The Zamboanga Post (April 18-24, 2022)

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Picked from the wild, in the highlands of North Cotabato and Bukidnon. Available in 250g packs - roasted whole beans or fine ground. Cup to Go (16 oz.) also available and comes with 2 packets of brown sugar, one plastic stirrer, one drip bag and 12g of Civet coffee powder. Wholesaler, Retailer, Reseller are welcome.

Founded July 2019

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April 18-24, 2022

Security, progress for all: Mayor A

S MAYOR Beng Climaco’s term nears its end, she vows to continue her propoor programs and advocacy she wins the House seat in District 1 where she is running as congresswoman. Climaco, whose solid or, is unparalleled. Now what she called “Nuevo accomplishments in her as she seeks to return to vida sa Zamboanga: Continue on page 2 entire nine years as may- Congress, Climaco bares

Zamboanga ranks 12th in Resiliency, 13th in Economic Dynamism rankings Mayor Beng Climaco (Eugene Elnar)

Climaco to reclaim ARMM property in Cabatangan LEADING CONGRESSIONAL candidate in District 1, Mayor Beng Climaco has vowed to pursue if she is elected - what the previous Continue on page 7

Google satellite map of Barangay Cabatangan and the Cabatangan Complex. (Image: Al Jacinto)

Black propaganda, fake news condemned DISTRICT 1 congressional candidate Mayor Beng Climaco has accused her political foes

of spreading fake news and lies, and even dragged the good name of her husband in their black propa-

Zamboanga Peninsula

THE ZAMBOANGA City government ranked 12th in the Resiliency ranking and 13th in Economic Dynamism in the 2021 Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index (CMCI) in Continue on page 3

Mayor Beng Climaco is one of selected speakers in the Asia Pacific Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022.

Dengue cases up, 11 deaths so far DESPITE HER hectic schedules, Mayor Beng Climaco went around different barangays, especially in areas where

Public utility drivers undergo drug test THE ZAMBOANGA City Anti-Drug Abuse Council Continue on page 5

Public utility drivers undergo drug test at the Zamboanga City Integrated Bus Terminal. (Eugene Elnar)

ganda following massive public support for her and members of the Team Continue on page 3


there are huge number of Dengue cases, and ordered a massive cleanliness drive Continue on page 2




The Zamboanga Post

April 18-24, 2022

Security, progress for all: Mayor

Continued from page 1 Seguridad y prosperidad para na todo” and emphasizing the peace and progress the people en-

joyed under her administration and what residents expect as she campaigns for Team Climaco, the administration’s candidates

in the May election. The mayor is pushing for Rep. Jawo Jimenez to replace her alongside Councilwoman Pinpin

Mayor Beng Climaco’s Team Climaco during one of its campaign rallies.

Dengue cases up, 11 deaths so far

A dirty and stagnant water at a neighborhood in Barangay Tetuan. (Zamboanga Post) Continued from page 1 to control the spread of the mosquito-borne tropical disease. Climaco ordered barangay officials to help in the campaign against dengue and lead residents in the cleanliness drive by destroying breeding grounds of mosquitoes. She also urged for public cooperation and community involvement in the campaign against the spread of the deadly dengue virus caused by mosquito bites, mainly of the species Aedes aegypti.

“We have to keep our surroundings clean at all

times and destroy breeding places of mosquitoes, such as discarded containers, tires and broken (flower) pots,” the mayor. Zamboanga has already declared an outbreak of dengue after the City Health Office recorded nearly 900 cases with 11 deaths since January this year. The barangays with the highest number of dengue cases are Boalan, Culianan, Divisoria, Mercedes, Pasobolong, Putik, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Roque and Zambowood. Zamboanga previously had two dengue outbreaks the past decade. Dengue symptoms typically begin 3 to 14 days after infection and these may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash. (Zamboanga Post)

Aedes aegypti mosquito. (CDC Global)

