Mindanao Times, March 27, 2020

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Opinion: ‘CoViDized’ issues and concerns?

A Merienda Cena before the Lockdown


PAGE 6 VOL. 74

NO. 085

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020





Chinatown along Ramon Magsaysay Avenue, one of the busiest streets in the city, becomes a virtual ghost town as the city is under community quarantine for almost two weeks now, amid the COVID-19 threat. BING GONZALES

Quarantine violators

• Nearly 800 caught for defying curfew, liquor ban BY RHODA GRACE B. SARON

AUTHORITIES apprehended 766 violators of the curfew and liquor ban since the implementation of home quarantine directive of the respective local government units (LGUs) in the region due to the COVID-19 threat. Brig. Gen. Filmore ban is strictly enforced, Escobal, the director of which already resulted in Police Regional Office XI, the apprehension of 700 said the curfew and liquor curfew violators and 66

liquor ban violators. Law enforcers, police auxiliary, and village se� curity teams are continu� ally on patrol to ensure the compliance of the home quarantine. In a related report, five

people were apprehended in Mati City at past 10 p.m. on Wednesday for violating the curfew and liquor ban. Maj. Eudisan Gultiano, the Police Regional Office XI spokesperson, identified them as alias Mae, 16, sin� gle; Jelgar Corpuz Ugpo, 24, single, welder; Eu� gene Mamparo Quinio, 26, single, helper; and Mark (


Remove benches from sari-sari stores - mayor BY WARREN ELIJAH E. VALDEZ

MAYOR Sara Duterte directe������������������� d������������������ all barangay cap� tains to remove the bench� es in front of sari-sari (sundry) stores in their respective areas to prevent people from loitering.

Duterte said she re� ceived reports that some individuals are hanging around in front of the neighborhood stores in� stead of staying in their (

/ REMOVE / 5)

Contact tracing: 3 COVID patients had close contact with 233 people BY SAMANTHA T. BURGOS

A POLICE officer checks the temperature of motorists at the checkpoint along Quimpo Boulevard before they are allowed to enter the downtown area. The city has been placed under community quarantine since March 15. BING GONZALES

w w w. m i n d a n a o t i m e s . c o m . p h

CONTACT tracing is ongo� ing to track down people in the region who had close interaction with a con� firmed COVID-19 patient. Dr. Cleo Fe Tabada, Department of Health XI

Mindanao Times

medical officer of the Re� gional Epidemiology Sur� veillance Unit, said they are coordinating with the local government units for the intensified contact tracing. They also made some


progress. For example, Patient 130, the 21-year-old recov� ered COVID-19 patient, had close contacts with 104 people. Of these 104 ( / CONTACT / 5) mindanaotimes




FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

Sara hits national gov’t agencies currying favor to defy quarantine BY WARREN ELIJAH E. VALDEZ

MAYOR Sara Duterte called out the national agencies for lack of cooperation regarding the city government’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. In her statement re- the local government “has with the release of its very leased on the official Fa- started implementing ac- first guideline.” cebook page of the city tions against Covid-19 as However, they have on Thursday, Duterte said early as February 10, 2020, “to deal with government

offices and private institutions that, for reasons that are beyond me, try to defy the very same controls that we have made to protect the city and the entire Davao

Region.” The chief executive did not mention the national government agencies asking for special favors. “We have crafted rules,

guidelines, and orders supposedly to protect the general public welfare and despite this, some government offices seem not to (

/ SARA / 5)

Doctor abducted by ASG rescued in Sulu ZAMBOANGA CITY -Joint police and military forces rescued on Tuesday night the physician abducted by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) bandits in the province of Sulu. The Sulu Provincial Police Office said the physician, Dr. Daniel Moreno, was rescued following a firefight around 7:30 p.m. Tu e s d a y i n B a r a n g a y Bangalan, Indanan, Sulu. Police said the firefight ensued as the troops chanced upon the group of ASG sub-leader Mundi Sawadjaan while conducting joint operations in con-

nection with Operations Plan (Oplan) Lockdown amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) threat. The firefight lasted about five minutes before the ASG bandits were forced to release Moreno, giving the troops the opportunity to rescue the hostage. Police said the troops immediately extricated Moreno using their unmarked vehicle and safely transferred him to an ambulance of 1102nd Infantry Brigade prepositioned at a checkpoint in Barangay ( / DOCTOR / 15)


/ DOCTOR / 15)

MEN working on the underground cabling project continue their work, as fewer vehicles are plying along the once-busy C.M. Recto Street. BING GONZALES

Report PUJ drivers for 2 nabbed overcharging: LTFRB 11 in drug BY SAMANTHA T. BURGOS

THE LAND Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) urged commuters to report jeepney drivers who overcharge them on the fare. In a Facebook post, the LTFRB advised that the commuters must take photos of the vehicles, along with their plate numbers and routes. These can bolster their case. “Include your names, and other information that you can state so that we can summon you to a scheduled hearing that you must attend,” it said. “This will

ensure that your complaints will be handled accordingly, and so that violators will be fined based on their offense,” the announcement read. LTFRB regional director Armand Dioso told TIMES yesterday in a phone interview that violators will face stiff sanctions if their guilt is proven. For instance, they will pay P3,000 for the first offense and P10,000 for the second offense. If they are caught for the first time, the franchise will be cancelled on top of the P10,000 fine.

He said the public can contact them through their Facebook Messenger at Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board XI (LTFRB XI). They can also reach their office through telephone number (082) 297-2525. As of now, Dioso said they still have not received a single complaint on overcharged fares. “We are monitoring also vehicles in the city. But, so far, we don’t have any cases reported and we did not receive any complaints from people,” he said.



TWO ALLEGED drug pushers were arrested in a buy-bust operation conducted by the Buhangin police along Orchids road, beside Lamb of God Sped School, in Buhangin on Wednesday afternoon. Maj. Eudisan Gultiano, the spokesperson of Police Regional Office XI, identified them as Jull Anthony Aceron, 33, married, construction worker, and a resident of Fatima Vil(

/ 2 NABBED / 5)

Doctor abducted by ASG rescued in Sulu ZAMBOANGA CITY -Joint police and military forces rescued on Tuesday night the physician abducted by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) bandits in the province of Sulu. The Sulu Provincial Police Office said the physician, Dr. Daniel Moreno, was rescued following a firefight around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Barangay

Bangalan, Indanan, Sulu. Police said the firefight ensued as the troops chanced upon the group of ASG sub-leader Mundi Sawadjaan while conducting joint operations in connection with Operations Plan (Oplan) Lockdown amid the COVID-19 threat. The firefight lasted about five minutes be-

fore the ASG bandits were forced to release Moreno, giving the troops the opportunity to rescue the hostage. Police said the troops immediately extricated Moreno using their unmarked vehicle and safely transferred him to an ambulance of 1102nd Infantry Brigade prepositioned at a checkpoint in Barangay

Timbangan, Indanan. The police said Moreno was immediately taken to Camp General Teodulfo Bautista hospital for a medical checkup. Moreno was kidnapped by gunmen clad in military and police uniforms on the evening of February 4 from his residence in Barangay Walled City, Jolo, the capital of Sulu. PNA

Samal mayor issues EO on burial of COVID-19 cadavers THE ISLAND Garden City of Samal (IGACOS) ordered the immediate burial of cadavers amid the threat of the spread of the COVID-19. Samal City Mayor Al David Uy issued Executive Order No. 211 on Wednesday, March 25, stating the guidelines for the burial of positive patients in the Island Garden City of Samal. “In times of public health emergencies and spread of viral and infectious diseases, deaths of individuals shall be properly monitored, handled, and disposed properly particularly those deaths occurring at home or outside of the hospitals,” the EO said. During public health emergencies or outbreak of infectious diseases, the bodies “shall be buried within 72 hours from the time of death or from the time of arrival of the cadaver in the city. Travel permits and death certificates are also required when transporting human cadavers into the city, which must be presented to the concerned

authorities at checkpoints. “No human cadavers shall be transported into the city without the required travel permit or death certificate duly issued by the proper authorities,” the EO stressed. It also requires that the cause of death reflected in the death certificate is a non-infectious disease, otherwise, it will not be allowed entry to the city. Meanwhile, in cases of deaths due to infectious diseases, the cadaver must be buried or cremated within 24 hours and it must immediately be reported and coordinated with the City Health Office or any proper government agencies. Neurological services or vigil, on the other hand, must be conducted within 72 hours. “Social distancing, wearing of masks, and proper protocols and quarantine/lockdown guidelines shall strictly be observed,” the EO added. The Philippine National Police, Samal Task Force, and the City Health Office will undertake the implementation of the executive order.


