2004-05 A Cut Above, Newspaper

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a cut above The Best of the Best from the 2004–2005 Individual Category Newspaper Contest Michigan Interscholastic Press Association

The Cover Photo Students at Traverse City Central High School learn about the consequences of cheating and forgery. Photo by Chris Ross, Traverse City Central HS, First Place Winner, News/Feature Photo, Division 2.

Published by Michigan Interscholastic Press Association 305 Communication Arts Building Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: (517) 353-6761 Fax: (517) 355-7710 E-mail: mipa@msu.edu Web site: mipa.jrn.msu.edu

January 2006 Dear Friends of Journalism:


his is the tenth issue of Michigan Interscholastic Press Association’s A Cut Above, which contains the best of high school journalism in Michigan. The purpose of this booklet is twofold: 1) to showcase the first-place winners in the MIPA Individual Category Newspaper and Yearbook Contest and 2) to act as a guide for students and advisers preparing contest entries for the 2005-2006 competitions. In the following pages you will find stories and art by first-place winners among the five divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 and Middle School) for both yearbook and newspaper. We have included category descriptions and judging criteria for each category. This is how we determine divisions: We look at the number of students from each school that enters the contest. We use the numbers from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Directory. We put schools in order from the largest down to the smallest. Division 1 contains the largest schools, and Division 4 contains the smallest. We try hard to put nearly the same number of schools in each division. We are proud of all the winners and wish we could have published all of them, but size and space dictated how many, and in some cases, which ones, were printed. Since all the winning entries were retyped to fit the format, we apologize if any errors were made in the stories. Please remember these are just a sampling of the stories. If you would like to help judge the 2005-2006 entries for the Individual Category Newspaper and Yearbook contests, please call the MIPA office at (517) 353-6761 or e-mail mipa@msu.edu. Judging will take place on Saturday, March 4, 2006, at the MSU School of Journalism. We need you! I’d like to thank Julie Price, the current newspaper chairperson, and Lynn Strause, the current yearbook chairperson, who both did a fantastic job of pulling off last year’s judging. This is a huge project, and we all owe them a round of applause! I’d also like to thank Penney Aiken for typing all of the stories and laying out the pages and Josh Tacey for editing scanning images. These two MIPA employees work hard for all of us! Finally, I’d like to thank all the wonderful advisers, the MIPA executive board, The State News staff members and School of Journalism faculty for giving up a chunk of your Saturday to come to MSU to help judge. Without you, of course, there would be no winners! For complete information about all of the contests, please check out the MIPA Web site at http://mipa.jrn.msu.edu. Josh Tacey and Cheryl Pell are our Webmasters, and they have made all forms available as PDF files, which you can download and print out. Sincerely, Cheryl M. Pell MIPA director 305 Communication Arts Building Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 PHONE: (517) 353-6761 FAX: (517) 355-7710 E-MAIL: pell@msu.edu

News Story

Students react to tsunami By Kellie Stonebrook and Alyssa Hartley Haslett HS Some people in the United States view the recent tsunami disaster as another excuse to get hounded for charity money. For others, the tsunami was a life-altering tragedy, its raging waters destroying close family and friends. Nihal Fernando, the 43-year-old owner of Fernando’s Cafe on Haslett Road, is a member of the latter group. Although Fernando has lived in the United States for 21 years, his family still lives in Sri Lanka. As a result, they are fiercely battling the devastating effects of the tragedy. “My friend form Indiana called me and told me what had happened,” Fernando said. “That’s how I first found out about it (tsunami). I tried calling to make sure they (his family) were OK, but I couldn’t get though for to days.” Fernando’s mother, brothers and nephews all live along the shore in Negombo, Sri Lanka, just a few miles shy of the capital city Colombo. All of their houses and possessions were destroyed by the tsunami, including equipment vital tot heir work as fisherman. Fifteen of Fernando’s friends were killed, in addition to 38,000 parishioners from his mother’s church. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake that first initiated he disaster occurred on Dec. 26 off the coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Within hours, the fourth largest earthquake in the world generated a powerful tsunami that devastated Phukt and surrounding areas in Thiland, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Africa. As of Jan. 26, the death toll was estimated to be 297,27 people. The effects of the disaster have raised bread prices from $1 a loaf to $5 a loaf in Negombo. People are starving to death due to the food shortage and fish contamination. Houses need to be re-built, but at the present time people are more concerned with finding enough food and shelter to stay alive. “It’s a hopeless situation,” Fernando said. “People can’t recognize many bodies because they’re so disfigured.” People across the country are uniting to help make a difference by holding fund-raisers to aid the victims of the disaster. Diversity club is one such group. “I wanted to make a greater impact than just donating something myself,” Diversity Club member, sophomore Shawni Turke said. After the students returned from Christmas vacation, Turke brought up the idea of holding a fund-raiser to benefit the tsunami disaster victims. Originally the club had planned to adopt a family from the third world country, but after the tsunami hit, decided to re-prioritize. The fund raiser began Jan. 15 and ended Jan. 28. Volunteers from the club set up a table at lunch and wore signs around their necks to encourage student donations. The

collected monies were sent to the Mid-Michigan Chapter of America Red Cross with an attached memo indicating the funds were for tsunami relief. The club’s original goal of $5,000 was later revised down to $1,000. Although student involvement could have been greater, club members were surprised by the response. “People you think would never give a cent have given like $10 or $20,” sophomore Leah Rumsey said. “It’s really neat.” Also inspired by the need for tsunami relief, the Viking Village staff members held a mini fund-raiser of the own by selling balloons for $1 each at lunch. On each balloon was a small slip of paper with a stamp to be turned in for T-shirts, beads, sandals, grab bags, etc. The fund-raiser , starting out as a marketing device to attract more customers, evolved into more of a relief benefit for tsunami disaster victims with a goal of $500. The funds raised were given to Diversity Club to combine with its fund-raisers for the same cause. “This is the first time we’ve done something like this, so we thought that sounded about right,” staff member Stacey Porritt said. “We blew up 300 balloons to start and thought we’d wait and see what happened before we blew up 200 more.” With the collaborative effort of the students and staff, the fund-raiser proved to be a success, helping accumulate more school store traffic and raising money for the tsunami cause. “We’ve made money for the fund-raiser and kids that didn’t know about us have been down here and seen what we have,” Porritt said. Fifth graders Kaitlyn Kerwin, Megan McDermott and Collette Reed of Ralya Elementary organized their own school fund-raiser. With the cooperation of the Red Cross, students and staff members, the girls asked for student’s loose change. As an entertaining incentive, principal Judy Tegreeny agreed that for every $200 brought in, she would spend one hour in a cell set up in the hallway. After raising $1,500, Tegreeny was to spend the entire day in “jail.” On the day of her sentencing, students were able to purchase get out of jail free cards allowing their principal to be let out of jail for five minutes at a time. A total of $3003.58 was raised. “Some children that I’d never talked to before, besides just saying hi actually stopped to talk with me when I was in jail,” Tegreeny said, “That was one of the nest things about it.” Even with all the fund-raisers going on, there’s still a long way to go before any significant difference is made. “There’s so much work needing to be done,” Fernando said. “All the money sill won’t go a long way to helping all these people.”

News Story

News stories report but not interpret events that have news value and timeliness to the publication’s readers. Either advance or follow-up stories may be included in this category.


• sharp, attention-getting lead that underscored news story importance • shows thorough reporting skills • effective use of facts/ quotes from both primary and secondary sources • avoids opinion unless properly attributed • sentences, paragraphs of varied lengths; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar; use of third person • uses inverted pyramid or other appropriate story construction

First place winners by division 1 Kaja Mitevska & Susan Parker Troy Athens 2 Danika Forgach H.H. Dow 3 Kellie Stonebrook & Alyssa Hartley Haslett 4 Kelly Carbary & Jennifer Everhart Laingsburg M Kim Ramsey Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 5

News Analysis News Analysis

Stories should be interpretive by nature, not straight news stories. The elements of “why” and “how” should be examined through thorough research, but the writer’s opinions should not be expressed.


• sharp, attention-getting lead that underscores news story importance • clarifies the news elements, i.e. timeliness, nearness, impact, prominence • clarifies through research the background necessary to understand current news • develops an understanding of the issues/problems through interviews with varied and balanced sources. • avoids personal opinions unless properly attributed • sentences, paragraphs of varied lengths, written clearly, concisely and vividly • effective use of facts/ quotes from both primary and secondary sources • proper diction/grammar; use of third person

First place winners by division 1 Katie Prout Howell 2 Kelsey Pinney H.H. Dow 3 Dan McConnell Lakeview-SCS 4 Jake Levy-Pollans Community M Marissa Garrock Traverse City East Jr.