Pareja who is running for vice mayor with lawyer Kim Elago seeking the congressional seat in District 2. Climaco’s Facebook page also banners a well-composed teaser showing some of her accomplishments - from security, health and education - which are all her priorities for Zamboanga since winning the mayoralty race three times since 2013. The nearly two minute video is accompanied by Climaco’s statement which reads: “Today, we turn another page in the history of our City as our government is one of eternal optimism and faith in the ability and potential of the future generation of Zamboangueños to make Zamboanga City even better than we ever could. These past nine years, from the Siege to the Pandemic, we worked hard to give hope, to give security and to give prosperity to our people.” “We remain proud of who we are, what we have accomplished and what we fought for, for the last nine years and we believe that there is nothing we cannot achieve in the future as long as we have confidence in our values that we hold most dear as a people and trust and faith in God

because He will not fail us. In 2013 after the siege, our battle cry was Build Back Better Zamboanga. In 2019 when we enjoyed our prosperity, we all rallied behind I Love Zamboanga City, and now, two years after the pandemic, we say we start anew; un Nuevo Vida na Zamboanga, lleno de Esperanza, Seguridad y Prosperidad para na todo!” Climaco, taking advantage of the April 9 celebration of the 80th Araw ng Kagitingan, also thanked and honored the few remaining World War II veterans - especially the 92-

year old Roldan Peñaranda - for their sacrifices for the love of God, country and people. She also thanked anew the members of the security forces for their dedication in protecting Zamboanga and its people. “Let us not forget that we are a family, working together under one flag, one nation, one Philippines and one Zamboanga City. Kayo po ay inspirasyon namin, tulungan niyo po ang lungsod ng Zamboanga, ayuda para tiene seguridad y progreso de economia,” she said. (Zamboanga Post)

An old woman greets Mayor Beng Climaco who is running for congresswoman in District 1.


The Zamboanga Post

April 18-24, 2022

Black propaganda, fake news condemned

Zamboanga ranks 12th in Resiliency, 13th in Economic Dynamism rankings Continued from page 1 the country. The local government also ranked 16th in Government Efficiency ranking and 18th in Infrastructure ranking, according to the CMCI, an annual ranking of cities and municipalities developed by the National Competitiveness Council through the Regional Competitiveness Committees with the assistance of the United States Agency for International Development. The rankings of cities and municipalities were based on the sum of their scores on four pillars: Economic Dynamism, Government Efficiency, Infrastructure, and Resiliency. The provincial rankings were based on population and income weighted average of the overall scores of cities and municipalities under a province. Last year, Zamboanga City was 15th in overall CMCI and distinguished itself as the 5th Most Improved Local Government among all 33 highly urbanized cities in the country – 16 of which are located in Metro Manila. The local government along with other cities and

municipalities were feted recently by the Department of Trade and Industry. Mayor Beng Climaco praised anew City Hall employees and department heads for their hard work even during the Covid-19 pandemic and the heightened political propaganda and attacks against her administration ahead of the local and national elections. “My appreciation goes to all our employees, the department heads and everybody who really work hard despite the current health crisis. I thanked God most of all for continuously guiding me in this difficulty times of the pandemic and the challenges ahead of us all,” she told the Zamboanga Post by phone. Climaco was also selected to speak online for a technical panel on Cascading, Compound, and Systemic Risks during the Asia Pacific Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (APSTCDRR). The mayor shared her insights on inclusion and resiliency, drawing from her experiences as local chief executive during the

2013 siege of Zamboanga by Moro National Liberation Front rebels and the Covid-19 pandemic. “For us in local government, resiliency begins with having a shared and common vision, propelled forward by a whole-of-city approach and sustained by strong political will to enact the systems for change,” Climaco said. The APSTCDRR 2022 was hosted by the Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, the Office of Civil Defense, the Department of Science and Technology, the National Resilience Council, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; and the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Advisory Group and ARISE Philippines. In 2018, Climaco also joined the 7th Top Leaders Forum in Manila, which brought together the private and public sector which discussed “Building a Culture of Resilience Through Public-Private Partnership.” (Zamboanga Post)

Continued from page 1 Climaco running in the May election. Climaco, now of her third and final term, is leading way ahead against Team Lobregat and Team Dalipe in most of Zamboanga’s 98 barangays, and so is all her candidates in both Districts 1 and 2. The mayor said residents were telling her the black propaganda, lies and fake news her foes were spreading. “I heard grumblings by (my) opponents, who look at opportunity to tarnish the work we have done to serve our people. Lies and accusations being thrown at me to diminish my dignity as a woman and as person. They have recruited men to demolish and destroy me. Even my husband (Trifonio Salazar), a soldier (retired and decorated Major General and former Director-General of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency) who put his life in grave risks to protect our people, was not spared. Unfortunately, even if they do not know the person, the condemnation is made even if it is false,” Climaco said in her Sunday Reflection piece. “I was so busy to address the Covid pandemic when we had the different surges from Alpha, Delta to Omicron that I couldn’t answer the negative and false messages. Hasta ya queda mas malo el maga mensaje de negativismo y mentira. I chose to ignore these fake messages because I do not want to give the opponents room to increase their mileage,” she added. This was also confirmed by several of Climaco’s aides telling the Zamboanga Post that even residents are now defending the mayor from black propaganda, and helping campaign for her and the Team Climaco. “Hay, Madre de Dios, esos maga gente que no hay cosa hace, todo ya lang mentiras y fake news poreso el maga gente todo el suporta con

