Flagship 03.21.2024

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assignment Previously,activedutyservicemembers andeligiblepatronshadtoreapplyeverymonthto extendtheirstaysattheRVparks.


CNRMA Public Affairs

NORFOLK Va Sailors and civilians who commute to and from Naval Station Norfolk and other military bases will now experience expanded tolling in the Norfolk Reversible Express Lanes as of March 17, 2024.

Tolls willbecharged24/7insteadof only duringpeaktraffichours

This change affects all persons using the I-64expresslanes locatedbetweenthe1-264 and 1-564 interchanges, not just Sailors and Navy civilians. Users will be charged a toll unless they have a flex pass and the appropriatenumberofpersonsintheirvehicle.

Virginia’s Department of Transporta-

tion (VDOT) released this information and statedthatwhilethenew,full-timehigh-occupancy tolling operations differ from the previous operations during weekday peaktravel periods the option for all drivers to continue using the free, general-purpose lanesremainthesame

The new tolling does not change the expresslaneoperatinghours,andthereversing ofthe lanes willstilltake place eachday atthenormaltime

According to VDOT’s website, express lane users are required to have an E-ZPass transponder or E-ZPass Flex transponder which can be purchased online at www ezpassva.com or at various retail locations across Hampton Roads and at the DepartmentofMotorVehicleoffices

Motorists driving alone will now experience additional commuting choices These solo drivers are now provided the option to choose the free general purpose lanes or pay a variable toll to use the Express Lanes withanE-ZPasstransponder—anoptionnot previously available to solo drivers under the former HOV-2 restrictions during peak travelperiods. For vehicles with two or more passengers, the Express Lanes will remain free with a required E-ZPass Flex transponder switchedto“HOV-On.”Regardlessofwhich lanes motorists choose, Express Lanes are designedtoimprovecongestionandoverall traveltimesformotoristsinboththegeneral purposeandExpressLanes Sailorswhoarelookingtosavemoneyon

tollscanconsiderridesharingwithsomeone from their command or leaving sooner and takingthegeneral-purposelanes.

NRMA Sailors and civilians support the Navy’sFleet,Fighter,andFamilybyproviding shore and infrastructure services that enable the deployment of lethal forces over thehorizon. Additional information about the 64 Express Lanes can be found at www.64expresslanes.org Navypersonnelmayforward any complaints related to the highway system construction and tolling to VDOT’s public affairs staff at hamptonroadspublicinfo@vdot.virginia.gov, and VDOT will addressandprovideresponsesasnecessary.

ber or January with candidates having to participate in a panel interview and give a three-minutespeechtothejudges. Abreuranked13thamongherclassmates in the graduating class of 2024 at

and Youth Oversight Director, and Lindsay Adams,theNAVSTANorfolkSchoolLiaison Officerservedasjudgesonthepanelforthe “YouthoftheYear”award “Manyofthecandidateshavestrongleadership qualities that allow them to stand apart from other youth, said Adams “The installation competition is held in Decem-

Sailors experience expanded tolls at Norfolk Reversible Express Lanes StoryByDamageControlman3rdClass AshleyN.Pierson NORFOLK, Va Personnel from the Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk Youth Center awarded Jade Abreu, a senior at Nansemond River high school, as the 2024 Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s “Youth of the Year” March 11, 2024 NAVSTA Norfolk’sYouthCenterhonoredAbreuwith this distinctive title due to her outstanding achievementsinacademicsandcommunity service. NAVSTA Norfolk’s “Youth of the Year program, which started in 2013, recognizes one of the NAVSTA Norfolk Youth Center attendeesfortheircommitmenttocommunity service academic success, good characterandestablishmentoflong-termgoals This year, Thomas Caldwell, the NAVSTA Norfolk Youth Center Teen Coordinator, ShannonLowe,theNAVSTANorfolkChild
her high school. Abreu also boasts of continuous membership in the National Honor Society for all four of her high school years as well as a three-year membership in the National Arts Honor Society Abreu’s art is alsodisplayedattheChryslerMuseumand indowntownNorfolk’sNeonDistrict Art is a significant passion for Abreu that she intends to pursue into her future. With her admission and later enrollment to the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA Abreu looks forward to a futurefilledwithcreativityasshepursuesa college degree in 3D Animation and Visual Effects Lastly, Abreu is also member of the Beta Club, a leadership program, and even more than 150 hours of community service during her high school years. Through theseoutstandingachievements,thejudges selectedAbreuasNAVSTANorfolk’s“Youth oftheYear”. “Being named “Youth of the Year feels NAVSTA Norfolk Youth Center names the 2024 NAVSTA Norfolk “Youth of the Year” Norfolk,Virginia (March 11,2024) Capt.Janet Days,the commanding officerofNaval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolkpresented 2024 NAVSTANorfolk“Youth oftheYear award toJadeAbreu at the NAVSTANorfolkYouth Center(U-40).NAVSTANorfolk“Youth oftheYear”program is a Boys & Girls clubs ofAmerica recognition program that celebrates the achievements ofyoung people between the ages of14 and 18 RIGHT:JadeAbreu gives a speech to an audience ofherpeers and staffofNaval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolkduring the 2024 NAVSTANorfolk’s“Youth oftheYear” award ceremonyat the NAVSTANorfolk’sYouth Center (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYDAMAGECONTROLMAN3RDCLASSASHLEYN.PIERSON) VOL.32 NO 11,Norfolk,Va | flagshipnews.comMarch 21-March 27 2024 IN THIS ISSUE Navy updates length of stay policy at RV parks CNICrecentlyimplementedanewlengthofstay policythatallowsservicememberstoutilize RVparksforextendedstaysduringtheirduty
PAGEA3 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! Sailors get colorful at MWR sponsored Command Paintball Color Battle NAVSTANorfolkMWRdepartment hosted theirsecond offive Command Paintball Color Battles at the Chesapeake Paintball Park, March 9.The eventwas attended byjunior enlisted Sailors and Marines from installations around the Hampton Roads area PAGEA4 TurntoYouthoftheYear Page 2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024 1

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va On Dam Neck AnnexsitstheChapelbytheSea;aplacefor servicememberstoattendworshipservices seek spiritual guidance, and receive counseling Deputy Command Chaplain Lt Nancy Crews is one of the leaders providing encouragement and hope to Sailors and Marines onboard Dam Neck Annex and NavalAirStationOceana.

OnthedooroutsideCrews’office thereis astickerthatreads“WhatHappensinVegas Stays in Vegas, a reference to the unbreakable confidentiality of chaplains; any information shared with a chaplain will not be disclosed to a third party The interior of Crews’officeiscalmandinviting,decorated

Youth of the Year

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intranquilshadesofblue,anoasisforthose seekingsupport. It is easy to feel comfortable in Crews’ office,andherpassionforservingandadvocatingforothersisapparent.

“Ihaveadesiretobeavoiceforthosewho don’t have one,” Crews says “I’ve been like that since high school. If I saw someone getting picked on, I’d say, ‘Why don’t you pickonsomeoneyourownsize?’”

Crews recalls that she felt a calling to ministry at the age of 14, but she did not pursue that path right away Prior to becoming a Navy chaplain, she attended West Virginia University and received her bachelor’s degree in computer science and electrical engineering, master’s degree in technologyeducation,anddoctorateinleadershipstudies “I’m a lifelong learner,” Crews says “I

like an incredible accomplishment,” said Abreu. “I didn’t think I’dmakeittothispointbutwiththehelpofmyyouthcenter,advisors,andpeersthathavebecomelikefamilytome;Icannowsay thatI’vegottentothispoint.”

After the judges announced Abreu as “Youth of the Year,” she had the opportunity to meet with Capt. Janet Day’s, the commanding officer of NAVSTA Norfolk on Mar. 6, to ask her a variety of questions, including: “How was [Days’] first year as Commanding Officer of NAVSTA Norfolk? and “What was [Days’]paththroughthemilitarylike?”inaprivateinterview “MeetingCapt.Dayswaslikeanout-of-this-worldexperience,” saidAbreu.“She’sgivenmeamazingadvicethatI’mgoingtotake onnotonlyjustafterthecompetition,butasIcontinuetogrow.”

The week after this meeting, NAVSTA Norfolk Youth Center personnel held an official ceremony for Abreu. The ceremony included Capt. Days’ presenting the award to Abreu, followed byAbreureadingherspeech.

“Ihaveaspirationstodotheincredible,”saidAbreu.“Theone thingIhopeyoutakeawayfromthis[speech]istogobacktoyour clubandlightthatspark Donotbeafraidtofindthatinterestand toachievesomethinggreat Iwanttopushthismessageontothe bigscreen;thismessagedoesnothavetostayhereforthecompetition.IthinkIcanreallyreachouttotheyouthacrosstheworld andencouragethemtonevergiveupontheirpassions.”

After earning her title Abreu is entered into the semi-final round of the National “Youth of the Year competition” where she willcompetewith fiveother“Youth ofthe Year winners to earn the Regional award. If Abreu wins the Regional title, she is slottedtocompetefortheNational“YouthoftheYear”award.

like learning something new every day and engagingwithpeople.”

WhenCrewsrealizedhercalltoministry wassomethingshecouldnolongersetaside, she decided to attend the Duke University Divinity School, where she received her master’s degree in divinity Then in 2010, shortlyafterherfirstchildwasborn,Crews was on her way to Officer Development School in Newport, R.I to begin her career asachaplain.

Crews has served as a Navy chaplain for 14 years now, and although the number of women in chaplaincy has slowly increased, they are still few and far between. She emphasizes the importance of diversity in ministry and having a chaplain corps that representsasmanypeopleaspossible.

“I’ve met people with 20 years of service whowilltellmeI’mthefirstfemalechaplain

that they’ve met,” Crews says “It’s importantforpeopleseekinghelptohavesomeone theyfeelcanrelatetotheirexperiencesand hardships.”

Crews cites her mother as a source of inspiration for her resiliency and determination.

“Shewasasinglemotherfrommyteenage years until college,” Crews said. “She was a headnurse,sheworkedlonghours,andshe wasalwaysabletojuggleallofit.”

She also cites her faith as an obvious sourceofinspirationtohelpothers

“My resiliency comes from the fact that I am on assignment from the Lord,” Crews says Crews has recently returned from a deploymenttoBahrainandshewillsoonbe back on the ministry rotation at the Chapel bytheSea.

One woman’s call to help those in need Virginia Beach,Va (March 8,2024) Lt NancyCrews poses fora photo in the Chapel bythe Sea onboard Dam NeckAnnex.Crews currentlyserves as DeputyCommand Chaplain.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMC2MEGANWOLLAM) Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 | Distribution&HomeDelivery 757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm.Wesley McCall RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker PublicAffairs Deputy Director | Leon Moore The Flagship® is published by Flagship, LLC., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, LLC. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, LLC., whose offices are located at 223E. City Hall Ave, Suite 400A, Norfolk, VA 23510. © 2021 Flagship, LLC. All rights reserved
YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024

Navy updates length of stay policy at RV parks

CourtesyStory Commander, Navy Installations Command

WASHINGTON TheNavyhasmadeit easier for active duty service members and their families to utilize recreational vehicle (RV) parks on installations for long-term stays.

Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) recently implemented a newlengthofstaypolicythatallowsservice members to utilize RV parks for extended stays during their duty assignment. Previously, active duty service members along with all other eligible patrons had to reapply every month to extend their stays at the RVparks

“This may be a simple change in policy butitisgoingtomakeabigdifferencetoour Sailorsandtheirfamilieswhowanttostayat anRVparklongtermtomeettheirhousing needs,”saidJoannReyes,recreationlodging managerofCNIC’sFleetReadinessdivision.

“This is only one of several policies we are evaluatingtomakesureitiswhatisbestfor ourwarfightersandfamilies.”

Established RV park rates will continue to provide cost effective rates and remain competitive to the local market. RV park rates will not adjust or increase specifi-

Commander Navy Installations Command

WASHINGTON, D.C. Commander, Navy Installations Command, Vice Adm. C. Scott Gray, announced the 2024 CNIC Installation Excellence Award winners, recognizing the top Navy bases for their excellenceinmanagementandoperations

Recipients are evaluated on various aspectsoftheirinstallations,includingleadership, innovation, customer service, and qualityoflifeprogramsforservicemembers andtheirfamilies.

“Installations are the cornerstone of the foundation of the U.S. Navy, delivering programsandservicesthatenabletheNavy tomaintainmaritimedominance,”saidGray “I continue to be inspired by all our active duty personnel, civilian workforce, and contractors who continue to do great work atourNavybases.”

Winning the CNIC Installation Excellence Award is considered a significant achievement and reflects the dedication andcommitmentofthepersonnelandleadership

callytoalignwithchangestoBasicHousing Allowance(BAH).

In addition, active duty service members can remain at their designated spots throughoutthedurationoftheirstay,which is another policy update. There are 42 RV parks located at Navy installations such as NavalBaseCoronado,NavalSupportActivity Annapolis, and Navy Air Station Key West

Large Installation Category

Congratulations to the following winners:

„ 1st Place: Naval Air Station (NAS)

Jacksonville „ 2ndPlace:NavalBasePointLoma

„ 3rd Place: Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka

NASJacksonvillereceivedtherecognition forprovidingshoresupportfortwoCarrier Strike Groups, one Amphibious Ready Group, nine training detachments, and provided more than 35,000 incident-free flights for 16 tenant squadrons. NAS Jacksonville was also recently recognized by SECNAV Energy Award for Navy Large Shore Category for continuing to replace traditional gas-powered vehicles with hybrid electric vehicles in compliance with greenhouseemissionsstandards

“While I have never been one to chase awardsasametricofsuccess,Iamsoexcited tohavetheworkofsuchafantasticteambe recognizedatthislevel,”saidNASJacksonvilleCommandingOfficerCapt.MarcCantu. “Yourcommandsplayedasignificantrolein thisrecognitionaspartofthatteam.Without

For more information, Sailors and families can contact their installation Morale, Welfare,andRecreation(MWR)office,visit www.dodlodging.net,orcall1-877-Navybed (628-9233)

Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of

your focus on our Sailors and our missions, whilemaintainingourstandards,thiswould nothavebeenpossible.”