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020



Another senator tests positive for Covid-19 SENATOR Juan Edgardo “Sonny” Angara announced on Thursday that he tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). In a press statement, An- nounce about his infection. gara said he found out about Angara said: “I ask for the result of his test on the your prayers that together we same day as he has been “feel- are able to pull through this ing some symptoms like mild tremendous challenge.” fever, cough, headaches and “Let us continue to supgeneral weakness.” port all efforts to fight the Angara, the third among further spread of the virus. Let the senators to have been in- us support our frontliners on fected with the dreaded virus, the streets, in the emergency added that he has “not been in rooms as they are key to the contact with the public since effort,” he added. taking the test last March 16.” Meanwhile at the House On Wednesday, Senator of Representatives, Rep Eric Aquilino Martin “Koko Pi- Go Yap also announced on mentel III also announced he Wednesday that he also tested tested positive for the virus, positive for the virus. while Senator Juan Miguel In a statement, Yap, chair Zubiri was the first to an- of the Committee on Appro-

2 PNP personnel positive for virus

sarili ko na maaaring nailagay ko sa alanganin ang buhay ng mga taong nakapaligid sa akin (I feel vexed and angry because I know that I may have endangered the lives of the people around me),” he added. Yap noted that on March MANILA – The Philippine 21, he attended a meeting in National Police (PNP) on Malacañang to discuss the Thursday confirmed that two government’s steps to combat of its personnel have tested the Covid-19 crisis. positive for the coronavirus “Bago tayo magpunta disease 2019 (Covid-19). doon, nagtanong ako kung may In a message, PNP resulta na ang aking test, pero spokesperson, Brig. Gen. wala pa daw (Before going Bernard Banac, said the first there, I asked for the test result, patient is a 32-year-old police but it was not yet complete). officer assigned in Metro MaI attended the meeting and nila who has been on home was careful the whole time quarantine since March 14. knowing na (that) I could The second patient is a potentially be a carrier of the 52-year old police officer asvirus,” heAdsaid. with PNA3:06:14signed (8x5.5in).pdf 1 1/29/2020 PM in Laguna who earlier report exhibited Covid-19 symp-

priation, said he took the test on March 15 and received the result on March 25, after being exposed to persons infected with the respiratory virus. “It is with a heavy heart that I share to all of you that I tested positive for coronavirus. Nagpa-test ako noong March 15 at ngayong araw, 10 days after, nakatanggap tayo ng tawag mula sa DOH [Department of Health] upang iparating sa akin ang resulta (I got myself tested on March 15, and today, 10 days after, I received a call from the DOH to inform me about the results),” Yap said. “Inis at galit ang naramdaman ko dahil alam ko sa

Humanitarian flight brings home 253 Pinoys from Kuwait MANILA -- A total of 253 Filipino nationals have been repatriated from Kuwait on Thursday through a humanitarian flight arranged by the Kuwait government and the Philippine Embassy. The Filipino repatriates who arrived at around 3 a.m. at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport are composed of 179 distressed domestic workers; 39 former detainees at Talha Deportation Center, Sulaibiya Central Jail, and other detention facilities in Kuwait; 34 Filipinos who encountered various employment-related problems; and one infant. “The humanitarian flight

of 253 OFWs in Kuwait is a testament to the enduring friendship between the Philippines and Kuwait. On behalf of the Philippine government and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), I thank the Kuwaiti government and Kuwait Airways for this generous gesture to our distressed kababayan," Consul General to Kuwait Mohd. Noordin Pendosina Lomondot said in a statement. Chargé d'Affaires Charleson Hermosura lauded Kuwait for fast-tracking the immigration and repatriation procedures as a way to reduce the

risk of a coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak in Kuwait’s usually crowded detention facilities and shelter. Hermosura said the humanitarian flight was initially arranged for March 21 but was rescheduled to March 25, which allowed the Embassy and the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Kuwait to maximize the capacity of Kuwait Airways Boeing 777 aircraft and accommodate more Filipinos to the flight. The embassy facilitated the mass repatriation and settled the pending cases as well as the exit clearance of the




“MASS testing is a fundamental need to defeat the COVID-19 outbreak.” This was the remark of Senator Risa Hontiveros in her call for more COVID-19 test kits for the public, especially for high-risk Filipinos, such as health workers, frontliners, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. The Senator urged the Department of Health (DOH) to facilitate widespread testing and to upgrade diagnostic capacity across the country as soon as possible. “The logic is simple: To

defeat the outbreak, we need to determine more cases, isolate them, and respond to their treatment and care,” the senator said. The current DOH triage only allows those with severe symptoms to get tested. Hontiveros said mass testing is even more crucial when symptoms are mild, as those with undetectable symptoms remain as carriers of the coronavirus. Hontiveros echoed her proposal for mass testing in her proposed amendments to Senate Bill No. 1413 that

/ FIRST / 7)





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seeks to grant President Rodrigo Duterte emergency powers arising from the coronavirus situation. “Social distancing and the lockdown are not enough to ‘defeat the outbreak," said Hontiveros. “We need to follow the World Health Organization’s advise for countries to ‘test, test, test,”, she added. Hontiveros seeks expedited medical testing and observation through “upgrading diagnostic capacity and mass testing prioritizing high-risk individuals,” her proposed





Risa calls for mass testing amid COVID-19 outbreak

toms. Banac said the first patient was confined in an undisclosed hospital but was later discharged. He did not give further details regarding the patient’s discharge. The second patient, he said, was only put under home isolation due to mild symptoms. Both are being closely monitored by PNP doctors. Brig. Gen. Herminio S. Tadeo Jr., director of the PNP Health Service, recommended

/ RISA / 15)


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/ 2 PNP / 15)




FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

Mindanao LGUs adopt food program BY NICOLE BURLAS

SEVERAL Mindanao governors have adopted a food security strategy in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, said the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), the agency that formulated the strategy. In a press statement, MinDA said the Self-Sustaining Food Security Strategy (SSFSS) links up neighboring provinces to ensure food supply for their constituents and tries to prevent food shortages. The aim of SSFSS is to ensure that local government units (LGU) are able to quantify their current food supply inventory and identify possible sources such as its neighboring provinces and other adjacent areas. It is also expected to ensure sufficient food production and sound distribution methods in the different areas in Mindanao.

Secretary Emmanuel Piñol, MinDA chair, said in a Facebook post last Thursday that Davao Oriental Governor Nelson Dayanghirang, whose province is looking for ample supply of rice, was informed that its neighboring province, Davao de Oro, may have excess production of the commodity. Meanwhile, North Cotabato Governor Nancy Catamco is ready to implement SSFSS in her province, the agency said. Under her implementation, upland rice seeds will be distributed to complement the lowland areas production.

The agency added that vegetable seeds and backyard chicken breeders will also be distributed to encourage farmers who are confined to their farms to produce more food. She said that farmers who produce chicken, hogs, eggs, and vegetables may also be bought by the LGUs for distribution to residents as food assistance. "We don't know how long the problem would last, that is why we have to be prepared," Catamco said. On the other hand, Sulu Governor Sakur Tan said his province has sufficient food supply, especially cassava


/ MINDANAO / 15)

LGUs to support proposed laboratory THE PROPOSAL of the University of the Philippines - Mindanao (UP-Min) to set up a molecular laboratory for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has gotten support from the Davao del Norte local government. “As local chief executives, we hereby commit and support your proposal to establish a mobile diagnostics laboratory for rapid medical and public health response to COVID-19 in the province,”


Strong economic fundamentals can address Covid-19 challenge MANILA – The government’s budget deficit and spending will exceed the program this year because of the need to address the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), but Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez said domestic fundamentals remain strong and can address this challenge. In an interview by Bloomberg TV Wednesday, Dominguez said the enhanced community quarantine and the ban against the entry of foreigners for the meantime will have “very serious effects” on the livelihood of the people. He said this is the reason why President Rodrigo R. Duterte asked for emergency powers to be able to realign funds from both within this year’s national budget and outside of the budget which are with government-owned corporations to use to support the people who have lost their

livelihood during the period of lockdown. To date, the government has announced an initial stimulus package amounting to PHP27.1 billion to be used for the acquisition of equipment and medical supplies to address Covid-19 cases, as well as support for workers both in the tourism and non-tourism sectors who were not able to work due to the pandemic. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has also agreed to purchase PHP300 billion worth of government securities from the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), under a repurchase agreement to be paid within six months, to augment funds. Another measure aimed to support the economy is the reduction in universal and commercial banks’ (U/KBs) reserve requirement ratio (RRR) by 200 basis points effective March 30, 2020, which

