Lifeasible Established a Novel Sub-brand Lifeasible Plant Science & Technology

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Lifeasible Established a Novel Sub-brand Lifeasible Plant Science & Technology Lifeasible, a biotechnology company specialized in agricultural science that has served its customers well for years, recently launched a novel sub-brand Plant Science & Technology to help scientists handle research in the specific area. Over the years, Lifeasible has grown into a comprehensive plant technology company dedicated to providing holistic solutions and personalized technical services for researchers in the fields of plant culture, plant nutrition, plant detection, plant immunology, plant genomics, and plant microbial interactions, etc. not only has the company developed a sound system in the basic field of botany, but also provides technical support for agricultural development. The newly launched brand mainly provides services including: Plant culture In vitro propagation of plants, plant propagation system establishment, polyploid plant culture system establishment Plant detection Analysis and detection of plant enzyme activity, analysis and determination of elements in plant samples, plant seed detection services, etc. Plant immunity Analysis service of plant stress tolerance, plant virus-related services, etc. Plant nutrition Determination of plant growth index, plant hormone analysis, plant pigment detection, etc. Plant omics Plant proteomics, plant metabolomics, plant genomics, etc. Plant microorganism Plant inter-root biology, microbiology detection, microbial fermentation, etc. Moreover, the company also provides plant solutions like food nutrition detection, plant research in water ecology, natural drug development, biohydrogen production, etc. “With our advanced instrument and experienced team, coupled with our unique technology platform and quality standard service process, we are confident to meet all your needs for botanical research. As a newly established brand, we are always actively exploring the latest research methods and tools for our customers.” Said Isla, one of the representative speakers from Lifeasible. “We serve our clients with professionalism, carry out projects with rigorous requirements, and

complete deliveries with the pursuit of perfection.” Adds Isla. For more information about Lifeasible Plant Science & Technology and the products & services it provides, please visit

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