6 A Cut Above

Silent protest receives attention Theft and return of flag, a symbol of diversity, has caused debate By Katie Prout Howell HS Because of the passion surrounding the issues in this past election, many HHS students came to school on November 3rd expecting to hear about and discuss election news. However, it was not who won the election that dominated the discussions, but rather news that Proposal Two has passed, allowing for an amendment to be made to the Michigan constitution that would define marriage as between a man and woman. After heated discussions in their first hour class, some Diversity Club members were motivated to make a stand against what they saw as intolerance. “Most kids in the class were taking a very conservative point of view, which is fine. A few were saying that the only point of marriage was to make babies, and that a marriage in Michigan doesn’t count unless performed by a priest,” said Diversity Club member Jessica Woodard. “We wanted to show that there is another side to things.” Out in the hall during passing time between first and second hour, Woodard and fellow juniors and diversity club members Krista Tarrant, RJ Cuthbertson, and Dany Chapin met to discuss reactions they were seeing in classes and the meed for all people to feel safe at HHS. “Everyone is different for different reasons,” said Chapin. “We are a diverse school, even if we aren’t racially diverse, and everyone should be respected for who they are.” About a week or so before the election, HHS history teacher Doug Norton donated a Diversity flag to Woodard for the use of Diversity Club; because, he said, it illustrates the concept of “tolerance and diversity.” This flag, comprised of each color of the rainbow, is usually perceived to represent homosexual pride. In reality the flag actually was created to promote diversity and to signify that the place the flag is hung at is a safe, tolerant place to be. Chapin said the flag was used as a “silent statement” meant to promote a message of tolerance. The students wanted to hang the flag that morning. The next step the students took was to go to English teacher and Diversity Club adviser Catherine Capy and request permission to hang the flag somewhere in the school. Capy thought it was an “excellent idea,” and sought permission from Principal Marge Hamill, who agreed. “[The students] had the beautiful new flag and wanted to hang it up in the school somewhere as a sign that we ‘celebrate all diversity and tolerance’ of all students... I suggested the main stairwell area. This is where students, all students, congregate, so I felt it was appropriate to hang it in that location,” said Hamill. The flag was taped high on the wall of the Main

Stairway sometime in the middle of second hour. About 23 minutes late, Woodard walked by the stairway and realized the flag had been ripped off the wall. She went to Capy, both went to Hamill. When she found out that the flag has been stolen, Capy “had tears” in her eyes and felt “emotionally hurt by it.” To her, the flag was a symbol of a safe environment for everyone. “It doesn’t make any sense,” she said. “It was a disrespectful act towards everyone in this building. People that don’t fit into a mold need to know they have a safe place to be, no matter who they are. Christian, gay, black, white... they still need to be safe,” Capy said. Upon receiving news of the theft, Hamill notified Officer Matt Kelleher of the incident. Woodard, Tarrant, Cuthbertson, and Chapin were soon looking for the flag. During lunch that day, Tarrant and Cuthbertson went to the office to look at security videotapes of the HHS hallways to see if they could spot anyone carrying the flag. Capy looked in garbage cans around the school to see if anyone had thrown it away, but with no luck. Chapin took a suggestion of Hamill’s and began to draft an announcement of the theft that would be read over the P.A system. Woodard and Tarrant left the school early to get spray-paint so all four students could paint a message on the rock, a boulder located at the M-59 entrance of the school that’s known as a place where students express themselves. “We painted the rock to say that whoever took it down can’t really silence us, and can’t make people feel unwelcome. They can’t make students feel unsafe here,” said Woodard To Chapin, painting the rock was another way to make a “silent statement.” The Rock stayed painted for longer than most students expected. The anonymous return of the flag was unexpected as well. “I was really happy,” said Tarrant. “I thought it would have been destroyed.” The Diversity flag has been bolted up on the wall of the main stairs, high above the reach of hands that would pull it down. While it’s presence may be secure, the attitudes of HHS students towards its presence are still inclined to change. “I can only imagine,” said Woodard, “if I were gay, wether or not you believe it is a choice, how I would feel if the majority of my state thought I was wrong. People should be allowed to be safe at school at least. What we did was in support of a group of people, not just to express political ideas.” Other students support the proposal, for they believe that a true definition of marriage does not include gay couples, and that the proposal does not smother any

Protest, continued on page 7

Editorial Editorial

Our View: By Seth Howard Traverse City East MS More often than not, student’s opinions are normally not considered in school. Principal Solowiej has swept the record clean by actually allowing representatives the chance to speak to him directly in the new “Principal’s Council.” Topics of all sizes and relevance are brought up and discussed in the new cabinet. From hats in school to the French fry policy, the Principal discusses each issue that concerns our student body. It is in our opinion this new program will greatly help our school students with the issues that most concern us as a whole. For the benefit of everyone, there are different representatives every month to insure that ideas from all diversities or stereotypes are expressed and brought to Solowiej’s attention. Though some students have expressed the thought

that the new council will not be able to achieve major accomplishments, this is not the case. Solowiej has already proven his dedication to promote the students needs in concern with the Homecoming Dance. A grand total of two days were spent on perhaps the largest subject complained about by ninth grade students. The have been many programs that Solowiej has already instituted that have produced positive results for our school. The N.A.P. room, opening the gym in the morning, and allowing students access to the halls before 7:30 are just some examples of Solowiej’s enhancements to the school. In essence, there is no reason to believe that the Principal will not continue to uphold improvements for our school body. The Principals Council is the best way our staff can see to truly advance the student’s involvement in the decisions stirring our school students. Students should make the most of this opportunity and utilize the program to its fullest.

Protest, continued from page 6 rights or encourage intolerant behavior. Still others see things both ways, but are not sure how they feel with the flag in school. Regardless of ones’s feelings about the amendment, feelings about the flag are mixed. Senior Ashley Hoornstra feels conflicted by the flag’s presence. “Although I think it was wrong for students to steal the flag. I don’t think it’s right that this high school, a public school, endorse the [Diversity] flag,” said Hoornstra. “I know it doesn’t represent gay pride necessarily, but that is how most people take it. Homosexuals face strong discrimination and I feel that’s wrong, but I feel that by handing the flag the days after elections a

political statement towards the passing of Proposal Two was made.” She continued, “To hand that in an environment where high school students who have vulnerable minds are at forces ideas on them that may not be theirs.” While almost all agree that everyone should feel safe at HHS, whether it is “right” or “wrong” to hand the flag up in the school is continuously debatable. One thing is certain: by making a “silent statement” the Diversity Club members have successfully raised awareness of conflicts surrounding homosexuality, helping to bring the issues of tolerance and diversity into the mainstream discussions at HHS.

Editorials should represent the opinion of the staff, editors or editorial board on a timely news matter of concern to the school, community, state, nation or world. They may express appreciation, offer interpretation or attempt to deal with problems. Editorials are not to be bylined, signed or initialed, or in any way identified as being the opinion of the writer(s).


• topic relevant to interest and/or welfare of school or students • wins reader interest with impelling lead • presents evidence/ interpretation in logical sequence • states issues; uses effective examples, facts and comparisons to clarify • deals with specific issue; avoids preaching and rhetoric cliches • shows sufficient thought and research • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Molly Vu South Lyon 2 Kat Carmody Grosse Pointe South 3 Staff of Blue & White GR Catholic Central 4 Sarah Dieterich & Dannielle Palthorpe Saranac M Seth Horde Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 7

Bylined Opinion Bylined Opinion

Articles of personal opinion, which carry the byline of the writer(s), may comment on any subject of interest (including sports) and/or concern of the readers, or may express dissent from the majority opinion expressed in editorials.


• topic relevant to interest and/or welfare of school or students • wins reader interest with impelling lead • presents evidence/ interpretation in logical sequence • states issues; uses effective examples, facts and comparisons to clarify • deals with specific issues; avoids preaching, rhetoric and cliches • shows sufficient thought and knowledge of subject, developed with personal style • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Anna Dickey Saline 2 Ashley Allen H.H. Dow 3 Peter Meyer East Grand Rapids 4 Zach Brown South Lake M Seth Horde Traverse City East Jr.

8 A Cut Above

Students taught bad work ethics by Amnesty Day By Zach Brown South Lake High School, St. Clair Shores In the working world there are rules. If you are late for work too many times, you get fired Period. There are no exceptions because those are the rules. So why is it that the school is teaching kids otherwise? Why is it that kids are being given a second chance for their own mistakes? The answers to these questions are very hard to find. “If you had been working for me and were late that often,” my father, Bill Brown said, “I would have fired you.” There really is no excuse for such tardiness. I know this first hand. Last year I received a no credit in my first hour due to my tardies. I never asked to be given a second chance. I just took my punishment I deserved. With the installation of the new Amnesty Day policy, students can get a free ride. While there are many teachers who feel the policy helps students who try inc class but fail to try to be there, many other teachers refused to comment on the subject. What type of work ethic are we teaching these young, soon-to-be members of the work force? For 18 days of tardiness of absences, all a student needs to do is spend four hours on a Saturday in school, doing work. “I could come in Saturday for four hours [after failing on absences], sit around in my pajamas and get credit.” junior Geoff Neely said. “That’s not cool.” If students take full advantage of the policy, they only need to be there for 80% of the time, and they get full credit. What if car builders only built cars 80%? What if doctors only did 80% of an operation? What if a mother only took care of 80% of her kids? This is what the Amnesty policy teaches as acceptable. Only do 80% of the work and you can still slide through. Lets say a senior wants to take a little extra time for spring break. He or she can just stay out for a total of 18 extra days

and make up for it in four hours. Eighteen school days is 126 hours. You can make up 126 hours in four on Saturday. This means that for every 31.5 hours of school missed, you can make it up in one hour of Amnesty Day. Where is the logic in that? What about students who actually come to class? If slackers and skippers get a second chance. Isn’t it only fair that kids who actually follow the rules get something in return? Maybe they should get a movie on a half day or something little like that. It would only be fair. This problem goes beyond student tardiness. It goes beyond South Lake. It comes down to the educational system itself. Of course students are willing to be tardy. It really doesn’t affect students to miss a few days. They can always make up the work. Or in many cases, there is no work to make up. High school students really can miss 18 days or 20% of a class and still get an “A.” Isn’t that a bit strange? The problem here is that the current education system doesn’t emphasize that being in class in important, only that not being there is punishable. If the school administrators didn’t need students to be in class for financial benefit, would they really care if we stayed? But really, wouldn’t it be better if there was no need for Amnesty Day? They say it is for freshmen, who aren’t used to the attendance policy. But who is at fault there? Shouldn’t the middle school’s attendance policy prepare students for the high school’s attendance policy? They say it is for seniors who are on the verge of passing and failing. Shouldn’t they have tried harder earlier, so they don’t need to cram in the credits senior year? They say it is for students with good grades but bad attendance records. If students can put the effort into the work shouldn’t they at least come so their work has some meaning? Overall Amnesty Day is an unbalanced policy that should be re-examined. If students don’t care enough to go to class, there is no reason to give them a second chance. In the words of counselor Greg Kitchen, “I just wish this wasn’t necessary.”


