Millin'Air - SPRING - issue #3

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Spring Transformation Born of Winter Jenni P Parker Brown

The night is muffled up against the cold muffled against movement and noise. Nothing stirs except relief Nothing murmurs except presence Darkness holds the white And cold fills the gaps And it is as gentle as the sigh of a dying bird, all fluffy and soft and as crisp as a church wall... White out, blank out, blessed respite. Never has void sounded so sweet or smelt so fragrant... The mountain is out there somewhere in the dark silence, braving the absence holding the essence. Nobody speaks and it is a hymn. An anthem to withdrawal. Drawing within naturally all warm and welcoming and open to presence. Come, rest. This is no cold earth outside but an invitation to sleep. This is not winter but the opportunity to listen and feel and renew.


millin’air | spring 2016

spring 2016 | millin’air


in this issue Spotlight on Susan Miller 35 An Intuitive Approach to an Inspired Life We interview Susan Miller, PhD, LPCS, Artist and Life Coach, about her shift from a traditional clinical practice to a heart- and art-centered practice that includes intuitive soul painting, yoga retreats, and more!


Fashion 14 NYC Easter Parade 16 Meet the Milliners Guild 24 KCM Spring Line 32 Spring Shopping Guide

40 Learnings Along the Way: Permission to Let Go 42 Helpful Tips for Springtime Vital Equilibrium

Wanderlust 44 The Perfect NYC Day 48 While in the City, Perhaps...

in every issue On Our Cover Sarah Martinez, wearing KCM’s The Great Daily Boater, vintage frock, and classic Converse sneakers stops to smell the sunflowers at a mid-town bodega--the epitome of New York city in springtime! 4

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2 6 8 9 10 12 51 52

Dream Wisdom Letter from the Editor Mindful Self Care Point of View Fashion Column Listening In... Pure Taste Advertiser Directory Horoscopes

millin’air SPRING 2016

Katherine Carey

Founder, Editor-In-Chief

Contributors Jenni P Parker Brown | 02 Artist, Writer, Facilitator Wise Woman of Dreams

Jennifer Vanderbeek Art Director

Carol Carey Editor

millin’air magazine was born on a mountaintop in Roquefixade, France on an August afternoon in 2015. In its pages you will find inspiration from the worlds of fashion, small business, and travel from our global community of contributors and entrepreneurs. With Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Susan Miller Heather Chapplain Jill Barnattan Jan Blount Jennifer Vanderbeek Geeky G’s Deanna Waggy miilin’air is currently 100% free for subscribers! Enjoy each issue in your inbox by subscribing now at

Sheila Pai | 08 Life and Relationship Coach A Living Family

Heather Chapplain | 09 Creator of One-of-a-Kind Apparel

Jennifer Vanderbeek | 12 Author, and Illustrator What to Feed Your Raiding Party

Jill Barnattan | 42 Certified Professional Herbalist & Alchemist Vital Equilibrium

Laura E. West | 52

Copyright © 2016 Katherine Carey All rights reserved. Use of millin’air content without the express permission of millin’air or the copyright owner is expressly prohibited. Fortune Teller and Certified Lipsologist spring 2016 | millin’air


Note from the


When I think of spring I think of budding new life.

I think this also about my business. What’s sprouting? What’s shooting up new growth? What needs my attention, what needs something to grow with (like a structure of support)? What would benefit with more water, what needs more time? Is there anything that is going to be ready to harvest early? Any seeds that are duds? Or do they just need more time?

The 2nd quarter is here. It’s the norm for businesses to chart their growth quarter to quarter, however, in my business this is a new concept and one I am taking on for the first time this year. This is mostly because I am always going, going, going in survival mode and this year I wanted to shift that. So here I am reflecting on the 1st quarter and thinking about the 2nd quarter. And not just about business but a quarterly check-in on my self. How about you? Did you experience any “aha’s” in the 1st quarter? Any growth? Anything you are already ready to let go of? Any surprises? I experienced all of the above. My “aha” came growth in my inner spirit with an abrupt halt in how I do what I do. I expecame with listening in rienced growth in my inner spirit, this came with and editing out listening-in and editing. So much editing. Then came the letting go. I cut way back to the core. then came the letting go Halted and cut away much of what I had normally done. I gained spaciousness. I hibernated, naturally.

I realized that this year, in fact come May, I will be celebrating my fifth year in NYC. I remember five years ago, how I felt when I arrived, my hopes and dreams, the reasons I left my island paradise home on Maui, along with my support network there. I remember it all.


I think it’s the perfect time to celebrate NYC! I adore it so. My life, my business, my outlook has changed so much since arriving.

millin’air | spring 2016

So what is on the horizon for the 2nd quarter? I can honestly say, I really don’t know (and I kind of love that).

What I do know is that for me, 2016 is a pivotal year. At the end of the year I forecast real change. I have a year-long date with my spirit...making sure she is balanced. How about you? Do you check-in with yourself along the way? Do you follow a road map of any sort? Do you chart your progress? Do you allow time for your seeds to sprout?

Here’s to a beautiful new season and the fruition of all your dreams one beautiful bloom at a time.

- Katherine

Spring Vision Board >>>

spring 2016 | millin’air


Mindful Self Care

Spring Release by Sheila Pai

Upon the urge of spring, when you’re cleaning out your closets and getting rid of what no longer serves you, consider clearing out your heart and head as well. Sweep and wipe away, in that precious heart and head space of yours, clearing cobwebs of fear, doubt, resentment, and more that constricts and restricts the fullness of you, the fullness of your love and love for you. The heavy, stagnant beliefs. All the words we use to cut ourselves down to a safe, small size. The “shoulds.” The “supposed tos.” The “have tos.” Everyand anything that does not serve your precious self and the preciousness of life, anything that does not come from a place of love and loving kindness.

For the spring season, consider • Where are you feeling constricted, restricted, diminished, cluttered, overwhelmed? • What can you release? • Where and how can you create space? • How and what can you let go? • Why might freedom and spaciousness be worth it? • What do you want to fill your heart, your self, your life? This spring, ground yourself and grow through new rituals to align with bursting forth and becoming that surrounds this time. 8

millin’air | spring 2016

Get outside. Fill your lungs and heart with life. Fill your body with connection to life. Listen in to what affirms life and love and what acts run counter to that. What opens you and what gets in the way of you fully opening? Here are some other ways to release and ideas for release rituals:

• Burning (paper, symbolic items) • Throwing away (old receipts, papers, non-functional items) • Cleansing or washing (stones, spaces, clothes, your body) • Moving or rearranging (furniture, papers, your life) • Cutting or pruning (hair, plants, paper)

Whose voice is that speaking with criticism? What are you afraid of? How can you keep yourself safe? Where can you love on you more? What does freedom look like and feel like? Try taking a self-love walk for a few minutes one or more times over the season, spending conscious minutes bathing yourself in gratitude, appreciation, acknowledgment, love, care, pride, power, grace, compassion, forgiveness and light. Bring up your mistakes, and your accomplishments. Love on yourself equally, for your shortcomings and your aspirations as well as your successes.

You are precious. You are worthy of spaciousness, freedom, grace, and beauty. You are worthy of love, care, appreciation, and vitality. Make room this season for you. Clear out your head and heart so you can take up more space, so you can grow, so you can be fully and gloriously you.