Small Installation Category

Congratulations to the following winners:

„ 1stPlace:NASWhitingField

„ 2nd Place: Naval Support Activity


„ 3rdPlace:NavalAirFacilityMisawa

NAS Whiting Field received the recognition for providing outstanding support of the Navy’s largest air wing and management of three towered airfields and 12 outlying fields NAS Whiting Field’s was recently recognized by the Orville Wright Aviation Achievement Award. “This award is truly a team effort of all hands on the base It could not have been accomplished without all the hard work of everyone on the team,” said NAS Whiting Field Commanding Officer Capt. Paul Flores “Icouldnotbemoreproudofeveryone at NAS Whiting Field.”

NAS Whiting Field is nominated to the Secretary of the Navy to represent the


Navy shore infrastructure as well as qualityoflifeprograms CNICoversees10Navy regions, 70 bases, and more than 43,000 employeeswhosustainthefleet,enablethe fighter andsupportthefamily FollowCNIC on social media: Facebook @NavyInstallations;X@cnichq;andInstagram@cnichq.

U.S. Navy in competition with other military services for the 2024 Department of Defense Commander-in-Chief’s Annual Award for Installation Excellence, which recognizesoutstandingeffortsintheoperations and maintenance of U.S. military installations “To all of our installations and activities at our regions and installations, thank you foryouroutstandingleadershipandworldclasssupportofthefleet,fighter,andfamily,” said Gray “I am extremely proud of all you do,day-inandday-out,forourNavyandour nation.BravoZulu!” Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy Shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure as well as qualityoflifeprograms CNICoversees10Navy regions, 70 installations, and more than 43,000 employees who sustain the fleet, enable the fighter, and support the family Follow CNIC on social media: Facebook, Facebook.com/NavyInstallations; X, @ cnichq;andInstagram,@cnichq

CNIC names Installations of Excellence for 2024 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024 3 757-280-2257 1Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. 2Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. Youmay also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subjecttocredit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges applyonce the promotional period has ended. Call 866-697-4033 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions mayapply New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/07/24. Design Consultation Before 5-Star Installation After FREE INSTALL bathroom remodeling projects1 12 MONTHS no payments &nointerest 2 BATHROOM REMODELING DONE RIGHT Employee Installers Easy Maintenance Hassle Free Experience EveningAppointments Licensed &Insured Flexible Payment Plans Subject to credit approval. 4.7/5 4.8/5 (Company reviews across all branches as of 2/01/2024) 207,134+ COMPLETED BATHROOM REMODELING JOBS NOW IS THE TIME... UPGRADE YOUR BATHROOM TODAY!

Sailors get colorful at MWR sponsored Command Paintball Color Battle

CHESAPEAKE, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk Moral, Welfare, and Recreation(MWR)departmenthostedtheir second of five Command Paintball Color Battles at the Chesapeake Paintball Park in Chesapeake, Virginia March 9, 2024 The eventwasattendedbyjuniorenlistedSailors and Marines from seven different installationsaroundtheHamptonRoadsarea.

“We hosted a trip with just a few installations at Yorktown Paintball Blast Zone before,” said Aaliyah Daniels, Community Recreation Programmer for NAVSTA NorfolkMWR.“Aftertheinterestshownby patrons wedecideditwouldbeagreatidea togetotherinstallationsinvolvedatabigger parktoaccommodateallpatrons.”

ThiswasMWRLibertyDepartment’sfirst year hosting the Command Paintball Color War. This multi-month event promotes entertaining and positive interaction betweenjuniorenlistedpersonnel,allowing them to experience recreational activities beyondthefencelinesoftheirinstallations The seven commands that joined NAVSTA Norfolkincluded:JEBLittleCreek,Oceana, NAVSTA Norfolk, Dam Neck, Northwest Annex, Weapon Station Yorktown and NorfolkNavalShipyard

MWRrentedtheparkoutforthreehours andprovidedresourcesfortheparticipants, such as trophies transportation food and rental equipment. Participants were also

giventheopportunitytopurchaseadditional suppliesfortheevent,suchasgrenadesand upgradesfortheirguns

The Chesapeake Paintball Park staff presented the participating Sailors and Marines with a variety of formats for their

matches These styles included the Speed Ball and Protect the President formats as well as the more traditional Team ‘Death’ MatchandCapturetheFlagformats Weather conditions played a significant role in the outcome of the events. The rain

which fell constantly throughout the day, transformedthedry,woodedbattlegrounds into a swampy, bog-like environment. The participantsembracedthedramaticweather conditions and enjoyed their simulated battlefieldenvironment.

The players started their team ‘death’ match at 1300 The Sailors and Marines formed into two teams and went headto-head shooting each other till on team remained until only one player remained. Participantsenjoyedfiveroundsofthisstyle ofmatch.

Two ‘capture the flag’ matches followed the team ‘death’ matches. Capture the flag consisted of sending reconnaissance teams to search, find, capture and then return the rivalflagfromenemyterritorytohomebase

“It really felt like an action movie where nothingelsereallymattered. AviationStructural Mechanic 3rd Class Daniel Zavala, from NAVSTA Norfolk. “I was running throughthewatercarryingtheenemy’sflag with paintballswhizzingpastmyheadand landinginthewateraroundme.”

The event concluded soon after the final match, with Sailors and Marines worn out andmuddyfromtheintensegames

ThenextsetofmatchesfortheCommand Color Paintball Battles are scheduled for March23andApril7andanultimatefinale scheduledforApril27 Formoreinformation andhowtosign-upvisithttps://www.navylifema.com/ortheNAVSTANorfolkWind& SeaRecreationCenter(Bldg C-9)

CHESAPEAKE,Virginia (Mar 9,2024) Sailors and Marines charge into the flooded battleground to take up defensive positions against the opposing team at the Chesapeake Paintball Parkin Chesapeake,Virginia March.9,2024.This trip to the Chesapeake Paintball Parkwas the second event in a series offive Morale Wellness and Readiness sponsored Command Paintball Color Battles.(PHOTOBYRS3JAMESJ.O’MAILIAJR.) CHESAPEAKE,Virginia (Mar 9,2024) Pfc.Gavin Brown,assigned to the NavySchool ofMusic, inspects his gearafterwinning a game ofcapture the flag at the Chesapeake Paintball Parkin Chesapeake,Virginia March.9,2024.This trip to the Chesapeake Paintball Parkwas the second event in a series offive Morale Wellness and Readiness sponsored Command Paintball Color Battles.(PHOTOBYRS3JAMESJ.O’MAILIAJR.) CHESAPEAKE,Virginia(Mar 9,2024)SailorsandMarinescoverandadvancetowardstheotherteaminagameofteam“death”matchatChesapeakePaintballParkinChesapeake,VirginiaMarch.9,2024. ThistriptotheChesapeakePaintballParkwasthesecondeventinaseriesoffiveMorale,WellnessandReadinesssponsoredCommandPaintballColorBattles.(PHOTOBYRS3JAMESJ.O’MAILIAJR.) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024

USNS William McLean returns to Norfolk from Sixth Fleet deployment

USN Military Sealift Command

NORFOLK, Va Military Sealift

Command’s (MSC) USNS William McLean (T-AKE12)returnedtoNavalStationNorfolk (NAVSTA)March11,aftercompletinganeventful five-month deployment in U.S. Sixth Fleet, as the primary Combat Logistics Force (CLF) vessel assigned to USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG) and USS Bataan AmphibiousReadinessGroup(BATARG)operationsintheMediterraneanSea.

Deployed with a crew of 119 Civil Service

Mariners (CIVMARS) 77 of which reside in the Hampton Roads area William McLean safely executed the delivery of more than 6.2 milliongallonsforfuelandthetransferof3,329 palletsofvitalstoresandordnance.“Yourefforts were instrumental in increasing the sustainability of our Navy warships operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.,” said Capt Jaime M. Murdock, commodore of Military Sealift Command AtlanticinNorfolk,Va Thiswasaverysuccessfulfive-monthdeployment said Capt Timothy R. Lockwood shipmasterofUSNSWilliamMcLean “Theabilityto sustainthewarfighter,giventhehighoptempo

oftheEasternMediterranean,alongwithworld events,wasmagnificent Iamsoveryproudof the William McLean crew who performed in anoutstandingandprofessionalmannerwhile maintainingsafetyasatoppriority.” Whencalledupon,MSC’sCIVMARShavea traditionofgoingintoharm’sway,whereverand whenever,todeliverequipmentandpersonnel totheNavy’swarfightersatsea.

MSC directs and supports operations for approximately 140 civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships at sea conduct specializedmissions prepositioncombatcargo at sea around the world, perform a variety of

supportservices,andmovemilitaryequipment andsuppliestodeployedU.S.forces Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024, MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations with a workforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil ServiceMarinersand1,100contractmariners, supportedby1,500shorestaffand1,400active dutyandreservemilitarypersonnel.


Commander, Navy Installations Command announces Fire & Emergency Services Award winners for 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. Commander, NavyInstallationsCommandannouncedthe 2023 Fire and Emergency Services Award winnerslatelastmonth.

“Ourfirefightersandemergencyrespondersfacedifficultsituations,putothersahead of themselves and are often touch people’s liveseachtimetheyansweracall,”saidCarl B. Glover Jr, CNIC F&ES Director. “They deserve our gratitude and admiration. I’m pleased for the opportunity to publicly recognize their outstanding achievements fromthepastyear.”

The annual Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES) Awards recognize the outstanding teamsandindividualsacrossCNIC

The Navy’s 10 regions submitted a total of 88 award nomination packages across 14 award categories. CNIC HQ Fire & EmergencyServicesmanagedtheawardselection panel and conducted an in-depth review of allnominations

The following nine CNIC F&ES teams and personnel stand out as Navy F&ES Award winners and will go on to represent Navy at the DoD level of competition:

„ SmallFireDepartmentoftheYear:Naval ConstructionBattalionCenterGulfport

„ Medium Fire Department of the Year: CommanderFleetActivitiesYokosuka

„ Large Fire Department of the Year: Navy Region Mid-Atlantic District 3, Naval Air Station Oceana, Joint Expeditionary Base LittleCreek-FortStory

„ FirePreventionProgramoftheYear:Navy RegionMid-Atlantic,NavalSupportActivity

Crane „ Military Firefighter of the Year: ABH1 (AW) Anna Perez, Naval Support Activity Naples „ Civilian Firefighter of the Year: Jeffry Frawley, Naval Air Station Joint Reserve BaseForthWorth

„ Military Fire Officer of the Year: ABH1 (AW)HaydenBallard,NavalStationRota

„ CivilianFireOfficeroftheYear:Nicholas Khan,NavalSubmarineBaseKingsBay

„ Fire Service Instructor of the Year: Kraig Parker NavalStationMayport

Additional Navy Only Award winners are:

„ EMSProvideroftheYear:JenniferFraga, Navy Region Northwest, Battalion 2, Naval BaseKitsap-Bangor

„ FireInspectoroftheYear:GladysBolyard, NavalSubmarineBaseKingsBay

„ Fire Chief of the Year: Cedric Patterson, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic District 3, Naval Air Station Oceana, Joint Expeditionary BaseLittleCreek-FortStory


„ Charles “CP” Miedzinski Jr., Region Fire Chief(retired),NavalDistrictWashington „ Bennie“Bud”Williams,RegionFireChief (retired),NavyRegionMid-Atlantic

„ Mark Weil, Assistant Fire Chief of Prevention (retired) Naval Air Station CorpusChristi „ Ira Simmons (deceased), Fire Chief, BollingAirForceBase(Navy) „ Ricky Brockman, Deputy Director

(retired), Commander Navy Installations

Command Navy F&ES Lifetime Achievement Award: „ Thomas “TJ” Maury (deceased), Fire Chief Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base NewOrleans

„ Gene Rausch, Deputy Director (retired), CommanderNavyInstallationsCommand „ John Lyon, District Chief, Naval Support ActivityAnnapolis

A formal awards presentation is scheduled for 1 May 2024, as part of the Region Fire Chief working group meeting at NSA Annapolis

“The level of competition was tremendousthisyearandselectingwinnerswasno easyfeat,”saidCarlB.GloverJr,CNICF&ES Director “I’mveryproudoftheworkbeing donetoprovideessentialservicesnotonlyto ourNavyinstallationsbutalsothecommunities outside the fence line Congratulations againtoallofthehonorees.”

The Navy F&ES Awards Program was instituted in 1997 to recognize the most outstanding fire departments and personnelforachievingthehighestdegreeofexcellenceinmissionsupportandfireprotection management. Category criteria was developed by the Department of Defense F&ES working groupcomprisedofthechiefsoftheservice component’srespectiveF&ESprograms. Selections for fire departments and fire preventionprogramoftheyearawardswere basedonemergencyresponseperformance; departmentlevelrecognition,accreditation

and certifications; customer outreach and public education; training and education; innovation and initiatives in safety, health and quality of life; fire prevention inspections engineering code compliance and enforcement;communityandpubliceducationprograms;andinnovativeness.

Selections for individual categories were based on accomplishments, job performance, technical competence, leadership ability, initiative, resourcefulness, program development,trainingdevelopment,performance as an instructor, trainer or speaker andprofessionalcredentials.

The Navy F&ES Hall of Fame was established in 2003 to recognize significant and distinguishedcontributionstotheNavyfirefightingservices The Navy F&ES Lifetime Achievement Award honors individuals who have been firefighters for at least 20 years, to include five years of service to Navy F&ES, and whose remarkable achievements in the fire serviceexemplifyoutstandingperformance. Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure as well as qualityoflifeprograms CNICoversees10Navy regions, 70 bases, and more than 43,000 employeeswhosustainthefleet,enablethe fighterandsupportthefamily FollowCNIC on social media: Facebook, Facebook.com/ NavyInstallations; X, @cnichq; and Instagram,@cnichq

Norfolk,Va (March 12,2024) – MilitarySealift Command’s (MSC) USNSWilliam McLean (T-AKE 12) returned to Naval Station Norfolk(NAVSTA) March 11,aftercompleting an eventful fivemonth deployment in U.S.Sixth Fleet,as the primaryCombat Logistics Force (CLF)vessel assigned to USS Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) and USS BataanAmphibious Readiness Group (BATARG) operations in the Mediterranean Sea.(PHOTOBYLASHAWNSYKES,USNMILITARYSEALIFTCOMMAND)
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Division Newport employees share their STEAM careers with elementary school students

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport

NEWPORT,R.I Whileworkingtoward her doctorate from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego, Dr Lauren Freeman, a senior oceanographer in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport’s Ranges, Engineering and AnalysisDepartment,wastaskedwithrunningan educational outreach program for students inkindergartenthroughgrade12

NowasamemberoftheNUWCDivision Newportworkforce,sheremainscommitted tointroducingyoungpeopletothewonders ofscience Freeman was one of three Division Newport employees to attend the STEAM Festival hosted by the Portsmouth School Department in Rhode Island on Feb. 27-28 atthetown’stwopublicelementaryschools.