The best eats on the streets The four highest rated area restaurants broken down for their best features By Katie Kohls Fenton HS

The Empress of China

Service: Upon entering The Empress of China on a Friday night, the restaurant appeared crowded and busy. After a wait of 15 minutes, a friendly waitress greeted us and took the drink order. The beverages were brought out within five minutes, and appetizers were brought in a timely fashion. Our waitress checked on our table to ensure we were enjoying our food and brought out the check and fortune cookies upon the end of the meal. Menu: The Empress of China is famous among Flint residents for its excellent Mandarin and Szechwan cuisine. The chefs concoct authentic Chinese food, and the menu includes every type of Mandarin cuisine. The Mongolian Beef dish was a tasty poultry selection, and is also on of the chef ’s suggestions. One dish not recommended to order is the chicken lo mein, which is soft noodles sautéed with chicken and vegetables. The presentation of the dish was poor; it was as a huge mass of soggy noodles with little variety contained throughout the dish. The Empress of China offers dinner and lunch options that can fit into any budget. Although the majority of the dishes are over nine dollars, they can usually feed two people and are served with steamed rice. Atmosphere: The Empress of China is a casual, busy, family friendly restaurant. The building is decorated and made to look like an authentic Chinese building, complete with hand-painted morals and miniature Buddha figurines. If fast food drive-thrus in Fenton are becoming a bore, The Empress of China provides a taste of Oriental cuisine that is unique to the city of Flint.

Bittersweet Café

Service: Upon arriving at 10 a.m., the eatery was not crowded, yet we were not waited on immediately. The baked goods ordered were brought out pronto, but the sandwiches took approximately 15 minutes. However, the waitress and cooks were considerate and treated us with respect and friendly service. Menu: The Café provides traditional breakfast and lunch selections. Their breakfast menu contains scrambled eggs, toast, biscuits and gravy, build-your-own omelets, and a variety of breakfast sandwiches. For a lighter breakfast specialty, the homemade blueberry, banana nut, and cinnamon strudel muffins are served warm and fresh out of the oven. For a luncheon special, The Café offers diverse options of salad, soup, and sandwiches. The hearty sandwiches are served complete with chips, coleslaw and a dill pickle. A perfect luncheon meal is the 112 ½ deal, which is a bowl of soup served with half a sandwich. Recommended healthy options are the Village Tuna Melt ($5.95) and the Turkey Ruben ($5.95). The prices at the Bittersweet Café are moderate in comparison to

coffee shops in the surrounding area. All breakfast selections can be purchased for less than $5, sandwiches cost $5.95, a bowl of soup is $2.95 and desserts range from $1 to $5. A jumbo cookie can be purchased for one dollar, while the café’s most expensive dessert, the Bittersweet sundae, is $4.95. This dessert is well worth the cost and is served with a brownie, vanilla ice cream, hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, and a cherry. Atmosphere: The Bittersweet Café is the old-fashioned, classic type of eatery where the locals go and the waitress knows the customers by their first name. With country music playing in the background, the coffee show takes the diner back to a simpler time. A pleasant experience is complimented by a rack of magazines, which the customers can read while enjoying the Bittersweet Café’s divine meals.


Service: The service at Brady’s was exceptional. On the night of Homecoming, which was also Sweetest Day and Bosses Day, the restaurant was very crowded. Although we were a table of all teenagers, we were treated very well. The waitress was polite, and had no problem giving us each separate checks. The owner was aware of all of the tables and also made sure we were having an enjoyable time. Out water glasses were always being filled, and fresh warm bread was brought out immediately after we finished our first basket. Menu: Brady’s dinner menu includes the finest steaks, lobsters, shrimp, and fresh fish in the area. They also offer a children’s menu and a wide variety of desserts. Although a bit pricey, the filet mignon was tender and flavorful. On a more moderately priced budget cashew chicken salad. The bed of fresh greens was complete with grilled chicken, cashews, and Asian rice noodles. The bread alone was one of the best parts of the meal. The laves are seasoned with garlic and are served fresh out of the oven. An elegant meal is complimented by the lavish dessert tray, the most popular selection being their rich six layer chocolate cake. Atmosphere: The atmosphere at Brady’s is stylish, romantic and a fine family place to dine. The staff is welcoming, well trained, and accommodating to the customer’s needs. The candles on the table and the dimmed


Review should present opinions, observations and evaluations of film, books, television, recordings, concerts, plays, restaurants and other things of interest to the paper’s readers.


• sharp, attention-getting lead that clarifies subject • gives short summary or adequate information about subject • discusses strengths and weaknesses of subject • uses specific examples to support opinion • displays knowledge of subject • shows thought and research • colorful, lively presentation; effective form/style • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Josh Burwick Grand Ledge 2 Megan Witt H.H. Dow 3 Katie Kohls Fenton 4 Jimmy Haydon Plainwell M Stephanie Ackerman Traverse City West Jr.

lighting make it a charming place to eat a great tasting a gourmet meal.

The French Laundry

Service: The French Laundry, Fenton’s famous bakery, deli, and market, has recently expanded hours, hired new staff, and constructed an additional dining facility. To-go and call ahead orders are available, but if time is not a concern, then sitting down and enjoying a meal

Eats, continued on page 20 A Cut Above 9

Feature Column Feature Column

Each entry must consist of two examples of feature and/or opinion columns under the same standing head from different issues of the paper, authorized by the same writer(s). Columns must carry bylines or other writer identification to indicate the personal nature of the content.


• sharp, attention-getting leads • express personal opinions; uses consistent style • reflects thought/research, freshness, individuality • effective use of facts/ quotes or supporting material • informative, interesting, entertaining • upholds journalistic integrity • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely an vividly • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Doug Sayranian Grand Haven 2 Sarah Anderson H.H. Dow 3 Cathe Shubert Mercy 4 Kevin Yaroch Community M Michal Doak Traverse City West Jr.

10 A Cut Above

It doesn’t take much for a flight attendant to think you’re a terrorist By Sarah Anderson H.H. Dow High School Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like air travel has become a bad experience these days. On a recent flight to Miami, I was added to Delta Airline’s list of “potential terrorists.” Apparently, the flight attendants thought I had more on my mind than just handicrafts when they discovered a pair of Fiskers in my backpack. (For those of you that don’t know what Fiskers are, imagine a pair of 3-inch scissors that aren’t sharp enough to cut melted butter). Immediately, I was strip searched, X-rayed and fragments of my toenails were collected for a DNA sample. When I was finally allowed to board the plane, I made my way to the back and located my seat. After the flight attendant saw that everyone was well-adjusted, she fired up the airplane safety video. You’d think that 16 years of experience with a seatbelt would be a sufficient amount of time to teach me how to use one. However, the airlines seem to think that a highpitched blonde in a bad pantsuit could teach me more about the intricacies of the seat belt. The video also informed us that if oxygen masks were to fall from the ceiling, we were to put them over our mouths. I don’t know what most people think they are supposed to do with an oxygen mask, but if it is anything but put it on their face, it’s got to be something weird. I can

imagine a bunch of panicked people gasping for air and getting really pissed off that the last thing they were given before their death was a really ugly hat that blew air. For the remainder of the flight, I tried to keep myself busy by napping. Unfortunately, my attempt was shortlived as a five-year-old sat squarely behind me. Man, kids are annoying. Always talking to their Star Wars dolls and spilling punch everywhere. Not only was this kid noisy, but he kicked the back of my chair throughout the entire flight. I decided the only option I had was to get rid of him. When his dad went to the bathroom, I filled his trousers full of packing peanuts and stowed him safely away in the overhead compartment. He was free to scream and shout and eat his boogers all he wanted. And I was free to sleep. I woke up when the plane touched down and was relieved to could get up and stretch my legs a bit. Unfortunately, I found there was nowhere to go because the aisles were clogged with people/ and their coffin-sized carry-ons. Moms were beating each other out of the way with purses, and babies were crying. I even heard a few faint screams from a certain overhead compartment. Heh. Although I usually try to avoid car rides with the family, I’ve decided that anything is better than a day at the airport. Between the heightened security, cramped space and annoying people, the long trip home in the car was a slice of heaven.

