry Certified Manager, Certified Snow Professional as well as Advanced Snow Manager.

I am in my second term on the Board of Directors and have served in several capacities including; Treasurer, Secretary, chairperson of Research and Field Day, chair of the LaFontaine Outing, chair of membership and serve on the Conference committee. As current Vice President of the Foundation I look forward to continuing my efforts to support the MTF and providing leadership for future boards.

Adam Palmatier — Helena

Representing: Commercial Turfgrass Supplier

Following graduation in 1999 from Michigan State University’s 2-year Golf Turf Management program, Adam has had many roles within the turfgrass industry. He has been a Golf Course Superintendent, a lawn care Owner/Operator, a Turfgrass Pathology Research Assistant and Operations Coordinator at the Hancock Turfgrass Center. He currently is the Branch Manager/Territory Manager for Helena Chemical’s Michigan Specialty location. With this experience, Adam understands the daily undertakings of his peers in the industry. While on the Board for MTF Adam hopes to continue building relationships with all the hard working people in turfgrass industry of our state.


Welcome to the 4th edition of the newly revised MTF Newsnotes.


It is with great pleasure that the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation once again is able to present our Annual Turfgrass Conference. The decision four years ago to return to East Lansing and make the emphasis on education has proven to be the correct choice. Our speaker line-up is once again wellrounded and the topics for your consideration have been planned for months. A great deal of debate regarding what our attendees may be interested in always takes place and the goal is to anticipate the priorities of the attendees. Your input on topics during the Conference and throughout the year is always welcome and we look forward to any thoughts you may have. We hope you find the Conference suited to your expectations and trust you will let us know your opinions on where we may improve and if we have effectively planned your time as well. Many people are involved with the planning process of the Conference and it starts the day after the last session ends. The catalyst of the event is our current Vice-President Amy Fouty. She has set the tone the last three years and always strives to enhance and improve each day of the sessions. Fellow Board members Mark Wildeman and Curt Boak have been under her wing this past year and they will be chairing the Conference for the upcoming years. Many thanks to all of them as they continue to provide a conference that we all enjoy and learn from.

all those attending, if possible, please acknowledge
VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 28
Payton Perkinson – Field Day

Lafontaine Outing

The LaFontaine Golf Outing once again benefited the MSU Turf team and MSU Graduate students. Many of the Grad Students were in attendance and like Field Day they are the lifeline to the Turf Team and research conducted at MSU. This event annually provides $7,000 - $10,000 to the MTF Graduate Student Fund and partners with MSU to provide graduate students to the MSU Turf Team. Again, Dan Mausolf was the coordinator of this event and he put together a great gathering and camaraderie.

GAM Annual Meeting –MSU Turf Team Recognition

Also related to the MSU Turf Team was recognition by the Golf Association of Michigan and their Annual Meeting in Lansing at Eagle Eye Golf Course. The GAM presented awards to recently retired Dr. Smitley and soon to be retiring, Dr. Vargas. Dr. Crum now also recently retired was not able to attend but was also acknowledged by the GAM for all his years of service to the Golf industry.

Board of Directors - Election update

The Board of Directors welcomed new Board Member Mitch Hooten from the West Michigan White Caps and are pleased to offer 4 incumbents for reelection

during the MTF Conference in Mt. Pleasant. Matt Gaver, Brad Lazroff, Dan Mausolf and Adam Palmatier have all agreed to again run for positions on the board of directors and we appreciate their time served. Nominations for board positions can still be made by members of the MTF with a deadline of November 25th for nominations. Nomination must be made by a MTF Member in good standing as of November 15th. Election will be held December 5th and will once again be held electronically and will be sent to members in good standing as of November 15th.


Related to membership, many of you receiving this magazine have renewed your membership and we appreciate your support. Those who have not renewed this fall are still receiving NewsNotes as a courtesy and we look forward to your renewal soon. Renewal can be done at any time and will receive a full year of membership at the time of renewal. The MTF has switched to an “Anniversary Date” vs. the previous “Annual Date” which was previously October 1 of each year. The Anniversary Date system allows members to set the date they would prefer for payment of membership and that can be made anytime – even if you missed your renewal date. If you have any questions, you can reach us at:

D&B Landscaping Tee Sign Championship trophies LaFontaine Golf Outing - Dan Bywlec group

93rd MTF Turf Conference

The 93rd MTF Conference will once again offer many options and is also a time for recognizing those in our industry from both past and future generations. Congratulations to Mr. Jim Bogart who has been selected as this year’s Meritorious Service awardee Jim served the MTF for many years including serving as President in 1992 and 1993 and provided historical perspectives and leadership to the Foundation and is well deserving of the award. The award will be presented at the Founders Society Reception. Future leaders will also be in attendance as the Conference serves as a time to present honors to all the students selected for various scholarships and awards. For those who have not attended this gathering I suggest you attend. The industry can be proud of the young members coming up the ladder and sharing some time with them can be rewarding.