Let your feelings come as they will and listen to your needs

Go within as you move through your life, nurturing and nourishing your sweet self and hearing more clearly your “no” and your “yes.” Let go of responsibility for other people’s feelings and needs and take control of your own. Let your feelings come as they will and listen to your needs – these are what is alive within you! Honor them as they move through you and you move onto insight. Where are you judging yourself?

Wishing you ease and grace, peace and connection, dear one.

Point of View


So Many Styles So Many Choices

by Heather Chapplain Sometimes as a women in her 50’s it can be hard to navigate all the fashion trends and styles. Coming from a background in the fashion business it took me a while not to give in to all the latest trends coming down the runway or peeking out at me from the latest issue of Elle or Vogue. Some styles are just meant for younger bodies. Having said that, I am not recommending we give in to granny gowns just yet. Not that there is anything wrong with that if that is what you love.

The one thing I strongly believe in is to have a few good quality basic pieces. Pieces that suit your figure and lifestyle. This is where I used to always get tripped up: buying things I fell in love with but really had no use for wearing it. Office-style clothing fits this category for me. What category are you drawn to purchasing from but find you never really wear? The next thing is to not break the bank on trendy pieces or colors. What I have started doing is purchasing t-shirts or scarves in what ever the hot current colors are and spending my money on either a good quality jacket, jeans or pair of shoes.

Remember, the basics can go along way with a really cool scarf or pair of earrings. I like to support local artisans when it comes to these kind of purchases, although I have found a great piece or two at my local bigger box stores. Another thing I have recently done is pair down my wardrobe. I went through my closet and if I did not absolutely love a piece out it went. Since having done this I have found that getting dressed has become so much easier.

So next time you are picking out what to wear remember to honor yourself and your body by wearing what fits and makes you feel good. Add the extra touch of a scarf and bracelet and put on a smile. Your smile is really your greatest accessory. Happy Spring, Everyone.

spring 2016 | millin’air


Listening In

From the Heart of the Huddle Wise Women...what advice would you give your younger self? Jacqui Crocetta

The advice I would give my younger self... • Lighten Up! Surround yourself with the people, things, ideas and activities that spark joy! • Take More Risks... “mistakes” are wonderful opportunities for growth. Trying something before you are ready is a lot more interesting than waiting until you feel ready. • Consume Less, Travel More! • Remember to bring LOVE and GRATITUDE along for the ride!

Pascale Recher

I’d tell her she’s stronger than she can imagine, she’s tough and resilient. And really sensitive. And she needs to keep being soft. Be bold, don’t waste occasions to live because of fear of what people think. I would tell her to work on her money mindset ASAP. Money isn’t bad, money is a tool. It’s okay to earn money. And never to feel like she has to dull her light for a man.

I’d tell her following her heart is so fulfilling and that she’s about to have a great adventure that takes her from Venice Beach, to the jungles of Maui, to the jungles of NYC, to the streets of Paris, and to the sacred mountain tops of the Midi-Pyrenees. And that there is more to come.

Love is always the answer. And as Katherine said, she needs tribes. She doesn’t need to do it alone. It’s going to be okay.

Jennifer Vanderbeek

Katrina Davy

The first thing that comes to mind is “This, too, shall pass.” I’d tell her that, while things are hard now, and are scary and there’re a lot of unknowns, that you’ll come through it all, and be stronger for it. That you’ll make mistakes but it’s okay, because you’ll learn from them and improve. And some of those will be big mistakes, but you are lucky enough to find people who will catch you when you stumble.

I would tell her she is amazing and fun and to keep being herself and let go of being perfect and anxious. I’d tell her how beautiful she is and will be and always set boundaries- learn how to and keep to them. The boundaries help define who you are! Cry when you need to and seek laughter whenever you can. Travel, love and be yourselffabulous and joyful. Tantrum when you need to. It’s okay to express. I’d tell me I’m so awesome and to never stop following weird-ass ideas. xxx


millin’air | spring 2016

Katherine Carey

I’d tell her she was brilliant so she doesn’t need to wonder about that. That there is nothing to prove, she’s naturally going to shine bright just as she is.

I’d tell her that her Tribes are important. Surrounding herself with people who inspire and lift are the ones she will resonate with most and that she holds the potential to inspire others. That inspiration is a chain effect, a beautiful solid gold chain of awesomeness and that she needn’t worry about finding her tribes, she can rely on her excellent taste! She will always have excellent quality tribes.

I’d tell her to remember to live in the process of working. That less can be so much more. Striving needs supervision or it takes over. And I’d tell her to trust her own judgment. That people will want to influence her but her voice is her own and she should trust that. To be the leader she is. To let go of what isn’t serving her, love it, thank it, let go of it, and keep moving forward. I’d tell her that she holds more potential than she could even imagine and that it’s going to be a wonderful life. And then I’d tell her I believe in her and I love her.

Michael Nelson

I would tell myself “you are ENOUGH” right now in this moment and always, you do not need to prove yourself. I would tell myself to learn more and study less. I would advise myself to look for the kindness option whenever possible. Where your heart races, there is a key to your purpose and passion....listen carefully and leap courageously. Your thoughts and intentions help shape your reality, put the good energy out into the world and see it reflected back. Your greatest wisdom will come from within, not outside sources. Be in the moment. The days are long but the years go so fast. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE PEOPLE YOU ASPIRE TO BE LIKE and value your tribe(s)! Thank you dear friends, for surrounding me and helping me up level. I am forever grateful to you all!

Kelly Pfeiffer

Dear Younger Self, do whatever it takes to learn the important life skill of LOVING YOURSELF! You are so worthy of your own love and you’ll be better at loving others when you first love yourself wholeheartedly. Strive to be creative, not perfect. Strive to be your best self, not anyone else. Take risks to develop your unique talents. Be open to what you discover and learn about yourself. You may not like it at first, but be open to it. Stay curious - about yourself, about life, and about the future.

Learn More The “Listening In” series comes from the prompts of our Nurture Huddle’s weekly Sunday check-ins. We refer to our Nurture Huddle as “The Council of Brilliance”. We are a small global group of women who support each other in our passions, businesses, and life through connecting online via Facebook in our private page. If you have never experienced a Nurture Huddle or Brain Trust, we would recommend it highly. Reach out in your online or local community for interested parties. Create a private Facebook group, have a weekly Google Hangout together, meet in person or in a conference call. Having a support group to confide in, that will know you, help you stay on track, bring you back to center when you start drifting (it happens)’s a wonderful experience to participate in.

spring 2016 | millin’air


Pure Taste

Bowties with Ham & Peas

This can be a one-pot meal, a bring-along to a pot-luck, or a side dish in smaller portions.

This recipe is perfect for transitional dinners as we move from the heartier dishes of winter into the lighter, fresher fare of spring’s abundance. While it may call for frozen peas, by all means use fresh when they are available, you’ll just need to boil them to tenderness before adding to this recipe.