In-Depth Feature From dangling chads to swing voters, politicians look for young votes this election By Andrew Dendel Lake Orion High School Within 24 hours of the election, volunteers at the Democratic headquarters hustle through piles of Kerry/ Edward signs and sip on the stale coffee left out since the morning. These people have only one goal in mind and that is to elect John Kerry. At the Republican headquarters the sight is similar, except the volunteers here are making their phone calls to encourage voters to re-elect the president. Both headquarters work hard in hopes that their help they will win the election. As these people pass out signs and flyers and talk on phones, another group of voters sit at home doing homework and playing video games. Some say they can help decide the election. According to the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs survey, youth (ages 18 -- 24) voter turnout is on decline. It is this that has politicians from both parties worried. Bush Volunteer Tim Regan said that young people aren’t taking advantage of their rights, and expressed the importance to vote. “It is important for young people to vote in any election so they can express their right,” he said. State Rep. Dave Woodward D-Mich. agrees. “The bottom line is that you (young people) got to get out and vote,” Woodward said. Will young people vote? A concern for both Bush and Kerry is that not enough young people are voting. The Federal Election Committee reported that in 1996 only 54 percent of the total population voted. Young people made about eight percent of that percentage. In that year, 15,000,000 young people were eligible to vote. Only 31 percent of those actually did. This number was the lowest among any other voting group. These figures have politicians wondering why young people aren’t voting. Some of the reasons, according to young people, is conflict of schedule. Although LOHS graduate Jamie Sucaet is old enough to vote, she is not registered. “I like to be more politically aware, but I just don’t have the time between school and work,” Sucaet said. Sucaet is not alone. The U.S. Census voting statistics show a decrease in voting among young people. Between the 1992 and 1996 elections the number dropped ten percent. It is the statistics that many hope to change in this election. There are many young voters that are doing their part to change this trend. Jason Wentzel, 21-year-old Oxford resident, is registered to vote. “We are the future of our country and we should be a part of it,” Wentzel said. Wentzel also had his theories on why young people aren’t voting.

“I don’t think people take politics seriously because of the mudslinging,” he said It has even become accepted that young people don’t pay attention (to politics).” As the election draws near, Sucaet wishes she was registered like Wentzel. “I wished I registered after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 and asking questions about the candidates,” Sucaet said. “Now I have more knowledge on the subject.” Election influences Politics has been an important issue for student’s these days. Political debates have found their way into the classrooms and throughout the hallways of LOHS. In a random survey by the Archer, 63 percent of the students surveyed watched the debates. Junior Bryan Bars, although too young to vote in this election, thinks that voting is important. “It is important because these young adults will in the future become the leaders of our country,” Bars said. “The president can make or break a nation and in turn affect the way in which our future generations will behave.” To encourage young people to vote, various celebrities jumped on the bandwagon to encourage a strong turnout. MTV aired Choose or Loss: 20 Million Loud to get young people registered and to help them decide for whom they want to vote. “Teens look for what it is to be cool,” Bars said. “If MTV says Kerry is cool then they will vote Democrat.” But Junior Spencer Truax felt that program didn’t affect him. “I watched it to see what is was about, but it really didn’t change my view on who I wanted,” Truax said. MTV is the not only media outlet that has influence in this election. A group of musicians known as the Vote for Change Tour, led by Bruce Springsteen consist of John Fogerty and REM among others, some even gave concerts to persuade voters cast a vote against Bush. Other celebrities such as Ben Affleck and Sean Penn have denounced the president outright. However, other celebrities such as martial arts Actor Chuck Norris and Dennis Miller have shown their support for the president. Moore influences Student will have to decide if these influences are going to have any affect on them when they enter the polls. Another one these influence Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, a documentary heavily criticizing the president’s administration. Fahrenheit 9/11 premiered over this summer and became one of the highest grossing documentaries. Whether people supported or condemned it, some feel that film will have an affect on the election. Moore has even offered college students free underwear and Ramen Noodles to vote. These actions have some voters angry.

In-Depth Feature

This is a single story, which may contain a sidebar or infographic from the same author. This is not a spread or a special section. Entries should concern subjects of a substantive and contemporary nature and go beyond the surface facts, give the reader detailed background information with interpretation based upon the facts and background information and often (but not necessarily) an analysis as to its meaning It is an elaboration of the WHY. Multiple sources are necessary.


• lead captures attention, arouses curiosity • topic relevant to interests and/or welfare of schools or students • extensive, intensive and thorough investigation • effectively combines basics of good news and feature writing • effectively organized with smooth transitions; carefully outlined • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; clearly written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar • balanced and fair presentation

First place winners by division 1 Andrew Dendel Lake Orion 2 Ashley Allen H.H. Dow 3 Tim Mooney & Trey Springer GR Catholic Central 4 Maria Wiltz West Catholic M Brittany Cook Traverse City West Jr.

Voters, continued on page 19 A Cut Above 11

Informative Feature Informative Feature

Stories should be written to inform or instruct. Facts are obtained from research, interviews and observations.


• leads capture attention, arouses curiosity • topic relevant to interests and/or welfare of school or students • thorough investigation through research and interviews • combines basics of good news and feature writing • organized with smooth transitions • balanced and fair presentation • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Tiffany Starin Grand Ledge 2 Kat Carmody Grosse Pointe South 3 Hilary McCown Dexter 4 Conor Darrow West Catholic M Margaret Parsons Traverse City East Jr.

12 A Cut Above

Modified cars show their value is not only skin deep By Conor Darrow West Catholic High School You are in a peaceful daze one morning when you hear a loud rumbling outside your classroom window. You are snapped back to reality just in time to see a shiny custom-ized car drive by with tinted windows and its trunk rattling. When you realize the school is not under attack, you lay your head back down and doze off, annoyed that you were again startled by something that has become so common. In recent years, high school students have been dropping a great deal of money in hopes to improve their forever cherished first car. The car modifying trend broke out of the underground several years ago with the release of the movie The Fast and the Furious. It has been continuing to rise with the popularity of MTV’s new show Pimp My Ride, which features beat-up cars like many of those at West Catholic being modified enough to be fit for a rapper. Since then, many people have been tinting windows and lights, and putting rims on cars that would benefit more if the money had been spent on fixing the engine or transmission or, for that matter, just by buying a new car. At West Catholic, the trend was first seen in a group of students from the class of 2003 who formed a group known as Disturbing the Peace. At the time, they were laughed at, but now more than half of West Catholic’s upperclassmen have made additions to their cars. Junior Blake Steuwe has spent countless hours and dollars modifying his 1996 Ford Probe GT. He has made over 20 modifications to his car, including adding a body kit, a new paint job, Flowmaster exhaust pipes, and a very impressive sound system. “I think it is worth it to spend a lot of time and money if it makes your car the best it can be,” Steuwe said. The most popular part of the trend, though, has been the addition of improved sound systems. With the help of Ebay, and the aging of the technology, the price of car CD players is becoming more reasonable, and it has teenagers all over ripping out their tape decks and putting in new, more useful CD players. At West Catholic, 58 percent of the juniors and seniors that were surveyed said they had added an improved CD player to their car. People who are really interested in getting the best sound in their cars, or the ones who just like their music dangerously loud are taking the trend a step further by adding new speakers and subwoofers. Some West Catholic students are spending thousands of dollars modifying their cars and as much as $1,500 on sounds systems alone. Subwoofers in this price range are loud enough to shatter car windows, and pack a punch hard

enough to give you chest pains. “I like the improved sound,” senior Chris Collision said. “I want people to know I’m coming five minutes before I get there.” Collision is not alone either, because 30 percent of the surveyed upperclassmen noted having added subwoofers or new speakers to their cars. So the real question is: who are the people buying into this, and where on earth are they getting the money? In every category, a greater percentage of seniors had added to their cars than juniors had. The number of people with improved CD players was only slightly greater in the senior class. Although, they had nearly tripled the number of subwoofers or speakers than juniors did, and had six times the num-ber of adjustments to the body of their cars. One reason for this may be that seniors, being older, have had jobs longer, allowing them to accumulate more money to spend on their cars. But the seniors also proved to be craftier, as 69 percent of the people who made modifications did the work themselves. This number shadowed the juniors of whom only 36 percent made the additions. The fact that overall more than half of the students did their own work shows that many people are taking the time to learn worthwhile skills involving cars and electronics. The benefits of having these skills could pay off later in life for the excessive amounts of money people are spending now to improve their cars. Somebody has to be paying for this expensive trend, and surprisingly, for what might be expected of a typical West Catholic family, it’s not always the parents. Al-though a little more than half of the students surveyed had their cars paid for by their parents, 64 percent said they paid for the modifications done to their cars. The grasp of the car improvement trend has not only taken students, but has also ex-tended its reach to teachers. Shawn Varner, West Catholic’s new computer teacher, has gotten into the trend as well. “I’m interested in anything that has to do with cars,” Varner said. “I just love them.” Varner took her love for cars to a whole new level when she added 20 inch chrome rims, tinted windows, interior paint detailing, new JL Audio speakers, and two ten inch subwoofers to her car. For a generation of teenagers who have shown that when it comes to cars it is not what is inside that counts (unless they’re talking speakers), a trend of flashy cars and rattling trunks has emerged. It is a trend that has led many teenagers to spend large amounts of money to make their cars look and sound good. Through the excessive amounts of money spent, the trend has begun to show its redeeming value. Teenagers are doing something productive with their time; learning about and taking pride in a car that they will always remember.

