• Inspect the tank and connections for leaks or damage.
• Flush the tank to remove sediment build-up, improving efficiency.
• Test the thermostat and safety controls to ensure proper operation.
• Check the anode rod to prevent rust and extend the life of your water heater.
• Evaluate overall performance to keep your hot water flowing smoothly.
HEALTHY NEW YEAR Five Simple Steps for a Healthy New Year
Virtually everyone’s list of New Year’s Resolutions includes at least one of the following: lose weight, eat better, and exercise more. So why is it so difficult to make these changes and improve your health? Lifestyle changes are tough and taking small steps can often get the ball rolling for better health. Here are five easy steps to make your mind, body, and soul a little healthier in 2009.
Step 1 - Eat Breakfast
Even if it’s a small glass of OJ or some toast, eating breakfast can jumpstart your day. Eating breakfast causes your body’s metabolism to turn on, going from a slowed down, overnight fasting state to a speedier, daytime state that will burn more calories and give you more energy. And those who skip breakfast tend to be hungrier at lunchtime, causing
them to overeat, and take in more calories than if they had eaten breakfast in the first place.
Step 2 - Play
Instead of thinking of exercise as running on a “dreadmill” for a horribly long time, be creative and think of something active that you enjoy doing. Relive those glory days on the basketball, softball, or soccer team and join a community league. Or dust off the bike in the garage and get out for a ride. If your exercise regimen is fun and rewarding, then you are much more likely to stick to it.
Step 3 - Read
Work out your mind by getting into a good book. Skip that half-hour TV show that really isn’t that interesting anyway and crack open the new book you got for Christmas. Keeping your mind sharp by reading will
improve your ability to concentrate and let’s face it-- you might even learn something new.
Step 4 - Volunteer
Pick your favorite charity or nonprofit organization and get involved. Doing volunteer work will often end up helping you just as much as it allows you to help those around you. The personal rewards of being involved in something bigger than yourself will add to a healthier you.
Step 5 - Visit an Old Friend
The beginning of the year is a great time to go see your primary care physician for that annual check-up. Your doctor can tailor your visit so that you get all your recommended preventative screening exams. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
the Benefits of Dance DANCE YOURSELF HEALTHY
Dancing isn’t just about the steps and music. It’s a perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Dancing enhances your life in so many ways: Health, Confidence, Self-Expression, Social, Relaxation, and Fun.
Health: When you dance, your cardiovascular system improves, your muscle tone increases and you burn calories. This low-impact aerobic activity also increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Olympic athletes often dance as part of their training to sharpen their control, agility, and speed. Dancing is great exercise, especially in a fun atmosphere in which to learn.
Confidence: Dancers possess an aura of self-confidence and an ability to enjoy themselves more in social situations. When you learn how to dance, your entire mental outlook will take on a fresh sense of creativity, motivation, and energy. This new self-confidence in your dancing abilities will transfer to other aspects of your life as well.
Self-Expression: Dance provides an emotional outlet so that you can express your feelings through your body movements with passion and flair. Dancing will bring out, improve
and strengthen your ability to permanently use these expressive qualities even when you are not dancing.
Social: Dancing lessons are an easy, low-pressure way to meet people. Look for a dance studio that provides weekly practice dance parties, nights out on the town, and regional and national competitions, as well as fun trips to many different locations. Dance lessons are the perfect way for couples to rediscover romance by dancing your way to love!
Relaxation: In today’s fastpaced world, we sometimes forget to take a moment for
ourselves. Dancing provides an enjoyable escape from your normal daily routine, plus a chance to relax, relieve stress, and concentrate on yourself.
Fun: Dancing is a great way to add excitement to your life. Although learning to dance takes concentration and dedication, you will be constantly surrounded by artistic, cheerful people who make learning a pleasurable and rewarding experience. So start dancing and have some fun!
Types of Dance
Our instinct tells us to express rhythm. Just as children bob their heads to music and senior citizens tap their canes to the beat, dancing comes naturally to both young and old alike. Some form of social dancing has probably existed since the beginning of time, moving from ritualistic dancing to social interaction for pure enjoyment.
