OTL Grading Examples

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Suggestions of Tutor activities and engagement with learners


Excellent knowledge / planning/. Encourages independent learning Excellent methodology. Doesn’t “tell” students. Holds their attention but also stimulates. Ensures learning takes place for every member of the class. Exceptional planning which is carried out in class. Detailed / excellent planning linked to curriculum. Extremely motivated students. Learning to extend beyond the classroom. Students take responsibility for a significant proportion of their own learning, facilitated by tutor. Differentiation of learning – sophisticated level. Teacher active in own professional development. Use of IT where appropriate by tutor and students. Students complete and gain course qualification/achievement. Enthusiastic about subject. Class dynamics. Full student participation. Excellent communicator. Accelerated learning. Meets all Key Questions and equal opportunities.


Grade 2 GOOD



Room for improvement needed. Learning achieved. Most aims fulfilled, engaged learning. Independent learning. Students engaged. Good rapport with students. Almost all points of the lesson plan covered. Appropriate delivery. Clear aims. Clear planning, flexibility to learners needs.

Spiky profile – bits goods, bits poor, some aims achieved, more yes than no Covers most of the points in the lesson plan with different degrees of success. Some success in learning outcomes. Some evidence of progression. Some degree of success in holding student attention. Lesson planned and delivered. Evidence of paperwork. Nothing inspiring, run of the mill. Knowledge base not enough. Insufficient use of resources.

Poor knowledge / planning. Too tutor led. No learning took place. No student focus. Poor involvement with learners, no rapport. Poor methodology. Approach, unorganised. Lack of planning, not linked to the curriculum. Learners don’t achieve outcomes. Learners not engaged with subject matter. Patchy subject knowledge. Dated knowledge. Lack of resources. Badly used resources. Poor relationship with student due to poor interpersonal skills. Little engagement with students. Doesn’t turn up/late without reason. Very disorganised. No real aims, no knowledge of subject. No IT involvement. Inappropriate teaching method / style. No register, no assessment. Class has become a social event. No ILP planning. Learners asleep. Needs some staff development. Students not engaged.

Warwick Education and Training Consultancy © 2010

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