Human Interest

Pavelka to retire at year’s end By Margaret Parsons Traverse City East Jr. High School Superintendent James Pavelka is not exactly sure where he will go when he walks out the door of the administration building after twenty-six years as a superintendent, but he knows where he has been and he has loved the journey. “I lived the American dream,” he said, with a twinkle in his eye. On June 30th, 2005 Pavelka will retire from TCAPS, after serving in three different school systems. Pavelka has been with the TC school systems since May 1st, 2000, coming off a nineteen-year position with Allegan County Intermediate School District. Although Pavelka loves where he has ended up in his life, he wanted to make clear that it was not easy get-ting to where he is now. “I grew up on a farm and I had to work my way through college,” said Pavelka, remembering his road to suc-cess. “I think it’s a very positive re-flection on public education that some-one like me would be able to wind up superintendent of one of the finest school districts in the United States, and I really mean that.” Pavelka has enjoyed his posi-tion in Traverse City so much that he can barely put a finger on his favorite memory. He said that there are so many moments that go through his mind. “I’ve had so many great mo-ments with the students,” recalled Pavelka, with a far away look in his eyes. “Whether it be an adult student that says to me `I now can read and I can read to my children,’ or as a teacher, if a student would say to me `I got it!’ It’s just hard to rank them.” Pavelka also said that his good sense of humor has assisted him many times in his long career. Pavelka laughed as he recalled a recent incident where he was not aware that he

was going to be the first one down a slide at a play-ground opening. “I was so scared I was going to rip my pants or fall on my fanny in the sand,” he said, laughing. “A lot of funky things happen every day.” Pavelka seemed tired as he said that although most of his career has been filled with good and happy times, there have been tough times over the years. Tragedies and deaths are the hardest times to get through. “Those are the most difficult because you...you can’t go back then and the only thing you can do is learn from that person’s positive impact they had and preserve their memory.” In the next five years, Pavelka said that there would be “continued improvement” to the Traverse City Area Public schools. He commented that there are many three-five year plans that are about to be applied to the TC area. “An awful lot of building reno-vation will be done; upgrading facili-ties and such,” he said. “We have the resources to do that now.” After such a long career in edu-cation, Pavelka just can’t bring him-self to completely walk away from it. For his retirement, Pavelka plans to return to an education-related position, like at NMC, or volunteer for the school system and to lend assistance when needed. Pavelka’s main priority when he retires is to spend more time with his daughters and the rest of his fam-ily. He said that superintending is “without a doubt” the most important career he could have had. Pavelka would like to be remembered for his ability to help people and for “work-ing to constantly improve the school system”. He said that he has worked as hard as he can to get people to work together and would like that to be how people think of him for years to come. “I’m just blessed to have been allowed to work in public education...It’s been a dream come true,” he noted.

Human Interest Feature

Human interest features appeal to the emotions of the reader with inspiration, motivation, pathos or humor and often make effective use of quotes.


• leads capture attention, arouses curiosity • emphasizes new element, fresh angle • colorful, lively presentation; effective form/style • reflects adequate research, sound interviewing techniques from a variety of sources • effective use of facts/ quotes • interesting; appeals to the emotions • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Kirsta McPherson Troy 2 Jessica Palffy Grosse Pointe South 3 Kenzie Clancy Gull Lake 4 Chelsea Walker & Erica Walker Plainwell M Margaret Parsons Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 13

Personality Profile Personality Profile

The personality profile captures the life, interests and accomplishments of well known or interesting people, based on interviews. The subject(s) should have experiences, thoughts and accomplishments worth reporting. Anecdotes add to the personality profile.


• leads capture attention, arouses curiosity; reason for sketch is made clear early in story • emphasizes fresh angle; individualizes person • colorful, lively presentation; effective form/style • reflects adequate research, sound interviewing techniques from a variety of sources • avoids encyclopedic listing of subjects accomplishments • effective use of facts/ quotes • interesting; appeals to the emotions • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Jen Lindberg Grand Haven 2 Meredith Gage Portage Central 3 Tricia Bobeda Haslett 4 Mary Caldrone Detroit Country Day M Stephanie Ackerman Traverse City West Jr.

14 A Cut Above

Proud student, proud mother By Meredith Gage Portage Central High School Rachel Hausmann is a proud mother. When asked, she can rattle off her baby’s measurements—6 lbs., 8.2 oz; 19_ inches long, 14-inch chest—seemingly arbitrary numbers that mean the world to her. She carries pictures with her that she is eager to pass around. She points out the weight she’s worked off since the birth. Hausmann is just like any other new mother—except she’s a 15-yearold sophomore at PC. “I held my head up,” Hausmann said. “You can’t let it bug you. It’s bad for the baby and bad for you.” Not only did she have to hold her head up during the school day, but she had to deal with her parents as well. “My mom knew Kyle and I were having sex,” she said, referring to her ex-boyfriend, senior Kyle Meyers. “She was the one that brought me to the doctor’s, and made me take the test.” Hausmann’s reason for not using birth control is simple: she can’t swallow pills and didn’t want to undergo intensive procedures (today, although pensive, she admits that she would have taken birth control measures if she had known). Still, she was “shocked” when she found out she was pregnant. “I was scared, because I didn’t know what I would do,” she said. “But I was confident that Kyle wouldn’t leave me.” Meyers agreed. “We just had to ride it through and I had to be there for her,” he said. “I was confused and numb at first, but then I got sort of excited that I might be able to raise this child.” Hausmann and Meyers “considered all the possibilities.” She found out she was expecting during the 20th week of her pregnancy. To terminate the pregnancy at that point “would have been too much risk,” Hausmann said., “My parents really wanted to keep the baby, and hers really wanted to give it up for adoption,” Meyers said. “We didn’t let it come between us, and after awhile I realized I wouldn’t be able to support and raise the baby right. “The pregnancy really stressed both of us out, but we still loved each other,” Meyers said. The couple mutually decided to give the baby up for adoption after Hausmann’s mother’s coworker told them

about Adoption Associates, located in Jenison. “Our caseworker, Shelly Nibbelink, was really supportive,” Hausmann said. “We met with 39 different couples and finally met one that seemed very much like us. They had similar a heritage and hobbies and kept in contact.” The adoptive couple was at the hospital on May 29, the day Hausmann gave birth to Julianna Eileen. “It was hard letting her go, but knowing the couple so well was comforting,” Hausmann said. The couple later renamed Julianna Eileen to Kaylee Marie. Because of the circumstances and the date of birth, the administration excused Hausmann from taking her second-semester finals. “I guess that’s one perk of being pregnant,” Hausmann said with a laugh. Hausmann’s grades actually improved during her, pregnancy. “Major stresses make me work harder,” Hausmann said. “I guess my pregnancy motivated me, in a way. “The school staff was great, and the body of students was supportive. I couldn’t ask for anything more. It was overwhelmingly positive. I never heard, `Oh, she’s a slut,’ or anything like that.” Meyers had a different experience. “I felt that people looked down on me, while at the same time everyone was being so nice to her,” he said. “I felt like crap.” According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health research, teen pregnancy is down to 2.7 percent an unusual occurrence for PC that sent both positive and negative whispers flying through hallways about the couple. ‘ “I knew people would talk about it,” Hausmann said. “I had to take it day by day and not think of it as a bad thing.” Yet the majority of people who were talking about her wouldn’t necessarily talk to her. “I think people wanted to respect my privacy, and that’s fine,” Hausmann said. “If people came up to me I would answer their questions, and that was fine too. I didn’t care.” The couple keeps the lines of communication open with the adoptive parents. Letters, pictures and telephone calls are exchanged, as well as the occasional visit to see the baby.

Diversity Coverage

Student moves from adversity to diversity By Sarah Smith Royal Oak Shrine High School “It was hell...” Jessica Hardesty ‘05 came to Shrine High School her sophomore year in hopes of not only receiving a bettereducation, but a better environment in which to do so. Jessica attended an all-girls school her freshman year on a scholarship. Of the 600 students enrolled there, only about 10 of them were African-American. Those that know Jessica know that she makes friends quickly, but friendships weren’t as easily formed at her previous school. “Mostly the girls who went there were rich and arrogant; mainly whites and Chaldeans. Even the few black girls I knew had that same haughty attitude,” said Jessica. “The friends I made migrated with me to Shrine and most, if not all of them, had already gone [to Shrine] earlier in their school careers.” Jessica’s decision to come to Shrine was influenced in several different ways. She was growing accustomed to the de facto segregation in the lunchroom, but one day she became fed up with the way the girls at her table were acting. According to Jessica, the lunch tables, like the school community itself, were broken down by race;

Caucasians sat with other Caucasians of their clique, and Chaldeans, African Americans, and Asians just the same. When Jessica made the decision to leave her lunch table, she attempted to sit and eat at several tables where she faced the cold shoulder repeatedly. “The Chaldeans I tried to sit with just glared at me and the white girls acted as if I wasn’t smart enough. I ended up eating in the bathroom.” Eventually, the racial cliques and behaviors drove Jessica to make a serious change. She had been informed about Shrine by friend Everette Jackson ‘04, and jumped at his suggestion to attend an open house. She found the school to be a welcome change and a breath of fresh air. “I scheduled my own visit day during my lunch break,” Jessica said with a reminiscent smile. She then told of the day when Leia Cook ‘04 gave her a tour of the school that she would grow to love. “My old school had been so arrogant, very cut-anddry. Shrine has always been much more personal.” Although her other school had lots to offer for its large student body, Jessica is much happier within the smaller community of Shrine. “I love it here; it’s so much more diverse,” she said. “The attitudes of the students and faculty make it a better school entirely.”

Diversity Coverage

Stories tell about lifestyles, challenges, and potential of those from a diverse background. Will cover more than plight, also includes how the subjects dealt with it.


