Minetta Review Fall 2012

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Allison Somers is a Brooklyn-based artist originally from Los Angeles, California. Her fascination with the photographic is linked to a wanderlust taking her to places near and far. Material from her travels inevitably serves as a departure point for investigation into still and moving image. Allison holds post as adjunct professor in New York University’s Department of Art and Art Professions. She received her MFA from NYU in 2010. Alice Vernon is an undergraduate of English and Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University. She enjoys writing short stories and having profound discussions with her cat, Chairman Mow. As well as working on her first novel, Alice is currently immersing herself in Japanese fiction with the idea of publishing essays in that literary field. She thinks you look nice today. The entirety of her humor serial may be found on alicevernon.tumblr.com. J.E.A. Wallace moved to New York City from London a few years ago after a woman who turned out to be the love of his life asked him for a cigarette. He has been many things in his time—a barman in the Houses of Parliament, a security guard in an abattoir, the co-founder of the band The Crowd That Entertains—but right now he is very happy to be a married poet in Manhattan where his work has been published in The Write Place At The Write Time, Hidden Chapters, and Stained Sheets among others. Michael Way grew up on the south shore of Lawn Guyland. He enjoys writing and eating sandwiches, and he could probably use a new pair of shoes. Laura Wendorff, born in Wausau, Wisconsin, earned bachelor’s degrees in English and History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She is currently a professor of English, Women’s Studies, and Ethnic Studies at the University of WisconsinPlatteville, and her work has appeared in Verse Wisconsin Online, American Transcendental Quarterly, Faculty Development, and Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict. She is married and has two children. Helen Wickes lives in Oakland, California and used to work as a psychotherapist. Her first book of poems, In Search of Landscape, was published by Sixteen Rivers Press in 2007. Her four poems in Minetta Review are from an unpublished manuscript, The Moon Over Zabriskie. Larissa Yuan was born and raised in China. She loves both Asian and Western literature. And she is eager to see how they work together. She is a sophomore in NYU’s CAS. 121

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