Rhythm Salsa Mambo Hustle
East Coast Swing
West Coast Swing Merengue Rumba Cha-Cha Samba Bolero
Paso Doble Jive
Argentine Tango Foxtrot
Tango Waltz
why alignment matters
Dr. Rebecca Hoeck, PT, DPT
"Don’t slouch, sit up straight, shoulders back." We’ve all heard or used these phases. Hunching over our desks/computers/cellular phones and carrying a heavy purse or a backpack on one shoulder are the common infractions. But what are the implications of poor posture, or as I like to refer to it, skeletal alignment? Alignment is a more objective measure of bone positions and when they are lined up properly, in moving and resting positions, our muscular and organ systems work smarter and more efficiently. Working smarter, while performing activities such as weight lifting, running, Zumba, cardio machines, yoga, Pilates, and martial arts, will provide maximum benefits. Continuing to maintain proper “resting alignment,” is also vital to the health of our bodies.
What does poor posture/alignment look like?
Many of us were raised with a parent or teacher who constantly admonished our postures, “don’t slouch, sit up straight, and shoulders back!” Consequently, we lifted our chests, pushed out our ribs and compressed our spines. Over time, we either grew tired of holding the position or it was impossible to maintain, because we weren’t in good alignment. This led to unhealthy habits and creating new “normals.”
Why does alignment matter?
Poor alignment stymies the body’s ability to create equilibrium and balance. For example, when building a house, carpenters are very particular to align beams and posts very precisely along the vertical axis of gravity. Proper placement allows the forces to be distributed through the “plumb line,” bearing the weight of the roof and upper stories. This creates balance within the structures. Human bones are similar and need to be aligned along the plumb line to delicately balance the weight of a heavy head and upper body.
When the bones are not in the right places and muscles are not at their best length, they create excessive stresses and strain on our joints, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. This excessive joint and tissue strain can lead to headaches, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, as well as muscle weakness and tightness. Organs can’t function optimally, creating shallow breathing, poor voice volume and dynamics, exhaustion, slower digestion due to crowding of organs, and circulation issues leading to less than optimal blood flow to the brain.
In addition, poor alignment turns off the deep core muscles, the stabilizers of the body, relying on the wrong muscles to keep us upright in the “plumb line.” These misalignments lead to a viscous cycle of weakness, tightness, pain and dysfunction.
What does optimal posture/alignment look like?
Try this to test your standing posture: Stand six inches from a wall and place your head, shoulder blades and buttocks against the wall. There should be less than two inches of space between your neck and lower back curves. Your head should be straight, not tilted up, down, or side ways. Keep your shoulders back and try to remain relaxed. Use your stomach muscles to keep your chest aligned over your hips.
How’s your alignment? Can you walk away from the wall and maintain this position?
Tips to improve your Posture:
1. Don’t keep your back ramrod straight and stick out your ribs
2. Avoid wearing high heels if you are standing for long periods of time
3. Don’t sleep on your stomach
4. Become more aware of your alignment while moving, sitting, standing and sleeping.
5. Catch your reflection in a window, mirror or a candid photo.
6. Give others permission to tell you when you aren’t standing, sitting in the best alignment.
7. Seek out a medical professional that can advise you on improving your posture/skeletal alignment.
As an American your odds of dying of heart disease are one in four. Approximately 1,400 Americans die each day from heart disease. “In traditional societies, where people don’t eat processed foods, heart disease is rare,” says cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD. In addition, “If you start with a healthy diet in childhood, heart attacks are almost completely preventable.”
Eating a heart healthy diet is not complicated and can significantly decrease your odds of developing heart disease. All you have to remember is to eat foods that grow out of the ground in their natural whole form. These unprocessed foods – fruits, vegetables, beans and grains – are low in saturated fats, high in fiber and contain generous amounts of vitamins and minerals. Healthy nuts and seeds, in moderate amounts, also have their place in a heart-healthy diet. In addition, eating wild-caught fish twice a week helps to provide fatty acids which actually help clear the arteries. Lowfat dairy products should be included for bone-friendly calcium, but limited to one cup per day. Sweets, cheese and red meats should be consumed sparingly.