• topic relevant to school or students and reflects lifestyles, challenges and potentials of those from a diverse background • sharp, attention-getting lead grabs reader and arouses curiosity • shows thorough reporting skills though research and interviewing • effective use of facts/ quotes from both primary and secondary sources • balanced, fair and sensitive presentation • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammer; use of punctuation

First place winners by division 1 Maria Pahl Midland 2 Ashley Allen H.H. Dow 3 Sara Stogner Kearsley 4 Sarah Smith Royal Oak Shrine M Torri Horness Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 15

Sports Feature Sports Feature

Stories may include personality profile, informative, interpretive (why), and/or human interest specifically related to sports.

Hands held high Despite recent hand injury sophomore Kelsey Carter pursues volleyball passion


• lead captures attention, arouses curiosity • emphasizes new element, fresh angle • colorful, lively presentation; effective form/style • reflects adequate re-search, sound interviewing techniques • avoids summaries of published materials • effective use of facts/ quotes • interesting; appeals to the reader’s emotions • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Phillip Swanson Grand Haven 2 Carly Czajka Grosse Pointe South 3 Jamie Rolston Fenton 4 Sandra Burkhardt South Lake M William Baesch Traverse City East Jr.

16 A Cut Above

By Phillip Swanson Grand Haven High School Three months ago Kelsey Carter was practicing her left-handed spike. Now she’s learning how to hold a pencil. Carter, along with four friends, was involved in a crash with a Geo-Tracker on the way home from International House of Pancakes. While the rest of the passengers escaped with minor injuries, Carter had crushed both knuckles in her pointer and middle finger and one knuckle in her ring finger. “The first thing I thought was, am I paralyzed?” Carter said. “Then I realized my hand hurt and I lifted it up and started screaming. All I could think was my fingers are going to be amputated. I couldn’t lose my fingers. I play volleyball.” Carter was first taken to Holland Community Hospital where doctors determined they couldn’t handle her injury. She then made the trip to Spectrum Health where she met Dr. Toriello. “He made me look at my hand,” Carter said. “He pointed out everything wrong with it.” Carter went into surgery around 2:30 a.m. that first night and woke up at 5:30 a.m. For four nights she stayed in the hospital on a heavy rotation of painkillers. “Immediately after [the operation] she was quite sad and angry,” said Lynn Carter, Kelsey’s mom. “She was dealing with a lot of things like why was she the only one hurt? It got to the point where I was very worried. I called my priest and a counselor friend of mine. We decided she’d have to come to terms in her own time.” For Carter it took time and a little opening up too. “I was angry too. I didn’t understand why she was the only one hurt,” Lynn said. “I’m a very spiritual person and I didn’t understand why God had singled her out. After I told her I was angry, she realized she could be angry too.” Due to her passion for volleyball, she still has trouble going to games knowing she will not be able to participate this year or perhaps ever again.

“I can’t stand watching them play, knowing I could be out there,” Carter said. “It makes me want to jump off the bench onto the court.” Recovery is a process and Carter will need an immobilizing device on her left hand for up to eight months. She will never, even with current technology, be able to move her pointer, middle and ring finger again. Limited to using one hand has created many obstacles. “Everything has to be done with one hand, getting dressed, eating and typing,” Carter said. However support from her family, friends and even strangers has been overwhelming. “It’s been amazing the support she’s had,” Lynn said. “Not just from kids, but friends, parents and my coworkers even [have been] sending her cards and gifts.” Carter has seen tremendous support from her friends and classmates as well. “My friends have been very helpful,” Carter said. “They’re always there.” Coming back to school presented even more obstacles. Carter, being left handed, must write with her right hand. For a short time period she had a writer help her with exams. However, her independent personality became apparent quickly. “I’m really slow at [writing] and it’s really frustrating,” Carter said. “I like to try my best on my own.” Even in the hospital Carter gave the nurses and her mother fits, attempting to do everything on her own. “The day I got home I was trying to do everything myself [and] my mom was like `wow’,” Carter said. “Even when I was in the hospital I still wanted to do everything on, my own.” Despite the injury, Carter wants to come back and try to play volleyball. The doctors were able to save her fingers, leaving hope that future advancements in medical technology could allow her to move them again. That doesn’t change how hard she will have to work, though. “She had college hopes,” Lynn said. “Now it’s going to be a little tougher. It’s really not fair she has to work twice as hard.”

Sports Column

More to life By Jessi Brooks Fenton High School Winter is practically here. I don’t look forward to small children armed with snowballs, I don’t look forward to bundling up like the Michelin man just to get the mail, and I don’t look forward to face-plants into snow banks. I do look forward to NHL hockey. Oh, silly me. That’s right. That whole lockout thing. The already dreaded winter months are more or less doomed to me, all because of athletes who refuse to play for measly wages as proposed by the NHL owners; for those who are unaware, an NHL player’s salary averaged between $1 million and $2 million last year. Wow, what an outrage. Okay guys, talk to me about underpaid when you’re waiting tables four days a week so you can afford college education. And to think I actually brag about my earnings. I have done my share of mourning for the loss of this year’s NHL season. Of course, there are other things to

Sports Column

enjoy instead. Here are just three of the many: AHL: Newer players soon to replace miserly veterans are working their way up the ladder of supreme hockedom. American Hockey League games don’t quite match the excitement of NHL games yet, but with the newfound support of NHL fans with nowhere else to go, this lockout could mean something positive for whose who dwell in shadows. Something New: Why not do like your hero and mine, Red Wings defense man Chris Chelios, and give something random like bobsledding a whirl. Why not luge or curling? It’s worth a shot. Pistons: Switch into basketball gear and make an effort to follow last year’s NBA champions, our own Detroit Pistons. Grab a bug foam finger and snag some seats at the Palace. Who knows what this season could bring, maybe another National Championship? This lockout is completely ridiculous and just downright stupid. But, the show must go on. I guess one vital lesson we can all learn from is that hockey isn’t everything. Money is.

Each story must consist of samples of two columns under the same standing head, authorized by the same writer(s). Each column must carry bylines or other writer identification to indicate the personal nature of the content. Each entry in this category must be written by a different writer(s).


• sharp, attention-getting lead • expresses personal opinion; uses consistent style; demonstrates knowledge of sports • reflects thought/research, freshness, individuality; avoids cliches • effective use of facts/ quotes or supportive material • informative, interesting, entertaining • upholds journalistic integrity • sentences, paragraphs of varied length; written clearly, concisely and vividly • proper diction/grammar

First place winners by division 1 Brad Wozniak Winston Churchill 2 Britany Moriarty Mona Shores 3 Jessi Brooks Fenton 4 Jason Kohler Plainwell M Bobby Busley Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 17

Sports News Sports News

Sports news stories may include general sports news or sports events and are constructed in news style.


• lead features interesting, important angle • uses colorful, lively style • avoids cliches, editorializing • displays knowledge of sports; uses understandable terms • shows research/ interviewing skills; emphasizes how and why • effective use of facts/ quotes • proper diction/grammar; use of the third person • unity/coherence

First place winners by division 1 Liz Fox Grand Haven 2 Kelsey Turek Forest Hills Central 3 Kyle Muse Dexter 4 Amanda Reno Willow Run M William Baesch Traverse City East Jr.

18 A Cut Above

Catalytic coaching By Liz Fox Grand Haven High School Tonight, Athletic Director Jack Provencal’s accomplishments as a wrestling coach will not go unnoticed. In honor of over 27 years of coaching excellence, he will be inducted into the Michigan Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame at a banquet held in Lansing. Head wrestling coach James Richardson, who wrestled for Provencal at Eaton Rapids high school from 1984 to 1987, nominated his former coach. He has no absolutely no doubt that Provencal deserves the award. “He’s the best coach in the state of Michigan--period,” Richardson said. To be nominated, a coach must be retired for at least five years. The board accepted Provencal this year-- his first year eligible. “A lot of people are nominated again and again to try to get in,” Richardson said. “He was accepted the first time.” Long before becoming athletic director, Provencal created a strong tradition of excellence at Grand Haven and elsewhere. Before moving to Grand Haven in 1989, he coached from 1969-1973 in New Lothrup, MI (15 miles west of Flint). He moved on to Eaton Rapids, MI in 1974 before hanging up his coaching shoes to come to Grand Haven as an administrator in 1989. After his was killed in 1992, he returned to coaching taking over the Buccaneer program in 1993, building it into a winner before turning it over to Richardson in 2000. “The tragedy of my sons death--that’s how I got back into coaching,” Provencal said. “It was healing for myself, but also to honor my son Adam.” “My plan all along was kind of like a mission,” Provencal said. “First, I intended to stay as long as it took to develop a program of quality. Once a person invests that amount of time into something, he doesn’t want to leave it behind. So second, I wanted to stay until another person came along who as similar passion for people and for a quality program for kids. That person was Mr. Richardson.” Richardson, who worked as an assistance for a year

before taking over for Provencal, remembers his mentor as a coach who focused on more than the sport. “[Provencal] was demanding but at the same time had a way of making you feel special, and it was always more than just wrestling,” Richardson said. “It was life itself. The emphasis was never about wrestling, but how to improve yourself as a person.” 1999 graduate Vince Gervais wrestled for Provencal for four years. In Gervais’s senior year, he was a conference champion and state medalist. He wrestled four years at Grand Valley State University and became a national champion. “Freshman year a lot of my friends were on the team. So my twin brother and I decided to try wrestling and we never looked back,” Gervais said. “[Provencal’s the type of guy that demands respect, and he expects everyone to come in and give 100 percent.” Before Provencal started coaching in Grand Haven the high school had three state champions in its 40-year history, to of which were won by Adam. Now Grand Haven boasts 24 individual state champions. “What [Provencal] did in a short time here shows just what he can accomplish,” Richardson said. Gervais also thinks much of Grand Haven’s wrestling tradition is due to Provencal’s efforts. “Coach Provencal was the one who set the ground work,” Gervais said. “He brought Grand Haven from the laughing stock of the league into a power house in only five or six years.” Provencal’s influence stretches across the state. Former pupils now coach at numerous schools including East Kentwood, Grandville, Portland and, of course, Grand Haven. This year, Gervais will come back to help coach the program. “It’s very gratifying to see that,” Provencal said. “That’s one of the life lessons I wanted to teach.” “I would often remind the kids that the reason you have this opportunity is because of other people. Someone has helped to give it to you. In turn we have an obligation to give back to the community, the parents, the custodians and the up and coming athletes as well. And that has nothing to with winning and losing--it has to do with life.”