PH has ‘ammo’ vs virus: expert MANILA – The country’s sound macroeconomic policies provided “ammunition” to the Philippine government in its fight against the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, an executive of a business consultancy firm said. Gregory Wyatt, PSA Philippines Consultancy, Inc. Director for Business Intelligence said the Philippine government can afford to launch fiscal packages considering the country’s low debt-togross domestic product (GDP) ratio of 41.5 percent, while the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) can further cut interest rates with the “relatively high” borrowing rate currently at

3.25 percent. “The central bank and the government have ammunition while other countries don’t,” Wyatt said in a webinar organized by Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines on Wednesday. He said some countries have a high debt-to-GDP ratio while other nations have low interest rates. Wyatt backed the recommendations of local economists to introduce a robust fiscal stimulus beyond a traditional one. “The traditional (stimulus) is getting people (to) spend again, solving the demand side problem of (the)


/ PH / 15)

is seen to ensure additional PHP200-billion liquidity into the system. Dominguez said they are also in talks with lenders for a USD1-billion borrowing to further increase government funds for programs to address the economic and health impact of Covid-19. “The talks are going well and these will go a long way to support our efforts to combat this virus,” he said. Dominguez said they are going to tap all markets, citing confidence that the government is “prepared, very well prepared to increase our debt levels.” “As you know we have reduced our debt levels from over 70 percent of GDP (gross domestic product) to only 41 percent of GDP now. So we are in a very good position to combat this coronavirus and we have the debt capacity to do that,” he said. The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) estimates that total

loss from the impact of the pandemic on the economy’s supply and demand side amounts to about PHP428.7 billion to PHP1.3555 trillion. In terms of GDP, the NEDA estimates the figure to be around -0.6 percent to 4.3 percent this year. “The way it looks it all depends on how long this emergency will last. And we are certainly looking at a drop in our GDP growth possibly to one half of one percent negative. That’s assuming that it will last the whole year and we do nothing,” Dominguez said. In 2019, domestic output slowed to 5.9 percent from previous year’s 6.2 percent due to the delay in the approval of the national budget, which was only signed on April 15 last year. Government revenues are seen to be lower and the budget deficit is forecast to be higher than the programmed 3-3.6 percent of GDP, Dominguez said. (PNA)

Davao del Norte Governor Edwin Jubahib and Tagum City Mayor Allan Rellon said through a joint letter to UPMin dated March 22. Dr. Lyre Anni Murao, UP-Min virology professor and director of the Philippine Genome Center Mindanao, said the local government units need to shoulder about P10.3 million a month in operational costs as the private sector will fund the construction of the laboratory which

will cost about P15 million. “Our partners from the private sector will take charge of designing the lab to ensure it will meet biosafety standards,” she said. “The entire laboratory establishment including accreditation, design and assembly, up to equipment installation and calibration, will take roughly 7 to 8 weeks. When running at full capacity, the lab can be expected to handle


/ LGUs / 15)

SEC issues rules on email reports THE SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued guidelines allowing corporations to submit their reportorial requirements through email while Luzon and other parts of the country remain under enhanced community quarantine due to the new coronavirus pandemic. The Guidelines, issued on March 20 through Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2020, apply to the General Information Sheet (GIS), audited financial statements, and all other general and special forms and letters. Under the Guidelines, the documents to be submitted through email should be in Portable Document Format (PDF), preferably with text layer. They should be sent as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachments, using a valid company email account or address of an authorized representative. The documents should also contain an electronic signature, defined under Republic Act No. 8792, or the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000. The SEC will recognize electronic images of wet or physical

signatures of authorized and appropriate representatives affixed to the documents. Documents required to be executed and submitted under oath may be submitted unnotarized. It shall be understood, however, that the persons whose signatures appear in the documents shall be held accountable under the appropriate provisions of Republic Act No. 11232, or the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines. The body of the email should also include a statement declaring the authenticity of the submitted documents and a commitment to submit physical copies of the documents to the SEC once the state of public health emergency is lifted. The statement should include the full name, corporate address, and the mobile number of the authorized representative making the submission. The sender should request for a Return Receipt and Delivery Status Notification to ensure that the email has been sent and has also been received by the SEC. The SEC will require the submission of the duly notarized hard copies of the documents submitted through email on a date to be announced after state of public health emergency is lifted.

Firm helps in fight vs virus

THE PLDT Home Prepaid Wi-Fi kit will be used at the Cebu City COVID-19 command and control center.

PLDT wireless unit Smart Communications Inc. is supporting COVID-19 response initiatives in Visayas and Mindanao through its various communications solutions. Inter-agency task force groups and local government units have been using the Smart Infocast platform to broadcast text updates to of-


/ FIRM / 15)


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020


(from front page)

Lester Matias Bantayan, 18, single, all residents of Purok 17-B, Curbada Magsaysay. Also arrested was Jose SuerteRendon, 19, single, and a resident of Purok Mabuhay-1, Barangay Matiao. The five suspects were reportedly caught in the act of having a drinking session by the patrolling law enforcers. Residents of Mati City are instructed to be at home from 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. in the attempt to control the spread of the virus. Accordingly, Matic city PNP personnel led by Senior Master Sergeant Rosanna D Ormo under the direct supervision of Major Bembo Aying, the Chief of Police while conducting mobile patrolling for the implementation of curfew hours unwittingly, they actually saw in plain view a group of persons having a drinking spree outside the house at Purok 17-4B, Curbada Magsaysay, Barangay Central prompted them to immediately arrest the said violators. Also, with the intensified checkpoints, Escobal reminded all police officers to strictly observe the necessary safety precautions,

such as maintaining social distance, carrying pocket alcohol, wearing of masks, gloves, face shields, and the use of 12-inch sticks in checking bags. Escobal frequently visits the different checkpoint areas to distribute personnel protective equipment or PPEs, rice subsidy, provide cash assistance, and see to it that the regional lockdown within Davao region is strictly enforced. “With the ongoing crisis, the PRO XI received outpouring support from our stakeholders who donated PPEs to be used by our personnel," he said. "Others donated food and water to the personnel manning the checkpoints.” With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the increasing number of infected individuals, Escobal is calling for the people’s cooperation on the government’s call for them to stay at home. He lamented that some people are still defying the enhanced community quarantine. “We can’t win against COVID-19 if we continue to give it a chance to be transmitted to other people,” he said.


(from front page)

homes. “These individuals will say they will just buy som�� ething from the store,” she said. “Then when they arrive, they will instead sit down and drink.” She also noted that some people are trying to find to elude the liquor ban, which starts from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m., to start drinking in earlier hours. By the time the ban takes effect, they would already be at home intoxicated.


The local government has issued an executive order adjusting the implementation liquor ban in the city, as part of the effort to encourage people to go home directly after work. Davao City has an existing ordinance that prohibits selling of alcohol at 1 a.m. “Let us remove the benches so that people won’t sit around in front of sari-sari stores,” Duterte said.

(from page 2)

care about the effort that the entire city and the region have been doing to help the nation,” she said. “These offices seem to care more for batches of 2, 4, 7, even 30 individuals against the 4.8 million population of Filipinos in the region,” she added, noting that “this is an unfortunate case of a government working against others in government.” She then requested the national government agencies to stop asking her to defy the rules that are enforced in the city. Everyone is a possible carrier of the virus, so there is a need for “almost all individuals to stop moving” around the city.

“[A]nd we simply cannot do this if are asked to defy rules. Please allow me to do what our doctors and even the World Health Organization recommend for the country to do,” she stressed. Meanwhile, Mayor Duterte also warned public hospitals to follow the rules set in Executive Order No.20-A. “Do not provide special treatment for a few individuals against the safety of the entire staff and personnel of your hospital. We have labored on the protocols with the DOH. If our own hospitals do not follow protocols, we should not have any at all,” she said. The mayor noted that there are millions of resi-


(from front page)

individuals, 83 persons have been contacted and monitored already. Three of them had mild symptoms while the rest are asymptomatic. PH 262 and PH 263, the couple who also tested positive for COVID-19, had close contacts with an estimated 129 people. Of these number, the DOH already reached out to 49 individuals. For PH442, only 18 individuals have been listed for contact tracing. Taboda said they are coordinating with the airlines, and now waiting for the manifesto so that they can add it to their list. The City Health Office



(CHO) will conduct the contact tracing for PH443, the latest patient positive of COVID-19. As for PH444, also the recently reported confirmed COVID-19 case, the local health units and the government are responsible for tracking down the possible infected people. Taboda said all these contacted people are now on strict home quarantine, monitored by the local health units. “Continuous contact tracing has been conducted. We are encouraging people to please submit any information that might help with our contact tracing,” she said.