“Bowties with Ham & Peas” comes from What to Feed Your Raiding Party, the comic book cookbook for gamers, written and illustrated by Jennifer Vanderbeek (née Walker). The goal of ‘Raiding Party is to challenge gamers to cook their way out of the fast-food dungeon by turning cooking into a game. Each recipe features three serving sizes, skill levels, nutritional data, and XP (experience points) so you actually earn points as you cook, leveing-up your cooking skills! Order your copy today from 12

millin’air | spring 2016

Ingredients bowtie pasta butter olive oil minced garlic green onions, sliced sour cream milk chicken stock tarragon frozen peas sliced ham grated Parmesan cheese

Servings (entree)

4 8 12 12 oz 24 oz 36 oz 2 Tbsp 4 Tbsp 6 Tbsp 2 Tbsp 4 Tbsp 6 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 2 Tbsp 3 Tbsp 4 8 12 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cups 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cups 1 cup 2 cups 3 cups 2 tsp 1 1/3 Tbsp 2 Tbsp 1 lb 2 lb 3 lb 10 oz 20 oz 30 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 3/4 cup

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add a pinch of salt, and toss in the pasta. Return to a boil and cook until al dente. Drain, reserving a cup or more of the pasta water for later. 2. Begin the sauce by heating half the olive oil with the butter until the better melts. 3. Stir in the garlic and green onions, toss them around in the butter a bit. 4. Combine the sour cream and milk in a small bowl and whisk smooth. Stir this into the pot and whisk in the chicken stock. 5. Season with the tarragon and salt and pepper to taste 6. Add the frozen peas and simmer until they are tender. 7. Add the sliced ham, stir into the sauce to warm it up. 8. Add the drained pasta back into the pot and stir to coat it with the sauce. If it seems too dry, use the remaining olive oil and reserved pasta liquid to moisten it. The idea isn’t to have the pasta, ham and peas swimming in sauce, but we do want it coated evenly. 9. Sprinkle in the Parmesan cheese, give it one more stir and serve it up! Per serving: Calories 702, Carbohydrates 84g, Protein 34g, Fat 25g

spring 2016 | millin’air



Oh, the NYC Easter Parade! by Katherine Carey

On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, the photographers will snap us And you’ll find that you’re in the rotogravure...

^^^ Lisa McFadden | Photo by VIctor Mirontschuk of VAM Photography <<< The Candy Man | Photo by Lisa McFadden

Remember Judy and Fred singing that line? That film, Easter Parade, holds one of my first memories I experienced that made me think: 1. I need to make hats! 2. I need to live in New York City!

I was probably 10 at the time.

Well, when I was 43 I finally made it to the Easter Parade in NYC. Donning a hat I had designed especially for the occasion, gathered with my tribe from the Milliners Guild, we attempted to stroll the avenue, but of course, we didn’t get far...we never do. The photographers are definitely there! Three steps. Snap! Snap! Snap! Couple more feet. Snap! Snap! Snap! The Milliners Guild is known for their presence at the Easter Parade.


millin’air | spring 2016

The parade is full of so much eye candy. You’ll find a bit of everything that day, the classic and chic, the silly and sometimes quite odd. But one thing is certain: just about everyone is wearing a hat! It’s the tradition! It is truly a fun experience to be on that famous avenue, embarking on a tradition that goes back to the late 1800s!

^^^ The Milliners Guild, 2016 | Photo by Victor Mirontschuk of VAM Photography >>> Vintage Ladies | Photo by Lisa McFadden vvv The Crowd | Photo by Lisa McFadden

So if you find yourself in NYC on Easter Sunday, make a point of dressing up, putting on a hat, and taking this famous stroll. Or at least “attempting” to stroll. Enjoy the moment, the camera’s, the outfits, the costumes, the children, the pets, the gloriousness of NYC at is shiny finest, and you in your Sunday best! The Easter Parade is always on Easter Sunday along Fifth Avenue between 49th St. and 55th St. 10am - 4pm.

I recommend having a picnic lunch in Central Park after you do the stroll.

spring 2016 | millin’air



eet the Milliners Guild

The Milliners Guild at The Easter Parade, NYC, 2015 | Photo by Fred Bordo,


n NYC, on the third Thursday of the month, in an apartment or working studio, a gathering happens.

One by one a tribe of milliners come together and a meeting is held. The discussion: things to do together, places to showcase, ways to encourage more hats on more heads, catching up with each other, congratulating those who have received press, and all mixed with lots of is The Milliners Guild.


millin’air | spring 2016

The Milliners Guild is an organization of millinery small business owners,

milliners, and millinery students who specialize in the design, production, and promotion of handmade headwear. You can visit the Milliners Guild website at

Springtime is the perfect time to don a hat. And being that this is the Spring issue and focused on NYC, it is our pleasure to introduce you to a few of the milliners of the Milliners Guild.

To more hats on more heads!

Lisa Shaub has been

making fine hand made hats for twenty five years with seventeen years in retail. Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery means unique, elegant and practical. All our work is made here in the New York City area. Our focus is on creating for our wide range of customers and solving their specific problems, whether it is to design the perfect winter hat that folds up in your pocket, or constructing a breathtaking fascinator from rare, vintage materials. Our goal is for our customers to stand out in a crowd, and to feel amazing. The work of Lisa Shaub appears in many guidebooks around the world and are specifically featured in Vogue, W, WWD, New York Magazine, WWD Accessories Report, New York Times Magazine, and Martha Stewart Living.

spring 2016 | millin’air


Anne de Pasquale graduated Rhode Island School of Design(RISD) with a BFA in textile design. She started her career in New York City designing hats for JLO Collection by Jennifer Lopez and has been hand-crafting Broadway hats for over 18 years. Her latest collections include her passions for travel, Art Deco/1920’s, knitting, and painting. During her recent travels to Sardegna, Italy, she was inspired by the vibrant colors of the fresh fruit, flowers, and vegetables. This, along with her use of unconventional materials (in this case, film) on her hats, round out her spring/ summer collection. She wishes to express her love for nature, creative art, color, and design in her millinery work.


millin’air | spring 2016

When in New York City, Anne’s favorite thing to do is hunt vintage markets for unique pieces and frequent museums for inspiration. or

Wanda Chambers comes from

a long line of Sunday-Go-To-Meeting-Church-Hat-Wearing-Women. Her late Mother and Aunt were her greatest inspiration. They were the essence of style, elegance, beauty and grace. Watching them and the ladies of the church was like a fashion show every Sunday. Influenced by the style and grace of her late Mother and Aunt, Wanda creates one of a kind and limited edition head-wear works of art. Wanda loves to photograph people, places and all that is unique about NYC.

spring 2016 | millin’air

Paula Singleton makes each hat completely by hand

from start to finish in her What a Great Hat studio in Fairlawn, Ohio. Wooden molds, some of which are decades old, are used in this process and the hats are then finished and sewn with the utmost attention to detail. All materials are of the highest quality and come from around the world. Clients may find Paula’s designs in her online store or by visiting the What a Great Hat studio. Many pieces are custom made to complement a specific dress or outfit. Most importantly they are designed to enhance the features of the wearer.

Paula’s hats have been displayed in the Kentucky Derby Museum the last four years and she won the Judges Choice award in 2010. Her creations have garnered prizes in competitions, art shows and events throughout the United States. Paula’s favorite thing to do in NYC... shopping for unique fabric and trimmings.

millin’air | spring 2016

Lisa McFadden is a creative who fuses vintage inspiration with contemporary style in her designs. Lisa studied millinery while earning her BFA in fashion design in Atlanta, Ga., which allows her to craft head pieces using couture techniques as well as innovating a few of her own. Lisa McFadden Millinery is a capsule collection of specialty items created with one wearer in mind. ‘Flower Girl’,the featured cocktail headpiece, is from the Confection line found at LMCrush is the casual line of her signature hat called the ‘CrushCap’, which allows the wearer to create one’s own style each time it’s worn. See the versatility of Lisa’s CrushCap collection at her etsy shop, CRUSHCAP. Lisa gets some of her vintage inspiration from the dance scene in NYC. A favorite summer spot is Midsummer Night Swing at Lincoln Center.

