The Minaret 10/23/14

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THE Vo l u m e




Crist Democratic Candidate on Ballot See NEWS Page 4

Minaret Goes Behind the Scenes at RMC See A&E Page 7

Sarah Silverman Attacks Gender Wage Gap See OPINION Page 15

Students Support Cross Country Team at Spartan Run See SPORTS Page 19





For some, a haunted house themed around the murder cases of Richard Trenton Chase is merely a form of adrenaline-pumping Halloween entertainment. For others, however, it’s a haunting reminder of the horror they faced in the late 1970s. It’s a reenactment and reminder of the devastating loss of their loved one. Scream Park California is a Halloween theme park based in Sacramento and referred to as “the best of the west” by Forbes. The park hosts three intensely graphic haunted houses, which include “Asylum,” a house inspired by the disturbing 1960s mental institution of Sacramento and “Bad Acid Trip.” “The Mind of a Killer,” the most popular attraction at the park this year, was inspired by the serial killings of Richard Trenton Chase. In the late 1970s, Chase became a prominent figure in the Sacramento crime scene. He was known to some as the “Vampire of Sacramento” and was convicted of six total murders in just one month by 1979. He was a schizophrenic, a chronic drug abuser and was most famously known to drink his victims’ blood and cannibalize their remains. Spooky, right? “It’s horrifying that everybody else somehow is making some kind of situation, money, whatever you want to call it, off of other people’s grief,” David Wallin said in an interview with Fox 15 News.

Gluten-Free Improv “A Healthy Alternative to Your Comedic Lifestyle” By KARA DELEMEESTER Arts and Entertainment Writer

Students left Reeves Theater in tears of laughter this past Saturday, Oct. 18 after a “Whose Line is it Anyway?” style performance by UT’s own Gluten-Free Improv group. Founded by junior Steven Card and junior Griffin Guinta, Gluten-Free Improv is an on-campus group for anyone interested in improvisational comedy. The group claims to be “A Healthy Alternative to Your Comedic Lifestyle,” and their performance last weekend did not disappoint. The show began with an introductory sketch where an audience member was made to improvise the story of how the group was founded. The skits, all in a “Whose Line is it Anyway?” style included “Party Quirks” where senior Nolan Tashjian had to guess the strange quirks of his party guests, junior Luisamaria Hernandez (the worst firefighter ever), junior Roxxi Jaxx (thought everyone’s butt was a Magic 8 Ball) and junior Kelsey Rudder (a chicken with an attitude). Austin MacFarland, a junior, and John Millsap, a senior, received audience help with their attempt to cook a meal for the President in “Moving People,” a skit where the performers can only move their mouths. Before the show, entrants were asked to write down a word or phrase on a slip of paper. Theses slips were later worked into the show

during the skit “Written Fixation.” Junior Kelcy Owens and Card sat down for a meal served by Guinta where they had to randomly read from one of the audiences’ slips and manage to keep the performance going no matter what it said. The final sketch of the show was “The News Station” and involved every performer. Card was a new anchor with his partner Owens. Hernandez was a sexy weather girl and Jaxx was an Arts & Entertainment reporter who couldn’t believe she just got dumped. Guinta was a hungover field reporter and news reporters Millsap and MacFarland, gave the audience a play by play of “midget bowlers” Rudder and Tashjian. Each performance had the audience wiping their eyes and slapping their legs, the greatest compliments a comedy show could ever hope for. The evening ended with a “One-Word Story” exercise that included the entire audience and cast, and an Ellen Degeneres style selfie taken by Guinta to commemorate the event. Luckily for those who missed the show, most of the performance can be found on the group’s Youtube page, or you can attend the club’s meetings on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. in Reeves Theater. But remember, the next time you’re looking for some improvisational comedic action, go Gluten-Free. Kara Delemeester can be reached at kara.

Offensive Haunted House

Arts and Entertainment Editor

36 years ago on Jan. 23, Chase had broken into Wallin’s home and brutally killed his wife, Theresa, and her unborn baby. She was three months pregnant at the time. He shot her three times, then proceeded to rape and mutilate her corpse; this horrific crime is used as one of the “attractions” in the Scream Park haunted house. “It was horrifying, and the worst part of it is I was the one who got home after a terrible day at work and found her, something I live with everyday,” Wallin said. It boils down to the age-old debate over what’s acceptable in the horror entertainment industry and what is altogether tasteless. Hollywood was relieved of the oppressive Hays Code law in 1968 and suddenly free to depict sex and violence in any way, but even without said restrictions, isn’t there still an unspoken line not to be crossed? One can argue that the general appeal in horror movies and entertainment is to experience, in safety, the emotions associated with danger. But what happens when one’s fake, temporary fear is another’s everyday reality? “There’s something fascinating about the legacy a serial killer leaves behind,” said junior English major Jade Foster. “We, as a society, know that what serial killers do is among the most horrific and unimaginable acts against nature and yet we are enamored with them… It goes against our very nature to survive and yet we still try to reenact their heinous crimes for entertainment.”

Alexandra Martin/ The Minaret

Torrie Winsett New SG Vice President By KHADIJAH KHAN Head Copy Editor Richard Trenton Chase’s mug shot

This is desensitized entertainment. This is the marketing of one person’s loss—a person who’s still very much alive—for the profit of another. It’s using something incredibly devastating and disturbing that actually happened to an innocent victim and warping it into a ten-minute stroll through a haunted house, for a few good screams here and there. I suggest dodging the insensitive bullet and coming up with something that hasn’t already happened—to not offend the surviving loved ones of the victims. If you’re going to be tasteless, then at least try to be creative. Jackie Braje can be reached at jacquelyn.

Editors of The Minaret would like to apologize for an error last week that replaced the article about Torrie Winsett’s new position as SG Vice President with the text from another story. We wish Torrie and SG the best of luck in their endeavors this year. With Jacqueline French stepping down, Torrie Winsett stepped up for the transition into being the new Vice President of Student Government. Winsett, senior and communication major, officially became the Vice President of Student Government on Sept. 26 at midnight. Former VP Jacqueline French stepped down due to her decision to graduate early. Winsett has held many leadership roles on campus through athletic marketing and has been an active participant in student To TORRIE Page 4






Alleviating the Traffic Jam




Justine Parks


Katherine Lavacca, Editor

Zoe Fowler, Asst. Editor

ARTS + ENTERTAINMENT Jackie Braje, Editor

Selene San Felice, Asst. Editor


Nikki Nunzio/ The Minaret Campus Security officer directs traffic during the peak hours to help increase the flow of traffic on the University’s stretch of North Blvd.


Richard Whitaker, Editor

Avery Twible, Asst. Editor


Phil Novotny, Editor

Jordan Llanes, Asst. Editor


Doha Madani, Editor

Savanna Blackerby, Asst. Editor

PHOTOGRAPHY Casey Budd, Editor


Tiffini Theisen


Khadijah Khan, Head Copy Editor

Tess Sheets, Copy Editor

Caitlin Malone, Copy Editor

STAFF WRITERS Kai Miller Madison Irwin Dominick Falco Sammi Brennan

COLUMNISTS Marcus Mitchell Griffin Guinta Terry Preston Liz Rockett

MORE INFORMATION THE MINARET is a weekly student-run publication at the University of Tampa. Letters to the Editor may be sent to editor@ To reach THE MINARET call 813.257.3636. Your first two copies of THE MINARET are free. Each additional copy is $1.00


The University of Tampa installed a no left turn sign outside of West Parking Garage on North Boulevard to prevent gridlock during busy traffic times. This change has caused mixed feelings among the student body. “I think it is very inefficient... and it makes a big traffic jam having to turn right and then turn all the way around to go down North Boulevard, ” said Stephen Carse, a sophomore predental major. Students were told about the traffic pattern change in a global message sent out during the third week of school. Linda Devine, Vice President of Operations and Planning, explained that in a meeting over the summer, the Campus Safety Committee came up with the idea to put in the no left turn sign. “For some time (more than a year) we had been monitoring the West Parking Garage/North Boulevard/Straz Hall area as we had numerous concerns raised about the interaction between pedestrians and vehicles,” Devine said via email. “We said at that time, let’s just try to see if having no left turn can make a difference.” Drivers would have access to West Cass Street and major highways by turning left out of the garage. “It’s very inconvenient for me because I live in Vintage [Lofts] so it’s much easier to avoid Kennedy and to go left and then take Cass to Vintage.” said Kim Hartford, a senior advertising and public relations major. Devine understands that the sign isn’t helpful for student drivers. “We do know that during peak periods, no left turns are not helpful to some. One has to drive through campus via North B Street or proceed to Willow which intersects with Cass Street,” Devine said. Some students find the sign to be more convenient. “I believe the no left turn sign is an awesome idea because it really speeds up traffic,” said Evan Williamson, a senior marketing major. “If I did have to make a left, I would be kind of upset because it is kind of out of the way if you have to turn right but

Nikki Nunzio/ The Minaret Some students had mixed feelings about the ‘No left turn’ sign that was installed during this semester.

since I go right anyway it’s awesome and it works out for me perfectly.” Despite the inconvenience it causes for drivers, Devine has seen how the sign has appeared to help. “But at least for right now we have less near misses between vehicles and people and we are making traffic move along on North Boulevard,” Devine said. Students have said it is difficult to see how the sign is helping because traffic is being moved to one side of the street. “It’s an inconvenience and there’s no sense of pushing all the traffic toward West Kennedy. They’re just jamming up everything,” said Tyler Sikora, a sophomore communication major. Other students are not bothered by the sign and think it is helping the traffic problem. “I think it’s rather convenient especially during like, 3 or 4 o’clock because it makes traffic more fluid and not as hectic. It’s just easier for everyone else in my opinion,” said Carlos Montero, a junior allied health major.

In terms of enforcement, Devine said that drivers could turn left coming out of the garage, but encourages students to abide by it during the peak traffic periods. “So it’s not like big brother’s going to be sitting there watching every car come out of the garage,” said Devine. “But during that peak period we really have to help because it’s a huge time for not only the city traffic, but the education related traffic going up and down the street and you know we want to be good citizens...” The sign was the solution that seemed right at the time, and it will be evaluated at the end of the semester, according to Devine. In addition to the sign, Campus Safety Officers are present to help direct traffic during peak periods in the late afternoon hours between 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. Devine will meet with offices on campus to begin discussing the effectiveness of the sign and other traffic changes put in place for this semester in November. Miranda Palumbo can be reached at



Coping with the flu on Campus With flu season around the corner students should stock up on medicine and try out a few home remedies. By THERESA STANTON News Writer

There’s only one word for mucus: gross. I blew into my tissue and knew something wasn’t right by the sight of a yellow booger. Great. With three papers due, a presentation, a mid term exam, a quiz, close readings and work, getting sick was not an option. The day before I started feeling sick, my mom texted me asking if I got my shot. I had a busy schedule and I wasn’t able to find time to get an appointment, so I Iied and told her I got my shot so she wouldn’t nag me. Call me superstitious, but almost every year I get the shot I seem to experience flu like symptoms. Mackenzie Tewell, the flu coordinator of Florida’s Department of Health is in charge of research for Pinellas County.“Chances are you already had the virus in your system and were going to get sick anyways because you can’t get sick from the shot,” Tewell said. “The vaccine is administered in two ways: either as a flu vaccine virus that has been inactivated or you’re not injected with the vaccine virus.” For those worried about getting sick from the shot Tewell says,“The only side effects one might receive from the shot is a low-grade fever, headaches and muscle aches but they never experience flu like symptoms.” Those who are wary about being pricked for a shot can choose to have the nasal spray vaccine. The spray is attenuated. In other words, it does not contain the flu illness. I figured I would be fine for a few days, so I put off getting the shot. I knew I did not have the flu because I did have any serious symptoms like


People die from the flu each year in Florida fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. “Those with a cold can still function normally unlike someone infected by the flu” Tewell said. The difference between a common cold and the flu is the symptoms. With the flu, the infected experience fever, soreness and in some cases vomiting and diarrhea. A cold can cause the infected to have one or more of the following symptoms: drainage, congested nose or cough. I diagnosed myself with a common cold since I only had a fluctuation between a runny and stuffy nose. Cold symptoms only last between

one and four days while a flu can last for two weeks. This year, there are some cases of influenza A and B circulating, but typically doctors administer one of the two vaccines for either influenza A or B depending on what they think is circulating. Although this year’s flu has the same symptoms as last years, there were 2,607 people that died from the flu, while 7,300 were hospitalized and 1.9 million contracted the flu, according to the Florida Department of Health. “Our hope is that the more people that get vaccinated the less people that can spread the virus and the chances of


getting sick are less,” Tewell said. Those with the Flu can be contagious 24 hours before they have any symptoms and seven days after they show symptoms. “It’s important to protect others,” Tewell said. “Think about who you could give the flu to children, elderly and those who are pregnant.” I found WebMD recommends a dehumidifier but was a little too pricy for me so I stuck to other home remedies. After watching Dr. Oz, I picked up a few items that he recommended on his daytime show, one of which included tissues scented with vapors vix, which not only smelled really good but opened up my airways a little bit. Another item on the list was hot peppermint tea which helped the most when I held the cup up close to my nose. I know it sounds weird, but it helped to relieve my nose congestion for a few hours. Interestingly enough, peppermint tea can also be used for a sore throat. I stayed on a strict fluid and chicken campbell’s soup diet, which helped loosen mucus that I had in my nose. Dr. Oz recommends not drinking coffee because of its dehydrating effects. Also, try hot showers. They do wonders for a clogged nose. What worked best for me was an at home remedy I found online at WebMD, a neti pot. Just make sure to boil the water when using tap water to kill the bacteria in the water. Make sure to let the water cool so you don’t burn your nose. Even though I have to say it was one of the weirdest things I have tried, it left my nose normal for a whole day without having to use tissues. Tewell suggested to get Tamiflu, an over the counter drug, within 48 hours of showing symptoms because it shows signs of decreasing the amount of time one stays sick. Next time I might think twice before I avoid getting the flu shot, or I might try some of these tips. However, after trying at home remedies I was better within three days. Theresa Stanton can be reached at



Reports compiled by Zoe Fowler

Battle of the Machines On Oct. 14, a staff member was in a minor crash with a university golf cart. Free Leasing Contract On Oct. 14, a former student was found sleeping in the commuter lounge. The Unlikelihood of Transportation On Oct. 14, a student reported lost or stolen skateboard. Laundronomo On Oct. 15, the laundry card

machine located in West Kennedy Hall was violated. Pull Up to the Club Like What Up On Oct. 19, a student was observed by a safety officer entering a residence hall with a gallon of vodka. Blazin’ Good Vibes On Oct. 19, students were discovered by safety officer smoking marijuana on balcony area which resulted in a room search.

