MIT Sloan Latin America Office Advisory Council 2022-2025

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MIT Sloan Latin America Office


The mission of the MIT Sloan Latin America Office (MSLAO) is to develop and nurture meaningful relationships that will advance research, education, and collaborative activities throughout Latin America. On behalf of MIT Sloan and the Institute, the MSLAO works to support the creation and transfer of knowledge and the advancement of management education and practices in the region.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS We are honored to have the support of the MSLAO Advisory Council, which has grown in membership and diversity in recent years. Juan Pablo Armas Chairperson Director and Business Strategy Consultant Piero Solari Vice Chairperson Executive Director, Megeve Investments

Gabriella Antici Partner and CIO, Ace Gestão Global Ltda. David Capodilupo Assistant Dean, MIT Sloan Global Programs Vittorio Corbo President, Vittorio Corbo & Associates Clarisa Estol Founder & Director, Biomakers S.A. Rodolfo Henrique Fischer CEO, Associação Anna Laura José De Gregorio Dean, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile Marcelo Larraguibel Founder & Partner, Virtus Partners and Raven Hans Lin Head of Investment Banking, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Luis Llanos Founder, Westgate Energy Andrónico Luksic Chairman, Quiñenco S.A. Honorary Member, MSLAO Advisory Council Elisa Mofarrej Vice President and Board Member, Cia Mofarrej de Empreendimentos Carlos Muñoz Director, Clínica Ensenada Adriana Noreña Vice President, Google Spanish Speaking Latin America Gustavo Pierini Founder and Director, Gradus Management Consultants Roberto Rigobon Faculty Director and Professor, MIT Sloan Mauricio Salgar Managing Director, Advent International Jeff Swiryn Advisor to the Chairman, Quiñenco S.A. Italo Zunino Chairman and CEO, Virutas de Maderas S.A.

Juan Pablo Armas Chairperson Director and Business Strategy Consultant Juan Pablo Armas is a business strategy consultant and serves on the board of several companies in Chile. Currently, he is a member of the board of EuroAmerica Compañia de Seguros S.A., Banmédica (UnitedHealthcare Global), Veterquímica S.A., and SOFOFA Council (Governors of the Federation of Chilean Industry). He is the vice-chairman of the board of Inmobiliaria Manquehue S.A. and a strategy advisor for Saesa S.A.. Before, he was the chairman of the board of Paz.Corp S.A. and has served on the board of directors in several other companies in Chile. As a strategy consultant, Juan Pablo has been involved for many years in the development and implementation of business strategies and reengineering processes in numerous industries in Chile and abroad. Previously, he worked at the Claro industrial Group in Chile as senior vice president in Cia. Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. and CEO of Elecmetal S.A. Juan Pablo earned a civil engineering degree from the University of Chile. He was a Fulbright Scholar and earned a Master of Science in Management from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Piero Solari Vice Chairperson Executive Director, Megeve Investments Piero Solari serves as executive director of Megeve Investments in Chile. He has been the executive director at the family office of the Solari family since 2009. Prior to that, he served as executive chairman of Aguas Nuevas S.A. from 2004 to 2009, and worked for Falabella SACI from 1993 to 2004. He is currently a board member of Fratelli Investments Limited (financial investments), Haldema Mining Company (copper and gold), and the MIT Sloan School of Management Americas Executive Board of Counsel. He is also chairman of Aptus Chile (non-profit education organization). Piero holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Gabriella Antici Partner and CIO, Ace Gestão Global Ltda.

Gabriella (Gabi) Antici is a partner and CIO of Ace Gestão Global Ltda. (“Ace Global”), an investment manager created in 2013 to manage a concentrated global equity portfolio exclusively for a family office in Brazil. Prior to founding Ace Gestão Global, Gabi was a managing director and portfolio manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM). Gabi worked at GSAM for 16 years in New York, London, and São Paulo, having held various positions in the portfolio management area. In her last role, Gabi was responsible for GSAM’s Emerging Markets Equity strategies as well as GSAM’s business in Brazil. Prior to GSAM, Gabi worked as a research analyst and portfolio manager at HSBC Asset Management, Baring Asset Management, and Fidelity Investments, in New York and Boston. Gabi is an investor and board member of Dr. Consulta, a healthcare company in Brazil. She is also the founder and president of the board of Instituto Protea, an NGO that treats poor Brazilian women with breast cancer. Gabi received her undergraduate degree in economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro. She received her MS from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