(from page 2)

lage, Bajada; and Gil Florida

Gonzales, 42, married, selfemployed, and a resident of Purok 16, Bunawan. Both were reportedly included in the Directorate for Intelligence watchlist, streetlevel target. In the report, they were arrested when they sold one sachet of shabu to an alleged poseur-buyer. Confiscated from them were another three

sachets of suspected shabu with a street value of P3,500, buy-bust money, and a .38 caliber revolver without serial number. The Yamaha Mio motorcycle used by the suspects was also confiscated. A case for violation of sections 5 and 11 of RA 9165 and RA 10591 is being prepared against the arrested suspects.

dents in the Davao region, and government workers sacrificing their personal lives and businesses. “I call

on everyone — let us not make the efforts of many, futile - just to accommodate the few,” Duterte said.



FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

‘CoViDized’ issues and concerns?

Widespread testing SINCE the first week of March, the clamor for widespread testing, especially among frontliners was raised, quickly turning to anger when people found that the scarce testing kits were utilized for the testing of government EDITORIAL officials. Although testing kits have arrived from China and South Korea, according to a press statement by the Department of Health (DOH) issued on Monday, the resources are still limited and it is not feasible to conduct mass testing for COVID 19. Health Secretary Francisco Duque III earlier said the department could be missing half of the actual number of COVID 19 cases due to the limited testing capacity of the laboratories. He said in an intervew that since Sunday, they have tested 1,513 of which 380 tested positive, including 25 fatalities. He said the results for the 471 cases remain pending, while the rest tested negative. He concluded that there could be around 600 confirmed cases, based on the number of deaths. The National Economic and Development Authority released a report Tuesday echoing the DOH view of testing. Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia said that the "key to a successful medical response is widespread testing,"


P u b l i s h e d b y M i n d a n a o T i me s Corporation, with Editorial and Business Offices at Ponciano Reyes cor . P alma G il S t ., Davao C ity . Telephone numbers (082)227-3252 or 227-9535 local 24 and 300-0854, Fax - (082)225-0309. Publisher:

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The reason for this is that, according to Pernia "a patient who is diagnosed earlier could be given care to prevent secondary infections. Moreover, early diagnosis will lead to early initiation of quarantine procedures and, therefore, limit or prevent the spread of the virus," Because of the lack of test kits, DOH has prioritized testing for persons manifesting severe symptoms and have either traveled to a country with local transmission or have been exposed to a positive case, which is what is happening to our medical practitioners. And this is where trouble started. So many reports of government executives and their staff being prioritized despite the already scarce test kits angered many. As we enter into an enhanced community quarantine, we can only hope that there will be less new cases reported. Still, widespread testing should be done.

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THERE is no doubt that everybody’s attention is now focused on the dayto-day account of the saga of governments all over the world in fighting the spread of the CoViD 19 pandemic. In the Philippines, people claiming to be, or are legitimately acknowledged experts in health services management, politicians believing that they are better leaders than the others, suddenly come out in public, getting interviewed, or seeking opportunities for media exposure to have their views on the raging pandemic heard. Of course we can understand that the Philippines is a free country. Its constitution guarantees its citizens’ freedom of expression. So, that is why over the past few days we have a daughter of a senator raising the question why military men and members of the Philippine National Police are all over the roads and highways when the problem being faced by the people is about health. Then we read in social media a known leader of an activist group and its former Party list congressman almost mimicking the comment of the senator’s daughter. We also heard some leaders of non-government organizations working on health concerns advocating for this and that policy and management procedures to effectively address the pandemic. Amidst the paranoia however, seemingly the government, and even the people, have been unable to keep track with what is happening of the other major issues or programs that are also of grave concern to society. Last week for example, we finally were able to get in touch with Dean Ortiz, a former colleague in this paper and now the spokesman of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in Region XI. We could not help confronting him about the issue we had been raising in this column for the longest time – the non-functional elevators in some existing overpass projects like the ones in Buhangin, Mintal and Calinan. The overpasses, though relatively new as these have been built not more than five years ago, are also starting to deteriorate and clearly very much wanting in upkeep. Our friend Dean was quick to reason out that the DPWH has nothing to do with those overpasses much more than the unutilized elevators. According to the DPWH spokesman the overpasses we mentioned are city projects. Hence, he said, these are the concerns of the City Engineer’s Office (CEO). Okay. But we have included the CEO in our earlier calls regarding the multi-million white elephants with all the units imported from China. But somehow our calls hit deaf ears. Neither Hi nor Ho ever came out from any of the officials of that office of the city government. The silence of the said office is something that we, and without doubt, many other Davaoenos could not understand. What is the wisdom of those who conceived the overpass projects with two elevator components in them and just leaving the lifts idle to its deterioration? From the figures provided on the billboards installed in the vicinity of the project sites during the construction period, the cost for each overpass ranges from P14 to P15 million. And according to some friends of ours who are in the heavy equipment sales business, the lift bought from China could cost P3 million or more. Assuming that only the three overpasses that we have observed to be with 2 elevator components each would be a whooping P18 million already wasted down the drain. Of course, we could not prevent some people from thinking that a good portion of that money did not really go into the drain for the non-use of the elevators; that this had gone into the pockets or bank accounts of some corrupt officials whose signatures were requisites for the payment of the project contractor. Another project which its non-implementation could have further been put into oblivion because of the CoViD 19 pandemic is the construction of new multi-storey school buildings for students of the Davao City Special (

/ ROUGH / 7)


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

Inside looking out Outside looking in EVERY so often, adverse things and events that had confronted us had been met with natural parrying and re-adjustment of both our position and direction. This innate talent to adapt and to shift gears when necessary had, throughout the ages, always been the reason why we, compared to other species, are where we are. However, in the face of this present pandemic that threatens our very existence, this admirable survival trait may be imperiled as well. Not only by the virus itself, mind you, but by our very own comforting belief (or arrogance) that, as we have always proved time and again, we will eventually hold out and win through. The equally-sad fact about this mindset however, is that the operative word “we”, does not pertain to humanity as a whole, but to us as individuals, a subjective few; specific people, places and countries where one belongs . So, even with the world suddenly turned upside down, it is this strong sense of individualism that remains stubborn to submit, and refuses to die; almost like the virus we are presently up against. With COVID-19, our years of being weaned to the "I do what I please" attitude does not suddenly seem to be so chic and hip anymore. In an article, “I’ll do what I want”: Why the people ignoring social distancing orders just won’t listen, by Eleanor Cummins in Vox.com, she had hinted, “Our judgment could be clouded by Optimism Bias, the tendency to believe you are less likely than others to experience something negative.” In a nutshell, the general affluence that the world had experienced as a whole, right after say, World War II, may have had somewhat molded a coat of invincibility in the general consciousness, with man contentedly sucking our thumbs inside the resulting womb of comfortability. Because of this, plus other factors such as politics and religion, we have become complacent and terrible at assessing actual risks that come our way. More importantly, “It’s about our risk to others that might make it a little more difficult to understand.”, said Cynthia Rohrbeck, an associate professor in clinical and community psychology at George Washington University. This means that 'taking responsibility' for the health of others, as what is vital in this pandemic, isn’t at all part of the consciousness or included in many health discourses. To make matters worse, the learnings from past epidemics and other related challenges do not apply in this instance. It has no precedent to use as a template. 'No one alive today has ever experienced a pandemic of this severity.' Still, a majority of us persist on the old formula that " we can't be beat. Life goes on." To only the people who will have survived this in the end will the answer finally be available; those who have chosen to break away from the vicious loop of comfortability that we have made ourselves.


(from page 6)

School Elementary Department in Bangkal. As we have mentioned in several earlier columns of ours, we started hearing of the project some four years ago. Today, the “train-like” single level buildings housing several elementary grades classes appear half-buried in the ground if viewed from the back. The roofs are already too rusty and could be blown away if strong winds hit the school site. Most parents and residents nearby are wondering what is delaying the government in constructing the replacement building or buildings. Such questions can ever become more significant when the parents claim to be seeing new and imposing multi-level buildings in other school campuses that do not even carry the distinction of being the city’s “Special School.” Again, what happened to the much ballyhooed Bangkal SPED classroom replacements? What now that it is overtaken by the CoViD pandemic? “CoViDized”?