Dozens of professionals across various science technology engineering arts and mathematics (STEAM) fields set up small exhibits to showcase their work before wide-eyed students and their parents In additiontoFreeman,DivisionNewportwas representedbyMonicaDeAngelis,amarine mammalbiologistintheDivisionNewport’s Corporate Operations Branch, and David Hart a mechanical engineer and U.S. Navy diverwhoheadsDivisionNewport’sTowed andDeployedArraysEngineeringBranch

“Whilenoteveryonecangetaccessbehind thegatesatNUWC,whatwecandoiscome outofthegatesandintegrateourselvesinto the community,” DeAngelis said. “We can show what we’re doing so it’s not this separatething.”

Margie Brennan science educator for PortsmouthSchoolDepartment whoorganized the STEAM Festival said the goal of the event was to engage students in realworldapplicationsofscienceandmathand provide them with a deeper understanding andappreciationforthosesubjects

“Introducing them to professionals from organizations like NUWC not only showcases potential STEAM careers, but also highlightsthepracticalandexcitingaspects ofthesefields,”Brennansaid.

“The interactive displays and hands-on activities captured the interest of students andtheirfamilies,makingthelearningexperienceenjoyableandmemorable.”

FreemanhastwosonswhoattendHathaway Elementary and they were part of the reason she wanted to get involved with the STEAM Festival, but there was another factorinherdecision

“We’re losing young females as well as minorities and underrepresented groups, from technical fields, from science, math, engineering, and we’re losing them really early,”shesaid.“Alreadyatthatage,thereisa perceptionthatscienceisforboys AndIam reallykeentocombatthatbecausescienceis foreveryone,asisengineeringandmathand all the other great parts of STEAM. That’s abigmotivatorformetodotheseevents.”

AmongtheitemsFreemanhadondisplay was a homemade contraption that showed the movement of waves. It was comprised of electrical tape, a series of wooden skewer-like sticks and gummy bears placed at each end. While some of the younger students simply wanted to snack on the gummy bears, others were mesmerized by thewavestheycouldmakebypullingdown onthesticksandlettinggo

“Therewerekidswhostayedatmystation for like 10 or 20 minutes trying different things with the wave machine and seeing how it worked,” Freeman said. “And then theystartedcoachingtheotherkidsonhow todoit,whichwasprettycool.Ienjoyedthat andjustsatbackandletithappen.”

Freeman, who established a love for the oceanatanearlyagewhilegrowingupnear Chesapeake Bay in Virginia said she was pleasantly surprised by how many people turnedoutfortheevent.

“BeingpartoftheHathawaycommunity, I saw a post on the school’s Facebook page where so many parents were posting these joyfulpictures,”shesaid “Therewerethese happy comments from families, and it was wonderful to see that the event was pretty impactfultosomeoftheseyoungerkids.”

ForHart theSTEAMFestivalwasafamily affair His wife Amy is a speech pathologist atMelvilleElementaryandshegreetedvisitors alongside their daughter. The couple’s son stood with his father as they explained the sonar technology behind a towed array andtheroleofaU.S.Navydiver Exhibited were two large and very heavy diving helmets Hart, whose father was a middle school science teacher, asked studentsifthey wantedtotrytoliftthemto show just how weighty they were He said theSTEAMFestivalremindedhimof“Bring aChildtoWorkDay, anannualeventhosted byDivisionNewport.

“ThemainreasonIwantedtoparticipate isbecauseIknowithasabigimpactonkids,” Hartsaid.

“I’ve seen firsthand with my own kids, when they get to see the stuff that goes on here, it just opens their eyes up A lot of times you’re only exposed to the careers yourparentsarein,soanytimetheygetthat exposuretothoseSTEMcareers,Ithinkit’s

agreatthing. DeAngelis also had family involved in the STEAM Festival in her daughter Bella, a junior at Portsmouth High School, who assisted with various experiments and exhibitsatbothelementaryschools.

“Atonepoint,Iturnedaroundandshewas explaining what I was doing, so that was a proudmommomentthere,”DeAngelissaid.

At the table were bones of sea creatures, a pair of military-grade binoculars, tagging devices and a laptop computer on which students could listen to various ocean sounds Therewasalsoasealrestraintboard, whichisusedtoreducetheanimal’sfatigue andstressduringtaggingandsamplecollecting

“Ithinkalotofpeopleweresurprisedthat theNavyisoneofthebiggestcontributorsto marinemammalscience,”DeAngelissaid.

HartsaidtheSTEAMFestivalwasagreat opportunity to show the public the various roles Division Newport employees play in forwarding the overarching mission of the Navy

“Any of the stuff we at NUWC can do in the community is great,” he said. “We’re suchalargepartofthecommunity butwe’re inside this fence and not everybody knows. Soanytimewecanshowthegreatworkthat we’re doing, and there’s a ton of awesome


NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut.

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists andotherSTEMprofessionals aswell as talented business finance logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport


and on Facebook @
ElementarySchool in Portsmouth,Rhode Island,lift
the STEAM Festival held on Feb.27 2024.Dozens ofprofessionals acrossvarious science,technology,engineering arts and mathematics (STEAM) fields set up small exhibits to showcase theirwork.(PHOTOBYSCOTTBARRETT,NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)
David Hart,a Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport mechanical engineer,U.S.Navydiverand head oftheTowed and DeployedArrays Engineering Branch,helps a first-grade student at Melville
helmet during
Engineering andAnalysis
a kindergarten student at HathawayElementarySchool in Portsmouth, Rhode Island,simulates awave motion on a homemade contraption comprised ofelectrical tape,sticks and gummybears during the STEAM Festival hosted on Feb.28,2024 (PHOTOBYSCOTTBARRETT,NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTER DIVISIONNEWPORT) Monica DeAngelis,a marine mammal biologist in the Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport’s Corporate Operations Branch,watches as a kindergarten student at Melville ElementarySchool in Portsmouth,Rhode Island,listens to ocean sounds during the STEAM Festival on Feb.27 2024 The event invited dozens science,technology,engineering arts and mathematics (STEAM) professionals to showcase theirworkforstudents and theirfamilies.(PHOTOBYSCOTTBARRETT,NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTER DIVISIONNEWPORT) Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024
Lauren Freeman,a senioroceanographerin the Naval UnderseaWarfare
Newport’s Ranges
Department looks on as
U.S. Marine Corps aircraft and personnel conduct distributed aviation operations and first U.S. F-35 landing in Sweden during Exercise Nordic Response 24


2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

LULEA Sweden Four U.S. Marine CorpsF-35BLightningIIJointStrikeFighters(JSF)withMarineFighterAttackSquadron(VMFA)542,2ndMarineAircraftWing (MAW),andaKC-130JSuperHerculeswith MarineAerialRefuelerTransportSquadron (VMGR)252,2ndMAW,conducteddistributedaviationoperations(DAO)duringExercise Nordic Response 24 at Kallax Air Base inLulea,Sweden,March13 2024

TheeventmarkedthefirsttimeaU.S.F-35 Lightning II jet aircraft landed in Sweden, the first time any F-35 operated at Kallax AirBase,andoneofthefirsttrainingevents conductedbySwedenasaNATOmember “We’rethrilledtowelcomethefirstAmerican F-35 landing here at Kallax air force base,andit’sanF-35BfromtheU.S.Marine Corps,” said Swedish Brig Gen. Tommy Petersson,deputycommanderoftheSwedish AirForce. “For theU.S.MarineCorps of course,it’sapartoftheagilecombatemployment portion in the framework of the exercise we’re conducting together right now, NordicResponse24.”

The preplanned event provided an opportunity for U.S. Marine Corps aviationplatformstouseaSwedishairbaseand host-nationsupporttoconductaviation-de-

liveredgroundrefuelingfromaU.S.KC-130J SuperHerculestoU.S.F-35BJSFaircraft.

“Of course, this is of vital interest for Sweden as a new ally in NATO to further develop our ability for host-nation support, for instance for American assets,” said Petersson. Distributed aviation operations is a method of generating aviation combat power through the coordinated employment of aviation squadrons, commandand-controlagencies,aviationlogistics,and aviation ground-support units disaggregated across the battlefield that challenges adversary targeting efforts The 2nd MAW concept of DAO distributes command and controlofaviationforcesacrossechelonsof command,pushingauthoritiestothelowest levels,whilekeepingforcesmovingbetween airfields and air sites It also integrates and builds interdependencies between the 2nd MAWanditsalliesandpartners

“This is an opportunity to work with our Swedish partners to exercise distributed aviation operations,” said U.S. Maj. Gen. ScottBenedict,commandinggeneralof2nd MAW. “We were able to launch our aircraft intoaNATOtrainingstrikepackage,recover them back here in Sweden, refuel them via expeditionarymeansoutofaKC-130,andget thembackintheairforanothersortie This isourmeanstobeabletooperateinanenvi-

ronmentwhereweareprotectedbecauseof ourmobility.”

Both VMFA-542 and VMGR-252 deployed from their home base of Marine CorpsAirStationCherryPoint,NorthCarolina.VMFA-542isthefirstEastCoastoperational F-35 squadron for the U.S. Marine Corps. Exercise Nordic Response 24 was VMFA-542’s first overseas exercise as an F-35B Lightning II jet squadron and since achieving initial operational capability on Feb.5,2024. Duringtheexercise VMFA-542employed its fifth-generation assets in a near-peer adversary training exercise while advancing and sustaining the squadron in core mission-essential tasks of anti-air warfare, active air defense, suppression-of-enemy air defense, and strike capabilities while progressing the squadron toward full operational capability. The squadron integrated with NATO allies across Northern Europe and with United Kingdom and Norwegian F-35 aircraft, showcasing the breadth and diversityoftheJointStrikeFighterprogram. Throughout the exercise, VMGR-252 employed its KC-130J Super Hercules aircrafttosupportMarineAir-GroundTask Forceobjectivessuchasprovidingtransportation of cargo, combat-assault transport, aerial refueling, and aviation-delivered ground refueling to both U.S. and allied

aircraft.Theyconductedaviationoperations from expeditionary shore-based sites and cold-weatherconditionstoachievetraining objectives and increase aircrew and loadmasterproficiencies

Exercise Nordic Response 24 was a two-week exercise that brought together NATO allies and partners for a comprehensive demonstration of military prowess acrossland,maritime,andaviationdomains Against the backdrop of challenging arctic and mountainous conditions, participating military forces engaged in realistic forceon-force scenarios, showcasing their capabilities in both offensive and defensive operations.

“Our allies and partners have been living in this region for a long time, and they’ve developed similar capabilities themselves,” said Benedict. “As we partner with allies, it enablesustoexercisewhattodobetterand to learn from their experience operating here.We’realwaysbetterworkingtogether; opportunities to enable our concepts and operations alongside partners, while learning,getsthebestofbothworlds.

ExerciseNordicResponse24isacontinuationoftherecord-breakingNATOexercise SteadfastDefender.

AU.S.Marine Corps pilot lands an F-35B Lightning II jetwith Marine FighterAttackSquadron (VMFA) 542 2nd MarineAircraftWing (MAW),at Lulea,Sweden,March 13,2024.VMFA-542 and MarineAerial RefuelerTransport Squadron (VMGR) 252,2nd MAW,demonstrated aviation-delivered ground refueling during a distributed aviation operation to showcase expeditionary advanced-base operations using host-nation support.The training event marked the first U.S.F-35 landing in Sweden at KallaxAirBase.Exercise Nordic Response 24 is designed to enhance militarycapabilities and allied cooperation in high-intensitywarfighting scenarios underchallenging arctic conditionswhile providing U.S.Marines unique opportunities to train alongside NATO allies and partners.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ORLANYSDIAZFIGUEROA) ByJimKohler NAVSUP FLC Norfolk The NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Cheatham Annex Warehousing Team completed a massive loadout last month in support of the Presidential Executive Order for Ukraine support. According to NAVSUP FLC Norfolk MaterialManagementDepartmentDeputy Director Jory Eissinger the site serves as a primary consolidation and distribution point for support efforts, working jointly with the Regional Transportation Office toprovideexpeditedshipmentsupportvia air and sea. “The recent evolution was the largesttodate,wheretheteamcoordinated and expedited a single movement of over 700 pallets of essential materials using 32 ‘SEAVAN’cargocontainers,”saidEissinger The containers were loaded and sealed at Cheatham Annex, then transported to the Port of Virginia for further transfer by sea to Europe AdozenDoDcivilianemployeesincluding supervisors, a work leader and materialhandlersusedheavydutyforkliftswith both regular sized and extra-long forks to loadthematerialintothecontainers More than 70,000 fleece jackets 127 crates of tents, foam sleeping mats and life preservers were included in this latest relief shipment from Cheatham Annex. “We are all incredibly proud of the CheathamAnnexWarehousingTeam,”said Eissinger “The entire evolution was nothing short of impressive and was another example of the professionalism exhibited daily by the Cheatham Annex Warehousing Team.”
The NAVSUPFLC NorfolkCheathamAnnexWarehousingTeam completed a massive loadout last month in support ofthe Presidential Executive OrderforUkraine support.(PHOTOBYTHOMASKREIDEL,NAVSUPFLCNORFOLK) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 21 2024 7
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk supports Presidential Executive Order for Ukraine

ers who participate in EBT/SNAP in all 50 statesinOctober2021.However,customers had to go inside the store to use their EBT/ SNAP benefit to pay for their purchases DeCA worked with the departments of Agriculture and Treasury to add the capability,andnowcustomerscanusetheirEBT/ SNAPcardwhencheckingoutviatheirshop commissariesaccountorthemobileapp

The Commissary CLICK2GO payment processor currently accepts American Express,Discover,EBT/SNAP,Mastercard, MilitaryStarandVISAforonlineandcurbsidepayments.

EBT/SNAP is only available in the U.S., not at overseas locations Customers use a card that’s similar to a credit or debit card to access their benefits The EBT/SNAP account of a participant is debited to reimburse the store for the SNAP authorized itemstheypurchase.

“SNAP helps many families stretch their budget and put healthy food on the table each month,” Hall said. “Making it easier for them to do so through CLICK2GO is another way of showing DeCA cares about thewell-beingofourmilitarycommunity.”