David Capodilupo Assistant Dean, MIT Sloan Global Programs David leads a team which oversees a growing portfolio of global partnerships to expand MIT Sloan’s relationships and impact around the world. These collaborations mutually advance the capabilities of academic institutions, corporations, and governments to provide innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, knowledge creation, and sustainable solutions. David joined MIT Sloan School of Management in 2002 as executive director of the MBA program. He brings more than 30 years of executive level experience to Global Programs, having held senior vice president positions at Putnam Investments and Fidelity Investments. He founded his own consulting companies: Aspen Concepts LLC, specializing in environmental investments with the Chinese government and TribeHive LLC, a software development company for executive training and placement. David is a member of the Boeing 727 Prototype Restoration Team and the board of the Global Business School Network in Washington, D.C. He has also served as a board member of the MIT Sloan School North American Board, the board of the MassArt Foundation, and the board of directors of the Future of Flight Museum in Everett, WA.

Vittorio Corbo President, Vittorio Corbo & Associates Vittorio Corbo is president of Vittorio Corbo & Associates. He is also a member of the Honorary Council of the Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP), a member of the International Advisory Council of the Center for Social and Economic Research, and a fellow of the International Economic Association. He was president of the Central Bank of Chile, a member of the Advisory Board of the Chief Economist at the World Bank, and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Capital Market Department at the IMF. In the academic world, he was an assistant professor, associate professor, and professor of economics at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. He was also a professor of economics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a professorial lecturer in economics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. In the business world, he is currently a board member of CCU S.A. and an economic adviser to SURA and other important Chilean and foreign companies. Vittorio was chosen World Central Banker of the Year by the Global Finance Magazine, the Chilean Economist of the Year by El Mercurio newspaper, Commercial Engineer of the Year, and was granted the Inbest Chile Prize of the Year for his contribution to the development of the Chilean capital market. He has authored and co-authored 11 books and over 100 articles published in international economic journals and books. Vittorio holds a commercial engineering degree with maximum distinction from Universidad de Chile, and a PhD in economics from MIT.

Clarisa Estol Founder and Director, Biomakers S.A.

Clarisa Estol is the director of Biomakers S.A., a leading biotechnology company in Argentina. She was previously chair of the Business Women Leaders´ G20 Task Force, secretary of state in the Ministry of Communication, and chairman of the board and CEO of Banco Hipotecario. Prior to that, she held several executive as well as board positions in Pampa Energia, Axis Inversiones, Cresud, IRSA, Consultores Asset Managemet, Roberts Capital Markets, and others. She was also vice president of IDEA, ABAPPRA, and member of the executive committee of ADEBA, the World Economic Forum Global Future Council for the Digital Economy and Society, ESEADE, RAP, YPO, etc. Clarisa Estol holds a BA in economics from the University of Buenos Aires where she graduated with honors and an MS in management from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Rodolfo Henrique Fischer CEO, Associação Anna Laura Rudi Fischer is the founder of Associação Anna Laura in Brazil which works with psychological help, social logistics, accessible parks, and mentorship to social entrepreneurs. He is an investor, advisor, entrepreneur, and member of the boards of MAM (Museum of Modern Art, SP); Instituto Gerando Falcões; FJLES (Sabará Hospital), CENPEC (Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture, and Community Action); and the Everis Foundation of Brazil. He is also a senior representative of ICMA (International Capital Markets Association) among other positions. Rudi worked for 28 years at Banco Itaú as treasurer and member of its executive committee. He has held positions as director of the Traders Association for the Emerging Markets (EMTA), member of the Foreign Exchange Committee (FXC) of the New York Fed, chairman of CIP, Brazilian Interbank Payment Chamber, board member of the Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F), director of the National Association of Financial Market Institutions (ANDIMA), and a former professor at Programa de Educação Continuada, Fundação Getúlio Vargas of São Paulo. He has a civil engineering degree from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, an MS in management from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and is a fellow of the Distinguished Careers Institute from Stanford University.