Mothering with guts is similar to COVID-19 situations CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) has caused be mistreated along with the people of God many cities, provinces, and countries to rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures lockdown to contain its spread and to preof sin. He regarded disgrace for the sake of vent deaths from happening especially to the Christ as of greater value than the treasures most vulnerable populations. It takes guts of Egypt ." (Hebrews 11:24-27). and wisdom to know how to turn crises like Jochebed faithfully discharged her these into something good for our families. motherhood calling to raise leaders God We could learn from Jochebed in these trycould use to free their people from slavery ing times. and lead them. Moses described himself as Jochebed's story (Exodus 2) is worse not eloquent in speaking, but agreed to lead than our situation, but she turned it to her a very stubborn people. His older brother EVELYN PAJARON favor. She and her husband Amram came Aaron became his spokesman (prophet) to from the priestly Levite tribe. They were Pharaoh and also became the high priest of living as slaves in Egypt at a time long after Joseph had Israel (Exodus 28:1). Miriam also became a prophetess saved the Egyptians from sure famine and death with his (Ex. 15:20). wise prophetic insight and management skills. Their preI am sure this story of Jochebed's guts and wisdom in sent reality was that what Joseph did had been forgotten facing difficult circumstances has repeated itself in many and they were living in harsh slavery in a foreign land that women's lives. Jochebed had Amram but we have many wanted to contain their population. The Egyptian king solo mothers who refuse abortion or give up on their child ordered his people to kill every Israelite newborn son. In even if it meant raising the child on their own without that situation, Jochebed gave birth to her youngest son! the father's support. We have the likes of Justin Bieber's Jochebed did not give in to the hopelessness of life in mom Pattie Malette who considered aborting him but her slavery nor to fear (Hebrews 11:23). Her instinct to protect conversion to Christianity kept her from doing so. Or the her young enabled her to hide Moses for three months af- story of Leonardo DiCaprio who paid tribute to his mom ter giving birth to him. How she must have cared for him for the sacrifices she made to show him a better life than constantly so he would not cry and make any indication the rough neighborhood they lived in. We have stories of of having a newborn in her house! mothers who gave up their children for adoption to give Jochebed trusted God and acted with wisdom to them a chance for a better future than they ever could. protect her son. When she could no longer hide him, she The mothers have remained unknown, but out of these put him in a wicker basket covered with tar and pitch adoption stories, we have a Steve Jobs, who was the and floated it in the Nile River among the reeds at the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple, Inc., a Nelson time when Pharaoh's daughter was bathing. Pharaoh's Mandela, former South African president, and our local daughter heard the child's cry and felt compassion on beauty entrepreneur Dr. Vicky Belo. the child. Moses' sister who followed along to see what We also have mothers who turned tragedy to triumph would become of her brother immediately offered to get by refusing to give in and give up. We have Joyce Smith a Hebrew woman (aka the mother) to nurse the child for featured in the movie "Breakthrough" who never accepted her. How the situation changed instantly! Now Jochebed a doctor's pronouncement of "vegetable" for her son after was being paid to nurse and raise her son! Not only that, being lifeless for an hour from drowning. She believed her son also got the best education Egypt had to offer as God and harnessed believing prayer in others to rouse the son of Pharaoh's daughter! her son back to life and full health in just 16 days! Or the Jochebed instilled the right values and teaching during parents of Nick Vucicik who enabled him to adapt to his Moses' foundational years until he was weaned at probably condition and learn to live independently even without around age six according to the Egyptian culture. It made arms or legs, so that he became an inspirational speaker such an impact on Moses that despite the longer years be- and author traveling the world and having his own faming schooled in the wisdom of Egypt, he later "refused to ily! May these stories show us how to not just survive this be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to crisis, but to turn it for our family's good.


Curves MALAYBALAY CITY (MindaNews) In addition, the government has – Countries hit by the COVID-19 share to attend to overseas Filipino workers a battle cry – flatten the curve. who were unable to return to their jobs The phrase refers to the frantic due to the travel ban and those who efforts to reduce and eventually stop would be displaced if and when recesH. MARCOS C. MORDENO the occurrence of the disease. With sion occurs. The impending arrival MINDANEWS the exception though of a few Asian of around 30,000 Filipino seafarers, countries like Singapore and South mostly crewmembers of luxury cruise Korea, the bulges on the statistical graphs support pro- ships, is a portent of things yet to come. This early, the jections by experts that the situation will become worse country’s economic managers should make projections to before it gets better. come up with a realistic stimulus package. And while the world’s attention is riveted to controlBut the immediate concern should be containing ling the virus, fears of the contagion have brought the lives COVID-19 to enable people and communities to restore of millions to a standstill. normalcy in their daily lives. Learn from the methods Lockdowns have frozen time and space in several cit- and best practices of countries in addressing the crisis. ies and communities. Individual caprice feels obliged to This is far more useful than granting emergency powers yield to the need for stricter utilitarian measures imposed to the President. through coercion that finds justification in a shared fear Curbing the crisis means shortening the draconian of an invisible enemy. measures and the hardships they cause on ordinary people. Yet, while no one would argue with the restrictions It would also mean saving public funds that are now being these have so far not flattened the curve of the pandemic used to subsidize poor families affected by lockdowns for but of economic activities instead. Experts warned the fall- other urgent needs. Besides, the government can’t posout from this global health crisis could lead to a recession. sibly extend the lockdowns for several months without Some First World countries are already contemplating inviting social unrest, and with it the dole-outs without stimulus packages to cope with an imminent recession, going bankrupt. which is expected to last at least until the third quarter For now, the police may brag that criminality has of 2020. Small and medium enterprises will be the main decreased with the imposition of lockdowns. But try exrecipients of fiscal assistance. tending the restrictions and wait until government food A similar intervention is needed in the Philippines assistance dwindles or runs out, and you’d see how the where SMEs comprise the bulk of most local economies. crime curve goes. Many of them would be forced to either shut down or lay off workers, if they haven’t done it yet, should the (MindaViews is the opinion section of MindaNews. H. lockdowns and other restrictions on mobility and social Marcos C. Mordeno can be reached at hmcmordeno@ interaction continue. gmail.com.)


10 8 10


A TWIN Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony took place on March 9, 2015, hosted by the Borillo Quadruplets. The simultaneous opening of the two establishments – Lemonana and Life Goals are located in the vicinity of Paris Hotel in Lanang, Davao City. Life Goals is owned by best friend Kim Stephanie Molina. Divina Marie Castaneda Borillo - Granada, a BS Nursing graduate conceptualized the opening of a lemonade parlor which served lemon as a basic ingredient for refreshing drinks. Also served at Lemonana are Fresh Lemonade, Hot Tablea Choco and Tofu Sisig. Also on the menu are Lemon-Strawberry, Lemon and Mint and Melon Mango. Divina’s sisters, looking identical, are Adora Marie Borillo, Brenda Marie Borillo-Fuentes and Charito Marie Borillo. We asked Divina “why Lemonana”? She explains, “My only daughter’s name is Natalia. Divina’s auntie who took care of her was called ‘Nana’. She adds that “In Egypt, Lemonana is a combination of mint and lemonade.” Since she was a very young child, she was fond of selling items as a business. She took up nursing because it was the wish of her parents, “since they want us to be doctors like them, but my grandmother, Teodora dela Rosa was my idol, a businesswoman.”

Asked who are her target customers – “everybody, we want to introduce a healthy lifestyle instead of drinking soft drinks and iced tea. We can introduce lemons to our kids, especially in today’s crisis,” she explains. The blessing was attended by the mother of the Borillo sisters, Dr. Teresita Castaneda-Borillo, family and relatives. Kim Stephanie Molina – also a BS Nursing Graduate, held the blessing of her business, Life Goals.


