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When Do I Need a Building Permit
Spring is just around the corner and our thoughts turn to home improvement
As you consider making changes or upgrades to your home, remember that in most cases, a building permit is required. Before you start that project, give the Building Division a call to discuss the need for a permit. It’s also a good idea to check in advance with your local Homeowner Association’s architectural control committee to determine if there are any neighborhood restrictions that apply.
Why get a building permit?
Building permits are required by law, but they also provide third-party verification that you (or the contractor you hired) met the minimum code requirements for your project. They also provide the homeowner with an inexpensive resource for construction-related questions and give you access to expertise in all fields, including plumbing, mechanical, electrical, framing, and finish.
What projects require a permit?
Some common projects that require a building permit include, but are not limited to:
• Basement Finishes • Decks and Patios • Furnaces/Air Conditioners (new or replacement) • Gazebos or Shade Structure • Pools and Hot Tubs • Re-roofing • Large Structures, Garden Shed, Garage (over 120 sf) • Interior Remodel • Any Plumbing Work • Any Electrical Work • New Siding • Windows - Replacement or New Installations • Porches/Patio/Deck Covers
How do I get a building permit?
Building permit application forms, plan review requirements, permit fees, building guidelines, and the Homeowner building class schedule can all be accessed on the Town’s website at www.crgov.com. The Town’s Building Division has introduced eTRAKIT. Building permit applications are now submitted and approved online through the eTrakiT system. The eTRAKiT system is an online tool that provides tremendous benefit for users. Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit eTrakit and create a log-in to get started.
If you have any questions about your project, please contact the Building Department at 720-733-3527 or visit them online at www.crgov.com/2201/PermitApplication.