With the CC2G mobile app, commissary

customers can access the online payment/ curbsidepickupservice,digitalcoupons,the sales flyer, dietitian-approved recipes and more.Theappisfreefordownloadthrough the Google Play and iOS app stores All 235 commissariesaroundtheworldofferCC2G curbsidepickup.

Stay Connected to Your Commissary Benefit:


https://shop.commissaries.com to learn moreaboutaccessingandusingCommissary CLICK2GO, DeCA’s online ordering, paymentandcurbsidepickupservice,along with the sales flyers Commissary Store Brands, recipes all designed to improve thepatron’sshoppingexperience. „ CORP.COMMISSARIES.COM: Visit https://corp.commissaries.com/ to learn more about the Defense Commissary Agency: check out the latest news, learn moreaboutsavingsprograms,healthymeal solutions and recipes, find a store near

you, learn of food and product recalls, scan employmentopportunities,readfrequently asked questions, submit a customer commentformonlinethroughDeCA’sYour ActionLineandmore.

„ FACEBOOK: Visit www.facebook.com/ YourCommissary, DeCA’s Facebook page, where you can post comments and share news,photosandvideos.

„ YOUTUBE: To see DeCA’s latest videos, visit www.youtube.com/ DefenseCommissary

„ X (also known as TWITTER): To see DeCA’slatest“tweets, https://twitter.com/ YourCommissary

„ PINTEREST: To see DeCA’s themebased image collections, visit http://www pinterest.com/YourCommissary

„ FLICKR: To see DeCA’s latest photographs,visithttp://www.flickr.com/photos/ commissary/ „ INSTAGRAM: To see DeCA’s latest photographs visit https://www.instagram. com/yourcommissary/

About DeCA: The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissariesprovidinggroceriestomilitary personnel,retireesandtheirfamiliesinasafe andsecureshoppingenvironment.Commissaries provide a military benefit, saving authorized patrons thousands of dollars annually on their purchases compared to similar products at commercial retailers. The discounted prices include a 5-percent surcharge,whichcoversthecostsofbuilding newcommissariesandmodernizingexisting ones Acoremilitaryfamilysupportelement, and a valued part of military pay and benefits,commissariescontributetofamilyreadiness,enhancethequalityoflifeforAmerica’s military and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and womentoservetheircountry.



online at https://www.militarycatclub.com/contests and complete the entry form to enter the sweepstakes During March, there will be two winners with a chance to win a Roomba.

„ “Purina Pro Plan Military Pet Club.” Military Pet Club members receive high-value coupons (only validatthecommissary),sweepstake opportunities, pet tips and articles. During March, there will be four winnerswhocaneachwinaPetcube camera and treat dispenser Visit https://www.militarypetclub.com/ conteststoparticipate

„ Commissary Store Brands Our Commissary Store Brands provide patrons with even further savings Save big with an assortment of items spanning the entire store, including Freedom’s Choice food, HomeBase non-food,TopCarehealthandbeauty, Full Circle Market natural and organic food, Wide Awake ready-todrink coffee products, Crav’n Flavor frozen appetizers and snacks Tippy Toes baby products Flock’s Finest wild bird food and Pure

offers high-value coupons (only valid at the commissary), welcome gifts, sweepstakes opportunities, pet tips and articles Enter

GREGG-ADAMS, Va Spring into savings with the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) as it continuestocelebrateNationalNutrition Month with “March Forward to Wellness,” where patrons can focus on healthy living and service members specifically can find a path towardmissionreadiness.
a nourishing assortment, check out the “More Savings Exclusively for You”salesflyerforMarch11—24.
Baby Back Ribs are $2.84 per poundandUSDAChoiceBeefChuck SteakFamilyPackis$5.83perpound during this period. Look for additional savings on red potatoes, green cabbage, and yellow onions from the producedepartment. Customers can further their commissary savings with the Your Everyday Savings (YES!) program. YES!offersextrasavingsandvalueon products customers buy most Look for the orange YES! label on store shelves DeCA’s “Thinking Outside the Box”recipefortheperiodisChicken and Quick Dumplings Thinking Outside the Box recipes are dietitian-approved, quick and economicalsolutionsforhome-cookedmeals. Customerscansaveevenmoreonthe itemslistedintheserecipes
savings opportunities are available through the Pathway to Savings “InstantSavings,BuyOne, Get One (BOGO) Free” deals and CommissaryRewardsCarddigitalcoupons Customerscansaveover$40throughthese deals Manymoredigitalcouponsareavailableat https://shop.commissaries.com/digital-coupons Pathway to Savings “BOGO Free” is unavailable at overseas stores; however, overseas customers can still enjoy instant savings by visiting their stores for specific selectionsandpricing. DeCAhasalsomadeshoppingconvenient with its Commissary CLICK2GO mobile app Withtheapp,customerscanaccessthe online payment/curbside pickup service, digitalcoupons thesalesflyer,dietitian-approvedrecipesandmore Themobileappis free for download through the Google Play andiOSappstores Other savings opportunities include: „ “Del Monte® Rebates.” Spend $15 or more on Del Monte products and submit your Commissary receipt by Apr. 30 to receive a $5 Commissary Gift Card. To get your rebate, go to https://www.mymilitarysavings.com/brands/del-monte. „ “Unilever March Madness Event.” Unilever is an official sponsor of the 2024 NCAA Final Four Event. From March 1 through April 5, look for in-store coupon flyers with more than $1 million in coupon offers Over$25,000inprizes,including55” TVsandBoseSoundbars,willbegivenaway „ “Get in on the Madness.” Enter the slamdunksavingsraffleMarch11-24towin a fantastic Igloo BMX 52-quart cooler or a $100 Commissary Gift Card. Click here to enter „ “ServiceMembersPromo.”BigelowTea isthrilledtoshowitsunwaveringsupportfor servicemembers March1-31,3%ofBigelow Tea sales will be donated to the Military WarriorsSupportFoundation „ “Dietitian-Approved Thumb Filter.” This new filter makes it easy for patrons to identify nutrient-dense and high-performancefooditemstobuildamorenutritious basket while shopping online at https:// shop.commissaries.com. „ “My Military Savings Winter Madness Sweepstakes.” Through March 24, customers can enter to win one of five $100 Commissary Gift Cards A charitable donation will also be made to Fisher House, an international nonprofit establishedtoimprovethequalityoflifeformilitary members veterans and their families Visit https://www.mymilitarysavings.com/ contestsformoresweepstakesinformation „ “Purina Military Cat Club.” The club
Harmony petfood. „ Dietitian-Approved Fueling Stations The commissaries’ grabn-go Dietitian-Approved Fueling Stations are a great alternative to the drive-thru or a quick way to stock officeandbarracksfridgeswithready, on-the-go snacks and meals These stationsarefullofhigh-performance, dietitian-approvedsnacksandmeals, conveniently located near the registers in select stores View the Deli FuelingStationpageforalistofdietitian-approvedsalads,sandwichesandwraps „ Del Monte® Supports “Leashes of Valor.” Every Del Monte purchase at the commissary helps support wounded and disabled veterans needing service dogs Leashes of Valor provides highly trained service dogs at no cost to wounded and disabled post-9/11 veterans Visit https:// leashesofvalor.org/tolearnmore. „ “Box Tops for Education.” General Mills offers customers an opportunity to save money while supporting local schools through the “Box Tops for Education” promotion.Seestoredisplaysandhigh-value coupons for participating General Mills brands. This campaign is ongoing throughouttheyear * Sale items are available while supplies last. Prices are subject to change Get ready to spring into savings with the Commissary Sales Flyer for March 11 24 ByDeCACorporateCommunications FORT GREGG-ADAMS Va Commissary CLICK2GO the Defense Commissary Agency’s(DeCA)onlineshoppingandcurbsidepickupservice,nowacceptsElectronic Benefits Transfer/Supplemental Nutrition AssistanceProgram(EBT/SNAP)payments onlineandintheapp “We’re proud to now offer EBT/SNAP customerstheabilitytousetheirentitlement foronlinepayment,”saidDeCADirectorand CEO John Hall. “The EBT/SNAP online payment program makes it even easier for our patrons to make their food dollar go farther with the convenience of online ordering, curbside pickup and payment usingtheirSNAPEBT allfromtheconvenienceoftheirmobiledevice.” Commissary CLICK2GO (CC2G) extendeditsservicestocommissarycustom-
Save time and money! Commissary CLICK2GO now accepts EBT/SNAP payments online and in the app uarterdeck Health survey will be used to provide better care, assess readiness The Defense Department is nowfielding the 2024 Health Related Behaviors Survey to nearly250,000 randomlyselected active-dutyservice members. The deadline forcompletion is May3. PageB4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024 1

NHHC’s “History of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations: 1915-2015” now available

Naval History and Heritage Command

Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) announces the release of the hard copy edition of History of the Office of the ChiefofNavalOperations:1915-2015

The book, originally published as a digitaledition(508-compliantPDF)in2021,was writtenbyDr ThomasHone,aformersenior defense official, and Curtis Utz, a historian at NNHC, and provides a significant historicalaccountoftheOfficeoftheChiefofNaval Operations (OPNAV), shedding light on the influential individuals who left an indelible markontheU.S.Navy’shistoryandstrategic evolution.

Drawing on five years of research, the book offers readers a captivating narrative thatgoesbeyondthebattlesatseatouncover thebureaucraticbattlesthathaveshapedthe Navy’s organization, planning, policies, and strategiesoverthepastcentury Itdelvesinto the lives and legacies of admirals, especially the Chiefs of Naval Operations (CNO), who played pivotal roles in the development of OPNAV and the Navy itself It also explores instances when Secretaries of the Navy Secretaries of Defense, or even Presidents intervened to drive policy because of changingcircumstancesandtheirviewsofnational imperatives

“This book examines the challenges that CNOsandOPNAVhavefacedoveracentury, anditprovidesinsighttohowandwhyNavy leadership made policy decisions,” said Utz. “Although the authority of the CNO and the organization of OPNAV have changed over theyears,theyarestillprimarilyresponsible and accountable for shaping and fielding a navalforcecapableofimplementingnational strategy.”

Oneconsistentthemethroughoutthebook is the unwavering commitment of CNOs to leavingtheNavystrongerandbettermanaged than they found it. This book examines the strategies and measures employed by these leaderstoachievethisgoalandprovidesvaluableinsightsintoeffectiveleadershipwithin the U.S. Navy While History of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations: 1915-2015 is not intended to be a manual of leadership, it offersreadersanunderstandingofhowleadershipwithintheNavyevolvedinresponseto anever-changingenvironment,bothinWashington,D.C. andtheworld.

“As a student of history, I believe that in ordertomoveforwardweshouldlooktothe past for insights and lessons on how we, as a Navy and a Nation, have navigated similar challenges,” said the 33rd Chief of Naval OperationsAdm.LisaFranchetti “OurNavy has been most effective at driving change anddevelopingwarfightingadvantagewhen successive CNOs move with urgency and commitmenttowardthesamegoal.”


of the book visit: https://www.history navy.mil/research/publications/publications-by-subject/opnav-100.html

To check out other publications from NHHC visit: https://www.history.navy.mil/ research/publications.html

NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for preserving, analyzing,anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect theNavy’suniqueandenduringcontributions


throughournation’shistoryandsupportsthe fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services NHHC comprises many activities, including the Navy Department Library, the NavyOperationalArchives,theNavyartand artifact collections, underwater archeology, Navy histories, ten museums, USS Constitution repair facility, and the historic ship Nautilus For more news from NHHC visit www history.navy.mil

U.S. Navy’s Voluntary Education Program celebrates 50 years of empowering Sailors

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The U.S. Navy is preparing to commemorate a momen-

a handful of programs and participating schools In addition, it established the support mechanisms for the voluntary education network of education specialists and required installation commanders with an assigned education specialist to provide support It detailed the programsSailorscouldexpecttofindateach NCFAoffice

Through NCFA, Sailors could enroll in a certificate or degree program with a participating institution—regardless of their duty location—and be guaranteed specific policies advantageous to Sailors and their transient lifestyle NCFA program advantages included no school residency requirements, acceptanceoftransfercreditsfromregionally accredited institutions, and the maximum possible credits for Navy courses and experience, among the stipulations participating schoolsagreedtofollow

The Navy Voluntary Education program has had two name changes in the past 50 years goingfromNavyCampusforAchievementtoNavyCampusinthe1980stotheNavy CollegeProgramin2000 Overtheyears,the Navy has taken steps to review and analyze itsprogramsandprocesses In2010,theNavy forgedaheadwithaboldmoveincentraliza-

tion and virtualizing its program with the assembly of a new innovative approach to providingeducationservicesdeliveryglobally inthatoftheNavyCollegeVirtualEducation Center(NCVEC),therebyleadingthewaytoa fullyimplementedvirtualeducationprogram with 24/7 access to counseling services and educational programs in 2020 While Sailors’transientlifestyleisstillthesame,today’s VOLEDprogramhaschangedwiththetimes andtechnology Itoffersavarietyofwaysfor Sailorstocompletevarioustypesofeducation throughprogramssuchasTuitionAssistance (TA), which pays tuition for course enrollments toward completion of a certificate, and/or college degrees (Associate, Bachelor and Master) and Navy College Program for Afloat College Education (NCPACE) which is available to Sailors who are assigned to specificdeployablecommands.

“Navy Voluntary Education has been the passport to unlock future educational aspirationsforactive-dutypersonnelforover50 years,”saysJacquelineRhodes,NavyCollege Program’s Future and Support Operations Division Head. “This program has provided countless opportunities for our service members to expand their knowledge and skills,empoweringthemtoexcelbothintheir militarycareersandbeyond.”

Throughout the past five decades, activeduty service members who have participated in off-duty education through the Navy VOLED program have experienced many benefits Increased engagement critical thinking abilities enhanced retention, creativity feedback, and a deeper understanding of military readiness are just a few oftheadvantageshighlightedbyMs.Rhodes “Thiscomprehensiveapproachtoeducation has not only enriched the lives of individual Sailors but has also contributed to the overallreadinessandeffectivenessoftheNavy.”

Navy leaders remain committed to allowing Sailors to further their educational goals Since 1974, the Navy has spent over $1,978,196,578billioninTAfundingfornearly 10 million course enrollments TA is the Navy’s most popular VOLED program, with approximately 15 percent of sailors (around 42,000)participatingatanytime LCDRMollieGreenlund,theNavyCollege Program’sDirector,emphasizesthetransformativepowerofvoluntarylearning “Education enables positive change in one’s life and the wider world Voluntary self-driven education is often the most impactful kind, states LCDR Greenlund. “By choosing to pursue education out of internal motivation rather than external obligation, sailors

develop essential life skills such as perseveranceandself-discipline.”