Mayor Beng. Si Mayor mucho ya hace para na maga pobre, na maga senior citizens o los demas. Mucho accomplishments si Mayor Beng pero esos maga los demas ta corre ahora no hay y puro lang esos boca, aire poreso todo black propaganda ta hace,” one of the mayor’s aides said. Enough is enough Climaco said: “El verdad libra canaton todo. Barely 30 days to go before the elections, it is no surprise that other camps are back again in their usual ways of perpetrating black propaganda and disinformation against us which they have done too in the past. We are again witnessing an avalanche of malicious claims and baseless accusations that aims to sow distrust among our people and annihilate the truth.” “We say, enough! Our people deserve the truth and they deserve better. This election will define the future of our City and of our people and we should not let it rest in the hands of those who are purveyors of fake news and disinformation. The discourse in this campaign should rise above dirty politics. It should be about our people's aspirations, hopes and dreams, and how we can offer un Nuevo Vida, lleno de esperanza, seguridad y prosperidad para na todo!” she said. Climaco said in every mass she attended, a prayer was always offered for a clean, honest and peaceful elections, adding “politics is God’s gift to us, and an opportunity to contribute to the common good” and not engage in dirty politics because of vested interest. The mayor also recalled she prayed and asked God how she would respond to the false accusations made against her by political foes. “I was asking myself how Jesus would want me to respond to all these accusations. Last week, I got my answer, when a friend, Fr. Rentax, (Fr. Rene

Tacastacas) S.J., shared on his Homily and I was moved to stand firm for truth. I recall Jesus challenging the accusers of the woman caught in adultery to cast the first stone si sila no hay culpa. Then on Araw ng Kagitingan or the Day of Valor, the Holy Spirit gave me bondness and the truth set me free,” Climaco said. “Fr. Bong Suñaz, (Fr. Juan Manuel Suñaz) CMF, mentioned the contradiction of Alleluia to Crucify Him. The Paradox of Jesus, we are called to share in His Passion, Death and Crucifixion. May we offer ourselves as a Sacrifice with the Great Suffering of Jesus for us,” she added. Paradox Climaco did not provide meaning of the paradox mentioned by the priest, but biblical paradoxes exist as a teaching tool to reveal righteous and eternal principles. Many times, they contrast human values, influenced by the devil, with those upheld by God. Several of them given by Jesus also educate mankind on the coming Kingdom and the qualities required to enter and excel in it. According to the Bible Study, Jesus used paradoxes, along with other literary devices in Scripture such as symbolism, allegories and parables, as one of the many ways to manifest God’s character, will and promises to humans. In John 12:31, 2 Corinthians 4:3 - 4, Ephesians 2:1, the Holy Bible said the Eternal has allowed the devil, since the time of Adam, to heavily influence humanity as a god. Satan, who is a perfectly evil and the quintessential liar (John 8:44), has systematically deceived humans by constantly promoting his own perverted beliefs and self-centered goals. He has performed his job so well that the Bible makes plain that he and unconverted humans think an awful lot alike (Mark 8:33). (Zamboanga Post)

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Made from 5160 High Carbon Steel and Kamagong handle and scabbard. For table and wall display, or as self-defense weapon. Zamboanga City 0915-3976197


The Zamboanga Post

April 18-24, 2022

Zamboanga Pictures in the News Photos by Bong Serondo, Eugene Elnar, Bj Angeles, and Napolcom RO9.