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020


A FEW DAYS before the announced COVID-19 lockdown of Davao City, the Honorary Consul of Bangladesh and Davao’s respected icon for Education and Fashion, madame Purita Arsenia “Joji” Ilagan-Bian, decided on having a special merienda cena. The afternoon treat was some sort of a thanksgiving for talented Davaoenos who have shone ever so brightly in their respective fields of expertise in the past few months. First on Joji’s guest list was the veteran designer, Alfonso “Boy” Guinoo, who is Davao’s sovereign fashion designer for five generations of Davaoenas. Joji Ilagan-Bian has always shown her devotion to this best dressed senior citizen of Davao City. For more than half-a-century now, tito Boy never fails to enthral and mesmerize ordinary mortals with his own unique brand of glamour style. Tito Boy is definitely Davao’s legendary fashion maker of an icon who has dressed his favorite muse Joji Ilagan-Bian in fabulous gowns embellished with colorful feathers in various lengths plucked from various birds of prey; and of course the matching headdresses enough to make the ever devoted “Guinoo Ko” fashion mannequin standout like she’s the Queen of Ladislawa. Bow! Happily, my palangga Ann Tiukinhoy-Pamintuan is also in town and made it to the merienda cena despite her very busy schedule welding her sculptural artworks. The glorious Ann Tiukinhoy-Pamintuan is, of course, the multiawarded furniture, home accessories and jewelry designer. This fine artiste distinguishes herself as the first Asian woman designer to be included in the prestigious International Design Yearbook which is a survey of the best furniture, lighting, textile and product designs found around the world. Despite Ann’s many labor-intensive projects in Luzon, she finds time in giving attention to a proposed project she is doing for the Redemptorist Church of Davao City. God bless you always, dear Ann. Yes, the merienda cena was moved to a later schedule owing to our love for businesswoman, Magdalena “Lena” Atilano- Benedicto, who we had to wait for to accomplish her business trip in Manila. Lena was popularly adored as the disco queen of sorts when DIs (dance instructors) were so popular then

MAINTAINING social distance in Joji Ilagan-Bian’s luxury van

(seated, l-r): Joji I. Bian, Boy Guinoo, Ann T. Pamintuan, Toping L. Zamora, Michael E. Dakudao. (standing, l-r): Lena A. Benedicto, Sherwin Darrel, Sydney and Chino Tancontian

DINING on an heirloom Ebro family’s dining table

with the dancing matronas of Davao who could afford their fees. Why even madame Dionesia consults with dear Lena when it comes to the best dance instructors in town. But this lovable woman’s business savvy has made an indelible culinary mark in Davao City with her Patok sa Manok, Golden Brown Specialties, Rekado, and the recently opened Mr. & Mrs. B. One product of the JIB Schools madame Joji is proud of is international fashion designer Sherwin Darrel Magtulis. Sherwin has returned to the Philippines after honing his haute couture skills in China and Saudi Arabia for years. The Ilonggo-speaking fashion designer, who is from Lebak, Sultan Kudarat, was named

MERIENDA fare: Phad Thai (Asian Cow), lumpia ubod and bico (Cecile’s), home made pancit molo, chicken potato salad, Kuilan’s siopao and palitao

ANN T. Pamintuan’s gorgeous lamp

by Illustrado Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential Filipinos in the Gulf who have elevated the Filipino people as game changers in its advocacy “towards championing the image of Filipinos abroad.” Sherwin has a fashion house called “Tenue de Soiree” located at the North Zen Hotel along Sobrecarey Street, Davao City, and another one in Makati City. Sherwin works closely with the lumads of Sultan Kurdarat in producing beautifully handwoven fabrics of life which he uses for his Mindanaoan high fashion collection. It was Sherwin Darrel who actually told me that the tall and handsome mestizo named Christopher “Toping” Lim Zamora was actually a popular model of Davao City years before he became a fashion designer himself. A Fashion Design graduate of the Philippine Women’s College in 2017 (his second course), the talented Toping was the Grand Prix Winner of the Kadayawan Ball (2018); the Grand Prize Winner of the Stellar Young Designers Competition (2019); and the lone Mindanaoan finalist in the Cultural Center of the Philippines/Bench TernoCon 2020 Competition. This conscientious fashion designer collaborates and promotes a creative community among the B’laan weavers of Kiblaawan, Davao del Sur, and the Bagobo-Tagabawa weavers of Lubogan, Toril. Finally, but definitely not the least, on Joji and my guest list were young Davao judo athletes Sydney and Chino Tancontian, who won medals for the Philippines in the 30th Southeast Asian Games. These committed young athletes are presently freshmen athletic scholars of the University of Sto. Tomas. Both are aiming for a degree in Sports Science. I have watched ever so proudly these two judokas grow up like they were my own nephew and niece. It’s always such a joy for me when they come to visit me. That afternoon, we shared lots of laughter and food; and tito Boy’s love confessions. Joji brought with her chef Patrick Co’s Phad Thai from the Asian Cow; plus Cecile’s fried lumpia ubod and sweet biko. Lena came with desserts from Mr. & Mrs. B; while I offered them my family’s pancit molo, chicken potato salad, and Joji’s request of palitao and siopao which I got from Kuilan’s. Thank you, dear Ann Tiukinhoy-Pamintuan for the gorgeous lamp; and tito Boy for the vintage jewelry box.


DAVAO GEVIN PAWNSHOP, INC. All pawned items that expired during the month All pawned items that expired during the of JANUARY 2020, if not renewed or redeemed on month MAY, 14, 2015 notberenewed reor beforeof MARCH 2020ifwill sold to theorpublic deemed on or before JULY 14, 2015 will be on MARCH 16, 2020 at 9:00a.m. at our pawnshop sold to the public on JULY 16, 2015 at 9:00 premises.

a.m. at our pawnshop premises.

Gipahibalo ang tanan na ang FIRST COLOR PAWNSHOP magasubasta sa tanan nga nag-expired Gipahibalo na prenda ang FIRST sa bulan sa ENEROang 2020.tanan Ang tanan ibaligya COLOR PAWNSHOP magasubasta sa 9:00 tanansa sa publiko karong MARSO 16, 2020 sa alas buntag. nga nag-expired sa bulan sa MAYO 2015.


Ang tanan prenda ibaligya sa publiko karong HULYO 16 sa alas 9:00 sa buntag.


#47 Lao St., Toril, Davao City Tel. No. 295-2460

Anino Bldg., Prk 28 Villafuerte Street, Calinan, Davao City

Tel. No. 295-0751


All pawned items that expired during the month of FEBRUARY 2020, must renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed it will sold to the public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00am. Gipahibalo ang tanan nga ang DAVAO GEVIN PAWNSHOP, INC., maga-subasta sa tanan nga nagexpired sa bulan sa PEBRERO 2020. Ang tanang prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag. BRANCHES



CALINAN, Villafuerte (Main) APRIL 03, 2020


MINTAL, Sampaguita St.


APRIL 03, 2020

All pawned items that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020, must renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed it will sold to the public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00am. Gipahibalo ang tanan nga ang GOLDVALUE PAWNSHOP, INC., maga-subasta sa tanan nga nag-expired sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanang prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag.

BRANCHES AUCTION DATE TEL. NOS. BAJADA MARCH 03, 2020 321-8705 (Beside NBI Office) BABAK SAMAL MARCH 24, 2020 301-4019 SAN PEDRO MARCH 6, 2020 227-6772 CABAGUIO MARCH 27, 2020 321-6223 TIBUNGCO MARCH 30, 2020 222-2494 (OPENING)



All pawned items that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020, must renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior to the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed, it will be sold to the public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00 a.m. Gipahibalo ang tanan nga ang NARDING PAWNSHOP, INC., maga-subasta sa tanan nga nag-expired sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanan prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag. BRANCHES Lapu-lapu, Agdao Matina Crossing Tibungco

AUCTION DATE MARCH 10, 2020 MARCH 24, 2020 MARCH 17, 2020

TEL. NOS. (082) 222-3524 (082) 297-5786 (082) 296-4130

PANABO’S PAWNSHOP, INC. Panabo (Main) MARCH 16, 2020 (084) 628-8418 Panabo (Branch) MARCH 16, 2020 (084) 628-842

9GEMS Pawnshop Inc. Egger Bldg., Matina Crossing Davao City Tel. No. (082) 285-7069

NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE All pawned items that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020, must be renewed or redeemed on or before MARCH 07, 2020. If not redeemed or renewed, it will be sold to the public on MARCH 10, 2020 at our pawnshop premises from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

All pawned items that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020 must be renewed or redeemed two (2) days before the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed, it will be sold to public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00 A.M. Gipahibalo ang tanan na ang DIAGOLD PAWNSHOP INC., magasubasta sa tanan nga nag-expired sa bulan ENERO 2020. Ang tanang prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa na nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag. BRANCHES

All pawned items that expired during the month of DECEMBER 2019, if not renewed or redeemed on or before FEBRUARY 15, 2020 will be sold to the public on FEBRUARY 17, 2020 at 9:00a.m. at our pawnshop premises. Gipahibalo ang tanan na ang AL-JOS PAWNSHOP magasubasta sa tanan nga nag-expired sa bulan sa DISYEMBRE 2019. Ang tanan prenda ibaligya sa publiko karong PEBRERO 17, 2020 sa alas 9:00 sa buntag.