Sports Photo Sports Photo

Any non-portrait action photo directly related to sporting events should be entered in this category. Photos will be judged on both the quality of the photo as printed and how it was used in the publication.


By Andrea Robb, East Jackson High School

First place winners by division

Voters, continued from page 11 “I would have to say the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 was a good film but made dull repetitive points that didn’t quite go anywhere,” Junior Kate Hawes said. “I think that this movie might influence the crowd of younger voters who have done limited research.” Liberal support groups weren’t the only ones to have influence in this election. A political group known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ran television ads attacking John Kerry’s military record. The group questioned Kerry’s medical records and the Purple Hearts he received during the Vietnam War. Opponents have criticized the group’s ads, claiming that the ads are false. LO politics Although a majority of students are unable to vote because they are too young, some say they are still politically aware. “I would consider myself politically aware not necessary politically active, only because of age and my not being able to vote,” Hawes said. And as the election approaches, the question of who these students will vote for is still unanswered. But the Archer polls shows that 54 per-cent of students favor Bush while 31 percent favor Kerry. This outcome would please Regan. Regan can assist this poll from what he saw at the homecoming parade.

• effective cropping to center of interest • clear, sharp details • good, sharp contrast with varied levels of grays, black, and white or colors • attracts, holds reader’s attention • avoids distracting back/ foreground • all elements in photo combine with caption to tell story • action, rather than posed photo • captures dramatic moment

A group of Bush supporters held up signs supporting the president from the sides of streets while students from the high school paraded by during homecoming. “I was surprised at the support during the homecoming parade,” Regan said. “Most of them (students) cheered `Bush’. Only few were not supportive.” The presidential election is not the only race in which young people will cast ballots, there are elections for local township trustees, state representatives, and numerous proposals. When asked about other races such as the state representative election, only 7 percent of the students knew the two candidates’ names. The election approaches... After all the ads, speeches, debates, movies and rallies young people will ultimately have to decide for themselves who they will vote for. As the days wind down, the candidates will have to search for issues important to these voters. Woodward even says that young swing the vote. Which way? America will have to wait till Election Day. For both Woodward and Regan the clock is ticking down. Armed with only a telephone and a bag of potato chips for nourishment, volunteers battle for the very last votes. A volunteer calls up a teenager, distracting them from their video game and ask, “Can we count on your support?”

1 Marie Bollini Stevenson 2 Ashley Allen H.H. Dow 3 Dan Eardley GR Catholic Central 4 Andrea Robb East Jackson M Stephanie Ackerman Traverse City West Jr.

A Cut Above 19

News/Feature Photo News/Feature Photo

Photos in this category should be non-portrait, non-sports photos based either on on-the-spot coverage of an event that had news value and timeliness, or on the drama and emotion characteristic of features. Photos will be judged on both the quality of the photo as printed and how it was used in the publication.


• effective cropping to center of interest • clear, sharp details • good, sharp contrast with varied levels of grays, black and white or colors • attracts, holds reader’s attention • avoids distracting back/ foreground • all elements in photo combine with caption to tell story • action, rather than posed photo • underscores news/feature importance

First place winners by division 1 Maria Pahl Midland 2 Chris Ross Traverse City Central 3 Sara Stogner Kearsley 4 Jason Kohler Plainwell M Staff Traverse City East Jr.

20 A Cut Above

By Maria Pahl, Midland High School

Eats, continued from page 9 is the best option. However, for breakfast on a Sunday morning, the meal arrived within a half-hour. Although the wait was lengthy, it was well worth it. Even if the service is slow at times, it is only due to the abundance of customers, wide variety of menu selections, and new staff at The French Laundry. Menu: The French Laundry has something for everyone on the menu. All of the food is of the highest quality, and the staff is willing to accommodate customers’ preferences on the majority of their sandwiches. The most popular sandwiches on the menu include the “Georgia Reuben” and the “ He Ain’t Heavy.” For breakfast, potato pancakes are served with maple syrup, sour cream, applesauce, and three Detroit pork sausages. For a lighter choice, cinnamon raisin toast or bagels with American Spoon Fruit are two scrumptious options. Other signature

selections include an assortment of muffins, scones, croissants, brownies and coffee cakes, but their most delectable dessert is their pie of the month. Each buttery, hand made pie crust is filled with real fruit. The cost of meals at The French Laundry are pricey, but the portions are generous and the sandwiches can serve at least two people. An excellent meal is complimented by a variety of beverages, including cream soda, fresh squeezed orange juice, espresso, and an assortment of teas and coffee. Atmosphere: The French Laundry is a hometown restaurant with a touch of sophisticated flair. The scent of sizzling bacon, brewing coffee, and freshly baked pies create an aroma that alone is worth the trip. Different tables, various coffee mugs, and creative signs give an eclectic aura to the restaurant, making it an excellent choice to dine in Dibbleville.



Photos in this category must show the personality and/or character of the people and/or animals photographed. No more than two subjects should be featured in the picture. Sports portraits should be entered in this category. Photos will be judged on both the quality of the photo as printed and how it was used in the publication.


By Sam Peck, Fenton High School

• effective cropping to center of interest • clear, sharp details • good, sharp contrast with varied levels of grays, black, and white or colors • attracts, holds reader’s attention • avoids distracting back/ foreground • background appropriate for subject • natural appearance rather than posed photo • emphasizes personality of subject

First place winners by division 1 Carla Morabito Novi 2 Natalie Dasher H.H. Dow 3 Sam Peck Fenton 4 Tom Wrench Plainwell M Justin Knickerbocker Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 21

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

This category includes only editorial cartoons. This cartoon appears on the editorial/opinion page. It makes a point and delivers commentary or opinion.


• appears on editorial page • simple in design • shows high technical quality • centered on one topic • timely • subject familiar to reader in everyday life • displays artistic talent • message succinctly stated

First place winners by division

By Cameron Lewis, Novi High School

1 Cameron Lewis Novi 2 Jon Mikesell Flushing 3 Kendall Goode Dexter

4 Michael Theodore Royal Oak Shrine M Julia Purosky Haslett

Comic Strip

Comic Strip

Each installment of a comic strip counts as a separate entry. The purpose of the comic strip is to entertain.

22 A Cut Above


• entertaining • simple in design • shows high technical quality • centered on one topic • timely • subject familiar to reader in his everyday life • displays artistic talent • message succinctly stated

First place winners by division 1 Afaf Humayun Jackson

2 Alana Zachow Traverse City Central 3 Brandon Jolin Lakeview 4 Michael Theodore Royal Oak Shrine M Cole Cummings Haslett MS

By Cole Cummings, Haslett Middle School

Illustration Illustration

This category includes photo illustration, original artwork or original computer artwork used to establish a theme or mood with the intent to enhance any news/feature/sports article.


By Marissa Lankes, North Farmington High School

• clearly develops a theme or mood to enhance story • displays artistic talent within potential for expression using art, photography or computer • photos offer good, sharp contrast with varied levels of grays, black and white • art shows knowledge of composition, line and shading • attracts, holds reader’s attention • uses color, screens, typography and detail effectively • sizes and placement draw reader’s attention to story without overwhelming content • shows thought and creativity

First place winners by division 1 Andrew Dendel Lake Orion 2 Marissa Lankes North Farmington 3 Diane Teall Fenton 4 Nathan Banka Community M Kelsey Fegan Traverse City West Jr.

A Cut Above 23

Information Graphics Information Graphic

This category includes charts, graphs or diagrams created by hand or by computer and used to supplement or replace written content and give the reader information in a visual form.


• clearly enhances the story • visuals help clarify, simplify or visualize information • visually attractive • avoids excessive lines and/ or illustrations that might confuse the reader but shows effective detail • entertaining and/or informative • clear lines and even strokes as opposed to retraced or broken lines • taken advantage of art of computer technology • uses color, screens, typography and placement effectively

First place winners by division 1 Sadie Leibfritz & Layna Anderson Midland 2 D.J. Sobish Mona Shores 3 Trey Springer GR Catholic Central 4 Nathan Banka & Martin Tinkerhess Community M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr.