April 18-24, 2022

The Zamboanga Post Exclusive


Zamboanga Pictures in the News

Public utility drivers undergo drug test

Organic Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee isn’t really pricey KIDAPAWAN CITY Coffee lovers in the Philippines may now enjoy the best and the most expensive coffee in the world - Kopi Luwak - but not as pricey as every connoisseurs think. Kopi Luwak is a coffee that consists of partially digested coffee cherries, which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet. The cherries are fermented as they pass through a civet’s intestines, and after being defecated with other fecal matter, they are collected. In Manila, a kilogram of Civet coffee sells for as high as P15,000 and over $500 dollars abroad. But Kopi Luwak can now be enjoyed by every coffee lovers for as low as P150 for a 16 oz. cup that comes with a drip bag, ground organic Civet coffee beans, two packets of brown sugar and a stirrer in a beautiful Kraft paper bag – thanks to the Mindanao Civet Coffee seller in Zamboanga City. The new market player in the coffee business, although small, is now offering affordable organic Kopi Luwak – sourced and picked by farmers from the highlands of Mindanao, cleaned and dried and roasted to perfection to give coffee

lovers that distinct aroma of Civet coffee berries – chocolaty and nutty and smooth bodied brewed drink. Mindanao Civet Coffee, which started as a home reseller of coffee beans, now offers organic Kopi Luwak in 250 grams ground Civet coffee and 250 grams Civet coffee beans – all medium roasted to perfection. Kopi Luwak is also available now in 3rd Cup Café at LM Metro Hotel in Zamboanga City, and re-

sellers in Luzon, Cebu and other parts of Mindanao. The Mindanao Civet Coffee is a favorite among travellers and tourists and coffee connoisseurs. And for those who wanted the perfect gift for all occasions, Kopi Luwak is the best choice. And those who are interested to resell or perhaps enjoy a daily hot cup or cold brew of Kopi Luwak may call the Mindanao Civet Coffee at this mobile number 09153976197. (AJC)

Continued from page 1 (ADAC) launched a surprised drug test to public utility drivers as part of an intensified campaign in support to the government’s anti-narcotics program and ensure the safety of passengers. The campaign, dubbed as “Oplan Harabas,” was in collaboration with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, the Land Transportation Office, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, the Philippine National Police and the Zamboanga City Social Welfare and Development Office. Mayor Beng Climaco, who chairs the ADAC, said the drug test also ensures a drug-free workplace program for the public transport sector. Bus drivers and their conductors, taxi, jeepney and tricycles drivers underwent the drug test held at the Zamboanga City Integrated Bus Terminal. The results of the drug test were not made public. The Department of the Interior and Local Government said it will recognize the best-performing local government ADACs which have been fairly successful in the implementation of anti-illegal drugs initiatives in their localities after the stringent assessment of the 81 provinces, 146 cities, and 1,488 municipalities from April to June this year. “We will start the assessment of the ADACs to determine which are doing well and which are lagging behind in their anti-illegal drugs campaign. Pagkatapos ng assessment ay pararangalan natin ang mga ADACs na maayos at masigasig na nagtrabaho,” said DILG Secretary Eduardo Año. Año said ADACs' performance must maintain steady progress to cope

Public utility drivers undergo drug test at the Zamboanga City Integrated Bus Terminal. (Eugene Elnar) with the directive of President Rodrigo Duterte to rid communities of illegal drugs and its perpetrators. He said the recognition and assessment will ensure that all ADACs are performing their mandate according to the parameters set by the national government. “Ensuring that ADACs are effectively performing their mandate is a paramount priority for the DILG. These ADACs are our allies in our anti-illegal drugs campaign kaya nararapat lamang na kilalanin natin ang kanilang natatanging mga ambag sa pagsugpo sa iligal na droga sa bansa. Thus, it is also vital to evaluate their performance and see what can still be improved in our policies and enforcements," he said. Año said outstanding ADACs will be determined using the following criteria: Barangay ADAC functionality or the percentage of total barangays with highly functional council (30 points); sustainability of drug-cleared or drugfree status (40 points); and the reduction of drug affectation as of 2020 (30 points). ADACs that garnered 75 points or more shall be awarded in a ceremony organized by the Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs

Strategy-Project Management Office to recognize and give incentives to the best-performing ADACS in the country. To be eligible for the award, Año said that the ADACs should first attain a high rating and rated as highly functional in the DILG ADAC Performance Audit, although the PADS-PMO will assess the ADACs’ functionality and effectiveness in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of anti-illegal drug activities. “We are urging LGUs to strive for excellence and be proactive in their campaign against illegal drugs. LGUs who are effectively carrying out their duty in our ongoing campaign deserve to be awarded,” Año said. ADAC is composed of the local chief executive as chairperson and with members from the Philippine National Police, the DILG, Department of Education, Department of Justice, local courts, as well as the local health officer, social welfare and development officer, public information officer, parole and probation and parole officer and two representatives from nongovernmental organizations and one representative from interfaith groups. (Zamboanga Post)


The Zamboanga Post

Across :


1. Fundamental 6. Rainy mo. 9. School subject (abbr.) 12. Sports building 13. ___ detector 14. So-so grade 15. Small depressions 16. Underwriter 18. Carry 20. Professor’s protection 21. Raw metal 23. Redecorated 25. Venetian boat 27. Scrumptious 31. Speed contest 32. Amtrak depot (abbr.) 34. Get lost! 35. Construct 37. Not youthful 39. Bookworm 41. Turmoil 42. Revoke 45. Use a tent 47. Nabs 49. Biblical food 52. Spy org. 53. Devour 54. Fix 55. E minor, e.g. 56. Thirsty 57. ___ tax Down : 1. Spoiled 2. Exist 3. Grammatical unit 4. Knowledgeable about 5. Fidel ___ 6. Renowned fighter 7. Spotted horse 8. Take offense at 9. Light tan 10. At no time, poetically 11. Actor Richard ___ 17. Discomfort 19. “Electric” swimmers 21. Fairy-tale fiend 22. Lion’s cry 24. Out of style 26. Pronouncement

April 18-24, 2022

Memorial Lawn Lots P300,000 / P80,000

Good for two. Golden Haven Boalan in Zamboanga. Near main gate about 20 meters, beside, pathwalk, near a tree. Prime location, Phase 1, Section 1 and Section 17.

Please Call 0915-3976197

Answer to last week’s crossword:

28. Artillery shell fragments 29. Narrated 30. Stringed toy (hyph.) 33. Guinness of “Star Wars” 36. Poked fun at 38. Serious plays 40. Church table 42. Display stand 43. Ohio lake 44. Entreat 46. Doll’s cry 48. Hog home 50. Compass pt. 51. Paid notices

Weekly Sudoku:

Answer to last week:

Maritess Fernandez Publisher/Executive Producer Al Jacinto Editor-in-Chief

Reynold Toribio Graphics/Video Editor

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3/F, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City (062) 9555360 / 0915-3976197

PAGADIAN CITY Kismet Cable TV, Aquino cor. Cabrera st., Gatas District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur (0910) 7348600 Richard Suarez ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA BASILAN, SULU, TAWIͳTAWI ΈBARMMΉ 3/F, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City (062) 9555360 (0915) 3976197 / (0935) 6123587 Maritess Fernandez


The Zamboanga Post

April 18-24, 2022

Climaco to reclaim ARMM property in Cabatangan

Villamero’s Enterprises For all your newspaper publications or subscription to The Zamboanga Post and The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper, please call or text Villamero’s Enterprises at these numbers (062) 955-8677 and 0917-1223496. Located at Campaner Street, Zamboanga City and serving Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.


Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco

THEY PROCLAIMED: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.” As we offer our palms to honor Jesus, our true Savior and King of our lives, may we reflect on His great love for humanity. In Isaiah 50:4-7 “the Lord GOD has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” Morning after morning, he opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned back. I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame.The First Reading, a message I relate and pin my hopes in. This Holy Week, I have reflected on what God would want me to do in the Campaign to seek to be elected by the people in Congress and that of our team members. I heard grumblings by opponents, who look at opportunity to tarnish the work we have done to serve our people. Lies and accusations being thrown at me to diminish my dignity as a woman and as person. They have recruited men to demolish and destroy me. Even my husband, a soldier who put his life at grave risk to protect our people, was not spared. Unfortunately, even if they do not know the person, the condemnation