Remember....For everyone there is a hat! spring 2016 | millin’air


All of Moire Bagale’s hats are handmade out of the best quality felts, straws, silk fabrics, vintage buttons, jewels, and handmade silk flowers and trims. After studying Art and Design and Culinary Arts, in 1985 Moire began making and selling hats at local shops in the upstate NY area. Moire has a private customer base and does custom work for bridal and special occasion wear. Moire’s favorite thing to do in NYC... go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the garment district to shop for supplies!

A person carries off the hat. Hats are about emotion. It is all about how it makes you feel.

--Philip Treacy


millin’air | spring 2016

International Award Winning Milliner and Author, Jenny Pfanenstiel of Formé Millinery, makes handmade one-ofa-kind hats for women, gentleman, and children. Formé Millinery Hat Shop is located in Louisville,Kentucky, as well as online.

Jenny has created hats for some of the world’s most fashionable people, including First Lady Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Barbara Corcoran from the TV show “Shark Tank”, Nikki Sixx from Mötley Crüe, and actress Regina Taylor. You can find her hat collections in specialty boutiques around the world and in magazines such as Vogue, Tatler, Country Living, Vigore, and Belle Armoire.

When asked about NYC, Jenny said: “I love how NY is always changing and keeping things fresh, whether that be the fashion district, restaurants, or shopping. There is always something new to do and try.”

spring 2016 | millin’air

To the Races Katherine Carey Millinery Presents

The KCM Spring 2016 Collection Designed in the Midi-Pyrenees, France

Model: Maïlène Leblanc Horses: Polisso “Popo” & Caramel millin’air | spring 2016


h, how I have patiently waited, well maybe not so patiently, to bring forth this collection designed last summer while in the medieval village of Roquefixade.

Materials gathered in Paris, at the marche in Mirepoix and the floral shops of Foix. Inspiration gathered on top an ancient mountain. There is but one of each. You can view the collection and details at and at The Market NYC 290 Mulberry Street NYC 10012

Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly

Parisian straw cloth in Paris door blue, vintage blush taffeta ribbon, faux lavender sprigs. $125 spring 2016 | millin’air



Bloom <<<Château de Roquefixade - The design studio


millin’air | spring 2016

Woven base in Parisian door blue, poppies from Foix, France. $125


Woven base in Parisian door blue, sunflowers from Foix, France. $125 spring 2016 | millin’air



Queen Anne’s Cocktail


Woven base in Parisian door blue, gingham taffeta from Paris and Queen Anne’s Lace from Foix, France. $125

millin’air | spring 2016

Through The Meadow

Parisian straw cloth in plaid with sunflowers. $125

spring 2016 | millin’air


Le Jardin


Parisian straw cloth in orchid, yellow wildflowers, feathered butterfly. $125 millin’air | spring 2016

^^^ The studio al fresco at L'Auberge des Troubadours Gite d'Etape de Roquefixade


Woven base in Parisian door blue, vintage taffeta blush ribbon, lavender sprig from Foix, France. $125 spring 2016 | millin’air


Shopping BeWell Card Decks

Hello Lovely Icon Set

Printable icon set for your Spring crafting. Receive this, as well as other creative downloads when you subscribe to Simply Art World. Inspiration for Artful Living & Business

Receive 2 decks of 36 cards each, an acrylic card holder, and gift bag for $12 + s/h.

Lunch Time & Happy Hour Special

Tarot Reading with Spring into creative exploration with

Creative Mischief Kits

Pull prints any color of the rainbow with our Gelli Plate kit ($90) or create your own journals with our bookbinding kit ($70). Free US shipping

Laura E. West, Fortune-teller & certified Lipsologist via Zoom. $30 for 20 minutes (at noon hour or early evenings) Contact Laura for more details!


pring into

Handmade Kimonos by Heather Chapplain

Designed and created in Heather’s Ontario studio, these kimonos are a great versatile piece for any wardrobe. Dressed up or down. Great with jeans or even for heading out to yoga class. $39 USD + s/h


millin’air | spring 2016

Free Connections Call! Are you ready for the Adventure of Your Life Journey? Want to find clarity and purpose, make sense of shifts in your journey and find your life vision? Call for your free Connections call with Susan Miller, PhD, LPCS; Life Coach & Certified Creativity Coach. Lighting Your Path to Your Life Vision!

Everyday Sweetheart Body Butter Truffles

Intuitive Soul Art & Yoga Retreat

Come to the Calm this summer! Join Sharon Tessandori and Susan Miller in a beautiful life changing retreat experience offering restorative and mindful yoga, Intuitive Soul Painting, and mixed media art-making interspersed with quiet reflective time, goat walks, nature connection, and free time to explore and discover.

Take these fragrantly delicious organic cocoa butter hydrating morsels wherever you go! Hydrate your skin & receive the benefits of oils, flower essences & herbs all at the same time. Use after bathing when skin is warm or when your skin needs a little love . Slather yourself HAPPY! Packaged in a heart shaped tin for easy travel anywhere! $12

At The Sanctuary Retreat Center nestled in the mountains of NC. Early Bird Fee is $975 until April 30; After that $1225. Payment plan available. Includes lodging for 3 nights in your own single room, all of your nutritious meals, most of your supplies, and all of your art and yoga workshops.

shopping! It’s a brand new season. One of new growth, one of renewal, one of lightness. Here are a few of our favorite spring things...

Lip Print Readings by Laura E. West, Fortune-teller & certified Lipsologist $25 visit or email

Recipe E-Book

by Heather Chapplain

2016 Apothecary Club

Here’s YOUR chance to support creative planetary herbal alchemy, build your home apothecary, and be part of our herbal CSA community! In return for your support of Jill’s passion for herbs & expertise in plant alchemy, members receive an exclusive kaleidoscope (ever changing) variety of herbal & seasonally inspired products at each Equinox and Solstice.

These unique, specialty products are hand made in small batches and geared to advocate your vital equilibrium throughout the seasons. This is a wonderful opportunity to build your own alternative first aid kit and herbal apothecary at home and you might even learn a few new tidbits about herbs.




millin’air | spring 2016


An Intuitive Approach To An Inspired Life An interview with Susan Miller, PhD., LPCS


usan Miller has a heart to encourage people to live their life journey in abundance, seeking their unique life vision where they express themselves creatively and live out their destiny. As a life coach, she is a strategist alongside them. As an artist and a certified creativity coach, she loves to encourage creativity and art-making in others. In this interview we find out just how she got there and how she can help you to get there too!

Susan in her new gallery

MA Susan, you are a great example of following your heart. Would you share with us how you decided to go from your traditional counseling business to showcasing your artwork in a local gallery, and creating a life, career, and art coaching business? SM When I was 17 and took my first psychology class in high school, my heart said Yes! to helping people heal. This would be my calling, and I went on to follow it. I dreamed of a large counseling center providing a place of rest, hope, and healing for the hurting. I accomplished this.