This year’s Conference is being held a bit later in January which allows a bit more time to relax after the holidays. Our President and Conference Chair, Curt Boak has been constantly improving this event and considering the impact of the Pandemic he has kept the Conference updated without missing a step. A tremendous amount of time and energy is put into something like this and we are fortunate for his governance and devotion to this annual event.

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 30
Tom Nikolia Joe Vargas MiGCSA Scholarship winners MTF Scholarship winners

Attend MSU’s Turf School short course in December

The MSU Turf School is a 4-day program that teaches the basics of turfgrass science as well as the practical techniques of managing turfgrass. The school will be “team taught” by MSU turfgrass faculty and staff. The program covers a wide range of turfgrass management topics including basic soils and soil management, turfgrass species identification, selection and physiology, turf establishment and renovation, fertilization, proper pesticide use, and environmental stewardship. A significant portion of the school is dedicated to weed, insect, and disease identification and management. The pest management section is delivered in lecture and laboratory settings with hands-on learning emphasized. The strength of the school lies within the depth of the turfgrass faculty at MSU. This will provide an excellent opportunity for one-on-one interaction

between participants and the MSU turfgrass faculty. This is your chance to get to know the MSU Turf Team - all team members instruct, that includes.....Vargas, Rogers, Frank, Nikolai, Holm, Gilstrap, and Dykema - if you know the name but not the face, this is your chance to meet the team and get all your questions answered!

Who Should Attend?

Anyone looking to add to their turf knowledge - the school starts with the turf basics and expands from there throughout the week. Past attendees include golf course employees without formal training, lawn care company employees, turfgrass equipment technicians, industry sales representatives, and school employees responsible for grounds and athletic fields.

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 32

What is Covered?

Topics include: turfgrass species and cultivars including a hands-on identification lab, establishment and renovation, nutrition and fertilizers, weed, insect, and disease management including hands-on identification labs, turfgrass soils, cultivation, compaction.

Where and When?

This year’s school will be held Dec. 12-15, 2022, at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center on the campus of Michigan State University. The school begins at 8 a.m. on Monday and concludes at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Lodging arrangements can be made with the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center either online at www. or by calling 1-800-875-5090. Reference the group code 2212MSUTUR to secure the room rate of $123/night for either single or double occupancy.

Credits! Need some MDARD credits or GCSAA CEU points? Turf school is the place to clean up. Credits have been applied for and are pending. In the past, Turf School was awarded 32 MDARD pesticide recertification credits available in categories Commercial Core, Private Core, 3A, and 6.

How Much? Cost for the school is $700.00 and includes all class materials and lunches at the MSU Brody Complex Monday-Thursday. Registration is limited to the first 100 so reserve your spot now. If you cancel after Dec. 6 without a replacement you will be charged $100 cancellation fee.

Registration is limited to the first 100 so reserve your spot now.


tradeNewlocation&expanded showhoursfor2023!

Icebreaker Day

Students in the MSU Turf Program participated in the annual #IceBreakerDay at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Center yesterday. Students were divided into teams and everyone had a chance to compete in the putting challenge and closest to the pin contest with a chance to win prizes.

Afterwards, students enjoyed a bbq and heard from industry leaders within the MiGCSA GCSAA, MTF and others.

Students also learned about the scholarships available to them as turf students. To learn more about the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation’s scholarships, visit our website: scholarshipsawards/

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 34

ichiga N turfgrass foundation


Superintendents As Executives (SAE)

Alex Piotrowski of Shanty Creek Resort (right) presented a scholarship check to Michigan Turfgrass Foundation President, Curt Boak at the MSU Turf Student Icebreaker Day. The new scholarship will be added to the current opportunities offered by the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation including the Norman W. Kramer, Robert Hancock, Kenyon Payne and Sports and Commercial Turf scholarships.

Shanty Creek Resort is a four seasons resort in Bellaire Michigan. SCR recognizes the variety of skills that turf management graduates possess- agronomy, human resources, equipment operation and maintenance, financial analysis and budgeting, irrigation, construction, etc. We are looking to the future of not only the resort industry but more specific the development in the education of young turf management students. We believe that the skill set that most turf graduates possess lend to a greater potential in the abilities to adapt, problem solve and persevere in an array of situations.

The Superintendents As Executives (SAE) scholarship will be awarded to a student that not only excels in the turf management program but also show an interest in a secondary concentration in business or a related field. The goal of this scholarship is to reward-students who show the aptitude and ambition to grow in our industry in leadership positions beyond turf management. SCR wants to inspire future turf graduates to progress into positions as Directors of Agronomy, General Managers and Executives.