In addition to eating a healthy diet, taking the right nutritional supplements, exercising regularly and stress management are key natural remedies that may also help reverse or prevent the damaging effects of heart disease.
Stephen Sinatra, MD in his book Heart Sense outlines some supplements that have proven to be helpful for many of his patients looking to reverse or prevent heart disease. Nutritional supplements should be taken only under the recommendation and supervision of a nutritionally oriented physician, especially if you are taking medications.
Vitamin C
Blood pressure lowering effects.
Antioxidant properties may help to normalize cell chemistry in blood vessels. Stimulates the body to form ATP, a key chemical for producing energy in every cell in the body.
Medicinal benefits include lowering blood pressure, reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and enhance blood thinning. This herb contains 33 sulfur compounds, 17 amino acids, multiple vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants such as selenium and germanium.
Hawthorn Berry
Blood pressure lowering supplement. Increases blood flow in smaller vessels. It acts much like an ACE inhibitor, preventing production of angiotensin 2, a powerful blood vessel constrictor responsible for increasing blood pressure. Hawthorn also help to ease chest pain, as well as relieve symptoms of congestive heart failure.
Triple Crown of Minerals:
Magnesium acts as a channel blocker preventing blood vessel spasm that can hike up blood pressure. Including magnesium
in the diet can help increase energy levels, decrease muscle cramping. Magnesium depletion has correlated not only with hypertension, but also with migraine headaches, diabetes and advanced cardiovascular disease.
May be the most important mineral in the treatment of high blood pressure. Helps maintain regular heartbeat.
People with low calcium levels are more prone to increased blood pressure. Calcium works synergistically with magnesium and potassium to help support blood pressure.
Any level of increased activity or exercise can benefit the health of the heart. Tracking your steps with a pedometer is a practical, inexpensive and easy way to help increase your activity awareness and encourage more exercise. An appropriate personalized exercise program should also be discussed with your physician. Be sure to include a daily stretching routine before exercise to help prevent injury.
In addition to exercise, stress management techniques help in reducing high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Learning three or four deep breathing exercises and practicing them daily is one simple way to lower blood pressure levels. My favorite is to breathe in deeply for four seconds, hold for seven seconds and breathe out slowly for eight seconds – simple – the 4:7:8 breath. Do this series four times in a row, at least twice a day, and you are on your way to a more relaxed state of wellbeing! Dr. Andrew Weil outlines several easy deep breathing exercises on his website at http:// www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART00521/ three-breathing-exercises.html
Taking steps to reverse or prevent heart disease this 2015 may be the best resolution you’ll ever make. Your heart fights to beat and give you precious life every day. Help your heart beat the odds by keeping in step with a heart healthy diet and life-giving exercise.
The hardest-working muscle in your body is your heart, according to the Library of Science’s Mysteries series. Two ounces of blood are pumped at every heartbeat; at least 2,500 gallons daily, or one million barrels over a lifetime.
By the end of a long life, a human heart can beat up to 3.5 billion times, according to the Texas Heart Institute. The female heart beats about 78 times per minute while the average male heart beats at a rate of 70 beats per minute. Before conception, male and female hearts beat at about the same rate.
The average heart weighs about the same as an apple (between 7 and 15 ounces) and is a little larger than the size of your fist.
Did you know that your heart actually sits in the center of your chest and not on the left side? The left side of the heart is larger and
heavier causing it to tilt to the left. To make room for the heart, your left lung is actually smaller than your right.
Stand out from the crowd
71% of readers confirm purchasing products or services seen in Search Castle Rock
bret@tuellers.com 303-805-9455
In the interest of providing the 50 best dining options in Douglas County, we must be able to personally recommend each listing. The guide is subject to change. If you have a suggestion for inclusion on the list, email us at contribute@tuellers.com.
