Salute Winter 2010

Page 21

Continues On... WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Teaching a 9th grade CCD class. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His simple words that he repeated and that I kept seeing and reading over and over: “Do not be afraid.” WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I was an Army Cadet at South Dakota State University for 4.5 years, then Army 2LT with the Corps of Engineers. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Other than the FM’s (Field Manual) that the Engineer School has had me dwelling in, I spend most all of my reading time in the Bible and the Catechism. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? That would be the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My parents are heroes to me, Albert and Marsha Berreth.

“I came to know Jesus most notably through the sacrament of Reconciliation, but also through the Rosary.” winter / 2010 /


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