Then I began to hear my creative voice wanting to use art more in my work,

so I did! I became a certified creativity coach, which opened me up to the many possibilities of serving others through creativity as well as serving creative people through coaching.

make a shift in my vision.

I began to listen in deeply to what I needed in my life. I pondered how I could use my gifts in healing work and live the creative life with joy. This led heart to I began to hear my creative voice wanting my say Yes! to use art more in my work again...this time to my I felt this pull between the two things-- artist self. She was loud and clear. So art and healing--within me and wantI took off my clinical director hat and ed to have more time and energy for listened. She was saying...look at your blending the two. life through my eyes and create around what you see. This was huge. I never was able to feel like I could unleash that inner creative self fully with MA This was a big shift. How did all the other responsibilities I had as you approach it? Was it step by step clinical director of a counseling center. or one great big leap of faith? A difficult bout of adrenal fatigue from overworking, the worries of keeping SM This shift happened over several up with managing staff and seeing years, a step by step shift, with many clients, recognition of my age changing leaps of faith in the process. spring 2016 | millin’air 35 and good business coaching, led me to

Susan’s Advice for Making Shifts 1. When considering a big shift in

your work make sure you take the time to really hear what your intuition is saying. Take the time to listen in a retreat-like environment. Reflect, pray, seek guidance from advisers/coaches/ colleagues who know you and who you trust. Set intentions. Know your desires, your values and the big vision for your work. From this place of reference you can gain access to what you really want and can develop very doable steps.

2. You must know your financial sit-

uation, your relationship with money, the down and dirty details, which can give you guidance about the timing of your shift. If you do not have a good understanding of this foundational part of your business and life, you may be more apt to go off in the wrong direction, or make impulsive decisions that may in fact delay your dreams from coming true.

3. Expect some unusual twists and

turns. These are just movements that will gently (and not so gently) nudge you onto the correct path. I learned this lesson when I moved to another clinical practice with the therapists who worked for me. This switch provided good solid jobs for my therapists and allowed other staff to secure good jobs elsewhere. This unforeseen change produced many lessons learned birthing my solopreneurship.

4. Allow time and space for this shift to happen. Do not expect it to be fast, and do not give up when it feels like it will not happen. Shifts that happen over time will produce the fruit of rhythm and momentum. Expect an organic, non-linear process. 36

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Sisters, 2015 >>>

v v v Gentle Flowers of

Time, 2014

The biggest shift for my business was when I closed my counseling office, and opened up my coaching/ art studio office, providing my counseling at another clinician’s practice. What I realized during this short detour, was that I missed combining art and healing in one location and the freedom of being my own boss. This awareness led me to open up my counseling practice again, combine it with Lighted Path Coaching again, and become a solo-preneur.

This was an “aha moment” when it all came together. Even though this was a complicated twist, I do not think I would have known this any other way. It truly was a death and re-birth for me and the work I do. By going solo, I had renewed joy in my healing counseling work and gained much more clarity around combining more creativity into my work.

This was a leap of faith, but I had a sense that God would provide. As soon as I jumped into a solo practice the work flowed forth beautifully!

MA Would you share with us what one could expect in a coaching session with a life or career coach? How long would one expect to be working with a coach? SM Walking along your life/career path can be an exciting journey. It is not unusual that a person changes careers usually several times in a life-

time. Why? Because we are constantly growing, learning, and shifting, and getting more in touch with our purpose. We can become more congruent in our life, living in our values and desires, and will seek to find purpose and meaning that supports these.

This is our journey into authenticity, finding life balance in the midst of our career/life journey. These shifts and changes can throw us off guard at times, and we can benefit in seeing a life/career coach to help us sort things out.

Working with a coach can span over a few sessions or through many years. Developing a relationship with a coach can be very helpful to come back to over and over for direction.

6 Benefits From Coaching 1. Helps you catch a vision for your life 2. Illuminates the way to create your own path of hope, healing, career fulfillment, and life purpose 3. Helps you learn how to overcome obstacles that get in the way of living an authentic life such as perfectionism, self-sabotage, fear and paralysis, procrastination, and self-criticism. 4. Allows you to explore and follow your creative dreams/life goals with joy and freedom 5. Helps you look honestly at areas of imbalance in your life that are causing distress 6. Allows you to create more space for achieving your creative goals

I like to work with people for four sessions close in timing at first and then continue a customized and personalized plan. Sometimes more intensity is needed, while other times more spaciousness is best, depending on a person’s needs and goals. When I meet with someone for an initial session we begin to map out what plan will work best for them. MA Is there anything one should be looking for when seeking a life or career coach? Any red flags they should be cautious of?

SM Seeking a life/career coach that fits your style can be challenging. It is extremely important that you are able to resonate with your coach. There are many different levels of coaching out there.

I personally believe it is optimal to work with a professional who is trained in life coaching, career guidance, and/or business coaching. These coaches are usually certified by an association, have special coaching or business training/education/experience, or have been through career counseling as a part of their counseling license.

^^^ Heart Center, 2015

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^^^ Party Cupcake (Left) and Strawberry (Right)

Seeking a coach involves awareness of the person’s credentials, reputation through testimonials, and being able to talk to them for a short connection call before you sign up with their program. There needs to be a clear professional way that a coach sets up payments for clients. Their style, strategies and services need to show up clearly on their website. MA Can people coach with you online? How does that process work?

SM I actually love virtual coaching. The process is simple. An individual signs up for the coaching process and we meet face to face via Zoom room, which is free and easy for the client to use on their computer either by phone or video. I also provide coaching via Skype or phone. MA Would you please share with us what Intuitive Painting is? SM Intuitive Soul Painting is a reflective painting experience that teaches you to listen deep to your inner voice, follow your heart in creating, trust your brush strokes and mark making, and experience joy and passion in the


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creative process. It does not matter whether you are a seasoned artist or someone who has never picked up a brush.

When one paints intuitively and learns the creative process, they will actually learn more about how they live their lives and what is getting in the way of their passion and joy. Simply listening in as you paint, noticing mindfully what is happening inside you, what you are feeling and expressing on the canvas, you learn to trust yourself. This process helps us get in touch with our intuition which in turn helps us to live our lives more fully. Pretty cool right? MA On top of all the things you do, you also co-created an inspiring Intuitive Soul Art & Yoga Retreat with Sharon Tessandori happening this summer in North Carolina. Would you tell us more about this soulful weekend? SM This will be our third summer In-

tuitive Soul Art & Yoga Retreat, which will take place in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina July 28th - 31st. Yoga and Art combine beautifully to help us get connected to our inner self. You will find fun and rest while exploring creativity and restorative yoga in a lovely mountain lake setting with small tribe of women, a true gift to yourself. Sharon Tessandori (your yoga guide) and I (your creativity muse) have watched life changing shifts in our participants during this retreat.

We have a generous Early Bird discount until April 30. Your fee includes a single room for lodging, nourishing meals, workshops and most supplies! No experience required in either yoga or art! Check it out here: MA I think of how busy you are and I would love for you to share how you keep yourself balanced, focused, and what sort of self care practices you do for yourself. SM I start my year out setting intentions, simple and powerful words that guide me through the year to find

>>> Sunset on the Ocean vvv

Three, 2015

grounding and balance, step into my Truth, and stay focused on priorities.

