IS HERE | SHE E-Publication

Page 103

(Katherine tries to figure out what Hope is looking at. Then gives up.) Trying not to say ‘just’ either. Hope (Hope’s attention goes back to Katherine.) Oh ‘just’ is bad too. Katherine ‘Just’ and ‘Sorry’ we can’t say anymore. Hope You swear! Katherine Yeah, I promise. (She crosses her fingers) (Hope turns to look at the downstage center TV again.) Katherine Where are you? Hope I’m here. (She keeps watching the TV.) (Lady leaves the Old Lady clothes wherever they have dropped. She stands up and picks up her chair. As the rest of the scene continues, she begins to walk around the left side of the box tower stage left. She walks with the chair in a straight line to the TV downstage left. She places the chair in front of the audience to the right of the TV. The chair faces the TV. She then crosses downstage to stage right. She grabs the other chair. She carries the chair and crosses downstage back to stage left. She places the chair to the left of the TV, next to the other chair. Both chairs face towards the TV. She sits in the chair on the left side of the TV. She watches Katherine and Hope.) Katherine No, you’re not. What are you looking at? Hope Sorry. Frustrated with herself that she said that word I mean. I was just staring… Frustrated again. She grunts and corrects herself I was staring off. I do that sometimes. (She keeps watching TV.) Katherine: You’re still doing it.


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