36 VOL 2 | ISSUE 2
Education • Research • Extension F OUNDED 1957 MTF
SCHOLARSHIP AWARD SAE Scholarship Award 1. Number of awards annually: One 2. Amount of award: $2,500.00 3. Basis for award: Grade point average of 3.0 or above 4. Program Eligibility: All Programs MTF NEWS NOTES | FALL 2022 37 5. Applicant is requested to be a student member of the MTF 6. Student possesses the traits listed in the award description 7. When awarded: At annual awards ceremony

Assistant Superintendent or Second Assistant Superintendent

Beautifully located among the rolling landscape of midMichigan, the Country Club of Lansing is one of the premier private country clubs in the Midwest. Founded in 1908, the Country Club of Lansing is a firstclass, family oriented private club that offers a full range of amenities, including a championship 18-hole golf course, driving range, tennis courts, fitness facility, swimming pool and the area’s finest dining and social setting.

We are looking to add an energetic, dependable and career oriented individual to join our team. The Second assistant will assist in all aspects of private-golf course management.

This is a great opportunity for a recent graduate or spray technician looking to sharpen their skills and gain valuable, real world experience. This is a full-time, year-round position with the opportunity for position advancement within our management structure.

Assist with: Course Setup

Chemical and Fertilizer Application Cultural practices such as aerification and topdressing

Irrigation repairs

Moisture reading and hand watering Operation of all golf course related equipment

Personnel management

Candidate Key Attributes: Driven work ethic Dependable Positive attitude Willingness to learn Asks questions

Contribute positive solutions Attention to detail Understand the game of golf

Benefits: Uniforms

Attend regional industry conferences Medical & dental insurance


PTO & sick days

Alternate weekends off Holiday bonus Golfing privileges Access to volunteer at in-state tournaments.


Very competitive, discussed during interview.

Albanese & Lutzke

hiring labor and operators for golf course contraction projects;  pay rate DOE.   email for more information”

Pure Turf & Tree handles Lawn Fertilization and Plant Health

Care for residential and commercial properties mainly in Macomb and Oakland Counties. We are looking to hire technicians, and we place a high priority on enlisting team members who can deliver quality results, who possess excellent people skills, and who are oriented to meeting and exceeding goals. Visit our website or reach out to us at for more information.

Country Club of Lansing

2200 Moores River Drive, Lansing, MI 48911 C: 517.420.5220

VOL 2 | ISSUE 2 38
Drew Peddie | Grounds Superintendent


Location: LYNX Golf Course, 900 Lincoln Road, Otsego, MI 49078

Position Available: ASAP

Salary: $50,000-$56,000, based on experience

Position Length: Full Time

Facility Operation:

The LYNX Golf Course is an 18-hole facility designed by Charlie and Jon Scott located in Otsego, Michigan. The course is 25 years old and over the past ten years the course has undergone continuous improvements in conditioning, playability, equipment and overall maintenance practices. These improvements have made the LYNX a must play in Southwest Michigan.

Job Description:

Seeking a Superintendent to manage the maintenance staff and the day-to-day operations. The Superintendent will get hands-on experience in every aspect of the operation. Retiring Superintendent will be available to transition new Superintendent into this role. This is a working managers position, where the expectations are as follows:

• The Superintendent will be responsible for a 5–9 member crew while completing own tasks. Hires, schedules, trains, supervises, and evaluates all personnel

• Team oriented, positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile

• Ability to properly apply/ calibrate fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides.

• Ability to manage course moisture levels through the irrigation system and/or hand watering.

• A mechanical aptitude to keep equipment running minimizing maintenance costs

• Willingness to work weekly hours necessary to ensure facility maintenance standards

• Conducts other appropriate tasks assigned by the general manager.


• 2 or 4-year degree in Agronomy, Horticulture, Turfgrass Management, or related field preferred

Job Board

• Valid Michigan state pesticide license or ability to obtain on within 30 days

• Experience with spraying fertilizers/pesticides, calibrating equipment, and knowledge of turf products.

• Proficient knowledge of irrigation and drainage systems.

• Possession of a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation

• Pride in maintaining an organized, safe, and clean working environment

• Basic computer skills


• Competitive salary based on experience, Bonus opportunity based on goal achievements

• Health Benefits

• Paid Vacation

• Dues to Local and National Associations

• Golfing privileges

Contact: Jim Szilagyi, General Manager

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: (269) 303-4998 cell, (269) 694-5969 office

For information on submitting an ad please email


P.O. Box 27156 Lansing, MI 48909-7156 Phone: 517-392-5003

Are you someone who saves every magazine? We could use your help! We are trying to complete the archives of our News Notes Magazine and we have a few gaps to fill. Its important for us to have the complete archive, so we are reaching out to anyone that might have some of the missing copies, or anyone who might know someone that might have saved the magazines. Thank you in advance for contacting Michigan Turfgrass Foundation President, Curt Boak ( with any possible leads.

Are you someone who saves every magazine?

We could use your help! We are trying to complete the archives of our News Notes Magazine and we have a few gaps to fill. Its important for us to have the complete archive, so we are reaching out to anyone that might have some of the missing copies, or anyone who might know someone that might have saved the magazines. Thank you in advance for contacting Michigan Turfgrass Foundation President, Curt Boak ( with any possible leads.

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