Military Systems magazine - Edition 1- 2022

Page 44







Space tech hno ologies, -da ata a and -s serrviices hav ve be eco ome an essen ntial pa art of the daily liv ves of Eurrope ean cittizens, bu ut safe ety-c crittica al ap pplica atio ons s in the area a off natio onal defen nce e and inttern nall sec curitty als so depen nd on these techno ologie es. Howeve er, th he grea ater the depe enden nce on Positioniing, Navigattion and Timing (PNT), the greater the ris sk of unin nten ntio onal and d in nte enttio ona al disru uptions and intterrferen nce e. Spac ce, or more pre ecise ely sp pace te ech hnollogies, have become a stra ategic c fiield of op peratio ons, in times s off peace and criisis, beside lan nd, air, sea an nd cy yber. Th he development of new as welll as s the modern nizzatio on off existing g Global Na aviga ation Satellite Systtem ms (GNSS), which sta arted d in rec centt years, illustra ates this fact. The Eurrop pea an sate ellitte naviigation system Galileo was deve elope ed, among ottherr re easons, with the aim off bein ng in nde ependent of other states (i.e e. USA, Russia a, and Chin na) in the fie eld of global po osittio oning. The goal of Navig gation Warfare is s the geo ographic cally y liimited dis sruptio on of (satellitebased) PNT info ormatio on of an enemy, y, while en nsurring the e resillie ence of the own systems. The use of intterferring trransmitters in n the civil en nviron nmen nt is stiill main nly lim mited to jamming.


EVERYWHERE How wever, since the use of GNS SS and d PNT will continue to increase in the future, it can be assumed d that jamming and d spoofing - the delib bera ate manipulation of PNT information will continue to increase. Navigation Warfare woulld therefore e also affect the use of na avigatio on systems in the public domain and for each in ndividual. The consequences of a GNSS interference attack are, in addition to a total loss of PNT capabilities, also incrreasing the own risk, collateral damage and leadership problems and were examined durring R&D proj o ects and successfully demonstrated, among otther locations, at the military training g ground d Seetaler Alp pe of the Austrian Federal Armed Forces. This unique ability y to perform GNSS interference test camp paigns in reality and to develop new tech hnologies and procedures based on the te est results has given Austria international prestige. The resultts of those proj o ects show tha at for a succes ssful PNT attack, in addition to a deep unde erstanding of GNSS and soph histic cated algorithms, the capabilities of the target PNT applications must be taken into account as well. Governmental authorities, armed forces, system integrators and GNSS equipmentt manufacturers should be aware of the dange er caused by GNSS signal interference. Th hey should get the possibility to test their equ uipment in a protected and re ealistic enviro onment to assess vulnerabilities s and impro ove equipment in order to betterr tackle GNSS interference. So, they would be able to harden their GNS SSbased infrastructure against jamming and spoofing attacks.

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