Police Graphic by Guerra Quintanilla, Spartan Graphic by Orun Bhuiyan


Hult Prize There will be semi-qualifier on Nov. 21 at UTampa Apply at Information session in Sykes 148 on Friday at 1 p.m. Stainability Energy action month Conserve energy by turning lights off when not in use!

Event Services Announcement If you want to apply for a table in any of the available buildings go to SpartanWeb under the Campus Life tab and click on Request Rooms. Spring Registration Make sure you check with the Bursar’s Office and Financial Aid Office to make sure you don’t have any holds on your account. Find your registration time on SpartanWeb under the Academics



Crist Democratic Candidate on Ballot By KRISTA BYRD News Writer

Charlie Crist, the democratic candidate and former Florida Governor, has been under severe scrutiny during his campaign because of his political flip-flopping and most recently for using a fan during one of the debates. Much like his rival, Crist has been the center of controversial debates, one of which is now being called “Fan Gate,” wherein Rick Scott refused to debate him because he had a fan inside of his podium. “Trust me — I didn’t want to argue about a fan on the podium,” Crist said in a direct response to the fan debacle on his blog, Crist has been criticized for changing political parties multiple times throughout his career. When he held office as Florida Governor from 2007 to 2011, Crist was a representative of the Republican party. In 2010, Crist left the Republican party and became an independent when he decided to campaign for US Senate. In 2012, Crist registered as a democrat and endorsed President Obama, according to While his political affiliations may have changed through the years, his platforms have stayed similar to when he was in office. Crist remains focused on bringing tax breaks to the


Position Solution/Proposal

Gay Marriage


Believes people should marry whom they love.

Taxes Medical Marijuana For

Wants to bring tax breaks to the middle class.

Healthcare For Transportation For

middle class and making it easier for small and medium sized businesses to grow. Crist also believes that part of Florida’s overall economic plan should involve investing in infrastructure and new forms of energy, according to his website While previously in office, Crist signed House Bill 7135 which required new buildings to use less energy in an attempt to push alternative fuel sources. Crist also supports creating jobs in the public and private sectors. While Crist was in office, over 800,000 people in Florida lost their jobs, however it should be taken into account that the recession was partly to blame. “I think it’s amusing that the republicans are so quick to say that Crist lost so many jobs but they

Believes we have to trust in the people of Florida and doctors. Wants the number of people who have insurance to increase. Supports high-speed rail in Florida.

completely ignore the huge recession that was then taking place,” said UT alum and legal writer Matthew Gould. Another major platform on which Crist stands is the legalization of medical marijuana. Crist stands behind amendment two, and also stands behind the legalization of “Charlotte’s Web”, an extract of the marijuana leaf which contains low levels of THC (the psychoactive part of the drug) to help sufferers of epilepsy. Crist supports lowering the cost of healthcare and making it available to everyone in Florida that is uninsured. On the issue of women’s rights, Crist supports a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, including the right to birth control and abortions. He also is a supporter of equal pay for women. One issue that greatly affects

students is his stance on education. While in office, Crist signed the compact with the Seminole Tribe which created opportunities for the tribe by allowing them to operate card games and other methods of gambling, while creating millions of dollars in revenue that was put back into funding education for students in all of Florida. Crist claims that he will continue to keep the compact with the tribe and will put additional funding into public schools and lowering college tuition with the funds, according to Commuter students may want to consider Crist’s plans to bring a high speed rail system to Florida and to improve public transportation in cities like Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville. Some find Charlie Crist and his promises to be less than savory. “I haven’t seen the debates,” said freshman and musical theatre major Shelby Carmichael. “But I am not a fan.” Others find Rick Scott to be the worse of the two evils. “I don’t care for Rick Scott. I will take Charlie,” Gould said. “I am voting Charlie Crist.” Students can register to vote at For more information on the candidates, visit Krista Byrd can be reached at

SG change in leadership promises opportunity From TORRIE Page 1

Casey Budd/The Minaret Torrie Winsett expressed her excitement of filling the position of VP and is ready to make some changes.

government. She feels that she will bring a new perspective to Student Government and help benefit the UTampa community. “The transition into the office has been great. Kristin and the previous Vice President have taught me everything I need to know. Everyone on the executive team has been very helpful with making sure I understand everything,” said Winsett about transitioning in as the new Student Government Vice President. Michael Magnotto, senior and Student Government Treasurer, thinks that Winsett shows great promise and will create better connections with the students and their governing body. “I was initially hesitant when approached with the whole situation. Given this is uncharted waters for SG, I wanted to make the transition of VPs seamless,” Magnotto said. “I have known about Torrie’s involvement on campus and was excited to see what she could do as VP. Only a week in, she had exceeded my expectations. Her outgoing personality allowed for a fun transition of VPs and her work ethic backs it up ten fold.” Winsett was the original running mate with Kristin Anderson, our current Student Government President and has plans for what she wants to change at UT. “I know one thing Kristin and I have discussed is the school spirit is lacking,” Winsett said. “We have been trying to think of ways to bring the different student organizations together and one

thing we have been doing is working with the Athletic Marketing president, Haylee Yeatman to promote the games.” Anderson has big plans for the future of the university and getting the student body more involved as the years continue. “I am very excited about the future of SG, we are both planning on creating an accountability report this year and a strategic plan for the next five years to maintain a solid track of improvement for SG,” Anderson said. “Torrie is wonderful and working with her has been nothing short of a blessing. I have high hopes for the rest of the year and though my time with Jackie was short, we set a strong foundation for the organization and our officer expectations for this year.” Although we are six weeks into the school year, Winsett does not feel like she’s out of place or unprepared. She is ready to make a change and help improve the view students have on our governing body as well as improving students’ experience at UT. “I found it better that I take my leadership skills internally and assume the role of VP of Student Government. I wish to improve the way students look at Student Government, the only organization that is directly responsible for student involvement,” Winsett said. “Taking all of my leadership skills and combining them with work experience I have within the school, I am looking forward to being Vice President this year.” Khadijah Khan can be reached at



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Halloween Film Festival

Hosted by the Delta Kappa Alpha Cinema Fraternity at 8 p.m. on October 23rd in the Plant Hall Music Room. OCTOBER 23

Fall Dance Happening

See student directed and choreographed performances by over 80 UT dancers in Falk Theater from 8:00 p.m. -10:30 p.m. OCTOBER 24

Halloween Gala

A free formal dress code event with food, games, music and a Halloween movie. Donations accepted to raise awareness for domestic violence, human trafficking and universal primary education. To be held from 6:00 p.m. -11 p.m. in Fletcher Lounge.


Halloween IV- OPUS Goes Retro Join OPUS from 7:30 p.m. -8:30 p.m. in Falk Theater for a performance of spooky pop and Broadway favorites from the 90’s.


Comedian Gina Brillon

Watch a featured comedian from Chelsea Lately and The View in Reeves Theater starting at 8:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 4

Rachel Brown Performance

To be held in Morsani Hall at 8:00 p.m. For more information contact Ellen Howard at NOVEMBER 5

Volleyball vs. Eckerd

Five dollar admission for the public, free to UT students with ID. 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. in Martinez Athletic Center.



Music starts at 6:00 p.m. in North Straub Park with a movie to follow.

See incredible LEGO creations at the Florida State Fairgrounds. $10 advance, $11 day of show. The event continues through the 26th.

Music & Movies in the Park


Seafood Festival

Food will be served at John’s Pass Boardwalk starting at 3:00 p.m. and a costume block party goes from 7:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m. OCTOBER 25

Coral Skies Music Fest

Held at the Midflorida Ampetheater starting at 12 p.m. Cage the Elephant headlines this indie-pop extravaganza. OCTOBER 25

Folkfest St. Pete NOVEMBER 5

My Body, My Choice

A panel of religious leaders, professional practitioners and faculty and staff will discuss educational topics as well as how we make decisions to engage in sexual activity.

An annual contemporary folk art and music street festival. Free to the public but a $5 donation is encouraged to go towards Creative Clay.

Brickworld Tampa


Books on Cake

Hosted at Sweet Chocolate Pi every Monday at 5p.m. Audio books of great literary works are played while new dessert items and complimentary beverages are served. A sweet deal! OCTOBER 29

Wandering Eye Paint Class

Learn how to paint realism with Izzy for only $30 at the Wandering Eye art studio in Ybor. OCTOBER 28

Skrillex at Hogan’s Beach

Located in Clearwater, tickets start at $64. Doors open at 5:30


Photo by Ellis Catalan

UT students banded together against “slut shaming” in the Slut Walk last Wednesday, Oct. 15, to say that an individual’s clothing is not the cause of sexual assault.




Minaret Goes Behind the Scenes at RMC

Revolt Music Conference took place in Miami this past weekend. By KAI MILLER

Arts + Entertainment Writer

Music lovers and industry professionals flocked to the shores of Miami Beach this past weekend for REVOLT TV’s inaugural music conference. The weekend-long soiree took place from Oct. 16 to Oct. 19 at the renowned Le Fontainebleau Hotel. From keynote speakers to nightlife events, the fourday conference coupled some of the great minds in the entertainment industry with brand marketers, producers, and artists in order to discuss how to navigate and comprehend the constantly evolving music business. Musical performances by Jhene Aiko, G-Eazy, Travis Scott, Jeremih, and Flo Rida wrapped up the day’s events on both Friday and Saturday. With opening remarks from Keith Clinkscales, REVOLT TV CEO, as well as the Vice-Chair and well-seasoned music vet Andre Harrell, the conference kicked off on Friday with lots of laughs, humbling stories and valuable information. “The one thing you will learn from this conference is that you cannot out work Sean Combs,” Clinkscales said to a crowd of approximately 800 people at the networking breakfast. Last year, Combs and Clinkscales launched REVOLT TV, a music-oriented digital television network dedicated to offering music, videos, live entertainment and pop culture news. Since its unveiling last year on Oct. 21, the network has gained traction following partnerships with Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and as of recently Verizon Fios. “The true DNA of this conference is how tech will impact music,” Clinkscales said. As technology and social media continue to evolve and influence the way we consume content, especially when it comes to music, Combs intends to use his latest venture as a platform to capitalize on this change. In light of this, day one of the Revolt Music Conference featured keynote addresses from tech leaders Guy Oseary, founder of Maverick, and Bob Pittman, chairman and CEO of iHeart Media, who provided further insight into how the digital age impacts the music business. The first day of the conference also included six panels that ranged from social media strategy, to women in the music industry, to the future of the record business. Friday’s festivities came to a close with performances from Jhene Aiko, SZA and Flo Rida. Although a majority of the panels were comprised of music executives, producers or artists such as LA Reid, Timbaland, and Jermaine Dupri; there were several panels that featured some of the biggest titans in the print and digital media industry. Veteran journalist Danyel Smith moderated the “Who Runs The World” panel, a discussion regarding the balance of power in the music business and how women can propel themselves to the forefront of the maledominated industry. As the first black female editor-in-chief of both Billboard and VIBE magazine, Smyth has been paving the way for female music journalists for over a decade. During her panel session, Smyth emphasized the importance of women showcasing their work without fear of being labeled as boastful or attention seeking. “As women, we cannot be afraid to toot our own horn,” Smyth said. “We have to find ways to be comfortable saying ‘I’m right here. I built this. I made this. I wrote this.’” In doing so, female journalists will not only stay relevant in their field but also differentiate themselves from their

competition. “You have to talk about yourself,” Smyth said. The media maven also insisted that being entrepreneurial is a major key to success. “Start your own shit,” Smyth said. “Start it today. Don’t wait until you’re ready. Don’t wait until you feel like you’re going to be way better a year from now. Start your own shit today.” Marc Ecko, founder and chief brand officer of Complex Media, shared Smyth’s sentiments regarding entrepreneurship in the print industry. “It’s about honing your voice and being entrepreneurial about how you kind of attract that catalyst that helps expand your audience,” Ecko said. “That’s where you have to be a hustler and an entrepreneur.” Ecko shared his views on branding management and marketing during Saturday’s “The New Deal: Brands and Artists” panel. In addition to honing one’s voice, Ecko strongly suggested that aspiring journalists use the wide array of broadcasting tools available today, such as Youtube and Vine, to their advantage. Social media is an ideal platform for journalists to showcase their work in order to gain traction. But in light of all the social platforms one can choose from, Ecko advised that journalists strongly consider how their voice is deployed in respect to each. “It’s not what you do, it’s what you don’t do,” Ecko said. “I call it the merchandising of your voice. You have to think tacitly about what are the tools that will allow you to differentiate. Just because you can do it all doesn’t mean you should.” In regards to standing out among the competition, Ecko feels that differentiation is a critical process that begins from within. “It has to be the most naked part of your brand,” Ecko said. “What is it about your view that is really different? You have to be your own enemy and worst critic in trying to hone that and sharpen that. And, anytime you find yourself parodying someone else’s thing-- game over.” A major highlight of the weekend-long soiree was Combs’ rousing keynote address titled #AskDiddy. On Oct. 18, in front of a packed-house within the Glimmer Ballroom at the Fontainebleau Hotel, Combs offered invaluable career advice to the standing room only crowd. “This is going to be like church,” Combs told the audience. “It’s going to get hot in here, so take out your fans.” Although the 45-minute session was not exactly a gospel service, it was inspiring and honest nonetheless. Combs’ Q&A also strayed away from traditional measures by lacking engagement with a moderator. Alternatively, Combs chose to only answer questions from Twitter and directly from audience members. Prior to answering questions that ranged from personal to practical, Combs addressed the crowd by thanking them for investing in themselves and supporting REVOLT’s inaugural music conference. The entrepreneur also admitted that REVOLT was the most difficult venture he aimed to successfully launch. “This is a dream come true,” Combs said. “To know that the legacy is going to continue because there are people out there who care about the future and care about being somebody.” At times Combs was surprisingly candid and humble. When asked what had been his hardest business decision, he replied: “Looking in the mirror. When you get a lot of success, it definitely turns you into an asshole. Or it magnifies who you are.” When asked for advice, Combs offered simplistic and practical words: Be relentless. Work hard. Wake up early. Always follow through. His greatest insight, however, was when it came to personal branding. ““Every second you are a representation of your brand,” he said when asked about the brand aspect of his business. “What you wear. How you talk. And you are representing not just yourself but your family name. I know

