Arthur Schnitzler Reclaimed

Page 110

THE LONELY WAY FELIX: Probably. But I don’t want to wait. IRENE: (Still on the terrace with SALA.) I just couldn’t leave Vienna without keeping my promise. (IRENE contiues to speak as she comes down the steps with SALA.) IRENE: You really do have a wonderful place here— Good evening, Julian. Good evening, Lieutenant. SALA: You should have come a little earlier—you would have seen everything in sunshine. (Pointing to the stone bench.) Won’t you sit down? IRENE: Thank you. I hope I’m not interrupting an important discussion, gentlemen? SALA: No, not at all. IRENE: But you’re all looking so serious. —Perhaps I’d better go. SALA: Oh, no, don’t do that— FELIX: If Fraulein Herms would excuse us for a minute… IRENE: Of course. FELIX: I wanted to ask what steps I should take regarding my present commission… (FELIX continues speaking as he slowly walks off with SALA.) IRENE: Why so mysterious? What’s going on? JULIAN: No mystery. Apparently the young man wants to join the expedition. So naturally they have things to discuss. IRENE: (Who’s been looking from JULIAN to FELIX and back.) Julian—it’s him, isn’t it? (JULIAN does not reply.) IRENE: You don’t need to answer. I haven’t been able to think of anything else since we talked… I can’t understand why I didn’t realize it before. It’s so obvious—it’s him…


And he’s twenty-three! To think that when you chased me from your door, I was worried that you might kill yourself!… And there goes your son. JULIAN: What good does it do me? He doesn’t belong to me. IRENE: Just look at him! He’s there, alive, and young, and handsome! Isn’t that enough? (She gets up.) And I was ruined! JULIAN: What? IRENE: Don’t you understand? Ruined forever! JULIAN: No, I had no idea. IRENE: Well, you couldn’t have helped me anyway. (Pause.) Goodbye. Forgive me. Tell them whatever you want. I’m leaving before I learn anything else. JULIAN: What’s the matter with you? Nothing has changed. IRENE: Is that what you think?… To me, these twenty-three years have suddenly taken on an entirely different meaning! —Goodbye. JULIAN: Goodbye. Until we meet again. IRENE: Do you even care if we do? Do you?… Oh now you’re upset… There you go again, making me feel sorry for you. (Shaking her head.) That’s just like you. Well, what can one do? JULIAN: Pull yourself together—here they come. SALA: So, that should take care of everything. FELIX: I’m very grateful to you. But now I do have to go. IRENE: Are you going into town, Lieutenant? I’d be happy to give you a lift if you like. FELIX: Thank you.

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