Agdao MARCH 12, 2020 (Toy Bldg., Lapu-lapu St.)


ROSEGOLD PAWNSHOP & JEWELLER Main – San Pedro Cor. Anda Street Davao City Tel. Nos. (082) 221-1477; (082) 221-0355; (082)222-5039 Accepts: Jewelry, Appliances, Watches, CellPhones and Any Valuable Items Highest Appraisal and Low Interest Rates at 3% Wholesaler and Retailers on all kinds of jewelry Rosegold Pawnshop Lapu-lapu Street, Agdao Davao City Tel. No. (082) 225-3637

Rosegold Pawnshop Ilustre St., Davao City (Fronting Limso Hospital) Tel. No. (082) 222-2104

Rosegold Pawnshop Ilustre Street, Davao City (Beside NCCC Hardwaremaxx) Tel. No. (082) 295-6199

Rosegold Pawnshop KM6 Crossing Buhangin, Div. Road, Davao City Tel. No. (082) 241-2355

NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE All Jewelry and other articles pawned at Rosegold Pawnshop San Pedro-Main, Rosegold Pawnshop Ilustre, Rosegold Pawnshop Bolton, Rosegold Pawnshop, Agdao and Rosegold Pawnshop Buhangin from SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 to OCTOBER 15, 2019. If not redeemed or renewed on or before MARCH 13, 2020 will be sold to the Public Auction on MARCH 16, 2020 at Rosegold Pawnshop San Pedro-Main from 9:00am to 6:00pm.


San Pedro street, Davao City (Fronting Queen Bank) Tel. No. (082) 222-1561 ; (082) 321-0128 Accepts: Jewelry, Appliances, Watches, Cellphones and any valuable items Highest Appraisal and Low Interest Rates at 3% Wholesaler and Retailers on all Kinds of Jewelry


All jewelry and other articles pawned at Goldstandard Pawnshop San Pedro, Goldstandard Pawnshop Ilustre from SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 to OCTOBER 15, 2019 if not redeemed or renewed on MARCH 13, 2020 will be sold to the Public Auction on MARCH 16, 2020 at our Pawnshop premises from 9:00am to 6:00pm.

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020

NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE All pawned items at METRO GOLDBRILL PAWNSHOP that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020, if not renewed or redeemed on or before MARCH 13, 2020 will be sold to the public on MARCH 17, 2020 at 9:00 A.M. Ginapahibalo ang tanan na ang METRO GOLDBRILL PAWNSHOP magasubasta sa tanan nga nag-expired sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanan prenda ibaligya sa publiko karong MARSO 17, 2020 sa alas 9:00 sa buntag.

2nd Level, Gaisano Mall of Davao, J.P. Laurel Ave., Davao City Tel. No.: (082) 221-3355 • (082) 305-9496 2nd Level, SM Lanang Premier, J.P. Laurel Ave., Davao City Tel. No.: (082) 295-1505 • (082) 321-0525 email: jrosejewels@yahoo.com • www.jrosejewels.ph


DAVAO GOLDWIN PAWNSHOP, INC All pawned items of GOLDVISION PAWNSHOP, INC. that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020, if not renewed or redeemed it will be sold to the public on its respective auction schedule and premises at 9:00 a.m. Gipahibalo ang tanan na ang GOLDVISION PAWNSHOP, INC. maga-subasta sa tanan nga nag-expire sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanan prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag. BRANCHES


General Lao, Toril


Agton. Toril Buhangin Magallanes Tagum Saavedra, Toril Agdao

17, 2020 17, 2020 13, 2020 10, 2020 26, 2020 17, 2020 19, 2020

TEL. NO. 291-2406 291-2952 241-0223 224-3138 216-3425 291-1349 327-2348

NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE All pawned items that expired during the month of JANUARY 2020 must be renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior to the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed, it will be sold to the public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00A.M. BRANCHES




MARCH 17, 2020 297-8081 MARCH 17, 2020 235-3473 MARCH 17, 2020 327-8832


All pawned items that expire during the month of JANUARY 2020 must be renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed it will be sold to public on its respective auction schedule and premises @9:00a.m. Gipahibalo ang tanan nga ang GABBY’S INFINITE PAWNSHOP INC. magasubasta sa tanan nga nag expire sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanang prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag. BRANCHES




MARCH 16, 2020



MARCH 02, 2020


MARCH 13, 2020

All pawned items from SEPTEMBER 2019 – OCTOBER 2019



Davao Ros-Ver Pawnshop, Incorporated

DAVAO 3 SURE PAWNSHOP, INC. NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE All pawned items that expire during the month of JANUARY 2020 must be renewed or redeemed two (2) days prior the Auction Schedule stated below. If not renewed or redeemed it will be sold to public on its respective auction schedule and premises @ 9:00 a.m. Gipahibalo ang tanan nga ang DAVAO 3 SURE PAWNSHOP, INC., maga-subasta sa tanan nga nag expire sa bulan sa ENERO 2020. Ang tanang prenda ibaligya sa publiko sa mga petsa nga nakabutang sa ubos, sa oras nga 9:00 sa buntag.





MARCH 10, 2020 MARCH 17, 2020

225-0033 241-1071

Ilustre St., Davao City Tel # 224-1204; 222-6086

AUCTION SALE! The DAVAO ROS-VER PAWNSHOP, INC. and NEW PAG-ASA PAWNSHOP will be having its JOINT AUCTION on all unredeemed pawned items left during the month of November 2019. The said items will be sold to the public at the following VENUE AND DATE. Gipahibalo ang publiko na ang DAVAO ROS-VER PAWNSHOP, INC. og ang NEW PAG-ASA PAWNSHOP; magsubasta sa tanang prenda nga naremata atong Nobyembre 2019. Ang tanang prenda dungan nga ibaligya sa publiko sa mga sumusunod nga dapit og petsa:

DAVAO CITY Digos Rizal Digos Luna Digos Magsaysay Tagum Rizal Tagum Roxas Tagum Pioneer Tagum Public Market Tagum Quezon Santo Tomas Nabunturan Davao Branches Mati Burgos Kidapawan Panabo

Tel.#234-2268/cell#09078756193 ask for Ram and Jen between 8am-5pm

COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE Baguio Proper, Baguio District Call (0932) 372 7799

Digos Magsaysay March 6, 2020 At 9:30am

Venue and Date

Tagum Pioneer – GRAND AUCTION March 6-7, 2020 At 9:30am Santo Tomas March 11, 2020 At 9:30am Nabunturan March 14, 2020 At 9:30am Ilustre – GRAND AUCTION March 19-21, 2020 At 9:30am Mati Burgos March 21, 2020 At 9:30am Kidapawan March 25,2020 At 9:30am Panabo – GRAND AUCTION March 30-31



FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020


FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020


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Timbangan, Indanan. The police said Moreno was immediately taken to Camp General Teodulfo Bautista hospital for a medical checkup. Moreno was kid-

2 PNP...

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placing the offices of the two patients under lockdown. Disinfection would be conducted to preclude the "possibility of cross-contamination of other office personnel, all of whom have been ordered to undergo quarantine procedure." The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group has begun tracing those who may have come in close contact with both patients. Included in the contact tracing are civilians and other PNP personnel stationed in different offices. Banac said a total of 709 PNP personnel are considered as persons under monitoring (PUMs) for Covid-19. He said the PNP Health Service is also keeping tabs on 61 more personnel listed as patients under investigation (PUIs) as of March 25. Banac said the PNP has been implementing strict measures to prevent the spread of the viral disease, such as


napped by gunmen clad in military and police uniforms on the evening of February 4 from his residence in Barangay Walled City, Jolo, the capital of Sulu. PNA

providing all front-line personnel with minimum personal protective equipment; continuous contact tracing and self-quarantine; and stringent social distancing, including maximum use of teleconferencing of key leaders. Meanwhile, he clarified that the officer of the PNP Chaplain Service who was earlier announced as a Covid-19 patient remains a PUI. “Pasensya na sa kalituhan. What (the) doctor meant pala was as PUI. No result pa ito from RITM (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine). Kaya (personnel from) Chaplain Service case remains PUI for now. We’ll see in the coming days pag may result na (We are sorry for the confusion. What the doctor meant was that the Chaplain Service personnel was a PUI. There is no result yet from the RITM, thus he remains a PUI for now. We'll see in the coming days when the result comes),” Banac said. (PNA)