Photos by Kai Miller (top) and Marc Serota (bottom).

Sean Combs (below) and Jhene Aiko (above) were among many big names at RMC.

I’m the best representation of my brand. The thing that keeps you in this game is your reputation.” The #AskDiddy panel session proved to be a favorite among attendees especially those aspiring to work directly in the music industry as producers or executives. For Jordan Suarez, founder and CEO of New Society Records, Combs’ keynote address was the most helpful panel session out of the dozen that took place over the weekend. “Ask Diddy was very inspirational and motivational,” Suarez said. “That just really brought the bars even higher for myself. Now, my dream and my vision are larger.” Suarez formed New Society Records with two friends after realizing they shared a common interest in music. The record label launched three months ago and has since served as a platform to showcase the talents of independent artists. “Now I’m just hungrier,” Suarez said. “I just want to thank Diddy for giving us the opportunity to come out to this.” For others like Danielle Lindsay, a junior at Florida Memorial University studying mass communications, the #AskDiddy panel

was an intimate way for her to become more acquainted with the living legend. “You got to get a little bit more in touch with who Diddy is personally,” Lindsay said. “Where he came from and how his road to success was. And just his opinion on where we can go in life, I felt a better connection and understanding of who he is as a person.” Lindsay attended the Revolt Music Conference with her roommates, Davina Lewis and Khalinah Walker in hopes of gaining valuable contacts and information on how to emerge into the music industry. Walker, who is also a mass communications student at FMU, walked away from the conference with a greater understanding of the reality of being a music industry professional. “It’s not all about glitz and glam,” Walker said. “It’s about hard work and dedication.” “Everyone here has a story,” Walker said. “Everyone has come from exactly where you are right now. So, if you want it, you have to go get it. Point. Blank. Period.” Kai Miller can be reached at Kai.miller@


Good Graeff Talks Coral Skies By JACKIE BRAJE

Arts + Entertainment Editor

Twin sisters Brit and Brooke Graeff of the Sarasota-based indie duo Good Graeff are currently on tour with their latest EP Better Half, released in 2013. The duo is also included in the impressive lineup for the Coral Skies music festival on Oct. 25. The Minaret was fortunate enough to sit down with the band under the Ybor City night sky after their Streetcar Live performance last month. Minaret: It’s to my understanding that you broke up for 6 years to travel, came back, and put out your EP Better Half. Could you explain what made you want to come back and create this album? Brooke: So we split up for, like you said, six years, and music was just something that happened. It wasn’t planned, we weren’t planning on putting together any albums after we broke up. But because of the response we had in Vietnam, so many people wanted us to keep going with it and we just kinda had that “Why not?” attitude? And we didn’t want to that regret of “Well why didn’t we just try to make it work? Minaret: How has the response been from your Florida friends since you’ve come back home? Brit: Incredible! When we came back and really went at it, we did not think it was gonna have this response. We were like “We’ll just try this for a few months and no one’s gonna book us and it’s not gonna work.” It’s just something we never thought was gonna happen, and it happened really quickly for us. When we came back to the country we didn’t have a house, we didn’t have jobs, we didn’t

Good Graeff/

Good Graeff will perform at the Coral Skies music festival on Oct. 25 at the MidFlorida Amphitheatre.

have music equipment or anything. And when you have nothing, you really find that you fight for the things that you want. You work a little harder, and I think that blind ambition and perseverance is what really pushed the band forward. Minaret: Speaking of perseverance, could you describe the process you took in creating your latest album? Brooke: So we wrote Better Half when we were in Vietnam, and when we came back we started a Kickstarter campaign, and we knew

we needed something for people to listen to that would gain us support. So we just started self-recording in a friend’s bedroom, and it took us awhile because we were a bit rusty at that point, but we were able to get the six tracks out, and after awhile we were finally able to get more tracks out for our fans. We’ve been sitting on a new EP for about a year now and, well, we’re really patient. We’re just waiting for the perfect moment and the right people to back us up. We want the best chance possible to become successful.


Minaret: I think you guys are off to a great start. I mean, there was a really great crowd tonight. Brooke: [Laughs] I looked up and there was just, like, a sea of cell phones. It was incredible! And what’s really awesome is that it was a huge mix of people, from our grandparents’ age down to little four-year-olds. It’s cool having such a diverse crowd. Minaret: On a tangent, would you say you’re more classically trained or self-taught? Brooke: It was definitely more a teachyour-self thing. I started taking cello lessons for about five years and then by high school I just stopped. I listened to music that really inspired me and got sick of classical music, and that’s when we started playing together. Minaret: So what’s next for Good Graeff? So you have any near-future plans? Brit: We are now recording a new new EP that, I don’t know when we’re planning to release it, but definitely as soon as possible. We also have a quick west coast tour and we’re coming back for the Coral Skies festival. Minaret: Which is going to be amazing. Brit: Incredible! We’re so excited for it. I don’t even know how we got it. But that’s our next big show in the area and we’re working on a few music videos, so I’d say just keep your eyes peeled. We’re working super hard to bring the best possible prodict to our fans because everyone’s been so patient for so long. We and our amazing team are all super stoked for it. Jackie Braje can be reached at Jacquelyn.

DC and Marvel Offer Super Box Office Lineups DC and Marvel compete for superhero dominance at the box office.


Assistant Sports Editor

In Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight,” The Joker says, “This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.” In this instance, DC Films is your unstoppable force, making Marvel Studios the immovable object. Over the next six years, these two comic giants will battle on the silver screen, according to numerous sources, including Cinema Blend and Variety. So let’s take a look at what each company has to offer, starting with the squad that has already been around the block a few times: Marvel. Since the 2008 release of “Iron Man,” Marvel has dominated the superhero movie scene, even though Nolan’s “Dark Knight” trilogy grossed over two and a half billion dollars for Warner. Starting next summer, Marvel will release 11 films through 2019. The first of these will be the highly anticipated sequel to “The Avengers,” titled “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” slated to come out next May. The entire cast from the first film will return, minus Loki (Tom Hiddleston). That means we will see Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and the rest of Earth’s mightiest heroes team up once again. The original team will be joined by War Machine (Don Cheadle), Vision (Paul Bettany) and the brother/ sister team of Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen), also known as Quicksilver and

Scarlet Witch. The Avengers will face off against Ultron (James Spader), an almost indestructible robot whose powers include superhuman strength, flight and the ability to fire bolts of pure energy. Ultron is one of Marvel’s most formidable villains, and it will take all of the Avengers’ combined might to take him down. The second “Avengers” will be followed by the release of “Ant-Man” next July, which will be the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (M.C.U) Phase Three. Phase One started with “Iron Man,” and Phase Two began with “Iron Man 3.” “Ant-Man” will tell the story of inventor Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D. The film will also introduce us to Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), who will replace Pym as Ant-Man, a superhero with the ability to decrease in size while increasing in strength. They will team up to stop Pym’s former protege Darren Cross (Corey Stoll), who becomes the villainous Yellow Jacket. “Captain America 3” will be presented in 2016 and show audiences what Cap has been up to since “Age of Ultron.” Last week, Marvel announced that Downey Jr. would join the cast and that the fabled Civil War storyline would be brought to the big screen. In this story, the U.S government introduces the Superhuman Registration Act which will force all powered individuals to register with the government, reveal their secret identity and undergo training. Iron Man leads the pro-registration side, while Captain America leads the opposition. July 2016 will introduce fans to “Doctor Strange,” a former neurosurgeon who becomes the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said in an April 2014 interview with Empire that the film would be the “doorway” to the supernatural side of the

M.C.U. The following year, Marvel has two unannounced films coming out, along with “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” on July 28, 2017, 2018 and 2019 will bring three more untitled films from Marvel. Meanwhile, DC has just jump started its cinematic universe under the guidance of Nolan, “Man of Steel” director Zack Snyder and scribe David Goyer. “Man of Steel” rebooted the Superman story with Henry Cavill playing the Man of Tomorrow. The film that will introduce fans to the majority of the Justice League with “Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice” will be released in 2016. Cavill’s Superman will share the screen with a plethora of important DC characters, including a new Batman in Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot’s portrayal of Wonder Woman and Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, with Snyder returning to direct. While there are still many questions regarding the choices for those important roles, those have been quelled due to the announcement of their 14 film slate through 2020. Later in 2016, DC will release “Suicide Squad,” which is a team of super villains that runs a series of high risk black ops for the U.S government in exchange for shorter prison sentences. This might be a bit problematic considering Warner Brothers and DC have not yet tapped a director or writer, not to mention picking a cast. Hopefully the DC brain trust can resolve this problem rather quickly so they can stay on track. DC’s version of 2017 will present the standalone Wonder Woman film, where Gadot is slated to return as the Amazonian princess. Nov. 17, 2017 will bring comic book fans the great kahuna: Justice League will make its big screen debut. With Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman already in place, the film will give larger roles to Aquaman (Jason Momoa),

the Flash (Ezra Miller), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and potentially Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern. Snyder will once again direct, and Brainiac has been rumored as the most likely choice for villain. The Flash and Aquaman solo films, with Miller’s Flash showcased on Mar. 23, 2018, and Momoa’s Aquaman returning to rule the oceans on July 27, will be released in 2018. “Shazam” is slated to come out on Apr. 9, 2019 with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson playing Black Adam, the film’s primary antagonist. The second Justice League film will come out in the middle of the summer on June 14, 2019 where Darkseid is rumored to be the villain. 2020, which was the final year announced, will see two more solo superhero films released. Fisher’s Cyborg will get his own story on Apr. 3, while Green Lantern will get its own reboot on June 19. Furthermore, DC has four more film projects that weren’t given release dates: “Sandman,” which is a Neil Gaiman comic being adapted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt; “Justice League Dark,” which features darker heroes like John Constantine and Zatanna, and is reportedly being developed by Guillermo del Toro; and untitled Batman and Superman standalone films due to come out in the near future. While Marvel’s plan is mostly unknown over the next few years, DC has boldly announced to the public when they are going to release each film. It’s a gamble that could either work beautifully or blow up in the companies’ faces if they aren’t prepared. Be ready for the rise of the superhero movie to continue over the next few years. Chances are, DC and Marvel will continue to battle over the hearts and minds of comic fans around the world. Jordan Llanes can be reached at



My Night with Rocky: A Virgin’s Horror Story

Student Journalist attends first Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast event. By CLAIRE FARROW

Arts + Entertainment Writer

I admit it. I’m a virgin. Well, not anymore. I, Claire Farrow, along with two of my friends, celebrated our first “birthday” and became a part of the Rocky Horror family last Friday night, Oct. 17, over at the old historic Tampa Theatre. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has been on my radar for some time now, and I figured it was high time I saw this picture. Although far from a cinematic masterpiece, in many ways, the film was certainly ahead of its time. Rocky Horror took risks, and though many of the subjects covered in this film are still mainstream taboo, for alternative culture, the movie has found a place in many peoples’ hearts. What truly makes this a film worth seeing in theaters is most certainly the live shadowcasts that host the event. Shadowcasts are groups of individuals who act alongside the film, creating an additional interactive sphere with the audience. This was excellently provided at Tampa Theatre by two shadow casts-- Interchangeable Parts and Cheap Little Punks. A major incentive to going to this ‘70s flick was the venue-- the historic Tampa Theatre located downtown. My old soul sings hallelujah praises whenever I set foot in that gorgeous building. The Tampa Theatre has been on Franklin St. in downtown Tampa, a ten minute walk from campus, for 88 years. Going to a classic “movie palace” to watch one of the most well-known cult movie classics is an experience in itself.

