Mission Team 2022-23

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Mission Team 22: Environmental


Next Generation Service Corps

Events and Engagements

Learning, Service, Networking, and Advocacy


Mission Statement

Each of us has witnessed the negative effects of climate change on our planet and wants to do our part in protecting our home. We believe that our actions can help slow global warming’s course, and we have joined this team to inspire others to live more sustainably


We exist to educate ourselves about the personal/environmental benefits of sustainability so that we can engage with other individuals about living sustainably; advocate for sustainable practices on Arizona State University’s campus; and protect our home.


We envision a team environment in which all members can freely express their ideas and understand their purpose within the team. We establish meaningful, lasting connections with sustainability organizations outside of the Next Generation Service Corps and other NGSC teams and leaders.


Environmental Stewardship



Kindness Inclusivity Dedication

Meet the Members

Manasa Sreeram Freshman Maddy Pennell Freshman Selena Morse Freshman Halle Bahr Sophomore Kate Krick Sophomore Sophia Page Freshman Eunice Artus Freshman Ria Dhillon Senior

Meet the Members

Daniel Campbell Junior Kristen Keller Junior Elsia RodriguezLinares Freshman Ella Wofford Junior Hayden Ferrell Freshman Addie Hegde Junior Gilbert Elizondo Senior Chandler Rezac Senior

Community Partners

ASU Date Palm Grove & Germplasm Collection Center

Located on the Polytechnic campus, ASU’s Date Palm Grove introduces students to an international staple food and brings students closer to the oftentimes overlooked field of agriculture. By working with Date Palm Grove Coordinator Deborah Thirkhill, members of our mission team and other NGSC students learned about common pests and weeds that present obstacles to the harvest and sale of dates. Our most recent Date Palm Grove event also taught students about native Arizona wildflowers and an ecological approach to invasive species removal

The Arboretum on ASU’s Tempe campus is a horticultural hodgepodge that allows students to be immersed in plant life from all around the world. By coordinating a tour with Arboretum Head Deborah Thirkhill, who is also the head of the ASU Date Palm Grove, we were able to learn more about a fascinating array of flora.

ASU Polytechnic Garden Commons

The Polytechnic Campus’ Garden Commons, a project run by University Sustainability Practices, is a garden that harvests fresh produce for students and local food pantries, free-of-charge. In the garden, members of our mission team learned how to sow seeds and amend garden beds with worm castings and other organic fertilizers so the beds would yield higher amounts of produce in a shorter period of time. This experience helped members understand the relationship between the soil and the food we eat It was also a fun relaxation activity.

Events: Learning

Outdoor Yoga @ Tempe Town Lake

"The purpose of this event was to connect students with nature and use the environment to improve personal wellness. We helped attendees to understand the importance of spending time outdoors and conserving the environment while enjoying a yoga lesson." -

Marine Conservation Discussion

"This event consisted of watching informative clips on the state of the ocean and discussing the importance of protecting marine environments. Through productive

Campus Plant Tour with ASU Arboretum and MT26: Water Access & Sustainability

"Deborah Thirkill, head of ASU Arboretum, gave a tour of the various plants on campus and taught us about the ways that these plants support us. I hosted this event because I wanted to increase students' awareness of the role that plants play in our lives and in local ecosystems." - Kate

conversation, attendees were able to better grasp the importance of making sustainable lifestyle habits to mitigate their negative marine environmental impact." -

Events: Learning

SO₂ Emissions Powerpoint

"During this presentation, I hoped to inform the attendees about the environmental effects of Sulfur Dioxide, how it is generated, and which sectors are the main sources of Sulfur Dioxide. I decided this host this event since I had experience with this topic " -

Designing a Sustainable Businesses Directory

"This project was to help better inform people about the options for sustainable shopping This includes places where it is offered to buy in bulk and items made with eco-friendly materials. The directory provides the name, location, products, website, and advice on shopping at the store." -

Events: Service

Volunteering @ the ASU Garden Commons

"This event brought members of Mission Team 22 to the Polytechnic campus to volunteer at a community garden. The Poly Garden Commons, a University Sustainability Practices project managed by Melissa Peeples, grows organic produce that it donates to students and food pantries. This event helped attending mission team members relax and connect to the food they eat." -

Events: Service

Bottle Cap Recycling Project

"In collaboration with Rotaract @ ASU, our team partook in an extensive effort to collect plastic bottle caps with the intention of sending them to Mexico to be repurposed. The proceeds from the sale of bottle caps will be dedicated entirely to children with cancer." -

"This event brought Mission Team 22 members and other NGSC students together to help the Date Palm Grove Tempe sales center to sort and pack their dates. While volunteering their time, our mission team got the opportunity to network with other mission teams as well as Date Palm Program Coordinator Deborah Thirkhill, also making it a networking event." -

ASU Date Palm Grove Volunteering @ Polytechnic

"The date packing event was a hit, so we decided to take Mission Team 22, other members of the NGSC, and the Sigma Alpha Professional Agriculture Sorority to the ASU Date Palm Grove at Polytechnic! Here, volunteers learned about restoration by identifying and removing invasive species, and then reseeding the newly-bare ground with native Sonoran Desert wildflowers. Because we collaborated with Sigma Alpha for this event, this was also a networking opportunity." - Sophia

ASU Date Palm Grove Volunteering @ Tempe

Events: Advocacy

Vegan Cooking Seminar

"This has become somewhat of an MT 22 tradition, so I was so glad to host this event again! NGSC members came together to hang out, discuss sustainability, and build community all while learning how to cook a vegan diet! We made a simple cauliflower curry that turned out beautifully. We discussed the importance of personal and collective action when maneuvering sustainability, and how to eat in a way that is nutritious and reflects our values. We had such a great time and are looking forward to the next seminar!"

EcoBrick Building Activity

"We made our own EcoBricks, which are clean plastic water bottles filled with singleuse plastics. (Single-use plastics could be grocery bags, chip bags, saran wrap, etc.) EcoBricks help to keep plastic waste contained, reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills, and can be used within art installations/projects in the U.S. or other countries."


What We Learned

Overall, the team learned the importance of making a small change using the resources available. Through different types of activities including hands-on experiences, informational sessions, and research projects, there were many ways to develop a personal path to becoming more sustainable. Specifically, the conversation surrounding marine conservation showed the importance of not just focusing sustainability efforts on our immediate surroundings, but places such as the ocean because every ecosystem is connected on a broader scale, and if it is fully ruined, can have a great effect on the planet.

During outdoor yoga in the park, it was helpful to connect with nature as this helps to create motivation to learn and practice sustainability in daily life. This was one of the first events the mission team had and it was a great way to start the school year

Learn More!

Some Recommendations for Getting Involved in Your Community:

-Picking up trash (Keep Tempe

Beautiful is a non-profit organization that picks up trash around Tempe Town Lake.)

-Volunteering at a food bank (like Feed my Starving Children)

-Volunteering at a triathlon/marathon (like The Ironman in Tempe)

Ways to Live More Sustainably:

-Using reusable bags/water bottles (to reduce plastic waste)

-Be aware of water usage (shorter showers)


-Carpool or use shuttles whenever you can

-Pack your own lunch instead of eating out

Looking Ahead

In future semesters, our team will increase sustainability within the ASU community and community at large through education and advocacy. Future event ideas include educational webinars on sustainable design; speaker panels on responsible consumption; fashion upcycling; and direct involvement with the creation and promotion of sustainable policies.

We will promote realistic, sustainable practices that can be easily implemented into individuals' daily lives. In order to educate others about making sustainable lifestyle choices, as a team, we will continuously remain educated on issues and advancements regarding sustainability.

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