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ficials and employees, health workers, and barangay and police authorities. With the outbreak of COVID-19, these groups are using Smart Infocast to disseminate important information and advisories and receive feedback and reports from constituents regarding the disease. Smart Infocast is a web-based broadcast solution that can send out text messages or short message service (SMS) alerts to registered mobile users. “During emergencies, redundancy is important. So in addition to our cellular phones, radios, and internetbased platforms, the Smart Infocast is valuable in giving timely information to a group of intended recipients in a single blast,” said Surigao del Norte provincial disaster risk reduction and management office operations and warning head Gilbert Gonzales. The platform also ensures message recipients that only correct information is sent to them. “We know that social media can be a source of fake news and disinformation, so we use the Infocast to adequately inform our partners in the response. We can send SMS to all 335 punong barangays with approved information coming from the governor, vice governor, and the IATF, in one instant. This information includes curfews, checkpoints, coordination, etc.,” he added. “With just one click, information pertaining to disaster or any calamity can be disseminated to a wide range of recipients,” said Philippine Information Agency Region X information officer Jasper Marie Rucat. “Among the information we produce and

release are executive orders, Department of Health advisories, dos and don’ts, and many others,” she added. Smart also turned over mobile phones and LTE SIM cards with airtime credits to be used as additional hotlines for COVID-19 regional command centers, LGUs, and hospitals. Landline and mobile phone users may contact the following numbers for concerns regarding the coronavirus disease in their respective areas: Emergency Operations Center, Department of Health– Region VII 09617912222 and 09618157777; Cebu PDRRMO 09283126000 and 09231584888; Iloilo City 09491043333 and 09291706363; Southern Philippines Medical Center, Davao City, 09396133779 and 09396133767; Davao Regional Medical Center, Tagum City, 09077777981; Mati Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, 09123454666; Davao de Oro Provincial Health Office, 09513840879; DRRMC, 09518414555; Asuncion, Davao del Norte, emergency hotline 09610734316; LDRRMO, 09094493312; GenSan COVID-19 hotlines 09510888801 to 05; Zamboanga City, 09981758705 and 09981758709. The company also provided PLDT Home Prepaid Wi-Fi kits, pocket Wi-Fis, SIM cards, and load credits for the use of medical staff and various LGUs, such as Cebu PDRRMO and Cagayan de Oro COVID-19 command center. Free Smart Wi-Fi also continues to be available at some hospitals, such as SPMC. “In these trying times, we are called to work together and


Kidapawan eyes P15.5-M aid for residents affected by community quarantine KIDAPAWAN CITY (MindaNews / 26 March) – The City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CDRRMC) has asked the city council to grant Mayor Joseph Evangelista the authority to use at least P15.5 million from the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund and other sources for relief assistance to marginalized sectors affected by the community quarantine being implemented in the city since March 23 to prevent the spread of Covid-19. City DRRM officer Psalmer Bernalte said that in a meeting with Evangelista, who chairs the body, they agreed to re-program appropriations from the 70 percent of the LDRRM Fund


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which is a staple food for the Tausug. Under the SSFSS, local chief executives will be asked to design and implement a municipal or provincial food security action plan, conduct an inventory and quantify existing supplies of basic food commodities like rice, eggs, poultry, meat; and fruits like banana, and identify individuals or groups which could undertake sustained food production, Piñol said. Families, especially those confined to their farms, are also encouraged to undertake simple food production activities like vegetable growing and backyard chicken raising by distributing seeds and breeding materials for chicken and utilize locally produced


for 2020. Of the P15.5 million, P8.6 million will come from the unused 30-percent Quick Response Fund in 2019. Bernalte said the P8.6 million was cited in the first of two resolutions the CDRRMC submitted on Thursday to the city council for its approval. The second resolution involved the realignment of some funds, including P4.5 million, which was originally appropriated for the purchase of additional rescue vehicles for the Kidapawan Emergency Call 911. Some P2.5 million intended for the construction of an overhead water tank in Barangay Balabag, one of the villages in the city hit hard by earthquakes in

food commodities like poultry, rice, and vegetables for calamity assistance. This would lead to creating a localized market for farmers’ and fishermen’s produce whose distribution is impaired by the existing lockdowns. It also tasked to identify neighboring LGUs which would have excess production of any food commodity and forge an alliance of two or more LGUs to establish a symbiotic food supply relationship and establish a marketing and distribution system which would ensure available food supply for the families within the community while at the same time, mindful of the quarantine protocols enforced.

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96 tests per day,” she added. The proposed laboratory will likely be attached to the Davao Region Medical Center in Tagum as per the previous discussion with the Department of Health, Dr. Larry Digal, UP-Min chancellor said. “DOH (Department of Health) XI welcomed the idea of setting the lab with DRMC to supplement the capacity of SPMC so that other provinces in the Davao Region and even outside the region can be better served,” Digal said. “We are now working closely with the DavNor LGU on how to set up this lab as soon as possible. But just like the case of Marikina, the facility will have to be assessed by the Research Institute for

Tropical Medicine [RITM] of the DOH before it can be operational.” In a virtual press conference Wednesday Southern Philippines Medical Center Director. Leopoldo Vega suggested that the facility should be an independent laboratory considering that signing the memorandum of agreement between DOH and UP-Min will take time. Vega added: “Just make sure you have the necessary accreditation. This is a molecular biology lab. There has to be a standard, protective room with negative pressure so that safety is there when they inactivate the virus. If they have that, I think the RITM would give their approval.” by Nicole Burlas

pool our resources and expertise,” said Smart Public Affairs Visayas-Mindanao head Maria Jane Paredes. “Through communications support, we

hope to extend assistance to the medical frontliners and local authorities so they can provide immediate help to those who need it.”

October last year, will also be realigned for emergency disaster relief operations. Bernalte said using the amount of P15.5 million to purchase relief items for residents affected by the community quarantine will help prevent the spread of Covid-19. The distribution of relief goods will prioritize the tricycle drivers, ambulant vendors and daily wage earners who were laid off from after the city government ordered the closure of the establishments where they worked. Bernalte said they are hopeful the city council will approve the release of the

HUMANITARIAN... Filipino nationals. The repatriates were welcomed by representatives from the DFA Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers' Affairs, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, Department of Health, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Immigration, and Manila International Airport Authority. All 253 Filipinos underwent the appropriate medical protocols and check-up at the airport as required by the DOH Bureau of Quarantine. The repatriates were reminded further to observe strict home quarantine for 14 days, the DFA said.


(from page 3) Upon arrival, the repatriates were provided with transportation to their destinations in Metro Manila and provinces in Luzon while those who could not yet return home due to the community quarantine in Metro Manila were provided with temporary shelter. Kuwait has recently imposed various measures to contain the spread of Covid-19, including the closure of government offices, schools, and non-essential businesses in Kuwait; the suspension of commercial flights to and from the country’s main airport; and the imposition of an 11-hour daily curfew. (PNA)

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amendment reads. “Kung matetest ang lahat ng dapat i-test, kahit yung mga mild o walang sintomas pero high-risk, our health authorities will be able to isolate infected individuals and do contact tracing right away,” she said. The senator also called for increased protections for medical personnel and frontliners ‘including but not


funds. “I know the Sanggunian knows the need to distribute the food items to affected sectors. I know this amount is too small but at least, we have done something for our constituents,” he said. The P15.5 million is apart from the P6.5 million approved last week by the city council for the purchase of personal protective equipment, thermal scanners, face masks, alcohol, sanitizers, chlorine granules and other disinfectants. The procurement of these equipment and materials is ongoing, Bernalte said. (Malu Cadeliña-Manar/ MindaNews)

limited to personal protective equipment and adequate hazard pay.' “Nagkakasakit na yung mga health workers at mga frontliners natin. Pero kahit sila hindi natetest dahil sa current triage,” Hontiveros lamented. “Mass testing will protect our healthworkers, frontliners, those who are atrisk and eventually save more lives,” she concluded. PR

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economy. The fiscal stimulus we are hearing is protecting the vulnerable, saving people’s lives, and then the traditional stimulus could come later,” he added. Meanwhile, Wyatt commended the government's emergency subsidy of up to PHP8,000 for 18 million low-income households for up to two months, saying this is higher than the recommendation by some economists of providing PHP2,000 per family per month. The emergency subsidy is part of the special law signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday for the govern-

ment to aggressively address the Covid-19 crisis. Wyatt said the Philippines will likely reflect the economic performance of some Asian countries, where there will be a quick and sharp return to the previous activity in the manufacturing sector while the services sector’s recovery will be much slower. According to the National Economic Development Authority, the Covid-19 crisis is projected to cost PHP428.7 billion to PHP1.35 trillion and is affecting up to one million individuals in the workforce. (PNA)

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