José De Gregorio Dean, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile José De Gregorio is a professor and dean of the School of Economics and Business of Universidad de Chile. He is also a non-resident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, member of the board and financial advisor at several private companies, and a consultant for international financial organizations. José was the president of the Central Bank of Chile from 2007 until 2011, after being its vice-president from 2003, and member of the bank’s board since 2001. During 2000 and 2001, he was minister of Economy, Mining and Energy. From 1997 to 2000, he was a professor and head of graduate programs at the Center for Applied Economics at Universidad de Chile. From 1994 to 1997, he served as coordinator of economic policy at the Ministry of Finance. From 1990 to 1994, he worked as an economist in the research department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He has also been a visiting scholar at the IMF and the World Bank, a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute of International Economics, and a visiting professor at the Anderson School of UCLA. During his professional life, he received a number of honors and awards, such as Central Banker of the Year in Latin America for 2008, awarded by The Banker. He has published four books and authored more than 100 articles on issues including monetary policy, exchange rates, international finance, and economic growth. He has a degree in civil engineering and an MS in engineering from Universidad de Chile, where he received the Marcos Orrego Puelma award for the best graduate of his generation. He obtained a PhD in economics from MIT.

Marcelo Larraguibel Founder & Partner, Virtus and Raven

Marcelo founded Virtus Partners, a top management consulting Firm, in 2007, after more than 18 years as a senior partner at McKinsey. Currently, Virtus and its disruption company, Raven, are operating in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Spain serving multiple clients to transform and re-invent themselves. Marcelo has worked as a top management consultant serving hundreds of leaders of private companies and public institutions to redefine their strategies, improve their operations, and reshape and transform their organizations. He has contributed to MIT Sloan form many years, first as a member of the Dean’s Executive Board, and then as a council member of the MIT Sloan Latin America Office. He holds a degree in industrial engineering from Universidad de Chiles and an MS in management from the MIT Sloan of Management.

Hans Lin Head of Investment Banking, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Hans Lin is head of Investment Banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 2008 as the managing director responsible for industrials and TMT. He provided capital markets and strategic advisory in transactions totaling over $350 billion. His latest responsibilities included the coverage of the metals and mining clients. Prior to joining Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Hans was a managing director at UBS, responsible for the General Industrials Group. Before that, he was a senior vice president at Goldman Sachs in New York, where he worked in the Latin American Investment Banking, Emerging Markets Capital Markets, and Corporate Finance departments. Hans also worked for JPMorgan in its Latin American Merger & Acquisitions department. Hans holds a BS in mechanical engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Luis Llanos Founder, Westgate Energy

Luis Llanos is an entrepreneur and business consultant in Chile. Prior to founding Westgate, an energy project developer and operator, he had an extended executive career at CMPC, one of the leading companies in the Latin American paper industry which regularly sponsors students to the MIT Sloan MBA program. At CMPC, Luis was CFO from 2004 to 2016 and CEO of Packaging until 2018. Luis has served on the boards of several companies, including Banco BICE and non-profit organizations related to education. He is also an adjunct professor at Universidad de Chile’s Engineering School. Luis is a graduate of the Universidad de Chile in industrial civil engineering and has an MS degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Andrónico Luksic Chairman, Quiñenco S.A. Honorary Member, MSLAO Advisory Council Andrónico Luksic is chairman of the board of directors of Quiñenco S.A., Chile’s leading business conglomerate and the controlling entity of a number of industrial and service companies. He is also the vice chairman of the board of directors of Banco de Chile, the country’s leading financial institution. Andrónico is president of Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A. (CCU) and its subsidiary companies CCU Chile and CCU Argentina. He is also vice president of Compañía Sudamericanade Vapores S.A. (CSAV), and a member of the board of directors of Antofagasta Minerals plc, Nexans, and Invexans. In Chile, Andrónico founded and is president of three nonprofit organizations: Fundación Educacional Oportunidad, Fundación Amparo y Justicia, and Fundación Impulso Inicial. He is also a board member of the International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council for the mayor of Shanghai, the Barrick Gold International Advisory Board, the Brookings Institution International Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution, the Chairman’s International Advisory Council at the Americas Society/ Council of the Americas, and a founding member of the advisory board of the Panama Canal Authority. Consistent with his commitments to education, he is a founding member of the Harvard Global Advisory Council and the Columbia University World Projects Advisory Council, as well as the international advisory boards of the Fudan University School of Management and the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. Andrónico was educated in Santiago at the Grange School prior to attending the Dublin Preparatory School and Babson College.