This year my intentions are Sacred Connection, Sacred Strength, and Sacred Spaciousness. The simple practices of prayer, reflection, breathing deeply, connecting with nature, connecting with loved ones, making art, and staying mindful help me to make every moment count.

Implementing self-care is hard sometimes because I get distracted by the tyranny of the urgent. Part of making this big shift is to make it easier to embrace ease. It is important for me to identify what is gets in the way of selfcare and develop action steps to make it easier for me.

At present I am focusing on removing clutter, keeping a spacious schedule, and regularly listening in to my artist self. She needs calm, spaciousness, a place to paint and make art, and lots of wonderful bubble baths. This is leading me to trim down my commitments and schedule, doing only what satisfies and can be done in ease. MA Finally, Spring is here...what is your favorite thing to do in this season?

SM I love Spring because of extra daylight, bluebirds and all their buddies come home to nest in our yard, flowers bloom in brilliant colors, and green returns to the trees and the earth.

spring 2016 | millin’air

Learnings Along the Way

Permission to Let Go by Katherine Carey

Recently I found myself filled with to-dos and obligations. All of which I had said a hearty “yes” to originally. And then it crept inner voice started to whisper, then it just got loud. As loud as the lady next to me in the train, right now as I write this, shouting her story to her friend (and she is loud!).


y voice said No. Enough. I was surprised with some of these “nos.” I thought I wanted these things, these groups, these opportunities. I thought I wanted to do what I was doing and yet, when I really listened to my spirit, I knew I didn’t. The reasons became clear, obvious, sound. I started to see just how thin I had spread myself in the quest to learn, promote, network, participate. I saw just how many things and people I had said yes to out of pressure, and how much of that pressure I had put on myself. Any of this sound familiar to you?

I had been the one to sign up, show up, schedule around, prepare for. I had been the one to say “sure.” And now I wanted out. Desperately. Like I wouldn’t be able to continue breathing if I stayed a moment longer. Physically feeling claustrophobic in my own life.

Letting go was so much easier said than done. The guilt marched in loudly. “You’ll be letting people down.” “What will they think about you?” And the ever present, “You said yes!”


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So talk about a clash. Here I am struggling with the things I agreed to, yet in my heart I knew I didn’t want, and now I am guilting myself into not being able to stand up for myself and say “No. No, thank you.” How we twist ourselves.

I went through each item, group, possibility, obligation and I examined each one. Was my leaving or rejecting really going to affect anyone? And if it did was it my fault or just their view? Certainly they are allowed that, just as much as I am allowed to hold true to mine. But did their personal feelings need to be my measure of how I fill my calendar? Of course not.

felt this huge release, this huge breath of fresh air and, along with that, the guilt was rejected as well... every time. It was as if the guilt was just the last bit of my ego holding on and once I let go of my ego (which was present in all of these choices), the guilt disappeared. Does this mean I’ll never sign up for another possibility? Of course not. But the things I let go of had served their purpose in my life for this moment. The season had ended. I realized I had a responsibility to make wise and clear decisions about what I truly wanted in my life. It’s always been my responsibility. It’s my life just as yours is your own.

I struggle with allowing myself free time. Permission slips help.

A friend once told me to create a Permission Slip pad so I could offer myself just that: permission. What a brilliant idea. Often I struggle with allowing myself free time. These slips help. Here’s the issue: each thing I had said yes to that I now wanted to say no to was a struggle. There was a ton of guilt attached to me expressing my release whether by stating so or hitting the unsubscribe or even the delete button.

However, every time I did...every time I

Many of us tend to say “yes” to a lot. I see this especially in creative entrepreneurs. New ideas, new courses, new programs, new platforms. Even in social media there can be this pressure to sign on to the next big thing. But everything we say yes to requires our essence, our time, our brain storage. I encourage you to do two things:

1. Give yourself permission to let go where you need to. See where you are spreading yourself thin. See where there is opportunity for some spaciousness in your life.

2. Ponder before you hit “yes,” “sign me up,” etc. Pause before you say yes. Allow yourself the time to consider everything before you commit. You are allowed this.

And if you do say yes but then feel a big fat no, allow yourself that too. You are just being honest with yourself. That is something to be nurtured. Give yourself permission to just let go as desired. The world will still turn, the birds will still fly, and those that really love you, they will still love you. Best of all, you will love you for listening and trusting your own intuition. And if you need a permission slip for that to happen, make one! (You’re welcome.)

Or use this one! Just fill in the blanks for your situation and give yourself the much-needed permission to do what needs to be done! >>>

Permission Slip I _______________________________, being the one ultimately in control of my own life, hereby grant myself permission to (check any/all that apply): ◊ Accept in regards to the situation de◊ Decline scribed below: ◊ Bail Out ___________________________ ◊ Tell Off ___________________________ ◊ Embrace ___________________________ ◊ Exempt ___________________________ ◊ Feel ___________________________ ◊ Do ___________________________ ◊ Not Do ◊ Go With utmost authority, ◊ Stay _________________ ◊ Other____________ aka The Boss of Me

With so many options out there it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all. Simply Art is offering FREE tech and marketing consultations for anyone that has a burning question holding them back from taking action.

spring 2016 | millin’air



10 Helpful Tips for Springtime Vital Equilibrium Jill Barnattan

It’s spring! Time to emerge into you!


hile winter is the time of restoration, spring is the time of emergence and renewal. Hopefully you have all benefited from fulfilling self care practices and taking care of yourself so that your emergence allows you to fully blossom as do the beautiful flowers of spring. Spring is truly my favorite season of the year! According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, spring is ruled by the wood element and corresponds to the Liver and Gallbladder meridians, the color is green, the taste is sour, and the emotion is anger. The Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of qi (prana or energy) and also stores the blood. When we are not flowing with life, we can get stuck and reach uncomfortable feelings of imbalance.

Spring is filled with wind, rain, flowers, and pollen-based allergies. Although it might be warm, this wind and change of season can also cause many emotional problems. Stagnation of the Liver becomes abundant and can present itself as excessive anger, frustration, discontentment, depression, feeling


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“stuck,” confusion, irrational decision making, and even feeling the need to wipe your slate clean inside and out. So now you are probably wondering what to do with all of this information. And how to create balance in our bodies during this time of year. Here are some simple wellness tips so that spring flows in your favor.

A glass of warm water with lemon in the morning is a wonderful and refreshing way to start the day and get the bile flowing. If you are thinking of taking a break from “haterade” (aka coffee), now is the perfect time. Coffee heats us up and can aggravate the Liver energy. Lemon water is both refreshing and cleansing.


Eat according to what is in season! Greens are abundant! The spring brings watercress, chickweed, mustard greens, collards, dandelion greens, cabbages, and leafy greens such as kale and beets. Remember the sour flavor and add apple cider vinegar and lemons to your dressings and sauces.


Begin to lighten your diet! Winter hibernation could be filled with heavy foods to help keep us warm. Much of the heaviness literally weighs us down. Now is the time to literally lighten up. I tend to gravitate to a kicharee diet or simple cooked greens and grains. If you live in a colder climate, it is quite beneficial to cook your food, as the inner fire needs to be sparked for healthy digestion and elimination. Delight in salads and raw food should be saved for the hot days of summer.