The perfection of the venue left little to complain about. In fact, the only criticism I have for the entire experience was that the sound was lacking in volume and quality. When the shadow casts were doing their introductions for the pre-show, I could hardly hear a word they said, and I was in the 7th or 8th row; I can hardly imagine how hard it would’ve been had I been sitting up in the mezzanine. Also, the film at times was quite hard to hear, even when people weren’t shouting at the screen. Aside from that, however, the venue was perfect. While watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast performance, I couldn’t help but think about a very twisted, sexual version of Alice in Wonderland coupled with many classic science fiction story tropes. Both works of fiction have a bizarre premise and non-linear plot, while the main characters suffer and maneuver through insane shenanigans (such as being turned into living statues and mindcontrolled). It was almost as if Brad and Janet were Alice, and Frank-N-Furter encompassed the spirits of the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, and the Hookah-smoking Caterpillar. Rocky Horror fans are what truly make this experience worthwhile. Being the actors fan I am, I really enjoyed the performances that were given by both the original 1975 cast, and by both entertaining shadow casts. Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon are definitely the biggest names that have endured since 1975 on the big screen, but that is not to say that the other cast members haven’t had successes. Although it was hard to tell who was from which shadowcast, by far my favorite performer of the night was the marvelous actor who predominantly portrayed Dr. Frank-N-Furter. The actor who played this doctor maintained an androgynous look, capturing the essence of Dr. Frank-NFurter, much the way that Tim Curry did

in the film. Additionally, all of these actors performed their parts to a flawless degree. Easily I gave in to the illusion of what was going on onscreen and on stage were one and the same. For most first-time viewers of Rocky Horror, or ‘virgins’ there is a level of hazing or initiation that takes place before the movie starts. Normally the virgins are put through moderately embarrassing activities, such as twerking on stage or getting spanked by the entire shadow cast. This is done all in good fun and with consent of all the participants. I had heard a couple horror stories about more hardcore hazing that had taken place at other Rocky Horror shows, such as being told to deepthroat a banana, and was relieved to find these two shadowcasts to be quite kind. Only about ten people (I was not one, but my friend Kate was) went up on stage,where the twerking and spanking took place, while the rest gathered around the front of the stage. After singing “Happy Birthday”, hugs were exchanged and we were sent back to our seats. Happily, I found the community very welcoming, which is how any fandom worth joining should be. I didn’t once feel uncomfortable being there. Also, despite all the profanity and obscenities shouted at the screen, I felt like what was being said wasn’t really derogatory in this setting, and that is coming from someone who tries not to habitually swear. Some of the most memorable lines shouted at the screen were “slut” and “asshole” whenever Janet and Brad appeared. Additionally, lines such as “they used superglue as a contraceptive,” “F*** the back row. F*** the front row,” “Do you f*** your sister?” etc. As I’m writing these quotes, they certainly carry their full derogatory weight. However, in that particular setting and in the context in which they were used, I didn’t feel like a degenerate human being for joining in.

Rather, all the swearing and shouting was more like a release of any aggression, frustration, and/or pent up anger that I may have had. I’ll be honest; I felt very refreshed leaving the theatre. It felt really good to just be obnoxious for once and not care what you said. A completely judgmentfree zone. Whether you’re a virgin or not, definitely go to Rocky Horror with at least one friend; I was lucky enough to have four good friends with me for my first time, two who had already been, and two virgins like me. I found having a posse topped off my entire experience and made the night all the more memorable. Watching the film beforehand actually helped me enjoy the performance, and I highly recommend being acquainted with the flow of Rocky Horror before going a to a live-casted theater showing. As the cult population of Rocky Horror increased, so did the addition of props. To go along with the plot, props such as water guns, toast, hot dogs, rice, newspapers, toilet paper, noise makers, party hats, and playing cards are thrown at the screen and around the theater. While hot dogs, rice, and water guns are prohibited at the Tampa Theater, many audience members brought their own variety of props. Other Rocky Horror venues, however, tend to sell props before the event. I regretted forgoing props a little, as they added to the atmosphere and experience. If you’re in the mood and feeling inspired--dress up as one of the characters. Many of the costumes are very easy to copy. Those feeling a bit more adventurous can don the corset, fishnets, high heels, pearls, and black curly wig to channel Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Finally, have fun; clearly, The Rocky Horror Picture Show doesn’t take itself too seriously, you shouldn’t either. Claire Farrow can be reached at Claire.

Behind the Unsigned: Craig Tillman By KAI MILLER

Arts + Entertainment Writer

At the age of 12, the Tampa native began his love affair with hip-hop. But initially his interest in music wasn’t influenced by rap. As a child, Tillman was drawn into music through the upbeat pop tunes of 90s boy bands like N’Sync. “My mom raised me on easy listening,” Tillman said. “I was born and raised in the boy band days.” Although he would later go on to explore a more lyrically driven genre, Tillman was captivated by the vigor of pop music. “Just realizing the energy that music cultivated is quite amazing,” Tillman said. “I was like ‘Man that’s some energy right there’.” Tillman’s first EP, titled “The Oddball,” made waves on the Internet in September 2012. The five-track project exemplified his lyrical ability and conscious flow. Since then Tillman has grown both musically and personally. Inspired by the brevity of human life, the lyricist is now more willing to take risks when it comes to his art. “Life is too short,” Tillman said. “You shouldn’t spend time double guessing. It’s about pushing your craft and being sure with the consistency of pushing your craft.” Tillman discusses this philosophy in more detail in his forthcoming project, Better Different.

“With the new project I’m claiming my life, my music, and everything around me,” Tillman said. Better Different features tracks such as “Senioritis,” and “Get A Job Not A Dream” which reflect Tillman’s innermost thoughts and personal growth. The latter discusses chasing one’s dream in light of adversity. “[“Get A Job Not A Dream”] is all about embracing the unsure and taking risks,” Tillman said. Through his latest offering, Tillman hopes listeners will gain their own unique affirmation to life and discover who they truly are. “We’re all here to create and be the best that we can be,” Tillman said. “It’s hard becoming the person that we’re meant to be.” Better Different is slated to premiere exclusively on Tillman’s Bandcamp on Nov. 25. In light of his upcoming project, Tillman is also preparing to release music videos for his singles “Get A Job Not A Dream,” and “She Likes Me.” Until then, the lyricist will continue inspiring others through his work and words. “Pretty much as humans it is our duty to create in whatever realm we are able to create in, to inspire, and be infinite in,” Tillman said. “And don’t let anything hold us back.” Kai Miller can be reached at Kai.


Alpha Kappa Psi’s

HALLOWEEN GALA October 24 at 6:00pm-11pm Fletcher Lounge Dress Code: Formal Alpha Kappa Psi’s Halloween Gala Come and enjoy a night out with Alpha Kappa Psi as we bring awareness and fundraise for domestic violence, human trafficking, and universal primary education. Get dressed up, socialize, eat delicious food, dance, play games and win prizes. And to end the night off right, enjoy a fun, festive Halloween movie while decorating popcorn and filling up goody bags! The event is FREE to the public! DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED!



Halloween Costumes for the Little Black Dress By MADISON IRWIN

Arts + Entertainment Writer

The little black dress has been a staple to every girl’s wardrobe since the 1920s, proving to be an extremely versatile, yet simple must-have for women in college. Whether it has a flowy skater skirt or clings tight for a club-look, the little black dress can be dressed up or down to achieve almost any style. With Halloween quickly approaching, students always seem to end up scrambling for last-minute costumes on a college

budget. If you’re one of those students, then look no further. All you really need for these five easy and affordable costume ideas is that little black dress and a few accessories. If you can’t borrow them from a friend, all of these accessories can be found locally for cheap. Madison Irwin can be reached at


Travel-sized baby powder - Walgreens- $1.49 Straw hat - Walmart- $8.00 White heels - sunshine thrift store- $3.99 Fur Jacket- Sunshine Thrift Store-$20

Audrey Hepburn

Breakfast at Tiffany’s. For this costume, you will need a plastic tiara, a pair of black shades, a pearl necklace, black pumps and black gloves. To complete the look, wear your hair up in a high bun. Oh, and don’t forget your smile; it’s like as Audrey Hepburn always said, “happy girls are the prettiest.”

Plastic tiara-Walmart- $11.99 Pearl necklace - Walmart-$15.00 Black gloves - Claires(Westshore Mall)- $10.50 Black hairspray - Walgreens- $3.99

Audrey Hepburn is a film and fashion icon who has been ranked by the American Film Institute as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema. In fact, the little black dress gained popularity after Audrey Hepburn wore one in the movie,

Cruella Deville

easy costume to put together. For this look, you are going to need a furry coat or vest and dress the outfit up with red accents (such as red heels or nails). Those with lighter hair tones can use temporary black hairspray on half the scalp then add a thick coat of baby powder to the other half.

“A” of Pretty Little Liars

the hood up), combat boots and black stockings or leggings.To make the theme of the costume a bit clearer try printing out a red A or use tape and put it on the back of your sweatshirt. To get into character for Halloween night keep slips of Scarecrow No brain required for this one. To master this paper with snarky “A” notes on them to pass out fall classic, you will need a plaid shirt, a straw or at your party or event. floppy sun hat and a pair of cowboy boots. You

There’s no need to go to Party City and spend fifty bucks on a Disney princess costume that most likely won’t be worn again. Cruella De Vil may not be the sweetest of disney characters, but as long as you have a black dress, it’s a fairly

According to, Pretty Little Liars is ranked as Cable TV’s No.1 series for its seventieth original telecast in viewers 12 to 34. If you love the show and want to go for something more unique yet affordable, then “A” is the perfect fit. This costume is super easy; all you need is a zip up black hoodie (be sure to wear

can wear the plaid shirt two ways: knot the plaid top around your waist or wear it underneath the dress. And don’t forget the scarecrow makeup! Use pink blush on your cheeks to create circles and connect it to your mouth with black eyeliner.




Vatican Comments Bring Hope for Gay Acceptance By REBECCA TURNER Opinion Writer

On Oct. 13, the Vatican publicly spoke out about gay and lesbian couples - unexpectedly this time in a positive way. It’s groundbreaking to hear this from the Roman Catholic Church, one known for its stringent and relatively unchanging views, and it is clearly representative of Pope Francis’s papacy. It shows that tolerance within the church has reached an all-time high, despite some backlash from conservative Catholics, including some Cardinals. When one considers the Vatican’s report in light of Pope Francis’s previous actions, it indicates that the Roman Catholic Church is changing for the better. Pope Francis has shaken the Catholic world before with words regarding homosexual people. In 2013, he even said “Who am I to judge?” referencing same-sex couples, CNN reported. The Vatican has recently been involved in a “Synod on Family,” basically just meetings to discuss what family is today in the Catholic Church, with nearly 200 cardinals, bishops, priests and the pope himself. Halfway through the synod came a brief containing the idea that gay unions, not gay marriage, could be positive. “The document, released halfway through the two-week meeting of bishops, mentions the ‘gifts and qualities’ of gay Catholics,” according to USA Today. This is a huge step in the right direction for the Catholic Church. Its previous, and seemingly unchangeable, views have likely turned many away from the Church, especially those that are homosexual, or who know someone who is homosexual. Even by simply considering gays and lesbians as a reality within the Church and addressing that they are, in fact, people like everyone else who can bring something to the

table, the Roman Catholic Church took a leap towards tolerance. Freshman government and world affairs major Natasha Acosta was happy with the Church’s initial statement. “To me as a person who’s Catholic, I think we need to spread love and acceptance more than hatred and bigotry,” Acosta said. Not everyone is ready for this change in outlook, however. Several cardinals, including Cardinal Raymond Burke of the United States, rapidly and forcefully stood against these ideas discussed within the synod. Burke even went so far as to call homosexual relationships “‘intrinsically disordered,’ and dangerous for children to be exposed to,” according to The Huffington Post. Such views, while ill-supported, are understandable. The Roman Catholic Church has always outwardly expressed that homosexuality is inherently wrong, is a sin, and should not be acted upon. With this synod, however, the Church is conveying ideas that differ greatly in their acknowledgement of and basic acceptance for gay and lesbian couples. It makes sense that at least some of those who work as cardinals, bishops, and priests would initially lack the empathy and understanding of these couples and the unspoken change within the church. It would even make more sense that many of those who are less directly connected with Pope Francis, such as Catholic parishioners, would harbor their traditional views in lieu of immediately accepting this subtle but substantial change in Vatican thinking. Catholics who are more liberal need to be patient with their conservative counterparts who are slow to move away from consistent, unchanging views to those more widely accepted in modern society. This is especially important considering no official

change to Church doctrine has yet been made and no obvious plans to change it are in the public eye, according to The Washington Post. Even while much of the Catholic world has yet to make significant changes since this document was released, this new mentality was likely instituted by Pope Francis. He has interacted with society in a surprising and quite modern manner since the conclave concluded in his favor. Pope Francis has denied the papal suite, limo and the traditional and expensive red leather shoes, all the while taking selfies with young people, touching the disfigured, kissing small children, and generally interacting with the public on a personal level, according to CNN. This seems to be the newest, and possibly most influential, thing Pope Francis has been involved in so far. Through the synod, he and the cardinals, bishops and priests are discussing different types of family using “non-judgemental language,” as reported by The Washington Post. While mere discussion is nowhere close to actual change to Church doctrine, it’s a crucial step toward tolerance of others. Ultimately, it proposes the idea of living more like the Church’s historical founder, Jesus, in truly caring for others, no matter what they are involved in or what their relationship status is, rather than spreading hate and ignorance because of the Church’s history or doctrine. This level of understanding and communication is imperative in order to progress in our increasingly global society. Whether further change will be seen within the Roman Catholic Church remains to be seen as action on the many family issues discussed, including cohabitation and homosexual relationships, will be acted upon in the year following the synod, according to USA Today. Understanding and tolerance seem to be the ultimate goal of the Synod on Family, but

hopefully some positive action and influence will result as well. When regarding the Vatican’s brief on the synod, it is important to note that they clarified their claims after the fact. The Vatican said in another small statement that the “it wanted to welcome gays and lesbians in the church, but not create ‘the impression of a positive evaluation’ of same-sex relationships,” according to CNN. This was certainly a move to protect itself from the outrage of conservative Catholics, even if it held some truth. While the synod statement clearly said positive things about gay and lesbian people, it did not clearly say that homosexuality in particular was looked at in a positive way. Therefore, while this is a remarkable and even historical move for the Roman Catholic Church, it still isn’t a thumbsup to ‘alternative’ lifestyles outside of the traditional nuclear family. It wouldn’t be all that surprising if no doctrinal change is made for many years. What Pope Francis and his like-minded clergymen have done is plant a seed of thought, urging all Catholics to consider homosexuals like the people they are, rather than a sinful breed of heathens. Basically, the change amounts to a gradual warming up to the ideas brought up in the synod, rather than the church dropping its parishioners in a figurative boiling pot of ideas and watching them angrily bubble over. The Synod on Family has certainly offered an interesting new perspective of the Roman Catholic Church and its influential leader, Pope Francis. One week into the gathering, it has demonstrated a new level of tolerance and overall acceptance brewing within the church casting a hopeful light on the future. Rebecca Turner can be reached at rebecca.