Elisa Mofarrej Vice President and Board Member, Cia Mofarrej de Empreendimentos Elisa Mofarrej is vice president and board member of Cia Mofarrej de Empreendimentos, a 55-year-old real estate development and property management company based in São Paulo. Prior to that, she has worked in management consulting, investment banking, and real estate analysis. Elisa is an avid contemporary art collector and an angel investor in sustainable fashion and biotech. Elisa holds a BBA from Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Carlos Muñoz Director, Clínica Ensenada

Carlos Muñoz is an entrepreneur in the health sector (Clínica Ensenada) and serves on the board of Grupo Abluo (professional cleaning products and equipment) in Santiago, Chile. Prior to that, he held senior managerial positions at Ultramar Group (Sitrans and Sabinco), Methanex, and Viña Concha y Toro. Carlos earned a degree in industrial civil engineering from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Adriana Noreña Vice President, Google Spanish Speaking Latin America Adriana Noreña, vice president for Google Spanish Speaking Latin America, has been leading the region since June 2011 and is based in São Paulo. Before that, she was country director for Google Argentina from 2009 to 2012, and sales and online operations director, first for Brazil and then for Latin America. Before joining Google, Adriana was marketing and business development director at Avaya as well as strategic and finance planning manager at Elma Chips (PepsiCo). She is also the founder of a cosmetic products company. Adriana currently serves as a member of the MIT Sloan Latin America Office’s Advisory Council and as a board member of ALSEA and Olist. Adriana holds a degree in business administration from Universidad Icesi (Colombia) as well as an MBA from Babson College (USA) and an MS in management of technology from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Gustavo Pierini Founder and Director, Gradus Management Consultants Gustavo Pierini is president and founder of Gradus Management Consultants, headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil. Gradus was established in 1996 to assist the owners of GP Investments—the largest private equity fund in Brazil at the time—in the turnaround of acquired companies and the efficiency improvement programs of portfolio companies. During this collaboration period of more than 15 years, Gradus developed proprietary methodologies to improve productivity that are now implemented in more than 120 companies, both in Brazil and abroad. Lately, these original methodologies garnered extensive press coverage given the significant impact they had on the portfolio of 3G Capital (e.g., Anheuser-Busch InBev SABMiller, Burger King, Heinz, and Kraft), the investment company founded by the former owners of GP Investments. In the past, he worked at McKinsey & Co., where he became partner and worked at the firm’s offices in Boston, Lisbon, Madrid, and São Paulo. Gustavo received his BA and MS summa cum laude in naval mechanical and systems engineering from the University of Buenos Aires. He also earned an MS from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Roberto Rigobon Faculty Director and Professor, MIT Sloan

Roberto Rigobon is a Venezuelan economist whose areas of research are international economics, monetary economics, and development economics. Roberto focuses on the causes of balance-of-payments crises, financial crises, and the propagation of them across countries—the phenomenon that has been identified in the literature as contagion. Currently, he studies properties of international pricing practices and tries to produce alternative measures of inflation. He is one of the two founding members of the Billion Prices Project and co-founder of PriceStats. In addition to being a professor, Roberto is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a member of the Census Bureau’s Scientific Advisory Committee, and a visiting professor at IESA. Since Roberto has joined the MIT Sloan School of Management, he has won the Teacher of the Year award and the Excellence in Teaching award numerous times at MIT. He received his PhD in economics from MIT, an MBA from IESA (Venezuela), and his BS in electrical engineering from Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela).