TheNavyrecognizesthatvoluntarylearningfostersempowermentandgrowthbeyond knowledge acquisition. “The process itself brings meaning and value beyond just the knowledge gained,” adds LCDR Greenlund Proactively seeking out educational opportunities cultivates personal growth and life skills that transcend the subject matter learned. This self-driven pursuit of knowledge is invaluable and worth encouraging amongSailors

AstheNavypreparestocelebratethe50th anniversaryoftheVOLEDprogram,itaimsto share the inspiring success stories of former andcurrentSailorswhohavebenefitedfrom theprogram.Theseindividualshaveachieved personalmilestonesandsignificantlycontributed to Navy mission readiness and accomplishment Through these stories, the Navy hopestoinspireanewgenerationofSailorsto embracetheeducationalresourcesavailable tothemandrealizetheirfullpotential

The VOLED program has played a vital role in retaining talented Sailors within the Navy The program helps foster loyalty and commitment among Sailors by providing educational opportunities and encouraging them to continue their service Additionally, the program is an attractive incentive for potential recruits, displaying the Navy’s commitment to its members’ personal and professionalgrowth.

The Navy’s Voluntary Education program has been a cornerstone in the personal and professional growth of Sailors for the past 50 years, which is why sailors earned more than 178,651 certificates and degrees in the last ten years alone As the Navy commemoratesthismilestone,itaimstopavetheway forabrighterandmoreeducatedfutureforall Sailors,ensuringtheirsuccessbothwithinthe Navyandbeyond

For more information on how to participate: „ Call833-330-MNCC(6622),selectoption 3,“Education&Training,”thenoption1for “NavyTA&Counseling” „ Text-877-838-1659andlivechatwitha NavyCollegeEducationCounselor „ Visitourwebsite,www.navycollege navy.mil,tolivechatwithourEducation Counselorsorusetheself-serviceChatbot „ SubmitaHelpRequest-Ticket: https://30432.livehelpnow.net/ „ SubmitanInquiryviatheIssueTracker inMyNavyEducation:https://myeducation netc.navy.mil/webta/home.html

to expand their personal and professional knowledge, enhance their skills,andincreasetheirreadinesstoperform their duties effectively As the anniversary approaches, the Navy aims to recognize the program’s achievements and inspire a new generation of Sailors to leverage its benefits through a 50th-anniversary celebration and graduation ceremony at Naval Station NorfolkonMay14,2024,at10a.m In 1974, OPNAV Instruction 1560.45 Navy CollegeforAchievement(NCFA)wasformalized. The Navy laid out opportunities available to Sailors with
milestone in its history as it celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Navy’s Voluntary Education (VOLED) program. Since its establishment on May 14, 1974, the program has been pivotal in empowering Sailors to achieve personal and professional growth
educational opportunities Over the past five decades, the VOLED program has had a profound impact, providing thousands of sailors with access to educational resources and enabling them to earn profes-
credentials and college degrees This has allowed Sailors
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost. FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024

Navy launches Culture of Excellence 2.0

Chief of Naval Personnel

The Navy launched Culture of Excellence 2.0 (COE 2.0) with NAVADMIN 05½4 onMarch11,2024,asanactionableapproach to building great culture at every Navy command.

Culture of Excellence 2.0 focuses on building Great People, Great Leaders, and GreatTeams withtheknowledgethatthisis thebestwaytoprepareforvictoryincombat, innovate and solve hard problems, and prevent harmful behaviors It is designed tosimplify,streamline,andaligntraditional Navyprogramswithnewconceptsinorder to close the gap between the Navy’s highest andlowestperformingcommands.

“I am releasing Culture of Excellence 2.0 (COE2.0) thefoundationbywhichourNavy buildsitsWarfighters ourPeople Leaders and Teams as a key enabler of delivering the decisive combat power I talked about in ‘America’s Warfighting Navy,’ Chief of


throughout the United States from billboards and posters to Hollywood productions advisingAmericansinthemilitary,government, industryandthepublictopreventinadvertentdisclosureofimportantinformationto the enemy “It’s just as true and crucial today as it was throughout World War II, said Andy Rovnak, DOD Unauthorized Disclosure Program Management Office (UDPMO) chief Rovnak was reflecting on how the U.S. Office of War Information’s campaign to protect critical information focused on specific rules of conduct established to protect strategic military plans, national security the American people and warfightersdeployedontwofrontsandaround the globe

“Deterring, detecting and mitigating unauthorized disclosure is everyone’s responsibility it’s our military, government and civic duty,” said Rovnak in a February2024interviewwithDCSAGatekeeper magazine “We’ve got to be very careful in what we say and do We’re not just talking on the phone we’re on cyber while people are trying to compromise the integrity of our networks and our cyber capability It’s where we are right now in the state of the world, and we must avoid any release of classified or secure information which could damage our national security.”

Rovnak leads the UDPMO team one of several DCSA counter insider threat teams comprising the DOD Insider Threat Management and Analysis Center (DITMAC) in their efforts to help prevent unauthorized disclosure or leaks ofnon-publicinformation,crucialtomaintaining the nation’s security, personnel safety and public trust.

“The‘looselipssinkships’campaignalso applies to the unauthorized disclosure of sensitiveunclassifiedinformation,”hesaid. “Althoughunclassified,thissensitivematerial could enable our adversaries and any potentialadversariestoidentifyandexploit vulnerabilities Itwouldallowthemtosteal anduseourintellectualpropertyandtechnology against us, leading to an increased

Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti wroteinthenavaladministrativemessage

Culture of Excellence 2.0 is written for command triads and leaders at all levels but it can also be used by every member of theNavyTeam,includingcivilians,todefine what great culture looks like at every Navy command.

Several products accompany the launch These include a new COE 2.0 visual placemat that serves as a concise explanation of “what right looks like,” and a playbook that serves as a comprehensive guide to implementCOE2.0atthecommandlevel.

“By being boldly transparent and selfaware,webuildcombatTeamsthatareready foranycontingencyinanydomain,”Master ChiefPettyOfficeroftheNavyJamesHonea wroteintheCOE2.0playbook.“Inorderfor COE 2.0 to be truly successful, every Sailor must see themselves in this document. We must recognize through COE 2.0 how we make ourselves better how we make our Shipmates better, and how we make our combat Teams better Leaders must clearly


Building on Get Real, Get Better principles the Navy recognized COE 2.0 as an opportunitytoempowerNavyLeaderswith new resources, such as the Commander’s RiskMitigationDashboard(CRMD)andthe VirtualCO’sSuggestionBox. These tools intend to help command triadsbetterunderstandhowtheycanrecognizeandactontheneedsoftheirPeople.

“Culture of Excellence 2.0 will be implemented in every Navy command, in order to have a direct and tangible impact on the Quality of Service of our Sailors,” said Rear Adm. Brett Mietus, Director of the Navy Office of Culture and Force Resilience. “It’s not a new requirement or checklist, but a radical simplification of traditional Navy ideas, ideals, and programs combined with newer concepts in order to provide every command with the tools necessary to build warfighters and teams ready to fight and win.


such as suicide prevention, sexual assault prevention and response and Warrior Toughness as well as more recent initiatives such as the Navy Women’s Initiative Team (Navy-WIT) and the Mental Health Playbook.

In 2019, the Navy released initial guidance for building Culture of Excellence in NAVADMIN 254⁄19 This effort provided a seriesoftoolsforSailorstostrengthenfleetwideculture.However,itdidnotachieveits desiredeffectforseveralreasons,toinclude theimpactofCOVID-19,toomuchcomplexity,andanincompleteapproachtobuilding culture The new COE 2.0 guidance intentionallyrefrainsfromcreatingnewtasksfor commands, and instead prioritizes a realistic,holisticapproach.

For more information on COE 2.0 concepts, visit the Navy Culture of Excellencewebsite:https://www.mynavyhr.navy mil/Support-Services/Culture-Resilience/ Culture-of-Excellence/

risk of mission failure and potential loss of life.”

Anunauthorizeddisclosureoccurswhen trusted individuals inside an organization communicates or physically transfers classified national security information or controlled unclassified information including Operations Security critical information and indicators to an unauthorized recipient “There are multiple threats out there and we’re losing intellectual property to unauthorized recipients,” said Rovnak, pointing out that recipients span external threats such as nation state actors to criminal entities who target the federal government, defense industrial base and American citizens. “If information in the careofgovernmentonbehalfofitscitizens toprotectthenationisexposed someone will take advantage of it. The same is true withpersonalinformation.Thetechnological revolution and transformation into a digital society since the World War II era resulted in a fragility in how we operate fromaninformationstandpointthatdidn’t exist back then. Someone without nationstate capabilities can interfere and cause a significant amount of damage They’re abletogettheinformationquickernowand turnitaroundfasteragainstus Ifsomeone knows about a vulnerability that person can use ChatGPT and write code that may go out to exploit that vulnerability.

This knowledge released through an unauthorizeddisclosureofclassifiedinformationorcontrolledunclassifiedinformation (CUI) can happen in various ways It couldbedisclosedintentionally,negligently or inadvertently through leaks data spills espionage and improper safeguarding of nationalsecurityinformation.Whenclassified information is involved, unauthorized disclosure can be categorized as a type of threat or security incident, characterized as an infraction or violation depending on the seriousness of the incident.

“My UDPMO team coordinates the reporting of unauthorized disclosures within the Department of Defense to ensure prompt and complete delivery of case referrals to the Department of Justice and DOD senior officials for administrativeaction,civilremediesorcriminalprosecution,” Rovnak explained “We are also charged with promoting collaboration

and information sharing of unauthorized disclosureinformationacrossDODandthe intelligence community.”

Since April 2023 when he arrived at DCSA, Rovnak carried out his UDPMO vision to provide continuous workforce engagement activities that reinforce the importance of protecting DOD information from unauthorized access or disclosure while providing it to those who need it, plus gaining efficiencies to deter, detect and mitigate instances of unauthorized disclosure.

“This requires a deliberate enterprise-wide effort to ensure everyone understands the importance of appropriate information sharing and safeguarding across the department and the role they have in providing protection of classified national security Information and CUI from those who don’t have an appropriate need to know,” said Rovnak. “Our goal for this year is to provide a measurable reduction of DOD unauthorized disclosures through focused security awareness training activities that change human behavior toward the direction of prevention We are planning to increase collaborationandengagementwiththeworkforce as key elements to improve the identification investigation tracking and reporting of unauthorized disclosures in 2024.”

The Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information and CUI course available on the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) Security Awareness Hub provides an overview of unauthorized disclosure, including specific types of unauthorized disclosure and some common misconceptions about unauthorized disclosure. The course also discusses the types of damage caused by unauthorized disclosure and the various sanctions one could face if caught engaging in unauthorized disclosure. CDSE also providesresourcestobringsecurityexpertise straight to any organization, including those for unauthorized disclosure.

In support of the January 2024 OPSEC

Awareness Month the Unauthorized Disclosure Program Management Office held three ‘Unauthorized Disclosure 101’ briefs to the DOD workforce, attended by over 350 individuals

The UDPMO team is immediately notified of all incidents involving the release

of classified national security information and CUI in the public domain. Notifications to UDPMO include the release or enabledtheftofinformationrelatingtoany defense operation, system or technology determined to be classified national security information or CUI.

The team is also alerted to incidents of classified information or CUI disclosed to an unauthorized person or persons resultinginanindividual’sadministrativeaction, referralforcriminalorcounterintelligence investigation, or the suspension or revocation of a security clearance

“Everyone has a civic duty to say something if they see an unauthorized disclosure,” said Rovnak. “If they report it to us, we can work to mitigate it, but I need to be informed It’s crucial to report a potential unauthorizeddisclosuretotheappropriate authorities.”

When UDPMO receives a confirmed report of unauthorized disclosure in the public domain, the team submits a crime report to the Department of Justice Included in the report are findings from a preliminary inquiry conducted by the affected component; a damage and impact assessment; and a media leaks questionnaire for the unauthorized disclosures appearing in the media.

In terms of reporting unauthorized disclosures the DOD Whistleblower Protection allows individuals to report information they reasonably believe provides evidence of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation, gross mismanagement, a

This COE 2.0 printable placemat serves as a concise explanation of“what right looks like,”setting a standard forgreat culture across the fleet.The Navylaunched Culture ofExcellence 2.0 (COE 2.0)with NAVADMIN 05½4 on March 11,2024,as an actionable approach to building great culture at everyNavycommand.Culture ofExcellence 2.0 focuses on building Great People, Great Leaders,and GreatTeams,with the knowledge that this is the bestwayto prepare forvictoryin combat innovate and solve hard problems,and prevent harmful behaviors.It is designed to simplify streamline,and align traditional Navyprogramswith newconcepts in orderto close the gap between the Navy’s highest and lowest performing commands.(GRAPHICSBYPETTY OFFICER1STCLASSJEANETTEMULLINAX,CHIEFOFNAVALPERSONNEL)
Security Agency
was World War II and the “loose lips sink ships” slogan sprang up
gross waste of funds, abuse of authority, orasubstantialdangertopublichealthand safety to designated officials via specific channels Additional information regarding DoD Whistleblower Protection is available on the DoD Inspector General website at www.dodig.mil. Those making contractor disclosures in response to Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.203-13 Contractor Business Ethics Compliance Program and Disclosure Requirements can find relevant instructions at www dodig.mil/Programs/Contractor-Disclosure-Program. The differences between unauthorized disclosure and protected whistleblowing are further clarified at https://www.cdse.edu/Training/Toolkits/ Unauthorized-Disclosure-Toolkit/.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024 3
War II slogan is crucial to preventing unauthorized disclosure in 2024 - DITMAC team working to reduce unauthorized disclosures, training DOD workforce

Health survey will be used to provide better care, assess readiness

The Defense Department is now fielding the 2024 Health Related Behaviors Survey tonearly250,000randomlyselectedactivedutyservicemembers


This year’s survey includes questions aboutmentalandphysicalhealth substance use,andotherhealthtopicsrelatedtoservice memberreadiness

“The survey is the department’s flagship surveyforunderstandinghealth,health-related behaviors, and well-being of service members,allowing leaderstobetterunderstand the readiness of the force,” said Navy Capt. Kenneth Richter director of psychological health for the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. “Increased participation by servicemembershelpsdevelopconclusions thatbetterrepresenttheoverallpopulation oftheDOD.”