Two Teachers Sexually Assault 16 Year-Old Boy By KATIE DRAKE

how attractive the two teachers are, and that it was a three-way. All of these are distracting factors have taken away from the fact that two Shelley Dufresne, 32, and Rachel Respess, teachers were having sexual relations with a 24, are both former Destrehan High School minor, which is illegal and simply wrong. English teachers who have been accused of Regardless of gender, the case should having a threesome with a 16-year-old boy on exercise the same rulings and punishments. Sept. 16, 2014. Both women were arrested and The only thing that seems to be the focus is could face up to 17.5 years in prison due to how a high school boy got lucky with two their sexual interactions with a minor. The legal attractive teachers. Even The New York Post age of consent is 17 in Louisiana which would labeled the two women as “pretty,” including make the threesome that occurred between the minutiae fact that they were both blonde, Dufresne, Respess and the boy rape, according which is a nice compliment to the women, but a revolting way to talk about two rapists. Just because they are good looking doesn’t make it okay that they had a threesome with a 16 yearold. “It would have been cool to be that kid, and I’m sure that any other 16-year-old boy dreams about the opportunity to sleep with his teacher,” said University of Tampa senior finance major Luke McDonald. Raping a 16 year-old is unacceptable no matter how they individuals involved look or what gender they are. There is a legal age for a reason and since the boy was not at a legal age to consent to these acts, the two female teachers raped him. The St. Charles Parish sheriff’s office confirmed that the boy told “other students that he was having a sexual relationship with teachers,” according to The New York Post. When the boy came back to school and bragged about his sexual encounter with the two teachers, I am sure all his friends thought News Daily/ Youtube this was more of an amazing act rather than the Rachel Respess and Shelley Dufresne from Destrehan High School had sexual relations with a 16 yer old. pedophilic event that it actually is. Opinion Writer

to the Age of Consent by State website. In today’s society, there is a double standard for what is acceptable based on sex. Gender is a major determinant in whether or not an action we take is considered “right” or “wrong.” It can be the determining factor in how people react to happenings and even what details they think are important. There has been a lot of buzz around this story that has strayed people away from the real issue. Based on various social media posts and news articles, it seems obvious that people are mainly focusing on the gender of the victim,

The strong emphasis on how attractive the two teachers are has had a major pull for how popular this story has gotten. If the two teachers were not as attractive or if it wasn’t a male minor but a female having sex with two older men, this story would take a major turn. This story is intriguing to society due to the fact that a 16 year-old managed to simultaneously “hook-up” with two of his teachers. The fact that these women are attractive would make you think they could have sexual relations with someone a little closer to their own age. The bottom line is that any student-teacher relationship where the student is a minor should be seen for what it is -- rape. “Those teachers should be fired. It is an endangerment to the student as well as the reputation of the school system,” said UT alumnus William Sandoval. Whether a female or male student is involved, both incidents should be unacceptable and viewed as despicable not only by the public school systems, but also the public. Student teacher relations aren’t necessarily a rare thing, but many do not get the same publicity as this case has. The comment about their appearance and age are not relevant to the actual acts that occurred and shouldn’t be a factor in the story. This is also true of the gender of the involved. Male or female, the reaction should be the same, as well as the punishment. Attractiveness is not an excuse to allow pedophiles to sleep with children. Katie Drake can be reached at katie.



Woman Chooses to End Her Life on Nov. 1 Cancer patient chooses Death-With-Dignity By CAITLIN MALONE OpinionColumnist

On March 12, 2010, my grandpa lost his two-year battle with cancer. I remember when he was first diagnosed like it was yesterday. His diagnosis wasn’t very serious so we had hopes of recovery that lingered even until the very end. Over that two year span the cancer spread, surgeries were done and chemotherapy was given, but nothing worked. My family and I had to watch a horrible disease break down someone that we loved. His quality of life suffered greatly in those last few months and watching him in pain was the hardest thing I have ever experienced. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, and if my grandpa could have chosen to end the suffering sooner, I would have wanted him to have that choice. Twenty-nine year old Brittany Maynard, who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and given three months to live, has chosen to use the death-withdignity law in order to possibly end her life on Nov. 1, according to New York Daily News. Earlier this year, Maynard went to the doctor because of chronic headaches only to find out that a large tumor was the cause; the doctor gave her 10 years to live. Three months later her tumor had significantly grown, even after having surgery. The doctors told her she had glioblastoma, which is the deadliest form of brain cancer. The doctor then said she would only live a few more months. Even with treatment, the median life expectancy for people with glioblastoma is 14.6 months, according to The American Brain Tumor Association. Only 10 percent of people diagnosed will live for five years or longer, according to a 2009 report. Maynard had recently married her husband, Dan Diaz, when she began having the headaches and when she

was actually diagnosed, she and her husband were actively trying to start a family. Because of the limited amount of options her hometown in Southern California offers, this past spring she decided to move with her family to Oregon where she could have access to the death-withdignity law, according to New York Daily News. If patients like Maynard meet the criteria, the law allows them to receive a prescription for a medication that will end their life in peace and without any pain if they indeed choose to take it. Some have called Maynard’s decision selfish, according to DailyMail, and I would have to agree with them. However, I do believe that she has every right to be selfish at such a time. This is her life and the decision is hers to make. I also commend her for being as strong as she is; choosing when you will die is not exactly the easiest decision

Associated Press Photo

Brittany Maynard is choosing to end her life before she dies of glioblastoma, a stage 4 brain cancer.

it would be my honor,’” Ziegler said, “And that was important for me, for her to know.” Diaz, Maynard’s husband, has expressed his sadness that comes with knowing he will not be spending the rest of his life with his

“Cancer is ending my life... I am choosing to end it a little sooner.” -Brittany Maynard to make. In reality, she just values her quality of life over quantity, and that’s okay. In fact, I think it’s great. “My cancer is going to kill me, and it’s a terrible, terrible way to die,” Maynard said in an interview with People Magazine. “So to be able to die with my family with me, to have control of my own mind, which I would stand to lose — to go with dignity is less terrifying.” Maynard’s mother, Deborah Ziegler, and Maynard’s husband have adjusted to the decision that she has made, according to New York Daily News. “Early on, I told her, ‘It would be my honor to take care of you, whichever way; if you need to be fed or diapered,

wife like they planned. “I know I’m going to be heartbroken,” Diaz said, according to People. “But to dwell on that today means I’d ruin today. I just want to be with Brittany and enjoy our time now.” Most of Maynard’s sadness comes from knowing she and her husband will never be able to start a family. That was how she wanted to leave her legacy, but instead she is leaving a very different one. Maynard has recently released a six minute heartbreaking video telling her story in hopes of more states legalizing the death-with-dignity law so that terminally ill people can choose to die peacefully and painlessly. There are only three states that have the law as of

Brittany Maynard moved to Oregon to be able to make the choice to end her life on her own terms so she can die peaceful in her home surrounded by loved ones.

this year; they are Oregon, Washington, and Vermont. The law is only available to mentally competent and terminally ill people that are residents in those states, according to The law has been around in Oregon since 1997 and since then, 1,173 people have had DWDA prescriptions written, but only 752 patients have chosen to take them and have died from ingesting those medications, according to public. In previous years, the three most common reasons for taking DWDA medications included a loss of independence (93 percent), a decreasing ability to participate in activities that make life enjoyable (88.7 percent), and a loss of dignity (73.2 percent), according to “I don’t want to die,” said Maynard in an article on DailyMail. “If anyone wants to hand me, like, a magical cure and save my life so that I can have children with my husband, you know, I will take them up on it.” Some of the symptoms Maynard experiences on a daily basis are severe headaches, seizures, the inability to speak, and she said she has moments where she’ll be looking at her husband’s face and won’t be able to think of his name, according to The DailyMail. Maynard said she will pass in the upstairs bedroom of her home that she shares with her husband. He will be by her side along with Maynard’s mother and stepfather. The music she likes will be playing quietly in the background. Maynard has also said that she may still be alive after Nov. 1 depending on how she is feeling, but as of recently her date is set just six days after her husband’s birthday and a few days before her thirtieth birthday, according to New York Daily News. “No, cancer is ending my life,” said Maynard according to DailyMail. “I am choosing to end it a little sooner and in a lot less pain and suffering.” Whatever Maynard chooses to do, I wish her peace in her final moments with her loved ones. The weight that comes with such a decision is not light in any way, and I commend her closest family members for helping take some of the weight by supporting her decision. As of now, the day of Maynard’s death remains uncertain, but one thing I am sure of is that she will die without pain and by her own choice, as she should. Caitlin Malone can be reached at




Malala Wins 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Her success has been overshadowed by the recent Ebola outbreaks around the world

By LIV REEB Opinion Writer

Malala Yousafzai is a 17 year old Pakistani activist for women and children’s rights who just became the youngest ever Nobel Prize Recipient with the 2014 prize. However, Malala’s name and story aren’t nearly as well known as they should be due to the Ebola outbreak overpowering recent news. Yousafzai is an advocate for girls’ education in areas where it is difficult for them to achieve it. She was only 11 years old when she published her diary under the pseudonym, Gul Makau. The diary centered around her life as a young girl, struggling to get an education under Taliban control. The publication of her diary and revealing of her actual name made her a target for the Taliban, according to malala. org. A masked gunman came onto her school bus on Oct. 9, 2012 asking for her by name. He shot her with a single bullet which went through head, neck, and shoulder. The bullet didn’t penetrate the skull but rather traveled through the skin, leaving her in critical condition, according to the BBC. She received treatment from a military injury specialist in the UK, according to Children all over the world have been influenced by Malala’s work. In a good portion of the world,

when Malala’s name is searched, but 1,379 results for Ebola. Ebola is trending on Facebook and is the number one item on the Editor’s Choice bar at the top of the CNN Website. Although Ebola is undeniably a big deal in Africa, it doesn’t need to dominate the news in America. Ebola is not as much of a threat as it’s perceived to be. It’s spreading rapidly in Africa due to inadequate healthcare facilities. In the US, however, Ebola isn’t an issue. The disease is not easy to catch, it’s only spread through a sick person’s bodily fluids or eating a contaminated animal, not through coughing, sneezing, or breathing, according to “There’s virtually no chance [Ebola] could spread very far in the United United Nations Photo/ Flickr Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan won a 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in human rights States” According to CDC officials on compulsory education isn’t widely overshadowed, by the overpowering The world needs to hear some recognized. As the world is becoming media presence of Ebola. 20 UT good news too. Steps toward increasingly globally connected, students were surveyed and asked if worldwide education are important and we need to invest more time and they knew anything about Ebola and if and newsworthy. Seventeen year old effort into ensuring everyone gets an they knew anything about Malala. All Malala achievement is something education. Malala’s work sparked the of these students knew at least some that should be covered in the news Right to Education campaign which background knowledge about Ebola. on a far wider scale. The fact that the was signed by two million people Two students recognized Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize can be given at all before Pakistan’s government ratified name right off the bat, and two more means that someone in the world is their first right to education bill, recognized her story after being told working to make a difference for the according to about her recent Nobel Peace Prize. better. Malala was awarded the 2014 The other 16 students either laughed Malala’s dedication to the Nobel Peace Prize along with Kailash at her funny sounding name or just education of children under an Satyathe, “For their struggle against shook their head that they’d never heard oppressive regime is something the suppression of children and of her. Troy Schneider, a freshman that needs to be widely known young people, and for the right of communication major asked: “Is that and acclaimed. The ratification of all children to education,” the Nobel a drug?” Andrea Guzman, a freshman laws requiring education need to Prize Website stated. Her progress mathematics major asked if she was be remembered and observed. The toward changing the world at such running for homecoming queen. The youngest ever recipient of the Nobel a young age means that even we as majority of students surveyed said Peace Prize deserves recognition and college students can be making a they got their information from news celebration. difference. websites or from social media. A simple Olivia Reeb can be reached at These achievements have been search on will give 219 results