Support your Liver with herbs! One of my favorites is Burdock root (Gobo), known as an alternative in Western Herbal Medicine. It helps to cleanse and remove heat from the blood, supports the lymphatic system, and clears the skin. It is used specifically for skin ailments (including eczema and acne) and liver detoxification to name a few. I am a big fan of utilizing herbs in my daily routine. Experiment with a Kimpira Gobo recipe; it’s quite delicious!


Drink tea! Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Schizandra Berries and Sarsaparilla all support healthy liver detoxification and function. In fact, as a perk to


Millin’Air subscribers, I will offer the tea to you which is now exclusively available for my Spring Equinox Seasonal Apothecary Club members! Please contact me at: and refer to this article.


Peppermint tea with honey is also a quite simple and effective remedy for keeping the Liver energy on track.


Remineralize with Nettles! Most know this herb to be painful and don’t want to touch it. It is, unfortunately, typically eradicated from most home gardens. Nettles are dark green and contain so many minerals. Nettles tea can also be helpful for allergies associated with the season. I enjoy making Nettles spanikopita from the fresh leaves. It’s a bit tricky to not get “stung,” but the effort of blanching and preparation is well worth the rewards of deliciousness for the taste buds and our inner cells.

Reignite your daily yoga practice! While winter yoga is full of restoration, back bends, twists, and shoulder stands to support relaxation of the parasympathetic nervous system, spring yoga becomes more active. Practice standing poses, especially Trikonasana, as the Liver meridian runs up the inside of the leg.


Take a daily walk and enjoy the outdoors! Take advantage of the sunny days of spring and pay attention to the daffodils and the beautiful colors that present themselves. Get your hands dirty by weeding your garden, plan what you will grow this year, and order seeds. Relish in the magic of nature!


Surrender and go with the flow! This is truly the best way to eliminate many types of stagnation. Start each day with gratitude, let go of the worries, the fears, and enjoy the blissful lives we get to live. Acknowledging the sweetness of life can eliminate needless suffering.


Jill Barnattan is a passionate and empowering Professional Planetary Herbalist, alchemist of scentsational hand crafted self care body products, flower essence practitioner, and Registered Yoga Teacher. If you are feeling out of balance this spring, schedule a session with Jill and learn what herbs, foods, and yoga poses are most appropriate for YOU! Find out more about Jill at

spring 2016 | millin’air


A Perfect Day in the City by Katherine Carey


ust about everyone has their version of a perfect NYC day. I thought I would share mine. This is the day I do every year, enjoy with friends, family, or just by myself, suggest to everyone visiting, and never am I disappointed. However you get there (taxi, train, on foot), my starting point is The Met, what I sometimes call The Mothership. Before I head in, I get lunch outside the museum from a Halal truck. These are the lunch trucks you’ll find at the bottom of the museum stairs.

They all serve the same menu pretty much so I just find the shortest line. Chicken and rice... can’t go wrong, little white sauce, little hot sauce. It’s a meal that can easily be shared...perfect for fueling up for the day ahead. I sit on the steps of the museum and listen to the performers--there are always performers--and, of course, people watch along Fifth Ave. I love that.

Katherine on the steps of the Met >>>


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Then it’s inside to the museum. The Met has a “suggested admission” of $25. If you feel like giving $25, great, do so. I always give $5. Believe me, they will be getting more of my money once I enter. So I give $5 with a smile and a thank you and head in. First stop...find the elevator and head to the rooftop straight away--trust me. There is always an exhibit on the roof and the other benefits are the amazing views of Fifth Ave., Central Park, and NYC itself. Oh! And there is a bar cart! I grab a sparkling wine every time. I toast NYC, I toast Central Park, I toast Art, I toast the Artists, I toast myself and if I’m with someone, I toast them, too.

A glass of sparkling wine on the rooftop of The Met


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Central Park Fountain

Once I have enjoyed this lingering moment I head into the museum itself and take my time enjoying the exhibits from the top floor down. I always I look for the Costume Exhibit if it’s running (always fantastic!). Among the Impressionists I seek out my muses: Monet, Matisse, Van Gogh, Frida. I check out whatever I feel like looking at. It’s a fantastic museum. And before I leave I embrace the wonderful gift shop. See? The Met always gets my money! After I leave The Met I head into Central Park: it’s right there! I stroll and enjoy the beauty, sit under a tree because that is a rarity in NYC, take my sweet time, and end up at The Boathouse. During the nice weather The Boathouse has a great outdoor bar. Perfect for sitting along the lake and journaling, chatting with friends, and the ever amusing gazing at people attempting to row a boat. After The Boathouse it’s another long stroll through the park, whichever direction I choose to go in. Dinner is a given and incredibly easy to do in 46

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Central Park

NYC. I usually embrace an Irish pub for a great meal for a great price. Shepherd’s pie or fish and chips, a nice pint...perfect after a day of strolling miles (and miles have been strolled), experiencing views, art, nature, and the beauty that is NYC.

I most highly recommend this day! In fact, I think I’ll be doing this very soon. I am due! Wanna join me?! The Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Ave between 80th and 84th St Open daily except major holidays The Loeb Boathouse Central Park E 72nd St, NYC

Central Park

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While in the City, Perhaps... A Li’l List of My Favorite NYC Things! by Katherine Carey

Museums • The Metropolitan Museum of Art • The Museum of Modern Art • The Guggenheim • The Whitney • The American Museum of Natural History

To do • Chinatown--because you can! Dim sum, noodle carts, fresh veggies, lanterns, culture. • Little Italy--it’s across the street from Chinatown...Literally! It’s an experience, perfect for lunch! • The Feast of San Genarro Festival Late September, Little Italy. Well worth the experience. • Take the East River Ferry to Brooklyn. Or, better yet, take it all the way down to Wall St. For $4-$6 (one way) you’ll get to see the skyline from the East River, go under all the bridges, and this is the perfect photo op while in the city. Or grab a day pass for $12$18 and get on and off checking out Long Island City, Williamsburg, and Wall St. I recommend this SO MUCH! Parks • Washington Square Park Especially on the weekends. Enjoy a grand piano concert, or some local jazz, heaps of people watching, and classic NYC ambiance. • Central Park Any day of the week. • Inwood Hill Park


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^^^ Central Park in Winter View from the Empire State Building

^^^ The Highline

Lunch in Little Italy

Eat, drink, and be merry • Fraunces Tavern So much history here, great happy hour too. Check out the museum upstairs. • Eat at an Irish Pub They are everywhere. Great meals, not expensive, and pints! • Eataly Prepare to be hungry and fight the crowds! • High Tea at The Plaza Dress up and wear a hat!

• Houston Beer Hall Truly a massive beer hall with house brews. Fabulous! • The Blue Ribbon Bakery Kitchen A sweet li’l spot I found one day that I adore. Great cocktails and food and often you get to have bakery fresh bread on the house! • Grab a Slice Somewhere If you are on Bleecker St between 6th Ave and MacDougal, grab one at Percy’s.