is made even if it is false. I was so busy to address the Covid pandemic when we had the different surges from Alpha, Delta to Omicron that I couldn’t answer the negative and false messages. Hasta ya queda mas malo el maga mensaje de negativismo y mentira. I chose to ignore these fake messages because I do not want to give the opponents room to increase their mileage. In every mass, a prayer is said for clean, honest and peaceful elections. Politics is God’s gift to us, and an opportunity to contribute to the common good. I was asking myself how Jesus would want me to respond to all these accusations. Last week, I got my answer, when a friend, Fr. Rentax, S.J., shared on his Homily and I was moved to stand firm for truth. I recall Jesus challenging the accusers of the woman caught in adultery to cast the first stone si sila no hay culpa. Then on Araw ng Kagitingan or the Day of Valor, the Holy Spirit gave me bondness and the truth set me free. Fr. Bong Suñaz, CMF, mentioned the contradiction of Alleluia to Crucify Him. The Paradox of Jesus, we are called to share in His Passion, Death and Crucifixion. May we offer ourselves as a Sacrifice with the Great Suffering of Jesus for us. And we say igual con el Ladron na Derecha de Hesus: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (MBC)

Continued from page 1 administration of Celso Lobregat failed to do – to fight for Zamboanga’s rightful claims to the sprawling Cabatangan property, used by the Moro National Liberation Front in staging deadly attacks here in 2001. Climaco said it has been the long desire of the Zamboangueño people and the local government to purchase and legally own the properties of the defunct Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in Barangay Cabatangan. The mayor said she has repeatedly brought this issue to the national government and recently again with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) under Secretary Carlito Galvez. She said the OPAPP Technical Working Group has already conducted the necessary survey of the Cabatangan property, also known as Cabatangan Complex. “I gave them a deadline that it should be finished before President Duterte leaves his office this year because it has been years and years of appeals for the City of Zamboanga since it (Cabatangan property) was turned over to then (Rear) Admiral (Romulo) Espaldon,” she said. Espaldon, who was then chief of Southwest Command and later on named Southern Command, served as the first and only Commissioner for Region IX until it was abolished and replaced with the Lupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook in 1979 in Cabatangan. According to Climaco, records show that the 72-hectare Cabatangan property was titled under the name of the Republic of the Philippines. Prior

to the establishment of ARMM, the Lupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook purchased the property in Zamboanga City and turned it into its seat of government. ARMM was created by virtue of the Republic Act No. 6734 which was signed into law by President Corazon Aquino on August 1, 1989. “This is something we must ensure that is pursued and cemented and as representatives of Congress, this pursuit is very important, the documents and land titles of the properties should belong to the City of Zamboanga,” Climaco said. “We have been squatters on our own property for years and years. It should address the (November 2001 MNLF) violence in Cabatangan and then the violence during the (September 2013 MNLF) Zamboanga siege,” she said, pointing out that the pursuit to get back the Cabatangan property “reflects in a leadership that has continuity - a leadership that is credible, courageous and capable such as Zamboanga Rep. Jawo Jimenez, who is running as mayor under Team Climaco and who also vowed to reclaim the Cabatangan property if he is elected. Climaco said the local government had long wanted to take over the Cabatangan property which has been identified as a new government center of Zamboanga in an effort to decongest the central business district. She said the local government has already developed the hilltops in Cabatangan - except the prime lots being claimed by the defunct ARMM - with the construction of the local government disaster command center, the Covid-19 mega isolation facility, the

Balay Silangan and other government structures. The mayor also cited Republic Act 9054 or the expanded ARMM law, saying the national government through the Office of the President, is mandated to take possession of or buy the properties occupied and owned by the ARMM in non-ARMM areas such as Zamboanga City and sell the same to the host local governments. In 2018, Climaco said that Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told her that the national government would purchase the Cabatangan Complex since the local government is interested in buying it. In her past meetings with President Rodrigo Duterte and even with Lorenzana, Climaco said she discussed with them the Cabatangan property, the city’s non-inclusion in Muslim autonomous region, and the return of the Zamboanga regional center and the proposed construction of a new airport. The mayor said she also handed over to Lorenzana a letter containing the list of ARMM properties located in Cabatangan, including a map and corresponding photocopies of titles of the properties. Situated with those parcels of land are buildings and structures of national government agencies like the Department of Education, Department of Health Training Centers, Commission on Audit Regional Office IX, the Civil Service Commission Regional Office 9, the Population Commission Training Center, the National Telecommunications Commission, the Philippine Army Brigade, the Philippine Marines and the Philippine Navy barracks, among others. (Zamboanga Post)


The Zamboanga Post

April 18-24, 2022

April 18-24, 2022

The Zamboanga Post


Founded July 2019

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Zamboanga Peninsula




April 18-24, 2022


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