Haunted House Attractions Deserve Respect From Patrons By SAM ALLEN Opinion Writer

Most people cringe at the sound of horrified screams, but some people make their living off of creating them. Actors for spooky attractions such as Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights and Busch Gardens Howl-OScream are trained to make customers jump out of their skin-- all in good fun, of course. These attractions have proven to be wildly popular, as customers line up to be frightened by the thousands. It is commonly known that the actors for these particular attractions are bound by a strict set of rules in order to maintain customer safety. However, as a customer you also have certain responsibilities too. 1. Do Not Touch the Actors or Props The actors are not allowed to touch customers, and therefore, out of respect for the company and its staff, you as a customer should never touch an employee. You would not go into a Starbucks and grab a Barista, so why do some customers feel inclined to grab “Scare-Actors?” Customers can make the mistake of forgetting a scare-actor is a person because of their masks. Masks are designed to dehumanize the wearer; it transforms the individual into the frightening creature that the mask depicts. This works wonderfully when trying to frighten

someone. In effect, the individual wearing the mask is no longer a person, but a terrifying monster. However, if the customer does not think of the wearer as a person, this can result in them harassing, touching, or even hitting an employee. As a customer, it is important for you to remember that whether a person is in a mask or make-up, and whether you think they are frightening or not, they are still individuals who do not deserve to be touched. This goes for props as well; it can be tempting to touch things you see in the houses, but in order to maintain a creepy atmosphere these props need to be kept in the best condition possible. When going to one of these events, keep your hands to yourself. 2. Remember that the Employees are Doing this for You Most “Scare-Actors” love their jobs. Not only do they get satisfaction out of scaring customers, but it is gratifying for them to know that they are entertaining them as well. The bottom line is they want you to have a good time. If you don’t find a house or a scare-zone scary and feel that it was a rather disappointing experience, don’t take it out on the actors. Many of them are working very hard to make your experience as chilling and exciting as possible. If you don’t think

the house meets your standards, there are surveys available so that your opinion can be heard. These companies want your feedback, and by going straight to the customer, you stand a better chance of seeing more of what you want next year. The actors can’t make changes to the houses or scare-zones; they work with whatever they are given. “Scare-Actors” are practicing daily to improve their performances harassment is not a helpful critique. Harassing an actor or making fun of them for attempting to scare you will not improve your experience. 3. Do Not Try to Scare the Actors Attempting to frighten a “ScareActor” might work one percent of the time. “Scare-Actors” are trained to be aware of their surroundings. If you’re walking up behind them with the intention of startling them, most of the time they know you’re there. Believe it or not, they can hear you, and can see your shadow approaching. When a snickering customer hunches behind an actor and pops out at them the only impact that is left on them is annoyance. Again, these actors are hired to entertain you. By attempting to startle an actor you are putting them in an uncomfortable situation and that actor is being prevented from doing their job to the best of their ability. An actor may

have centered in on a easily startled customer and is closing in on them when another customer distracts them by trying to scare them. In doing so, the opportunity to scare that other customer is completely lost, and that experience of another customer is officially ruined. If you want so desperately to scare people, pick up a job application next year. I’m sure you would not appreciate a customer trying to prevent you from doing your job, so don’t be that customer. Spooky attractions such as Halloween Horror Nights and HowlO-Scream are supposed to be fun. So allow yourself to have fun and be entertained by respecting the employees of such attractions. Remember that they are doing this for your pleasure, so treat them with the dignity they deserve. If you want to continue being entertained for the years to come, these companies will be more than happy to ensure that you have the best time possible. That being said, do not forget that the way you treat the entertainment facility will impact the experience you have. On your next adventure to one of these thrilling attractions come equipped with a positive attitude, and I guarantee you’ll have a better time. Sam Allen can be reached at samantha.




By TERRY PRESTON Opinion Columnist

It’s never been scarier to be in a relationship. Through recent media, it is clear that our world feels the need to spread this message across various platforms. With recent books/movies, such as “Gone Girl,” “The Husband’s Secret,” “Die for You,” “How to Get Away With Murder,” and even the HBO comedy “Girls,” everyone is asking the same question—do you ever really know who you’re with? Essentially, the lesson I have learned from recent media is that if you get married, you are going to end up with a mystery of a human and probably die. This is inevitable, because everyone on Earth is a monster, and everyone also wants to kill you. However, how can this be if one takes the time to go on dates with their significant other, and have waited long enough to get a proper feel for who their partner is? According to a recent study by Emory University, couples that date for at least three years before marriage report the highest levels of

marital happiness and lowest divorce rates—but will that predict a killer? The answer is simple: Dinner and a movie won’t tell you anything about another person—so I’ve crafted a list of dates that provide a sure way to get to know the person you’re seeing

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(on a deep enough level to know whether or not they are going to kill you). Kayaking: There is no better way to determine whether or not you and your partner belong together than to go kayaking with them—I’m almost sure that there is scientific evidence to back up this claim. (There isn’t, but there very well should be). My parents have come close to murdering each other (in public) one time in my life, and it was when I was twelve years old, on vacation in the Caribbean. The source of their near-incarcerating experience: a plastic vessel otherwise known as the kayak. “A double kayak is the ultimate test of marriage,” my mother still says to this day. “I keep telling your father that if there’s a next time, there’s no way in hell him and I are sharing one again.” The severity of the dangers of kayaking stretch far beyond the borders of my family. My best friend went on a kayaking trip with two of her siblings this summer, and the salesman directed them into two separate vessels—one in a single kayak, and her and her sister in what he called “the divorce kayak.” The moral of the story is simple: When you’re stranded in the middle of a body of water with an oar and a partner with whom you cannot cooperate—it’s surprising that there are not more water sport related deaths. The Queue: Waiting in line for anything is boring—and if you’re not with someone who can carry an interesting conversation for longer than four minutes, then it is a definite sign to discontinue a relationship with this person (unless you’ve got a thing for the quiet types). A popular technique used by many individuals in hiring positions at companies is to include a long pause between questions and answers. This is because it is human nature to fill the silence—and in times of desperation,

few will take the time to plot their thoughts before they come hurtling out of their mouths. Use this to your advantage, because it is during this filter-less spree that the deep secrets and strange quirks about a person will surface. Get to know what your partner is really thinking, but let them panic about what you might be thinking in your moments of silence. Laser Tag: Though this may appear to be a game marketed toward rowdy kids who like to play shooting video games, Laser Tag is an easy way to discover the depths of a person’s soul. Something about the darkness, code names and body count brings out the monster in everyone. By taking your potential spouse to a game of laser tag, one can easily discover whether or not their partner has a blood lust. Warning signs include repeated deaths at the hands of your partner and inexplicable levels of joy from shooting the kids in the arena. In the event that your partner does not unleash a force of fury in the game, do not be so sure you are safe—After all, a laser gun just may not be their weapon of choice. As an alternative, try archery, kick boxing or knife throwing. It doesn’t hurt to cover all the bases. Getting to know someone on a deeply intimate level is terrifying— almost as terrifying as the thought of them one day trying to kill you. Luckily, having your life become an episode of Law and Order: SVU can be easily avoided by making sure you test the waters with your partner and get to know them in the depths of their core. I highly recommend trying one, if not all, of the previously listed activities. In addition, be sure to catch up on all of the latest movies, books and TV shows for tips and tricks to avoid marrying a psychopath of any form. Results may vary. Terry Preston can be reached at




Sarah Silverman Attacks Gender Wage Gap By LIZ ROCKETT Opinion Columnist

Silverman says she has to get a sex change to be get paid the same as a man As a fellow “vagina owner,”— as Sarah Silverman referred to herself in a recent skit—the idea of a gender-based wage gap puzzles me. Silverman discussed the wage gap issue in a comical video, which sources, such as The Guardian, have deemed “provocative.” Although Silverman has received a great deal of criticism regarding the accuracy of her statistics and figures, as well as her use of profanity, I believe her profane skit is a perfect tactic to increase awareness about the Equal Payment Project. All of the money raised is donated to the National Women’s Law Center, a non-profit group fighting for equal pay through legislation, education, and advocacy. The wage gap is an economical issue that needs to be changed. Silverman’s skit consisted of her attending a faux appointment in which she discussed gender reassignment with a female surgeon. Silverman wanted to “become a dude” in order to avoid the yearly wage gap of $11,000 and what she coined as the “$500,000 vagina tax,” which accumulates over a lifetime of work, reported PolitiFact. This is due to the fact that women are making a mere 78 cents to every man’s dollar for the same work, which is a miniscule improvement from the 77 cents women made the past few years, reported CNN. Silverman attempted to bring attention to her fake sex change, which she felt would combat the wage gap, by playing with prosthetic penises, drawing cartoons of penises and saying goodbye to her breasts before her “sex change,” which she

didn’t actually receive. While I can see where some may think her humor is vulgar, gender reassignment is actually a huge social and psychological matter. Connecting it to a serious issue such as the wage gap is clever, considering it will grasp the attention of a broader audience. Kaitlyn Wilson, a junior nursing major, did not see a problem with the skit whatsoever. “I thought it was funny. I thought that she brought humor to a very real issue that happens in society,” Wilson said. It is very important that the wage gap be bridged. It simply doesn’t make any sense that your gender can determine how much you make at your job. The idea that women are receiving this institutionalized form of discrimination this day in age is disturbing. Women work just as hard as men—if not harder—to obtain credibility and respect within the workplace. Aside from receiving far less money, women are subjected to sexual harassment as well as gender harassment in the workplace on a much more regular basis than men, according to The Journal of Applied Psychology. The question remains: why are women being dealt such a crappy hand? Wilson thought that Silverman made some very valid points. “She basically said: ‘you know what? Fine, if you guys aren’t going to pay me the correct amount, I’m going to put a penis on me so I can get paid,’ because apparently that’s what it takes, is to be a dude,” Wilson said. Amount of hours worked and career choice are two factors that PolitiFact utilized to shift the focus from gender discrimination as the reason for the wage gap. In 2013 men worked 8.34 hours per day as opposed to women who worked 7.73 hours per day, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Silverman looked to the 2013 Census income and poverty data as opposed to the BLS, reported PolitiFact. The Census however, does not take hours worked into consideration.

Instead, the Census measured the median earnings of full-time and yearround workers ages 15 and older. Although some economists would rather break down the wage gap by hours worked, I feel as though the Census depicts a wide range of incomes for both males and females of all age ranges who work about 40 hours per week, making it just as reliable as the BLS reports. I don’t see how it is necessary to break work hours down by day with the BLS, when the Census takes weekly hours into account. Regardless of which set of statistics you choose to refer to, there is still a clear wage gap between the genders, so what is the point of criticizing how Silverman calculated her statistics? Women tend to populate jobs that pay less. Receptionists, teachers, and nurses are examples of these lowerwage jobs. Men commonly take on jobs such as truck driving, managerial positions and computer software engineering, as reported by PolitiFact. Interestingly enough, the jobs that are more highly populated by men are jobs that fit in with the socially accepted gender roles of men. Women are not encouraged to work in these fields, and when they do they are often faced with a much higher level of sexual harassment and/or gender harassment than if they were to pursue

a career in a female-dominated field, as reported by The Journal of Applied Psychology. Women are most likely aware of the differences between work environments that are considered “traditional” for a female, and traditionally male-dominated careers. Knowing that working in a maledominated field would increase my risk of being harassed would definitely be reason enough for me to avoid such a field, regardless of how much more I would be paid. I don’t feel, however, that Silverman was attempting to shed light on the wage gap in terms of completely different careers, which one might expect to have different salaries. Silverman seemed to be making a case for wage equality in fields such as medical doctors and lawyers. At the beginning of the skit Silverman described how women are paid less when they work in the same field as men. “I think it is sexist because women put just as much work in as men do… I don’t see why having a vagina is a good enough reason to be paid less,” Wilson said. If women are receiving the same education credentials and professional certification as men, they should certainly receive the same pay. Liz Rockett can be reached a tumblr

Sarah Silverman made a the video to address the serious issue of the gender wage gapthat is present in the US.