Survey answers are confidential, and a participant’s responses are not shared with thedepartmentorservicebranchesinaway thatcanidentifythem,hesaid

“Someofthemajorfindingsfromthe2018 survey showed an increase from the 2015 survey in reports of health-related behaviorsthatareassociatedwithpooroutcomes However, service members’ self-reported behaviors appeared [at] or above general population benchmarks set by the U.S.

DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices forphysicalhealthandfunctioning,includingratesofobesity,frequencyofexerciseand high-riskgroupHIVtesting,”Richtersaid

Since 1980, DOD has partnered with third-party survey assessors to gauge health-relatedtrendswithintheforce Typi-

cally offered every two or three years the surveyhasevolvedfromfocusingstrictlyon substance use and abuse to a broader look at service member health and well-being, Richtersaid

Daniel Evatt, the chief of the research execution section at the Defense Health

Agency’s Psychological Health Center of Excellence,alsoemphasizedtheimportance ofthesurveyinunderstandingthehealthof theforce

“Ifmembersofaparticularoccupationor demographicgroupdon’thaveahighrateof response,thenwemaynothaveaverygood understanding of the needs of that group,” Evatt said “If you are invited to respond then your answers will help make sure that we understand experiences of service memberslikeyou.

“The final results [of the survey] are read andusedbypolicymakers,programmanagers and researchers, and they can help us direct care where it is needed most,” Evatt said “Sometimes the findings tell us that a behaviorissueismoreorlesscommonthan previouslythought.”

Ifselectedtoparticipate servicemembers willreceiveanemailwithalinktotheirmilitaryemailaddressesrecordedintheDefense EnrollmentEligibilityReportingSystem DODhaspartneredwiththeRANDCorp., a private research and analysis company, to conduct the survey. Recipients will receive an email from 2024hrbs.com with a survey control number and a link to the welcome page For more information and an extensive FAQonthepurposeofthesurvey,recipients canvisithealth.mil/HRBS

Defense Logistics Agency strengthens allies, international security through foreign military sales

Air Force as they transfer service-managedplatformslikeF-16fighter aircraft and M777 howitzers to global FMS customers DSCA and the services then lean on DLA to meet international needs for repair parts that keep FMS equipment running South Korea and Canada are among the allied partners that DLA supports through FMS butcurrentcrisesinUkraineandIsrael alsodrivesomeoftheagency’scurrentFMS work.

“A large amount of our support is toward sustainmentandmaterialreadinessforboth ground and aviation equipment in those regions,”saidHinson.

Though repair parts make up the bulk of DLA’s participation in FMS cases managed at service levels, two DLA entities manage casesoftheirown:DLADispositionServices and the Defense Logistics Information Service.DLADispositionServicesprovides excess material to eligible countries on an as-is, where-is basis Typical examples include medical equipment, office equipment, basic field equipment, clothing and spareparts Excesstacticalvehiclesmayalso betransferredifavailable.

DLIS provides foreign customers with coding and cataloging data for DLA-manageditems aswell Theinformationshared ranges from national stock numbers and maximum-release quantities to item description and weight. DLIS can also provide tailored information depending on nations’uniqueneeds.

“DLIShasassistedcountriesthatarelooking for alternate items when the current NSN they have is no longer available, for example, saidRayWoods alsoaDLAFMS account manager and DSCA liaison. “They canevenhelpgetcatalogingdatatranslated and provide maintenance instructions That type of support has been significant forUkraine.”

Requesting Support

For an FMS case to begin, a letter of request must be sent from the eligible foreignnation’sembassytotheU.S.Embassy Eachcaseisuniqueandmayrequirediscussionstodeveloprequirementsandanactionableagreement TheStateDepartmenthelps determine what the requester may or may not have. From there, requests are filtered

downtoacasemanagerthroughDSCA,and the case manager works with the nation to build a letter of acceptance outlining the transaction,toincludehowmuchofanitem the customer needs, when they want it and otherterms.

Allrequestsincludetheamountthebuyer will spend and indicate whether the partner knows what they’ll buy A request that outlines which items will be purchased is known as a Cooperative Logistics Supply SupportAgreement,whichhelpsDLAproject future demand and invest in additional stock.

“WithCLSSA,they’retellingus,‘I’mgoing to buy these things and I’m going to give you 30% upfront to use toward my future purchases,’”Woodssaid.

Requests that don’t identify the specific items needed are non-CLSSA, or blanket-order cases for designated timeframes Customers are aware such orders can take longer to fulfill, Woods said, adding that the agency tracks material availability to measure how well it meets needs The goal for CLSSA items is 85% although it’s currentlyat89%forthefourmajorweapons systemsDLAsupportsinIsrael.

“Currently non-CLSSA has a material availability of 65.8%, which is very good for itemswedonotdemandplanfor,”hecontinued.

Hinson pointed out that DLA can sometimesovercomeavailabilityobstacles,especiallyforurgentneeds

“When there’s been an aircraft on the ground that a particular nation needed for missionsupport,forexample,wewereable to move material out much quicker than normal,evenwithin30days.”

In cases where foreign partners use equipment U.S. forces no longer use, FMS requests include an agreement that DLA willcontinuetosupportsustainmentneeds despitelowdemands.

“If parts are no longer in our inventory, DLAitemmanagerswillworkwithindustry to procure them, but the customer understands the lead time for those items can be potentially long and they’re willing to wait ifit’snotareadinesspriority,”saidWoods.

OrdersforFMSitemsenterDLAthrough the same automated systems used by U.S. military customers but include a unique code that identifies the buyer as an FMS customer Woods added that DLA charges FMScustomersthesameitdoesotherorganizations,butthecustomerreliesonathirdparty logistics provider to pick up material fromDLAlocationsandshipitinternationally Foreign partners are also required to use itemsasspecifiedintheagreementandmust disposeofmaterialontheirown.

“We constantly remind countries that once items have been received, they can’t return them to us,” said Hinson However, DSCA’sWorldwideWarehouseRedistributionServiceallowsFMScustomerstoresell excesssparepartstootheralliedpartners.

“So if one nation purchases five widgets but only needs two, it can make the other threeavailablethroughWWRS,”hecontinued Monthly and quarterly meetings with international customers help make DLA’s support successful, Woods added. Discussions focus on whether the agency is doing enough to meet sustainment requirements andpossiblesupplydiscrepancies

“The countries have invested in their supplychainsbysendingwhatweconsider security liaisons or senior logisticians here to the United States on two-year rotations, so those are the representatives that we’re in touch with on a continual basis,” said Hinson.“Theyalsohavepointsofcontactat ourmajorsubordinatecommandstoresolve issuesastheysurface.”

The benefits of DLA’s participation in FMSsurpassinteroperability.Largerorders for similar items help the agency achieve better prices for all customers while also supportingU.S.foreignpolicy,saidWoods.

“We’re not the only nation with a robust supply chain. If we don’t stay in close ties and collaboration with our NATO countries they have the option to go elsewhere toprocuresustainmentfortheirequipment, said Hinson, pointing to adversaries such as China. “But any time we share parts for weaponssystemsthataresimilarorthesame asthoseusedbyourallies,we’remoreeffectiveasateam.”

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DOD News
Sailors prepare fora morning foreign object debriswalk-down aboard the USS George Washington in theAtlantic Ocean,March 1,2024.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSAUGUSTCLAWSON)
Defense Logistics Agency A program that transfers America’s defenseequipmenttointernationalpartners givestheU.S.anditsalliesanupperhandon thebattlefield
want to be interoperable with our NATO partners, and the Foreign Military Sales program allows us to work succinctly and without delay in a time of crisis,” said Andre Hinson FMS account manager for theDefenseLogisticsAgencyandliaisonto theDefenseSecurityCooperationAgency. FMS is authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act. The U.S. Department of State oversees the program while DSCA administers it on behalf of the Defense Department. Most individual cases are implemented by the Army, Navy and
AU.S.soldierassigned to the 3rd InfantryDivisionworkswith a Ukrainian soldierduring M-109 Self-Propelled Howitzermaintenance training at GrafenwoehrTrainingArea,Germany,May25,2022.Majorweapons systems are transferred to allied partners through the Foreign Military Sales program and the Defense LogisticsAgencysupplies repairparts to help customers sustain equipment throughout the lifecycle.(U.S.ARMY
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Camp Lemonnier Sailors take the Navy-wide advancement exam

CAMPLEMONNIER,Djibouti Forward-deployedenlistedSailors tooktheNavy-wideadvancementexam(NWAE)atCampLemonnier, Djibouti,Feb.9,2024.EligibleSailorsinE-4andE-5paygradestakethe NWAEtobeeligibleforpromotiontothenextrank.

“AdvancementthroughexamsensuresthatSailorsarecompetentand capable of fulfilling higher roles and responsibilities within the Navy organizationalstructure,”saidChiefNavyCounselorMelanieAcevedo

To take the advancement exam, all Sailors must meet time-in-rate requirements and receive a recommendation for promotion by their commandingofficerorofficerincharge.

However, exam grades are just one factor in the final multiple score thatranksSailorsofeachratingforadvancementconsideration

“The exams allow the Navy to identify and promote qualified individuals based on their knowledge and performance, said Acevedo “It alsopromotesfairnessandanequalopportunityforcareerprogression.”

The ability to take the NWAE in a forward-operating environment is unique Camp Lemonnier provides this opportunity to enhance the Navy’sabilitiesandinvestintheSailorswhodriveitsmissionforward

“Answering our nation’s call to deploy while still being offered the opportunitytoforwardourcareeradministrativelyisanadvantagethat we’reproudtoofferourSailors,”saidAcevedo

All qualified E-3 Sailors are selected for advancement using alternaterankorder achangethatoccurredin2023withNAVADMIN274⁄22 Therefore,E-3sailorsnolongertaketheNWAEforadvancementtoE-4. CampLemonnierisanoperationalinstallationthatenablesU.S.,allied andpartnernationforcestobewheretheyareneededtoensuresecurity andprotectU.S.interests.

enlisted Sailors take the Navy-wide advancement exam at Camp Lemonnier Djibouti,Feb.9,2024.Camp Lemonnierprovides this opportunityto enhance the Navy’s abilities and invest in the Sailorswho drive its mission forward.Camp Lemonnieris an operational installation that enables U.S.,allied and partnernation forces to bewhere theyare needed to ensure securityand protect U.S.interests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYINFORMATIONSYSTEMTECHNICIAN2NDCLASSDOMINIQUEALLISON) ByJuliusEvans Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command, Williamsburg, Va March is Women’s History Month and this year’s theme is “Women Who Have MadeGreatAchievements.”Thisisinrecognitionofthecountlesscontributionswomen havemadeincreatingapositiveandbrighter future.Women’scontributionsareacknowledged throughout March, a time when we celebrate the struggles and accomplishments of women throughout U.S. history NMRLC’s Special Assistant/Safety Officer, Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, shares a thought on why Women’s History Month is important toher. NMRLC celebrates Women’s History Month NMRLC’s DMLSS Administrator Ms.Rita Lopez,shared thoughts onwhyWomen’s History Month is important to her (PHOTOBYJULIUSEVANS) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024

the Nimitz-class carriers has endured for decades and continues America’s naval dominance.

Aircraft carriers are powerful symbols of naval power, and the United States Navy hasarichhistorywiththesemassivevessels PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) represents the cutting-edge of carrier technology and is the latest addition to this history The game-changing platform came to life 102 yearsago righthereinHamptonRoads.

The origins of U.S. aircraft carriers trace back to the early 20th century, a time when naval strategists envisioned the transformative potential of integrating aircraft into naval operations Naval aviation became possibleonNovember14,1910,whenEugene Elyflewoffamakeshiftplatformonthelight cruiserUSSBirmingham(CL62)inNorfolk, Virginia.

Theexperimental platform soonevolved into a crucial component of naval power projection with the commissioning of USS

Langley (CV 1) on March 20 1922, after being converted from the collier USS Jupiter (AC 3). What began as an experimental platformsoonevolvedintoacrucialcomponentofnavalpowerprojection. World War II served as a crucible that tested and validated the strategic importanceofaircraftcarriers.ThePacifictheater, in particular, became a hotbed for carrier-centric warfare with iconic battles like Midway and Coral Sea demonstrating the decisive role carrier-based aircraft played. USS Yorktown (CV 5) and USS Enterprise (CV 6) emerged as legendary carriers, cementing the carrier’s status as a linchpin innavalstrategy The Cold War era saw the United States andtheSovietUnionengageinanavalarms race, with aircraft carriers playing a critical role in power projection. Carriers like the USSNimitz(CVN68)emerged introducing nuclearpropulsionforincreasedendurance and operational range The prominence of

Fast-forwardingtothepresentday,JohnF. Kennedystandsasatestamenttotheongoing commitment of the U.S. Navy to push the boundaries of naval aviation. As the secondshipintheFordclass followingUSS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), John F. Kennedy represents the pinnacle of technological advancementandaircraftcarrierdesign.

John F. Kennedy’s keel was laid in Newport News, Virginia, on Aug. 22, 2015, marking the beginning of a new chapter in carrier evolution Launched on October 29, 2019, and christened on December 7, 2019 the carrier pays homage to the legacy of President John F. Kennedy a Navy veteran himself.

Designedtomaximizethestrikingpower of its embarked air wing, the Ford-class aircraft carriers boast technological innovations that include an advanced nuclear propulsion system and upgraded electrical power generation capacity, positioning the carrierattheforefrontofnavalcapabilities.

