Issue 7-Preview

Page 94


Issue 7

The Path of Memory Rehan Qayoom If the path of memory on which you’ve been walking For an age at the same pace comes to an end Walk on a few steps further till you reach The crossroads of the wastes of negligence Beyond which there is neither an I nor you And the field of vision holds its breath for who knows when You might retreat, transcend, or turn around to look Though the eyes know this is all a lie If ever again we do see eye to eye Some other path will branch out from that point on And hand in hand we will begin the journey In the shadows of your tresses to the movement of your arms The other thing is also sorcery for the heart knows There is no turning no desert no spell Veiled in which my months can pass If the path of life runs with your thoughts - All is well If you do not turn round to look it doesn’t matter * No it is not that the allure of the sun’s stilettos That bedazzle the eyes Or that the wiles of the dawn-breeze-route-beguiling gait That roast the heart when in it reflected Can no longer emerge in the elegance of another Nor is it that beauty and love and desire The rituals of Courtly Romance, the tradition of Chivalry Have no role to play at the midnight masquerades


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