Mauricio Salgar Managing Director, Advent International

Mauricio Salgar is the managing director at Advent International in Colombia. Advent International is a global private equity firm. He joined the company in 2012 as managing director and head of the office in Bogotá, Colombia. Mauricio has led several investments in Latin America including Alianza Fiduciaria, Alianza Valores, Grupo Biotoscana, GTM (Grupo Transmerquim), Oleoducto Central (Ocensa), United Medical, LifeMiles, and GMD. Prior to joining Advent International, he was a vice president and member of the executive committee at Sanford, a privately held investment firm. Prior to Sanford, Mauricio was COO of Ecopetrol, the Colombian national oil company, where he was responsible for its exploration, production, refining, supply and marketing organizations and shared services units. He also served as Ecopetrol’s interim CEO for a period of time. Before Ecopetrol, Mauricio co-founded, an online travel agency, and was an associate at Booz & Co, where he advised clients, including the largest water utility in Colombia, the largest tin mine in Peru, and the largest construction company in Colombia. Mauricio received a degree in industrial engineering from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá and earned an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Jeff Swiryn Special Advisor to the Chairman, Quiñenco S.A. Jeff Swiryn has been working with the Chairman of Quiñenco, Chile’s leading business conglomerate, since 2011, focused primarily on the Chairman’s international business development and philanthropic initiatives Jeff is a member of the advisory councils for the MIT Latin America Office and the Tsinghua University Latin American Center. He also serves on the Advisory Boards of ChileMass – a nonprofit that promotes exchange between Chile and the State of Massachusetts, and of the Confucius Institute at the Universidad Católica de Chile, in addition to the Chile-India Chamber of Commerce. Jeff was the founding executive director of the Luksic Scholars Foundation, a Chilean organization with a global network dedicated to the 20+ years of scholarships and other academic projects supported by the Luksic family in Chile, the US, China, and Europe. A Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and native English speaker, Jeff received an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and a B.A. in Chinese Language and International Affairs from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. He also earned a Graduate Degree from the Johns Hopkins-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies in Nanjing, China.

Lee Ullmann Senior Director, MIT Sloan Latin America Office Lee Ullmann is senior director of MIT Sloan’s Latin America Office. Lee implements the overall strategy, planning, and development of activities for the school.In this role, he collaborates with local governments, universities, NGOs, and the private sector to extend MIT’s role and impact in Latin America. Lee joined MIT in 2014. His previous experience includes numerous positions in the field of education. He worked in higher education roles for the US State Department in Chile, served as a faculty member at Columbia University, and worked as a consultant in the e-learning sector to help build AI software for pharmaceutical companies and databases for museums and schools. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer (Ecuador) and a Fulbright Research Fellow (Turkey). Lee has published articles and has lectured on a variety of topics, from education in Latin America, to new technologies and innovation, to the ancient world. In 2017, he co-edited Hittite Landscape and Geography, published by Brill. He holds BA, MA, MPhil, and PhD degrees, all from Columbia University.

Italo Zunino Chairman and CEO, Virutas de Maderas S.A.

Italo is the executive director of Agricola Maquena SpA, and chairman of the board of Virutas de Madera S.A., the largest Chilean wood shaver producer. He also participates as board member of Fundación Horizontal. For more than 30 years, he has held management and board positions in forest, agricultural, real estate, and wholesale distribution businesses. More recently, he has been involved in Chile´s political sphere and he has served in several public positions. He now acts as vice president of EVOPOLI, a center right liberal political party. He has acted as president of the MIT Chile Club and as director of the board of the Chilean Horse Breeding Federation for more than 10 years. Zunino enjoys horse breeding, Chilean rodeo, and fly fishing. He received his MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and an agricultural engineering degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

GOVERNANCE POLICIES OF THE ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE MIT SLOAN LATIN AMERICA OFFICE ARTICLE I Purpose and Responsibilities Section 1. Purpose. The chief responsibility of the MSLAO Advisory Council is to support and advance the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) and the MSLAO’s mission by providing advice and recommendations directed towards developing a sound strategy and goals for the MSLAO. Section 2. Advisory. The Advisory Council shall provide such advice and recommendations to the Dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management. Section 3. Responsibilities. The Advisory Council Members will, in collaboration with MIT leadership provide insight, knowledge, and facilitate introductions across Latin America. The Council members will: (1) Propose matters for consideration by the Director/ Senior Director of the MSLAO (2) Assist with MSLAO projects and initiatives, as requested (3) Help MSLAO promote and expand awareness about MIT in the region, as requested ARTICLE II Meetings and Voting Section 1. Schedule of Meetings. Regular meetings of the Advisory Council normally shall be held three to four, with a minimum of two, times per academic year. Additional meetings may be called at any time by any one of the following: (a) The Faculty Director or the Director/Senior Director of the MIT Sloan Latin America Office (b) The Chairperson of the Advisory Council (c) The Dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management Section 2. Notice of Meetings. (a) Written notice of every regular meeting of the Advisory Council and Council Working Groups shall be given to each Council member at least one month before each meeting. Notice may be delivered personally or by mail, including electronic mail. (b) An agenda listing the matters to be considered at each meeting shall be provided prior to the meeting.

