Lifeasible Released Medicinal Plant Tissue Culture Service for Research Use

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Lifeasible Released Medicinal Plant Tissue Culture Service for Research Use Lifeasible, an expert in the field of plant tissue culture that provides high quality plant tissue culture services including virus-free breeding, tissue culture solutions and a diverse range of products, recently released medicinal plant tissue culture service for scientists in the field of medicinal botany. Herbal medicine is now universally recognized around the world, especially in the treatment of cardiovascular system diseases and antiviral. The market demand for natural botanicals has increased dramatically. However, most medicinal plants are still mainly harvested from wild resources. However, due to long-term over-harvesting, resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Due to factors such as seeds and pesticides, artificially cultivated herbal medicines are far from meeting the requirements of their medicinal active substances and content. Plant tissue culture is an important part of the research and application of modern biotechnology in medicinal botany. Lifeasible cultivates medicinal plant organs, tissues or cells under sterile and artificially controlled nutritional (medium) and environmental conditions for the production of medicinal active ingredients, asexual rapid propagation of medicinal plants, and large-scale cultivation of medicinal plants. With a comprehensive system in plant tissue culture, covering hundreds of families and genera of plant tissue culture and related content, Lifeasible now offers nearly 30 kinds of medicinal plant tissue cell culture services including: Cornaceae plant tissue culture Pteridaceae plant tissue culture Pinellia plant tissue culture Dendrobium plant tissue culture Bletilla plant tissue culture Dioscoreaceae plant tissue culture Euonymus plant tissue culture Euphorbia plant tissue culture Campanulaceae plant tissue culture Apiaceae plant tissue culture Medicinal asteraceae tissue culture Lamiaceae plant tissue culture Fabaceae plant tissue culture … “We have carried out more than 800 successful plant tissue culture projects. With the goal to complete the plant tissue culture projects entrusted to us by our customers as quickly, efficiently, and professionally as possible, we will continue to expand the plant species that can be cultured for you with expertise.” Commented one of the representative speakers from

Lifeasible. To view the whole list of medicinal plant tissue culture services provided by Lifeasible, please visit

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