Miss World Philippines Pageant Plagued by Photoshop By EMILY SILVERMAN Opinion Writer

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but photo-editing software has dramatically influenced the modern beholder’s ideals. The widespread use of Photoshop has managed to take our perspective of human beauty to insanely unrealistic standards. Photographers alter and manipulate images until they barely resemble the original photo. The Miss World Philippines pageant recently released portraits of their female contestants and sparked rage among viewers due to their not-so-subtle editing, according to The Huffington Post. The headshots almost appear to be animated as a result of the editing they underwent. Facial features such as pores and freckles are blurred out, and the women are given bright, pale skin that rivals the

perfection of a porcelain doll. Their eyes are whitened, lips pinkened and hair smoothed out to the max. The finalized images have an artificially soft look. While it’s clear that the portraits of the Miss World Philippines pageant were subjected to some pretty severe editing, we must take into consideration “cultural preferences,” according to www. Here in the United States, the use of Photoshop in advertisements and photo-shoots has been a controversial topic for a while now. Even though it is common practice among most advertising campaigns, severely changing the way a model looks is often commonly looked down on by members of our society. Household brands such as Dove and Arie propagated the negative reputation of Photoshop with their positive bodyimage campaigns, “Real Beauty,” and

“The Real You is Sexy.” So, when I saw the pictures of the Miss World Philippines pageant contestants I was shocked by how drastically edited they look, and how plastic and fake the women in them appear. The publishing of the photos to “Yahoo Philippines” caused an immediate reaction from viewers; many were furious about the overly edited pictures, and made their anger clear by commenting on the post. Multiple viewers even went as far as to type things like “all these girls look like they’ve been sandblasted smooth. They almost have no faces left,” and “the Photoshop artist made them look sooOOoOoo unrealistic,” according to While many people have strongly voiced their dislike for the photos, it is possible that it is simply a cultural preference and take on beauty. This past September, a woman

named Priscilla Yuki Wilson experimented with different culture’s ideas of beauty. She sent her own portrait to be edited by Photoshoppers in 18 different countries, and asked them to make her look beautiful. When the retouches were complete, Wilson found that “many of the retouched photos she received were also heavily softened and altered in color,” according to This description matches up with the edited portraits of the pageant contestants in the Philippines. Different cultures have varying ideas of what beauty is. While criticizing the high amount of editing done to the pageant portraits, it is important to consider that the editor may have simply been creating the image he believed his culture would appreciate the most. Emily Silverman can be reached at



Women’s Basketball Team Looks To Capture Another Conference Title

Daniel Diasgranados/ The Minaret

The women’s basketball began its quest to repeat as SSC champions at last week’s Midnight Madness. They are a veteran team loaded with experience. By TESS SHEETS Sports Writer

The key to any successful sports team are players and coaches who all have the same end goal in sight. A skilled bunch that collectively strive for success is the essential piece to a rewarding season. The women’s basketball team is no exception. Work ethic and stable communication are going to bring success to the team this year as they work on achieving their lofty goals: to win the conference championship, the regional championship and finally the national championship. “We collectively are working towards the same goal and we all plan on accomplishing our goals,” said junior guard Juliana Cavallaro. “Good team chemistry is what will lead to our success.”

In order to accomplish their target victories, the team uses their group of experienced players to lead the newcomers by example. The team has started to prepare for the season intensely and as the majority of the basketball team consists of returning players from last year’s conference champion team the Spartans are looking to compete better than ever. “We’ve brought back a lot of last year’s conference championship team. That was the most successful team that we’ve had here in the history of women’s basketball,” said Head Coach Tom Jessee. “Bringing back that experience is our ultimate success story. So this preseason has been dedicated to getting our bodies back in shape and blending in our new pieces.”

Additions to the roster this season include four freshmen and two transfers, all of whom must adapt to Tampa’s style of play in order to create a cohesive team. However, that usually poses the biggest challenge, especially when a team has their sights set as high as a national championship. Freshmen guards Karmen Jermie and Katie Rienas, along with transfers Shanika Baker and Vanessa Sylvain, pose hopeful additions to the team and are expected to keep up with the returning players. “They’ve got to step in and be ready early. When you’ve got these kind of goals, you can’t have a lot of down time,” Jessee said. “Those four have got to learn our system, how we play offensive and defensively, that will be the challenge or them. The faster we pick it up, the faster we

are going to get started with our goals.” While the players and coaches are hopeful for another successful season, as reigning conference champions they know their competitors are going to want to strip them of their title. Furthermore, Jessee notes the difficulty of the Sunshine State Conference in particular, as the nine teams are all highly-skilled and competitive. “Our conference is the best conference in the country right now in regards to women’s basketball depth wise,” Jessee said. “We will have a bullseye on our back because we are the reigning conference champions. So anytime you walk into a gym with the tradition we have, we are going to get their best game.” Despite the challenges that the Spartans are expecting to face with every team in the conference, there are a few stand-out rivals that they are hoping to upset in particular. “We’ve got our traditional rivalries, us and Rollins have been banging heads for years,” Jessee said. “Nova is a team that upset us last year in the regionals to get to the Elite Eight, so that has created a rivalry between the two of us as well.” While the team is looking to achieve the conference, regional and national titles as their main goals, they also intend to carry out more specific team accomplishments to keep their focus in the right place. “We plan to have a team GPA of 3.2 and lead to be the best defensive team in the conference,” Cavallaro said. The team will commence their season on Nov. 14 and 15, where they will be hosting the Spartan Challenge Tournament. Teams attending the tournament will include Florida Southern, Flagler and Georgia College. Tess Sheets can be reached at

Men’s Basketball To Build On Strong 2013-2014 Season By MARCUS MITCHELL Sports Columnist

After the incredible hype of Midnight Madness, the UT campus is focused on one thing and one thing only: basketball. And even though the preseason doesn’t kick off until midNovember, the men’s basketball team is hard at work to make this season one to remember. Last season, the Spartans finished with an impressive 20-10 record but suffered a bitter loss to Florida Southern in the Sunshine State Conference Championship (SSC) Finals. This year, the team is bloodthirsty for victory and features plenty of new faces to replace those lost from transfers and graduation. “We had a very good team last year and now we have lot of new guys on the team,” Head Coach Richard Schmidt said. Among the newest players on the team are freshman forwards Marcel Robinson and Othniel Shelton, who both had impressive ability at the high school level. Also starting their collegiate careers at UT are guard Justin Thompson and the multipositional Tampa native, Anthony Gamble. However, freshman aren’t the only new faces on the team. Five players transferred to UT to play ball for coach Schmidt and all possess strong ability on the court. All will have a strong presence for the Spartans

this season as they begin to slowly adapt to Schmidt’s coaching style. “We just need these guys to learn the system we have in place,” said Schmidt.“Once we do that then we only need two or three of them to really come through for us.” Last season, there were a variety of players who came through to propel the team through the SSC Tournament. Four of the team’s top five scorers last season are no longer on the team, yet the players who did return primed to lead the team back to the SSC Finals. The most prominent of the returning players is senior guard and captain, Jordan Davis. Davis averaged a respectable 11.3 points per game but it was in his playmaking ability and hustle that caused Davis to shine. He led the team in assists last season with a whopping 193 assists, over 100 more than the second leader in the category. Davis also had an impressive rate of 6.2 rebounds a game as well as a free throw percentage of .831 over the course of 150 attempts. Also returning from last year are a variety of players who will see a large uptick in minutes from last year. Among them are sophomore guards Austin Rettig and Matt Johnson. Both had decent rookie campaigns and Johnson in particular posted an impressive statline on the year. Another returning player to watch this season is shooting guard senior Tyler Zacur.

Daniel Diasgranados/ The Minaret

The key to a solid season for the men’s basketball team is to limit injuries and to keep the players fit.

Zacur was a sniper from the three-point line last season with a team leading three point percentage of .467. “Our number one goal is to win conference. We always want to win conference,” said Zacur. Regardless of the immense talent on the team this season, the Spartans will still have a long road ahead of them in a conference filled to the brim with talented teams. “This league is so good but I would say our

chances are as good as anyone else,” Coach Schmidt said. “The key is no injuries and keeping our players fit. If we play well and get a few breaks then I think we have a very good shot at the championship.” Schmidt and the Spartans have a tough journey ahead of them and they kick off their first preseason game away against Northern Alabama. Marcus Mitchell can be reached at marcus.




Harvard, VCU Lead D1 Teams To Watch Basketball season for Division I Colleges to start next month By GRIFFIN GUINTA Sports Columnist

VCU Rams (A-10 Conference) You may recall VCU’s Cinderella run to the Final Four in 2011 that ended at the hands of Brad Stevens’ Butler squad. Since then, they’ve consistently appeared in the NCAA tournament year after year but haven’t been able to conjure up any of that 2011 magic. Basketball guru Shaka Smart returns to the helm as head coach and certainly has a lot to be excited about this season. Forward Treveon Graham (15 ppg/7 rpg in 2013) is back for another year and could lead them to the promised land if he plays to his potential. VCU also hauled in one of their strongest recruiting classes in program history, which bodes well for the future of the program in general. Perhaps the biggest reason to place your chips on this team is the fact that conference rival St. Louis is highly depleted after losing a talented crop of seniors last year, giving VCU conference supremacy. Prediction: VCU will bounce back from its early exit in the first round at the hands of underdog Stephen F. Austin a year ago. They have a complete handle on their conference, so making the tournament shouldn’t be an issue. If another player emerges as a wingman to Treveon Graham, they’ll be a dangerous team to match up with in the later

stages of the tournament. A Final Four appearance might be a bit too optimistic, but this is definitely a Sweet Sixteen capable team. North Carolina (Atlantic Coast Conference) A storied basketball program that’s been average (given their standards) the past few seasons, the Tar Heels are finally a legitimate contender again. Much of the burden on both offense and defense will be shouldered by junior guard Marcus Paige, who led the team last year in both points (17.5) and assists (4.2). Paige is an electrifying guard and could easily emerge as the top combo guard in the nation if he hits his stride. “He’s a complete basketball player. He’s our best shooter, best driver and best defender,” said legendary North Carolina Head Coach Roy Williams. The Heels unfortunately lost their other top two scorers, Leslie McDonald and James McAdoo, but the void should be quickly filled by five-star recruits Joel Berry (guard) and Justin Jackson (forward). Although young, this team is incredibly promising and should build on their 24-10 season to make a deep run in the tournament. Another bonus to having a good UNC team? Rivalry games against Duke will finally be the biggest deal in the college basketball world again.Prediction: Handling their rigorous ACC schedule will be challenging, but as the old saying goes: “iron sharpens iron.” A string of consecutive games against Florida State, Syracuse and Louisville will test them, but they’ll win two out of three of those

WFIU Public Radio/Flickr

North Carolina coach Roy Williams looks to return the Tar Heels to the NCAA Tournament.

games and wind up as a four or five seed in the NCAA tournament. Don’t be surprised if they wind up making the Elite Eight. Harvard Crimson (Ivy League) Yes, Harvard is on this list and they deserve to be. They’re highly underrated for playing in what many deem to be a weak conference, but they always manage to shred high caliber teams when everything is said and done. Dating all the way back to the Jeremy Lin days in 2009, Harvard has racked up an impressive four NCAA tournament bids, yet not once were they ever ranked coming into those seasons. Last year, the Crimson knocked off tournament favorite Cincinnati before

fluttering out in the second round. However, Harvard has shown it can beat big teams and play fundamentally sound basketball. Unlike North Carolina, there are no superstars or studs on this team. This Crimson team is very reminiscent of the San Antonio Spurs by playing solid, unselfish and smart basketball. Prediction: Tommy Amaker’s squad will play cohesive basketball to win the Ivy League and clinch a berth in the NCAA tournament. Their run will extend longer than it did last year, but their lack of a dominant scorer dooms their chances against war machines like Louisville and Florida. The Sweet Sixteen is a realistic expectation for this team. Griffin Guinta can be reached at

Star Running Back Gurley In Midst Of Autograph Scandal By CHANCE SMITH Sports Writer

Todd Gurley has been a Heisman trophy contender this entire football season. The running back from University of Georgia leads the SEC and ranks third in the nation in rushing yards per game, is second in 10-yard rushes and second in rushing yards per carry. The Georgia Bulldogs are currently ninth in the nation with a record of 61 and first in the SEC East division. The team has their eyes set up on a late season push against the very competitive SEC West winners and the SEC championship, but that could be slowed down with the recent suspension of star player, Gurley. The Heisman hopeful was indefinitely suspended by the University of Georgia on Oct. 9 for allegations of signing memorabilia for money. A man, who was later recognized as Bryan Allen, a sports memorabilia dealer in Rome, Georgia called the school’s compliance office the previous day claiming that he payed Gurley $400 to sign 80 sports items on campus one day last spring. Allen also claimed that he had pictures and videos of Gurley signing all of the items. However, none of the pictures or videos showed any exchange of money. If Gurley was only to receive between $100 and $400, then he would, according to NCAA bylaw, have to repay the money he received and withstand a ten percent withholding penalty. That withholding penalty amounts to 1.2 games and would be rounded up to two games. However, in emails that appear to be from Allen were sent to multiple news sites—one being SB Nation— in which he says that he “spent a few grand on the signing and Gurley has since kind of screwed [him] by doing this with about 30

other guys. The stuff has lost a ton of value.” vote can be there. But at this given time today, escapades, the scandal definitely had an effect The allegations from Allen and the fact that I can’t give him my vote.” on his public likeness. about 500 Gurley-signed items were given Only one player in the history of the There is no telling when Gurley will authenticity by James Spence Authentication, Heisman trophy has won after missing more return to the field with the Bulldogs, but fans or JSA, one of the premier autograph than one game. So, the task for Gurley seems are clamoring to watch the electric runner authentication services in the nation. unreachable with the likes of Mississippi State back on the field. Gurley has currently missed two games quarterback Dak Prescott, Oregon quarterback A small group of fans at Georgia held a against the Missouri Tigers and Arkansas Marcus Mariota and fellow running back and candle-lit vigil outside Sanford Stadium— Razorbacks, both of which are SEC Wisconsin star Melvin Gordon. where the Bulldogs play—according to SB opponents. The Bulldogs, riddled with injury Similarly, former Heisman winner Johnny Nation. Also, Georgia lawmakers have started and suspension at the running back position Manziel dealt with allegations of accepting to consider punishments for people who with Gurley and back-ups Keith Marshall royalties during last year’s season. The 2012 jeopardize college athlete’s eligibility like and Sony Michel, have still managed to go 2Heisman winner placed fifth out of six in Bryan Allen. The Bulldogs will have to come 0 against opponents without the help of their the voting polls of the 2013 Heisman race together if they want to make a run at the star back. after bettering his statistics from the previous college playoffs, with or without Gurley. Freshman Nick Chubb picked up the slack season. While Manziel is more of a public Chance Smith can be reached at chance. for Gurley by rushing for 143 yards and a figure than Gurley due to his offseason touchdown on 38 carries against Missouri and 202 yards and two touchdowns on 30 carries against a struggling Arkansas team. So, the Bulldogs don’t appear to be in too much trouble. The rest of their schedule is pretty soft with their only true tests coming against SEC opponents Kentucky and Auburn. Good for Chubb and the rest of the Bulldogs, but what happens to Gurley’s Heisman chances after missing multiple games now? Former University of Georgia star running back and 1982 Heisman winner, Herschel Walker, said he would not currently vote for Gurley. In an interview on ESPN’s “Paul Finnebaum Show” he talked about Gurley and Florida State Quarterback Jameis Winston—who recently received similar illegal autograph allegations. He said, “Until [Winston’s] act is cleaned up, I can’t give him my vote. And I’ll say it right now... The situation is the same with Todd Gurley. Right Thomson20192/ Flickr at this moment I can’t give him my vote. Now, Bulldogs running back Todd Gurley has been suspended following allegations of a pay and sign if he comes back and I see a change, then that scandal.