Section 3. Quorum. Attendance in person or through the aid of audio teleconferencing technology of a majority of the qualified Council members at a meeting of the Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE III Members of the Advisory Council Section 1. Size, Representation, and Selection. The authorized total number of Advisory Council members of the MSLAO shall be up to and not exceeding twentythree (23). The Council members shall be drawn from the faculty, administration, MIT alumni and business leaders from Latin America as set forth in these Governance Policies. The distribution of membership shall be as follows. Members: (1) Up to nineteen (19) members and no more, at least 75% of whom hold a degree from MIT (2) At least one member of the MIT faculty (3) The Assistant Dean of MIT Sloan Global Programs (GP) (4) Founding Member 1: Andrónico Luksic or his representative (5) Founding Member 2: Piero Solari or a representative from the Solari family Section 2. Terms of Office. The terms of office of Council members will normally be for three years, except for the Faculty Director, Assistant Dean of GP, and the Founding Members. All Council members have the possibility of reappointment. There is no limit to how many terms of office a Council member can have. Terms of office shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Section 3. Selection of Council Members. Council members will be appointed by the Chairperson and Assistant Dean of GP and approved by the Faculty Director and the Dean of the Sloan School. The first year on the Council will be a trial period. After the first year the Chairperson, Assistant Dean of GP, and the Faculty Director will decide whether the new member should continue to stay on the Council for the subsequent two years.

Section 4. Attendance. Council members are required to attend a minimum of two Council meetings per year (physically of virtually). Council members are expected to attend meetings fully prepared and to remain in attendance for the duration of the meeting. If a Council member cannot attend a Council meeting they must let the Director/Senior Director of the MSLAO know in writing at least one week prior to the meeting. A Council member who misses three consecutive meetings due to reasons not considered reasonable by the Chairperson, will be asked to step down from the Council. Section 5. Chairperson. The Chairperson will be appointed by the Faculty Director and the Assistant Dean of GP. The Chairperson will require approval by the Dean of the MIT Sloan School. A Chairperson can serve for a maximum of two sequential terms of three years each. The Dean of the MIT Sloan School can decide to extend the term of the Chairperson for one year until a duly qualified Chairperson is appointed. Section 6. Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson will be appointed by the Chairperson, Faculty Director, and the Assistant Dean of GP. A Vice Chairperson can serve for a maximum of two sequential terms of three years each. Section 7. Working Groups. The Advisory Council may act through working groups as it shall determine from time to time. Such working groups shall advise with respect to such matters as the Advisory Council shall delegate, consistent with these Governance Policies. Section 8. Past Chairperson and Emeriti Council Members. Emeriti Council Members will be appointed in extraordinary situations. Past Chairperson and Emeriti Council members can attend Advisory Council meetings as they desire, however, they do not have voting rights and do not have to adhere to the attendance policy described in these Governance Policies.

Section 9. Honorary Council Members. Honorary Council member status will be bestowed on Council Members in good standing upon completion of their term. Honorary Council Members will be kept informed of MSLAO activities and developments. Honorary Council Members will be invited to Advisory Council meetings on a periodic basis. Section 10. Director/Senior Director. The Director/Senior Director of the MSLAO sets the agenda and shapes the work of the Advisory Council. ARTICLE IV Reports Section 1. Reports. The Advisory Council shall receive an annual report from the Director/Senior Director of the MSLAO. This annual report will normally be prepared and ready for distribution by the U.S. spring Council meeting. ARTICLE V Amendments and Dissolution Section 1. Amendments. These Governance Policies may be repealed or amended or new Governance Policies may be adopted by majority vote of the Advisory Council and approval of the Chairperson, Assistant Dean of GP, the Faculty Director, and the Associate Provost for International Activities of MIT. Section 2. Dissolution. If determined to be in the best interest of MIT or the MSLAO, the Advisory Council may be dissolved upon the approval of the Assistant Dean of GP, the Faculty Director, and the Associate Provost for International Activities of MIT.

MIT Sloan Latin America Office


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