By Trey Springer, GR Catholic Central High School

24 A A Cut Cut Above 24 Above

Advertising Layout Advertising Layout

This category includes ads for which students have created the artwork or photography, written heads and copy and done the layout. Professionally created logos may be used. Ads should be attractive, informative and give all essential information. This entry is a single advertisement, not a


• copy provides desired information • copy appropriate: concise, specific and fast moving • copy attempts to motivate the reader • illustrations/photos clear • parts of the ad assembled to give interesting appearance (balance) • gaze motion or eye movement arranged properly • distinctive: simplicity, action, emphasis, color, photography • standing details attractively arranged (trademark, name, address)

First place winners by division 1 Jason Willis Stevenson 2 Princess Souvenir Southfield 3 Emily Leonard Fenton 4 Dan O’Connor Royal Oak Shrine M Stephanie Ackerman Traverse City West Jr.

By Jason Willis, Stevenson High School

A Cut Above 25

Front Page/News Magazine Front Page Magazine

Page contains nameplate and references to inside stories. Page generates reader interest and uses effective photos and/or artwork. Page will be evaluated for overall use of space.


• attractive nameplate, harmonizes with design, includes date, issue, volume, school, city and state • cover should be considered work of art • strongly relates to the inside contents • maintains visual interest • cover illustration (if used) may be compelling in size with a possible teaser headline depicting the mood of the story • photos effectively cropped, of varied size, shape, emphasizing action • cover can refer readers to inside pages

First place winners *All divisions*

due to lack of submissions, all divisions judged together

1 Sandra Burkhardt South Lake

By Sandra Burkhardt, South Lake High School

26 A Cut Above

Front Page/Newspaper Front PageNewspaper

Page contains nameplate. No advertising used on this page. Page will be evaluated for content and design for overall use of space.


• attractive nameplate, harmonizes with design, includes date, issue, volume, school, city, and state • page generates reader interest; showcases important content • sound, journalistic style of writing • maintains visual interest in lower half of page • consistent use of headline styles/type faces • photos effectively cropped, of varied size, shape, emphasizing action • demonstrates effective graphic style, with graphic devices contributing to impact of page • clear relationships demonstrated between story and related pictures/ art • cutlines stand out from body copy; effective leadins used for longer cutlines

First place winners by division 1 Bret Abel Grand Haven 2 Jenna Singleton H.H. Dow 3 Matt Denny & Markeese Booker Holt 4 Jennifer Everhart Laingsburg M Stan Mende

By Jennifer Everhart, Laingsburg High School

A Cut Above 27

Story Package Story Package

Content should be based on one significant topic built around a dominant story packaged with secondary stories. Does not need to be a true spread or full page design


• package generates reader interest; showcases strongest content • one dominant story element and graphic element, packages with secondary elements in form of stories/graphic • visual elements tie package together to create cohesiveness, even if package extends to another non-consecutive page or does not fill an entire page • graphic devices, if used, contribute to overall impact of package • design reflects effective graphic style, personality of publication • consistent use of headline styles/type faces • content covers appropriate, timely issues/ topics • stories written in sound, journalistic style • headlines get smaller in relation to importance of elements in package

First place winners by division 1 Andrew Slagh & Andrew Dendel Lake Orion 2 Shannon LaFrate & Courtney O’Brien Utica 3 Trey Springer & Tim Mooney GR Catholic Central 4 Katie Brown Laingsburg M Nicholas Moenck & Pulse Staff Birmingham Covington

28 A Cut Above

By Shannon LaFrate & Courtney O’Brien, Utica High School

Editorial-Opinion Page/Spread Editorial Opinion Page/Spread

Page will be evaluated for content and design. At least one editorial must appear on the page(s) entered. Other items may include columns, bylined opinion, polls, surveys, reviews, letter and cartoons. The masthead is normally on the opinion page. No advertising should appear on the editorial page, but may be used on the op-ed page.


• includes masthead with statement of responsibility for publication • graphic devices, if used, contribute to overall impact of page • cartoon, illustrations are attractive, understandable, using shadings/ screenings • design reflects effective graphic style, personality of publication • opinion supported by facts, research and examples • ads not included on editorial page • strong visual center of interest • consistent use of headline styles/type faces • editorial should be unsigned but clearly identifiable through standing heads and page ID, column width and/or type size. • content covers appropriate, timely issues/topics • stories written in sound, journalistic style

First place winners by division 1 Meredith Morgan Midland

By Stan Mende, Traverse City East Jr. High

2 Amanda Waterman H.H. Dow 3 Samantha Gross Wayland Union 4 Kim Pickens Laingsburg M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 29

Feature Page/Spread Feature Page/Spread

Pages will be evaluated for content and design. Content may be based on a single story, a package of related stories, or diverse feature stories. Advertising may or may not in incorporated into the page design.


• page generates reader interest; showcases strongest content • strong visual center of interest; page maintains visual interest throughout • consistent use of headline styles/typefaces; special types restricted to unique packaging of a single element • photos effectively cropped, of varied size, shape, emphasizing action • demonstrated effective graphic style with graphic devices contributing to impact of page • clear relationships demonstrated between story and related pictures, art • content reflects student interest • stories written according to sound journalistic style

First place winners by division 1 Jen Lindberg Grand Haven 2 Kat Carmody Grosse Pointe South 3 Emily Cowdrey Fenton 4 Nathan Banka, Chris Wilson & Ted Moore Community M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr.

By Emily Cowdrey, Fenton High School

30 A Cut Above

Sports Page/Spread Sports Page/Spread

Pages will be evaluated for content and design. Content is restricted to sports. Advertising may or may not be included on these pages.


• avoids sports jargon, cliches • strong visual center of interest; visually attractive top and bottom • demonstrates knowledge of subject • consistent use of headline styles/typefaces; head sizes indicate importance of story • cutlines stand out from body copy; effective leadins used for longer cutlines • graphic devices and ads, if used, contribute to impact of page, are attractively packaged, and encourage readership • clear relationship between story and related pictures/ art; potential for each story to draw readers • photos effectively cropped, of varied size, shape, and emphasizing action • page design reflects personality, contributes to attractiveness of page

First place winners by division 1 Jake May Grand Haven 2 John Monahgan Grosse Pointe South 3 Lee Hoggard, Sarah Craft & Christina Field Dexter 4 John Wallington Community M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr. By Jake May, Grand Haven High School

A Cut Above 31

News Page/Spread News Page/Spread

Pages will be evaluated for content and design. Content is restricted to news. Advertising may or may not be included on these pages.


• most important story is in top half of page • graphic devices, if used, contribute to overall impact of page • design reflects effective graphic style, personality of publication • strong visual center of interest • consistent use of headline styles/type faces • content covers appropriate, timely issues/ topics • stories written in sound, journalistic style • headlines get smaller as they go down the page

First place winners by division 1 A.J. Glubzinski Novi 2 Steve Thompson & Hannah Koaches H.H. Dow 3 Brittany Schupbach Fenton 4 Rachel Strecher & Paul Corbett Community M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr.

32 A Cut Above

By Rachel Strecher & Paul Corbett, Community High School

Entertainment Page/Spread Entertainment Page/ Spread

Pages will be evaluated for content and design. Content is restricted to features and news dealing with entertainment (music, plays, movies, reviews). Advertising may or may not be included on these pages.


• page generates reader interest; showcases strongest content • strong visual center of interest; page maintains visual interest throughout • includes logos/labels to separate types of entertainment (books, videos, music, etc) • consistent use of headlines styles/typefaces; special types restricted to unique packaging of a single element • photos effectively cropped, of varied size, shape, emphasizing action • demonstrates effective graphic style with graphic devices contributing to impact of page • clear relationships demonstrated between story and related pictures, art • cutlines stand out from body copy; effective lead-ins used for longer cutlines • content reflects student interests • stories written according to sound journalistic style

First place winners by division 1 Layna Anderson & Sadie Leibfritz Midland 2 Greg Wasserman H.H. Dow

By Greg Wasserman, H.H. Dow High School

3 Michelle Svetkoff, Mike Vickers & Hillary McCown Dexter 4 Nathan Banka & Steve Hall Community M Stan Mende Traverse City East Jr.

A Cut Above 33

Photo Story Photo Story

A photo story would include the use of at least three or four photos on a related theme to tell a story. It must include headline and captions and may include copy. Judging will be on the overall impact of the contests and layout. Submit tear sheet only.


• page includes at least three or four photos on related theme • headline and cutlines are evident • byline is included • copy, if used, is wellwritten and appropriate • photos are of good quality • dominant photo is evident • pictures work together to tell the story

First place winners by division 1 Claire O’Neill Grand Haven 2 Ericka Pritchett, Nicole Klages, Jensen Allen & Princess Souvenir Southfield 3 Sara Stogner Kearsley 4 Sara Daguanno South Lake M Stephanie Ackerman Traverse City West Jr.

34 A Cut Above

By Stephanie Ackerman, Traverse City West Jr. High

Professionally Published Page Professionally Published Page

Page has be to published in a professional newspaper. Send complete page. Page will be judged on stories, design and photography.


• shows balance of news, sports, feature, opinion, in-depth • presents evidence of good design (modular, dominant element, visually appealing, etc.) • page is clearly identified as school/student page • flag is evident with name of school, address, date, etc. • distinctive style is apparent • editorial is placed in a distinctive location on page • consideration of audience is evident (relevant topic, issues covered)

First place winners by division 1 Staff L’Anse Creuse North 2 Megan Lupek & Sarah Thudium Utica 4 Katy Luxton, Wendi Magee & Sandra Burkhardt South Lake

By Staff, L’Anse Creuse North High School

A Cut Above 35

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