^^^ Sarah Martinez at the Empire State Building wearing The Great Daily Boater by KCM vvv The Chrysler Building

Shopping • The Market NYC Local designers and artists...straight from the maker and small business • Union Square Farmer’s Market A wonderful and tasty stroll. • Pearl River Mart All things Asian and fabulous. • Jack’s 99 Cent Store Just because, 99 cents and classic NYC! • Uniqlo Really, a must see. • Flying Tiger All things fun and well, just FUN! • Manhatco Millinery supplies galore! • Mood Fabrics It’s not the only fabric store in town, not even the cheapest, but it’s Mood and there is something fabulous about that! • The Garment District Stroll the streets between 40th down to 36th between 6th Ave - 8th Ave. And all in between. • The Floral District 28th St. btw 7th and 6th Avenue. • Fifth Avenue Yes, it’s packed but it’s also classic. Go into Tiffany’s, check out Sak’s, get chocolate at the Lindt store, take your time.

^^^ View from the Arch in Washington Square Park spring 2016 | millin’air


Perfect NYC Reference Books Footprints in New York: Tracing the Lives of Four Centuries of New Yorkers

Inside the Apple: A Streetwise History of New York City

Both books by James and Michelle Nevius “Footprints in New York has some of the sharpest, most informative meditations on the history of the city that I have encountered in a long time.” —Edwin G. Burrows, co-author of Gotham and author of Forgotten Patriots millin’air | spring 2016

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Jennifer Vanderbeek Kit Designer The Crafty Branch

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Heather Chapplain One-of-a-Kind Apparel

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Jan Blount Author, Artist, Facilitator Gratitude & Company

Laura E. West Fortune Teller & Certified Lipsologist

And we bet you do, too! Keep this page handy for quick links to all of the advertisers from this issue.

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Join our family of advertisers for the Summer 2016 issue. Email for details. spring 2016 | millin’air


Horoscopes Aries –the ram (March 21 - April 19)

Rams feel the rush of impatience like a kid ready for recess. But don’t get into such a rush that you forget your head. Seriously – watch your head to avoid accidents and from impulsively blurting what’s on your mind or getting knocked in the head for saying it. You’ll feel inspired and dream of traveling or long to enroll in educational interests. However, Saturn will be the voice of reality and slow things down with technicalities and bureaucracy. With care and discipline, these things can open up by summer. Taurus – the bull (April 20 - May 20)

Bulls it’s time to get out of the barn and do some frolicking. Shake off those winter blues with some fun activities. But, you have to watch the pocketbook until summer no matter how good a deal it is and we know how you love a bargain! A possible financial windfall may come your way but pay off your debts first and then start to plan that summer vacation. Listen to your intuition! Get those health checkups in and take care of other personal issues that have been nagging at you. By June you can have everything in place and really relax into summertime. Gemini- the twins (May 21 - June 20)

It’s time for you go back to the basics of love and partnership. Some twins will feel like it’s time to tie the knot while others will feel compelled to create more solid routines with partners both personal and business. All in all it’s a good time to freshen things up 52

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Leo – the lion (July 23 - August 22)

Signs from the West Your seasonal star report from Laura E. West

a bit with a little fun, so get creative! If you think you need a change of partners, you won’t get anything new, so it’s better to stay put. As much as you love luxuries and goodies, your money will be going out as fast as coming in. Be careful with spending or being overly generous at this time. Cancer – the crab (June 21 - July 22)

It’s time to crawl out of your sand cave and toot your horn, little crabs! People should take a look at what you’ve been up to. If you are in the service industry, you will see good results in what you offer. Lost items show up and finances and court proceedings are in your favor. Don’t wig out if you have to stand up for yourself or others. You will have the ability to come across powerful and be ahead of things in the long run.

Jupiter in your second house continues to give you a boost in financial situations. It’s a great time to do some self-promotion, look for a new job or move up in the current one. Keep your ego caged and don’t roar your opinions too loudly or arrogantly. And while the cash is coming in, don’t be careless with it or succumb to overspending on luxury catnip and kitty toys. It’s a good time to invest in a class and learn a new skill! Or try teaching or be a consultant. Be careful with your diet and don’t fall back in to bad habits. Virgo – a young girl (August 23 September 22)

Luck is on your side patient Virgins. If you have had some legal issues come up, things work to your favor. Taking time for spiritual or philosophical studies or long distance travel is also favorable at this time.

The family may be testing your sweet patience. Don’t bite back, but instead use that energy to fix up things around the house. Make updates, remodel or even move. If not the home, it’s the car. Make sure that insurance policies are up to date on both. Call your mom regularly! – And whatever you do, don’t forget Mother’s Day! Get her something nice. She’s expecting it! Libra – the scales (September 23 October 22)

Doing too much? Eating too late? Need to get your groove back? It is time to re-balance the scales by scheduling a vacation, retreat, pilgrimage or whatever you need to call it to give yourself the opportu-

nity to stop and take care of yourself. Quit pushing and take a breather. However, don’t mix up being poor with being enlightened. You can still be generous without giving up what you need to sustain yourself and keep healthy. Your finances are going to be in flux until next year, so do what you need to do to stay on top of things. And let go. You can’t do anything more than what you are already doing. You’re going to be okay. Okay? Scorpio – the scorpion (October 23 November 21)

Now is the time to focus on finances to evaluate and make sure that things are up to date and in order dear scorpions. A long time hope/dream/desire shows up giving you an unusual once in a blue moon opportunity during this time period. But tune in to your excellent intuition and be aware of scams and any get rich quick schemes. In health, simplify your diet and eat regularly. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, be proactive on your oral hygiene so you can flash those pearly whites in confidence.

Capricorn – the sea goat (December 22 January 19)

Lucky goats! Jupiter is still lingering in your house of knowledge and fortune – so continue to enjoy. You have the opportunity of serving your community and do some good deeds through charitable and humanitarian endeavors. Rekindle family relationships through sports and other activities that are playful and fun. Your mind is sharp and alert for new ideas and insights. Aquarius – the water bearer (January 20 February 18)

Sagittarius – the archer (November 22 December 21)

Finances & relationships continue to feel more stable and reliable for our Rebel water bearers. New opportunities and new friends show up during this time period. Career and finances may be slow, but at least they are steady. Go ahead and buy that lottery ticket! There are opportunities for unearned income (inheritance, contest, and gift) to fall into your lap or a wish that you’ve had for a long time finally coming true. Warning: Don’t fall for any “get rich quick” schemes, stress spending, or loan money to friends at this time.

By the way, now is a good time to see a doctor and check things out especially if you feel sluggish or that you digestion is off.

For the next few months, focus on career advancement and improving your reputation. Keep commitments both to business and romantic partners! Fish will find success in all things communication and self expression. Brave fish may use this time to ask for a promotion or make a career change. Make sure that you (and the significant other) have an up to date passport! You could be taking a business trip to an exotic location!

Archers will have the desire to get a lot done but maybe lack the focus. So don’t be surprised when your arrows go in all directions rather than your intended goal. There will be more opportunities for you to be visible and promote what you do. Start creating routines and rituals and clean up old habits so that you feel prepared and in the groove.

Pisces – the fish (February 19 March 20)

Laura E. West is a professional fortune teller and certified Lipsologist in Dallas, Texas. She entertains and enlightens audiences of all ages at parties and events as well as private consultations all over the world. She’s that good. Just kidding - Laura can work with any client on Zoom or Skype. You just need a computer or phone connected to the Internet.

What’s in your future? Ask Laura! Laura E. West, Fortune-teller & certified Lipsologist 214-334-0769 Like me on Facebook: Laura E. West Fortune-Teller Follow me on Twitter: @fortuneswest

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