NotablefeaturessuchastheElectromagneticAircraftLaunchSystem(EMALS)and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) represent

a departure from traditional catapult and landing systems, showcasing the Navy’s ongoing dedication to cutting-edge technology The carrier’s capacity to accommodate up to 90 aircraft, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, underscores its versatility andpotency WithascheduleddeliverytotheU.S.Navy in2025,JohnF.Kennedyispoisedtobecome a cornerstone of American naval power. As the carrier inches closer to commissioning and delivery, the crew does its part by preparing to operate the world’s most advancedaircraftcarrier. This history reflects not only technological progress but also a continual adaptation to the international landscape. From their humble beginnings to the sophisticated carriers of today, these floating airfields have become vital assets, projecting American power and influence across the seas As the Navy continues to evolve, the legacy of aircraft carriers remains a testament to the enduring strategic importance of naval aviation in safeguarding national interests andglobalstability

From 1 to 79 In the aftermath ofWorldWarI,the collierJupiterwas converted into the U.S.Navy’s first aircraft carrieras USS Langley(CV-1),and recommissioned Langley(CV1) on 20 March 1922 (U.S NAVAL HISTORYANDHERITAGECOMMAND CATALOG#:NH63546) The Perfect Business Partner Has years of business experience. Doesn’t request the corner office. Always has the inside scoop on business trends. NEWS News you can use and reports about Hampton Roads from a business perspective. FEATURES In-depth profiles of local companies and business leaders, trends from around the country that are taking hold in Hampton Roads. LEADS DATA:Abusiness community bulletin board of the latest acquisitions, mergers, new products, community service and other achievements of Hampton Roads businesses. CALENDAR: Themost comprehensive listing of the area’s meetings, events and networking opportunities. PUBLIC RECORDS: Weekly listings of new business licenses and new corporations. PEOPLE Briefs about promotions, new hires, retirements, certifications and other achievements of those in the local business community EXPERTCOLUMNS Local professionals in the areas of law,finance, management, sales and more, offer advice and updates of what’s happening within their industries. SPECIAL REPORTS Inside Business offers quarterly,semiannual special reports with the latest developments, trends and profiles of companies and people in awide variety of industries. SPECIAL EVENTS & PUBLICATIONS Inside Business publishes special projects coordinated with events to recognize the TopForty Under 40, Best Places to Work, Women in Business and many more. $49 Forone year of weekly issues $69 Fortwo years of weekly issues $89 Forthree years of weekly issues www.insidebiz.com/subscribe www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024 7
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 21 2024


Ifyouwanttoseehowtheworldcouldbe, thentheplacetobeistheChryslerHallfrom March26th-March31stfortheBroadwayin NorfolkseriesNationalTourofHadestown whereasongcanchangeyourfate.

Hadestown is the winner of eight 2019 Tony Awards® including Best Musical and the 2020 Grammy® Award for Best Musical Theater Album. It has been the talk of thetown.Herearesomequotesfromworld renowncritics:



“YOUR NEXT MUSICAL THEATER OBSESSION” —Julia Felsenthal, Vogue “SPELLBINDING. Hadestown, for a while,makesthewholeworldforgetitstroubles.” —Marilyn Stasio, Variety

“The songs are gorgeous, the band is hot, andthelyricsareeerilyaptforthetimes.”

RolloRomig,TheNewYorker Hadestown has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes including a

15minuteintermissionandisrecommended forageseightandabove

Yiorgo: With us today is one of the stars of Hadestown Amaya Braganza Welcome Amaya Tell us why should people come to

see Hadestown? What will they see, hear andexperience?

Amaya Braganza: Thank you so much. I am very happy to be here. People should come see it because I feel like there is so much beauty in this story, in the text and in themusicaswell.It’snotyourtypicalmusical theatre show. It has a very folky vibe to theshowandalsoifyouloveGreekmythology and a modern take on it, then this is a show for you. There is so much beauty and loveinthisshow

It is a love story intertwining the tales of both new and old love Between Orpheus and Eurydice as well as Hades and Persephone. It’s a beautiful poetic story based on Greek mythology with many scenes that relatetoourworldtoday.

Y:Withoutgivingtoomuchaway,whatis thestoryabout?

AB: It is based on the Greek story of OrpheusandEurydiceaswellasHadesand Persephoneandthestrugglesbutalsobeauty withinthatnewandoldlove It’sahaunting truth of the world we live in yet a hopeful oneforthebetter.

Y:HowaccurateorfaithfulisHadestown totheGreekmythsportrayedinthestory?

AB:Withoutspoilingtoomuch,Ifeellike Anaïs Mitchell, the writer of the show, did

the Military Child of the Year® Awardhasshonealightontheremarkableinfluencetheseextraordinary young individuals have had on their families, schools, and communities This year’s award winners will be honored at a gala attheHyattRegencyCrystalCityinArlington,VAonApril11.Each recipient will also receive a $10,000 grant, a laptop computer, and otherdonatedgifts.

“While each of our seven awardees’ stories are as compelling as theyareunique,theyshareseveralcommonattributesthathelpput

their experiences, and those of the millions of other military kids that serve all of us along with their parents, into perspective: resiliency, strength, and service,” says Brig. Gen. (ret.) John I. Pray Jr., CEO of Operation Homefront. “We are so proud to recognize the impacttheyhavehad,andwillcontinuetohave ontheirrespective communitiesandourcountry.”

This year’s Military Child of the Year® Award recipients have movedacombined37timesandlivedthrough247monthsofdeployments They

From top left clockwise: MatthewPatrickQuinn,Lana Gordon,J.Antonio Rodriguez,Will Mann,Amaya Braganza and companyin the Hadestown NorthAmericanTour2023.(PHOTOBYT. CHARLESERICKSON)
all about it PressRelease SAN ANTONIO, Texas Seven exceptional military children excelling in academics, community involvement, and peer leadership have a new award to add to their list: Operation Homefront MilitaryChildoftheYear® Thenationalnonprofit,whosemissionis tobuildstrong stable andsecuremilitaryfamilies announcedrecipients of its 2024 premier award, following a nationwide search to identifyandcelebrateoutstandingmilitarychildren,whichgarnered morethan700nominations. Thesevenrecipientsrepresentthearmedforcesbranchinwhich a parent either serves or has served Army, Marine Corps, Navy, AirForce,CoastGuard,NationalGuard,andSpaceForce.Theselection was based on scholarship volunteerism, leadership, extracurricularinvolvement andothercriteria Winnerswereselectedbya distinguished panel of volunteer judges who support the military community This year marks the 16th year
The Broadway National Tour of Hadestown comes to Chrysler Hall March 26th-31st,
have logged 3,667 volunteer hours in the 12 months beforenominations The 2024 awardees are: „ Army:AllisonCandelario,17,Yorktown,VA Allison Candelario, Operation Homefront’s 2024 Military Child of the Year® for the Army, learned the value of empathy and began envisioning her future as a pediatric surgeon when she was diagnosedwithbreastcanceratage13 Allison,18,isasenioratGrafton HighSchoolinYorktown,Virginia. She is the daughter of Maria and Sgt. Maj. Daniel Candelario, whosemilitaryservicespans26yearsacrosstheArmy,Marines,and AirForceReserves CurrentlyservinginKuwait,Sgt.Maj.Candelario has been deployed for a total of seven years of Allison’s life Her brother also serves in the Army, highlighting a strong family tradiOperation Homefront announces 2024 Military Child of the Year® award recipients Yorktown, VA teen named Military Child of the Year representing the Army Allison Candelario 2024 MilitaryChild ofthe Year® fortheArmy.(COURTESYPHOTO) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Will Mann and companyin the Hadestown NorthAmericanTour2023.(PHOTOBYT.CHARLES ERICKSON) Easy Easter Eats: One-pan dishes to make hosting simple EasterRoastwith asparagus,carrots and potatoes RefrigeratorRolls and Blueberry Crumble fordessert. PageC4 TurntoMilitaryChildoftheYear Page 2 TurntoHadestown, Page 3 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 21 2024 1

Put rain to work with these DIY home and garden improvements

Reduce water costs and stormwater pollution at the same time! April showers bring May flowers—making March an ideal time to get a jump on the spring growing season. An easy, affordable way to put nature’s watery bounty to work is by installing a rain barrel on your property. This home improvement will collect and store rainwater for outdoor watering needs—reducing water costs and runoff pollution at the same time.

“When attached to a downspout, rain barrels prevent rainwater from entering the storm drain, storing it for later use on lawns, gardens and plants,” said Rebekah Eastep, a team leader with the askHRgreen.org region-wide public awareness and education initiative. “This alone makes rain barrels a valuable use of ‘free water.’ But by averting polluted runoff from the yard, a rain barrel helps to keep soil erosion and flooding at bay, too.” Rainwater flows along rooftops, driveways, and sidewalks, picking up dirt, trash, motor oil, fertilizers, pet waste and other pollutants. The debris washes into the storm drain system, then out to local creeks, rivers and Chesapeake Bay.

You can find ready-to-install rain barrels in local hardware, home and garden and do-it-yourself stores across Hampton Roads. Or, for less than $100, you can make one by installing a hose bib to a heavy-duty trash can using a drill, screws and nylon screening. (See directions below).

Another option is to snag a spot in one of the popular askHRgreen.org rain barrel workshops, held throughout the region. Attendees pay $25 for a rain barrel they assemble during the workshop and then install at home. These low-cost workshops are made possible by grants from the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund and the sale of Virginia Chesapeake Bay license plates. Look for workshop announcements by following the askHRgreen.org blog at askhrgreen.org/blog/.

Tips for reducing stormwater pollution

Beyond rain barrels, here are more ways to reduce stormwater pollution:

„ Test your lawn soil before adding lawn fertilizer. Over fertilizing can result in runoff of chemicals into local waterways. Test the soil first, with a do-it-yourself kit available at home and garden stores or from the Virginia Cooperative Extension. The results will help you decide how much fertilizer to apply to achieve a healthy lawn.

„ Leave grass clippings on the lawn. You can avoid using fertilizer altogether by mulching grass clippings back into the yard, providing a free, natural source of nitrogen.

„ Seed bare spots. Bald spots in the yard may cause you to lose topsoil when it rains. If these are in shady areas, consider replacing grass with shade-loving groundcovers and plants.

„ Choose more plants/less lawn. Trees, shrubs and perennials will help reduce the negative effects of stormwater runoff better than a lawn. When possible, choose native plants, which can be drought-tolerant, disease-resistant and will attract important insects, birds and wildlife to your yard. For inspiration, check the Native Plants for Southeastern Virginia Guide, published by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program.

„ Mulch bedding areas. Mulch helps to control erosion, retain moisture, stabilize the soil temperature and prevent weeds. Leaves


tion of military service.

Allison was a freshman when her journey from breast cancer patient to survivor began. The experience, she said, became the foundation of her commitment to shaping a kind, compassionate future.

“My aim is to become a pediatric surgeon who can not only heal bodies but also etch values of empathy into the hearts of patients,” she said. “This experience ignited in me a determination to carry forward the values of empathy and compassion.”

Allison logged 880 volunteer hours in the past year, some of it working with a hospital’s surgical intensive care unit nurses, delivering meals to patients, and cleaning operating rooms. For her Girl Scout Gold Award project, she collaborated with women’s health professionals to develop a curriculum for teaching girls about their bodies.

Her resilience developed early and strengthened with each of the family’s seven permanent change of station moves. Since Allison was in kindergarten, her family has moved every three years. She urges others to embrace the transient lifestyle of military families.

are a natural source of mulch that you can keep out of the storm drain by putting them in plant bedding areas.

„ For those who live on the water, create a wide plant buffer between your home and the shoreline. This will intercept sediments and filter out pollutants that run off the land.

„ Use downspout extensions. To address standing water around a home’s foundation, consider installing downspout extensions. Extending the downspout allows you to aim the flow of rainwater away from the foundation and other paved areas. Direct the flow towards lawn or garden areas instead so rainwater can safely soak into the ground.

“Being conscientious about managing stormwater will help keep pollutants out of the rain’s path,” Eastep said. “Not only will it improve your property, but it will also improve the health of our local waterways and the ecosystems that depend on them.”

For more tips on working smarter in your yard, visit askhrgreen.org/lawn-gardenbest-practices/.

Low-cost rain barrel workshops from askHRgreen.org

Volunteers with askhrgreen.org will host rain barrel workshops at locations throughout Hampton Roads in March and April. Attendees pay only $25 for the rain barrel to assemble during the workshop and install at home. Look for workshop announcements by following the askHRgreen.org blog at

“Each new assignment is an opportunity to leave a mark, whether it’s by fostering connections, initiating positive changes, or simply being a source of support for others,” she said. “From a young age, I’ve learned to navigate new environments, cultures, and communities. … This adaptability has been a significant advantage.”

She is eager to put the skills to use in the fall when she enters Virginia Tech, where she plans to earn a degree in biochemistry before attending medical school.

Service/Leadership Highlights

„ Member of Grafton High School Student Council Association

„ Earned 30 college credits as dual-enrollment student at Virginia Peninsula Community College

„ Captain of the speech and debate team; state champion in dramatic interpretation „ Girl Scout Gold Award recipient

„ Volunteer at Riverside Regional Medical Center on surgery floor, post-anesthesia care unit, and other areas

„ Spanish, math, history, English, and science honor societies

„ Volunteer of the Year for the 594th Transportation Company, in the 101st Sustainment Brigade

„ Over 1,000 hours of community service

https://askhrgreen.org/blog/. Build your own rain barrel with these instructions

Total construction time averages 10 to 15 minutes, and the cost is approximately $45 depending on the size of the trash can purchased.

Parts you will need:

„ 1 — Heavy duty trash can „ 1 — ½” Hose bib

„ 1 — 6” Chimney pipe trim collar

„ 2 — ½” Faucet tailpipe nuts

„ 2 — #15 O-rings „ 1 — ½” Threaded nipple „ 1 — ½” Threaded PVC extender „ 4 — Small screws „ 1 — piece 7”x 7” nylon screen


„ Drill w/ screw tip „ ¾” paddle drill bit

„ Tin Snips or Jig Saw


„ Drill ¾” hole approximately 3” to 4” from bottom of barrel.

„ Drill ¾” hole near top of barrel.

„ Screw ½” threaded nipple into hose bib and insert into bottom hole.

„ Slide O-ring over threaded nipple from inside of barrel and screw on faucet tailpipe nut until secure.

„ Insert ½” threaded PVC extender into upper hole.

since third grade

Favorite Quote: “This too shall pass.” — Abraham Lincoln

Additional winners include:

„ Air Force: Noelani Martinez, 16, San Antonio, TX

„ Coast Guard: Charlotte Tama, 18, Washington, DC

„ Marine Corps: Isabella Arrieta, 17, Murrieta, CA „ National Guard: Caleb Hatch, 19, Boulder, CO

„ Navy: Lindsay Carstairs, 17, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

„ Space Force: Taylor Walsh, 17, Arlington, VA

The above bios can be viewed online at https://operationhomefront.org/2024-military-child-of-the-year-award-recipients/

In addition, 28 finalists were awarded a special one-time $1,000 cash award.

RTX is the program’s presenting sponsor. Additional sponsors include BODYARMOR Sports Nutrition, Impossible Foods, Caesars Entertainment, Procter & Gamble, Kellanova, University of Cincinnati Online,

„ Slide O-ring onto threaded end from inside and secure with faucet tailpipe nut.