Glennon Has To Steady The Ship For Bucs Second year signal caller must continue to improve to succeed By JORDAN LLANES Asst. Sports Editor

Let’s take a trip back to Week 4 of this season for the NFL. The Buccaneers are in Pittsburgh taking on the Steelers, and it’s late in the fourth quarter. The Tampa Bay offense, down 24-20, takes the field. Quarterback Mike Glennon is starting his first game of the season after veteran starter Josh McCown was hurt in the previous week’s blowout against the Falcons in Atlanta. But it’s not unfamiliar territory for the sophomore signal caller, as he started the last 13 games for the team last season as a rookie. Glennon stands in the shotgun at

midfield with just under a minute to go. To his right are three options: wide receiver Louis Murphy to the wide right; tight end Austin Seferian-Jenkins in the middle; and second year wideout Russell Shepard in the slot. Top receiver Vincent Jackson was alone to the left, and running back Doug Martin stood to his immediate left. The 6’6” quarterback surveyed the Steelers’ defense, then calls hike. He drops back and sees Murphy open on a deep post route. His arm whips forward like a slingshot as he heaves the football in Murphy’s direction. The veteran wideout comes down with the ball for a 41 yard completion. A few plays later, Glennon throws a strike to Jackson in the front left corner of the endzone to give the Bucs a 27-24 victory, their first under Head Coach Lovie Smith. After losing their first two games after the win in Pittsburgh, the team is in the middle of a now seemingly lost


The flag at One Buc Place has struggled to fly as the Buccaneers have been lackluster so far in 2014.

season. Glennon is the one beacon of hope that the fans can look to. Ever since he took over for McCown during that embarrassing loss against the Falcons, he has continued to show the potential to be a franchise quarterback. Despite his 1-2 record as a starter this season, Glennon has performed strongly in each game. After the victory in Pittsburgh, he almost led the Bucs to another road upset over the Saints in New Orleans. The Bucs controlled the contest for the first three quarters before their defense let them down in the fourth quarter and overtime, and they narrowly lost to the heavily favored Saints 37-31. The signal caller stood tall against a Saints defense that wasn’t on their A-game, completing just under 60 percent of his throws for 249 yards and two touchdown passes. But the young quarterback made his share of mistakes, throwing an interception in addition to not being there to counter the Saints’ late comeback with points of his own. But Glennon is one of the few things that have gone right this season for the Bucs. With Smith at the helm, homecoming has definitely been a rocky one at best. The offense, which was supposed to be an up-tempo attack led by offensive coordinator Jeff Tedford, has been derailed by Tedford’s heart problems and indefinite leave of absence. Quarterback’s coach, Marcus Arroyo, has tried to implement some of Tedford’s schemes, but has had his hands full between calling the plays and continuing Glennon’s development as the signal caller for the future. Meanwhile, the defense has been questionable to say the least. Smith’s unit, led by coordinator Leslie Frazier, is currently ranked among the bottom of the league in almost every defensive category.

High priced signings such as defensive end Michael Johnson, cornerback Alterraun Verner and defensive tackle Clinton McDonald have failed to make much of an impact on a unit that looked poised to be one of the league’s best. All Pro linebacker Lavonte David, Pro Bowl defensive tackle Gerald McCoy and safeties Mark Barron and Dashon Goldson have not been nearly as effective in the Tampa Two scheme as they were last year in fired coach Greg Schiano’s schemes. At least Schiano mixed up his defensive calls once in a while. Smith and Frazier seem to stubbornly stick to a Tampa Two defense that seems to be outdated in a now offensively driven league. In order for this defense to succeed, Smith and Frazier need to put McCoy, David, Johnson and the rest of their talented unit in positions to succeed. To do that, they need to infuse some newer concepts and plays into the vanilla Tampa Two. Then we should see some signs of life from a woefully underachieving defense. The Bucs have been better offensively, but they also still have a lot to improve on as well. Glennon has to establish a better rapport with rookie receiver Mike Evans and Seferian-Jenkins, the second round pick Venue Information from this year’s draft. Running back Doug Martin needs to get healthy and return to his 2012 Pro Bowl form. And the offensive line, led by three offseason acquisitions in left tackle Anthony Collins, left guard Logan Mankins and center Evan Dietrich-Smith, need to step their game up, particularly in pass protection. When Glennon has time to throw, he thrives. The Bucs have all the tools, and a quarterback to build around. Smith and his coaches just need to mold them into a team that wants to win. Jordan Llanes can be reached at jordan.




College Football Hits The Halfway Point

The 2014 College football season is packed with storylines By DOMINICK FALCO Sports Writer

Through eight games of the 2014 college football season, we have seen major upsets, shuffling in the rankings and stars getting suspended. The madness of college football has finally showed itself after a slow start to the season. After five weeks of underwhelming matchups for top teams, Week Six turned the national landscape on its head with 11 ranked teams losing in one weekend. Now that we are halfway through the season, each passing game becomes increasingly more important. Coming into the season, the Florida State Seminoles were the unanimous number one team in the nation. However, after seven weeks, they fell to the number two spot in the polls. The Noles overcame a lot of obstacles, such as Heisman winner Jameis Winston being suspended during their rivalry game against Clemson. Winston was suspended for that game, and may be suspended again due to speculation about receiving payment for signing autographs, along with the ongoing investigation of an alleged sexual assault case. Winston’s eligibility could make or break Florida State’s playoff chances. After surviving Oct. 18 game versus fifth-ranked Notre Dame, the reigning national champions do not have any ranked opponents remaining on their schedule. If Winston can play, they will almost undoubtedly make the playoffs. If suspended, they may fall out of a BCS bowl game altogether. The SEC West has been the most

dominate division in college football so far this season. The division owns four out of the five top spots in the Associated Press poll (Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Alabama, and Auburn). Mississippi State started the season as an unranked team, but after three upset wins over top ten teams,the Bulldogs catapulted themselves to the nation’s best team. Mississippi State has been led by Heisman frontrunner, quarterback Dak Prescott. For Prescott to continue his Heisman campaign and Mississippi State to continue to win like they have so far, they have to get by two top five teams: Alabama and Ole Miss. Alabama started the year off as the nation’s second ranked team, but after a Week Six loss to Ole Miss, the Crimson Tide have slid down to the number four slot. Quarterback Blake Sims has emerged as a leader and a playmaker after beating out former top FSU recruit Jake Coker during training camp. This team is riddled with NFL caliber talent, including running back T.J Yeldon, wide receiver Amari Cooper and safety Landon Collins. For the Tide to be able to roll into the playoffs, they will need to defeat three ranked teams, including top ranked Mississippi State and a matchup in the Iron Bowl versus Auburn. With one of the best defenses in the nation, which showed itself during its 59-0 stomping of Texas A&M, this is one team that could certainly play its way back to the national championship for the fourth time in six seasons. Ole Miss has worked its way from No. 18 to number three in the nation. Playing behind the nation’s first ranked defense, the Rebels have been the only team to upset Alabama this season. Although Ole Miss played impressively with their win against the Crimson Tide, the rest of their opponents have been mediocre at best. With blowout wins against Boise State,

NGoBlog/Flickr Notre Dame quarterback Everett Golson looks to assist the Irish in their quest for the CFB playoffs.

Vanderbilt, LA-Lafayette and Memphis to start the season, we are still not 100 percent sure if the win versus Alabama was a fluke or not. We have a lot to learn about the Rebels, and we will have an opportunity to learn about them with ranked matchups against SEC foes LSU, Auburn and Mississippi State. Auburn may have the toughest road into the new college football playoff from the SEC West. After suffering their first loss to Mississippi State in Week Seven, the Tigers have to finish the season against South Carolina, Ole Miss, Texas A&M, No. 9 ranked Georgia and Auburn. Dual threat quarterback Nick Marshall has led the Tigers to another great season after last year’s visit to the national championship, pairing nicely with a great defense. Auburn plays in a different way than other SEC teams, which may play into their favor down the stretch. With the SEC West dominating the AP poll, there is a great chance that there could

be two of these teams in the playoffs come December. If two SEC teams are entered into the playoffs, along with Florida State, that leaves one spot open for a team to steal. Some notable teams that could potentially get that final spot are Notre Dame, Oregon, Michigan State and the winner of the Big 12. Notre Dame is coming off of a near upset of Florida State this past Saturday. With that as Notre Dame’s only loss on their resume, and ranked Arizona State and USC still yet to play, there is a good chance that they can land that spot. Oregon rebounded these past two weeks with strong wins after losing to unranked Arizona during the mayhem of Week Six. Oregon only has one ranked team remaining on the schedule (Utah), so there is a chance that with top SEC matchups upcoming that they play their way back into the top four, which may also help Marcus Mariota’s Heisman chase. Dominick Falco can be reached at

Students Support Cross Country Team at Spartan Run By CLAIRE JACK News Writer

The Spartan Obstacle Run, or Spartan Run, has been at the University of Tampa for 13 years under various names. This year, the race was run on Oct. 18, the Kids Challenge 1k starting at 7:45 a.m. and the adult 5k starting at 8 a.m. The Spartan Run was originally created to raise scholarship money for UT’s cross country runners. For the past five years, the cross-country team has partnered with UT’s Alumni Association to help the race grow and make it a full campus event. Jessica Burns Fugate is the Assistant Director of Alumni and Parent Relations at UT. Fugate was very involved with the organization of the Spartan Run this year, arriving at the UT campus to help set up before 5 a.m. “The Spartan Obstacle Run is such an incredible event because it brings together UT students, faculty and staff, as well as the local community to support our students,” Fugate said. Coach Dror Vaknin is the assistant coach for the cross-country team, and is very hands on when it comes to the Spartan Run. Vaknin starts off every race and stands at the finish line to greet all racers as they finish. The race is run through the scenic UT campus. “Our hope this year is to showcase our campus as well as involve the student body,” Vaknin said.

The Kids Challenge consisted of a run around the track, a cargo net crawl and a hale bale jump. There were 10 runners this year in the Kids Challenge. The top runners were Shannon Gomez, age nine, and an almost tie between 11-year-old runners Amir Taariq and Junhao Zhang. There were 200 adult runners who participated in the 5k race. The track runners had several obstacles including: a large sand mound, a cargo net crawl on the volleyball court, tire run, hay bale jumps and a wall climb. The top male runner was 32-yearold Scoot Fountain with a time of 19.27 minutes. The top female runner was 39-year-old Kristine Claffie, who placed ninth with a time of 22.14 minutes. In the 15-19 year old female student runners division first place was by 18-year-old Mallory Kuba. Followed by 19-year-old Shae Smith for second place and 18-yearold Sidney Hopkins for third place. One of the most interesting runners for the day was Bill Welch. Welch is a 77 year old runner who completed the entire Spartan Run, which was his 846th overall race. Overall, the race was a success, with over 200 attendees and sponsor tables it was a great event for students, alumni, and Tampa Bay citizens. Fugate and Dror hope to have an even larger turnout for next year. Claire Jack can be reached at claire.

Claire Jack/The Minaret The Spartan Run consisted of over 200 attendees that included students, alumni, and Bay Area citizens.



“It was a good way to show the school how we’ve been preparing for our season, because we’re prepared to go in strong.”Jason Brown

Midnight Madness

Daniel Diasgranados/ The Minaret

As the doors of the Martinez Athletic Center opened at 11 P.M on the eve of October 14, 2,000 spartans poured into the Martinez corridor packed with food stands and vendors at one of the biggest campus events of the semester, Midnight Madness. While people packed the bleachers of the gym, the men’s and women’s basketball players were greeting guests at the door and getting ready for their grand team entrances prior to the main events. Fans got to see the individual skills of the players as it was men’s team vs. women’s team in a series of competitions such as a 3 point shootout contest, a cross-court dribbling obstacle course, and a crowd favorite, the men’s dunk contest. Fans got to see the individual skills of the players as it was men’s team vs. women’s team in a series of competitions such as a 3 point

shootout contest, a “RED” competition which mimics the basketball game of HORSE, a crosscourt dribbling obstacle course, and a crowd favorite, the men’s dunk contest. The small games were a great and fun way for the audience to preview the skilled and powerful basketball players that will represent UT this upcoming season. Not only did the audience enjoy it, but the players did as well. “ Midnight Madness went great in my opinion, both teams really appreciate the students for coming out and supporting us and we hope to see the students at our games as well,” said women’s basketball captain junior Ellen Nurmi, “ Our team this year is experienced with a lot of returning players as well as new players that we expect to help in reaching our goal of the NCAA Championship.”

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