„ Cut a 5” hole in trash can lid using tin snips or jigsaw. „ Trim nylon screening to fit chimney pipe trim collar.

„ Place screen, then trim cover over hole in lid and attach with screws.

„ Trim downspout where rain barrel will be installed to fit the height of your new rain barrel. Direct the downspout to drain into the chimney collar.

„ Place the rain barrel on two concrete blocks to provide a level surface.

„ Wait for rain!

About askHRgreen.org: askHRgreen.org is your go-to resource for all things green in Hampton Roads — from recycling tips and pointers for keeping local waterways clean to water-saving ideas and simple steps to make local living easy on the environment. Launched in 2011, the region-wide public awareness and education campaign is administered through the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and powered by the following members: The cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg; the counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton, Surry and York; the town of Smithfield; and HRSD. Like askHRgreen.org on Facebook, follow on Twitter and Instagram, tune in to YouTube and catch the “Let’s Talk Green” blog, written by a team of local experts.

HomeFront Brands, PNC, Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plans, La Quinta by Wyndham, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, US Family Health Plan, and Carnival Cruise Line. Learn more about the Military Child of the Year® Award.

About Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so that they can thrive — not simply struggle to get by — in the communities they have worked so hard to protect. Recognized for superior performance by leading independent charity oversight groups, 85 percent of Operation Homefront expenditures go directly to programs that support tens of thousands of military families each year. Operation Homefront provides critical financial assistance, transitional and permanent housing, and family support services to prevent shortterm needs from turning into chronic, longterm struggles. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the support from thousands of volunteers, Operation Homefront proudly serves America’s military families. For more information, visit OperationHomefront.org.

Community SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS The Flagship welcomes submissions from our readers online. Please submit events here: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Please submit news and photos here: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
Child of the Year
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from Page 1

a great job sticking to the myth with a lot of moderntwists

Y: Who do you play and how did you prepare? Did you do any research about theseGreekmyths?

AB:I play Eurydice It was a pretty quick turn around. I worked with the Assistant Director and the Director focusing on the script and text itself We broke down each scene and an overview of her character and what I could bring to the role Then we focused on the script and breaking down whateachlinemeansandtheintensity And I have a little book (my bible) about the life of the character that I play, the relationship withtheothercharacters,etc

I also watched Black Orpheus the movie andlistenedtoalotofjazzytypeofmusicto getthemoodandthevibeoftheshow.With each character that I play, I like to create a playlist of what type of music my character listensto

Y: You have an incredible cast. Tell us aboutthem.

AB: It is such a blessing. I love them all so much. It’s a smaller cast than what I am used to so it’s more special It’s an intimate setting and you really do get to know each and every individual. And when you are on tour, you’re spending 24/7 with each other, doingtheshows,travelingtogether,livingin thesamehotel,soweareallvery,veryclose It’s also the nature of this show. It takes a lot of the community to create this show andIamvery,veryblessedtobewithsucha wonderfulcast Everybodyissotalentedand it’ssuchanhonortoseeeverybodyperform. Itakeallthatineverynight.


AB: It contains a lot of important themes especiallyclimatechange immigration big businesses,capitalismandthestrugglesthat cangowithinthat.

Eventhoughitcontainsalotofhaunting, shadowingrealities,thereisalotofhopeand lovewithinthestorythatisshownbetween the love of the characters, and also within the songs like Orpheus song of creating a better world. Also my character too, there are a lot of experiences that a lot of women ofcolorhavesuchas:beingasurvivor living inaworldthatisnotnecessarilybuiltforus andhowtonavigatethatanddoingwhatever

youcantosurvive. Y:Canyoushareafunanecdoteaboutthe show?

AB: My favorite one is andluckily noone gothurtorinjured,itwaswhenthefirealarm wentoffmidshow.Itwasinthebeginningof theshow,noonereallyknewwhattodo The alarm keptbeeping,some people keptsinging, and of course we had to evacuate We were in costume and in the samevicinity as the audience and it was a funny interaction oftheactorsincostumebeingsillywiththe audience members Luckily, there was no fire,someoneaccidentallypulledit.

Y: Where were you born and what made youfallinlovewithmusicaltheatre?

AB:IwasborninOrangeCounty,California I am Filipino and the art of performing has always been in my life and ingrained in myculture.Myearliestmemoriesareofmy grandmotherencouragingmetogosingand perform.Ateveryfamilygathering everyone had to perform. So I have been singing and performing my whole life I did musicals, communitytheatre,andtookdanceclasses I waspartofamusicaltheatreprogramwhen Iwasakid,doingitforfun,anextracurricularactivityafterschool

ImetmybestfriendbackhomeinCaliforniainatheatreprogramthatIwasinandshe tookmetomyfirstBroadwayauditionwhen I was 10 years old It was for Annie, I ended up booking it and I never left the industry evanescence

Y: You were sixteen when you saw Eva Noblezada, the first Filipino actress to play Eurydice,intheoriginalBroadwayproductionofHadestown.Canyoutalkaboutwhat aprofoundimpactthatwasforyou?

AB: It was super inspiring to see someone who looked like me play such a strong female character. I’ve told everybody that this literally has been a dream role of mine

I remember coming out of the show and I toldmymom,youcannotwatchthisplayyet until I’m in it She has been dying to watch it and I would say, in a few years I feel it in myheartthatIwillbeinit.Eurydicewasthe dreamcharacterandhereIam Itwasreally greattoseeitcometofruition

Y: How wonderful that you were able to manifestitintoreality.Canyoushareawow pinchmemomentortwo?

AB: I have two. When I got the call from myagentthatIhadgottenthepartofEurydice, I was with my family They knew how muchthisshowmeanttomesoitwasreally lovely to share that experience with my family.

Also for the opening night of this show, it opened in LA, about an hour away from my hometown so I had over 50 family members come to my first performance It was so wonderful to have the people there who have seen me grow up know my love for theatre and share that experience at the theatre where I grew up watching other plays with them and now I am in a professional show in that theatre and they are watchingme


AB:Therearesomany Atthemoment,it’s really the people in my life. The people I’ve metontourhavedevelopedintowonderful friendships that will last forever Also the peoplewhohaveheldmeupeversinceIwas little through my ups and downs, who have always been there rooting for me no matter what.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist

Hadestown from Page 1
Will Mann,Amaya Braganza,J.Antonio Rodriguezand Companyin Hadestown NorthAmericanTour2023.(PHOTOBYT.CHARLES-ERICKSON) Amaya Braganza plays Eurydice in Hadestown.(COURTESYPHOTO)
(PHOTOBYT.CHARLES-ERICKSON) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 21 2024 3
MatthewPatrickQuinn andAmaya Braganza (front),Marla Louissaint,Lizzie Markson and Hannah Schreer(back) in Hadestown NorthAmericanTour




EvenifEasterhostingdutiesfellonyourplatethisyear andaddedonemorethingtoyourholidayto-dolist,that doesn’tmeanithastobedifficult.Afterall,Easterisatime meant for fun and fellowship with the food just one part ofthecelebration

Buildingthemenuaroundsimple,one-pandishescan keep the focus where it needs to be: spending time and creatingmemorieswithfamilyandfriends Thesedishes callforshortlistsofingredients,manyofwhichyoumay already have in your pantry, and simple preparation to create a full spread perfect for sharing with loved ones. Plus, using only one pan makes cleanup a breeze, so you cangetbacktothefestivitiesquickly

A dish like this Easter Roast lets you check both the main course and side dishes off your list, relying on the oventodomostoftheworkforyouaftersomequickprep work. Similarly easy to prepare, these Refrigerator Rolls can also be made up to six days in advance and stored in the fridge until ready to bake - a perfect complement to thesavoryroastandveggies.

Finishoffyourfeastwithanadaptabledessertlikethis BlueberryCrumble.Madeusingjustfiveingredientsand ready in about an hour, you can swap the blueberry pie fillingandyellowcakemixforanycombinationthatsuits yourguests’tasteslikeapplepiefillingwithspicecakeor cherry pie filling with chocolate cake; the sky’s the limit whenitcomestosatisfyingthatsweettooth.


Easter Roast

Yield: 1 roast Ingredients:

„ Salt „ pepper „ garlicpowder

„ 1roast(3pounds)

„ 1bag(1pound)babycarrots

„ 1bag(1½pounds)triopotatoesorpotatoofchoice „ 3cupsbeefbroth „ 1can(10ounces)creamofmushroomsoup „ 1tablespoongarlicpepper „ 3tablespoonsbrownsugar „ 1onion,roughlychopped „ 1bundleasparagus



Sprinklesalt,pepperandgarlicpowderoverroastand rub into front, back and sides Place seasoned roast in middleoflargeroastingpan. Place carrots on one side of roasting pan and potatoes onotherside.

Inlargebowl,mixbeefbrothandcreamofmushroom soupwithgarlicpepper Pourmixtureoverroast,potatoes and carrots Sprinkle brown sugar over carrots and add chopped onion. Cover and cook 2 ½ hours then remove fromoven,addasparagusandcookuncovered30minutes Serve from pan or place on platter for more formal presentation.

Refrigerator Rolls

Yield: 18 rolls


„ 2packagesyeast

„ ½cupsugar „ 2cupslukewarmwater „ 6-7cupsall-purposeflour,divided „ 2teaspoonssalt „ 2eggs „ 1sticksoftenedbutter

„ oil,divided

Directions: In large bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm water Whenyeastisfoamy,add3cupsflour Mix insalt, eggsandbutter

Once mixed well add remaining flour 1 cup at a time and knead dough into ball in bowl. Remove dough from bowlandplaceoncleansurface Washanddrybowlthengreasewithdrizzleofoil.Place dough in bowl and let rise 1 hour or store in refrigerator ifmakinginadvance When ready to use, grease muffin pan with oil. Roll doughintohand-sizeballsandplaceineachmuffinhole; cover1hour Heatovento350F.Bakerolls30minutes.

Note: Dough can be made in advance and stored in refrigeratoruptosixdays Ifmakingahead punchdown dough,coverandplaceinrefrigerator Punchdowndaily untilreadytouse

Blueberry Crumble

Yield: 1 cake

Ingredients: „ 1canblueberrypiefilling „ 1boxyellowcakemix

„ 1bag(4ounces)choppedpecans

„ 1stickbutter,melted

„ ¼cupoil

„ whippedcream,forserving(optional)

„ vanillaicecream,forserving(optional)

Directions: Preheatovento350F. Spreadpiefillingonbottomof9-by-11-inchpan.Sprinklecakemixandpecansontop.Donotmix. Drizzle melted butter and oil on top of cake mix and pecans Donotmix.Liftpanandtiltfromsidetosideuntil cakemixiscompletelycoveredinbutter

Bake1houruntilgoldenbrownandbubbly Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream, if desired.

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 21 2024

Maintaining your military health records overseas


FALLSCHURCH Va Nomatterwhere you live, it’s important for your electronic healthrecord(EHR)tobecompleteandup to date. For TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas beneficiaries, there are processes that help make thispossible

If you get care at a military hospital or clinic, that facility uploads your medical recordstoyourEHR Butwhenyougetcare fromciviliannetworkproviders,youneedto consenttothereleaseandcollectionofyour healthrecords


1. The Release of Medical Information Form (ROMIF) gives the TRICARE Overseascontractoryourconsenttocollect and translate health records from a civilian provider InternationalSOSistheTRICARE Overseascontractor.AfterInternationalSOS translates your health records they upload themtoyourEHR.

2. The Patient Administration Form (PAF) documents your consent for your civilian provider to share your health records with International SOS This form also captures other information, including ifyouhaveotherhealthinsurance

“If you don’t sign these forms your primary care manager might not be able to see all of your health records,” said MichaelGriffin,aprogramanalystwiththe TRICARE Overseas Program Office at the DefenseHealthAgency.“Thiscandelayyour ongoingmedicalcare.”

You must sign a ROMIF for each civilian provideryouseeorfacilityyougoto Inmost cases youwon’tneedtosignaROMIFeach time you see the same provider or go to the samefacility

However,yourROMIFdoesn’tcoveryour wholefamily Eachfamilymemberwillneed tosigntheirownROMIF,eveniftheyusethe

sameproviderorfacilityasyou.Parentsand guardianscansignROMIFsfortheirminor children.Thedefinitionof“minor”depends on where you get care In some countries a minor is a patient younger than age 18 In othercountries,aminorisapatientyounger thanage21 In most cases, you can fill out and sign

yourROMIFandPAFduringyourvisitwith yourprovider.ButinJapan,youmustfillout, sign,andsubmittheseformstoInternational SOSbeforeyougetcare Youcanemailyour completed forms to International SOS You can find the email address for your overseas area at the bottom of each form. Your providercanalsosubmittheformsforyou.

Who’s eligible for health record collection and translation

Your TRICARE plan determines if InternationalSOSwillcollectyourhealthrecords orifyou’llneedtocollectyourrecords:

„ TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas: International SOS will collect your health records „ TRICARE Select Overseas and TRICARE For Life: If you want copies of your health records, you’ll need to contact your provider You don’t need to sign ROMIFsorPAFs,unlessyourproviderasks youto

However, International SOS will collect andtranslateyourhealthrecordsifyouhave TRICAREPlus TRICAREPlusisaprimary careprogramofferedatsomemilitaryhospitalsandclinics,asoutlinedintheTRICARE PlansOverviewFactSheet(onlineathttps:// tricare.mil/Publications/Fact-Sheets/ plans). This includes some military hospitalsandclinicsoverseas Youmaybeeligible for TRICARE Plus if you have TRICARE SelectorTRICAREForLife Youcancontact yourlocalmilitaryhospitalandclinictosee if they offer TRICARE Plus and to enroll in thisprogram.Onceyou’veenrolled,youcan get your civilian health records translated throughyourmilitaryhospitalorclinic.Your providermayaskyoutosignaROMIF

Ifyouhavequestionsabouthealthrecords collectionandtranslation,callInternational SOS You can also learn more about health records translation and other translation servicesintheMyCareOverseasapp. Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, andmore

Health U.S.ArmyReserve StaffSgt.O’Neil McKenley,a surveyteam memberwith the 773rd Civil SupportTeam,7th Mission Support Command,poseswith hiswife and daughter following his promotion ceremony,Tuesday,Feb.6,2024 at PanzerKaserne,Kaiserslautern,Germany.(U.S. ARMYRESERVEPHOTOBYSTAFFSGT.JESSICAFORESTER)
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