Based on a typical dinner for one person, excluding drinks, tax or tip.
$ ............................. Under $15 $$ ............................... $15-$25 $$$ ......................... Over $25 (EC) Editors Choice (N) New
Asian fusion
Offering a Chinese and Vietnamese-centric menu in a relaxed atmosphere. 17001 Lincoln Ave, #A, Parker 303-840-7338 $$
A small, family owned, dinein and take-out restaurant that serves authentic homestyle Thai food.
10841 S. Crossroads Dr., Suite 10, Parker 303-805-3880 $$
A local go-to for quality home-style cuisine. This Parker fixture is known for a fresh, creative menu.
19751 E Mainstreet, Parker 720-851-8559 $$
JOHN HOLLY’S Chinese and Thai dishes that are nothing less than the culinary equivalent of an exotic adventure.
9232 Park Meadows Dr, Lone Tree 303-768-9088 $$
A local favorite for breakfast and lunch, Pegasus has something for everyone. They have served an ecletic menu in a comfortable setting for the past 31 years. While you're there, go see the giant riverboat roulette wheel behind the bar!
A favorite sushi place in town with a unique blend of Japanese and French at its very best.
11211 S. Dransfeldt Rd., Parker 720-851-1005 $$
The locals favorite spot to grab made-to-order crepes. Sweet or savory, you can’t go wrong. Proudly serving farm to table fresh.
19751 Mainstreet, Parker 720-638-9722 $ (EC)
Popular Korean chain that brings expertly crafted baked goods through a warm and welcoming bakery cafe' experience that delivers joy to everyone. 18374 Cottonwood Dr., Parker 720-500-5555 $ (N)
New artisan bakers taking Parker by storm. Order early, they sell out every day! 19585 Hess Road, Parker 303-955-5647 $ (N)
Don’t be fooled by this being a food truck; if you like southern BBQ, this is your place. Corner of Parker Rd and Longs Way, Parker $$$
Award-winning food. Try the wood-smoked ribs, brisket, pork, or garlic potatoes. 8433 Park Meadows Center Dr., Suite 143B, Lone Tree 303-729-2506 $$
The Parker tradition. Known for their baby back ribs, but don’t miss the pulled pork and barbeque chicken. 10335 S Parker Rd, Parker 303-805-9742 $$
A hidden gem with familyfriendly pricing. Don’t miss out on their breakfast burritos. 107 Wolfensberger Rd., Castle Rock 303-660-6340 $
Best known for their burgers and wings. Make sure to catch Trivia Tuesdays. 12543 N Hwy 83, Parker 303-841-6782 $$
Destination locale with an informal ambiance offering hearty comfort classics 215 Wilcox St Suite G, Castle Rock 303-955-5788 $$ - $$$ (N)
Douglas County’s longest running brew pub. Steaks, burgers, pizza and soup! 880 Castleton Rd, Castle Rock 303-814-9273 $$
Your neighborhood tavern for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sports bar with live music not to miss on the weekends.
19552 E. Mainstreet, Parker 303-841-7179 $$
Offering great food & amazing drinks in a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Clear and simple menu options. 3911 Ambrosia St., Suite 101, Castle Rock 720-389-5986 $$
Comfort Italian food in a rustic, cozy, casual familyoriented format.
10047 Park Meadows Dr., Lone Tree 303-799-3661 $$
Stylish, energetic eatery offering elevated Italian fare with an emphasis on great customer service.
872 Happy Canyon Rd. Suite 100, Castle Rock 303-524-9788 $$$
Authentic Italian eatery featuring pizza, pasta, calzones and heros. The local “go-to” for fresh Italian. 10920 S Parker Rd, Parker 303-841-9900 $$
A modern Italian restaurant focused on family recipes and premium ingredients. 210 Third St., Castle Rock 303-688-9000 $$
Neapolitan pizzas join modern Italian fare at this casual eatery featuring a full bar & patio. 10005 Commons St, Lone Tree 303-790-0828 $$
Intimate Mexican eatery for authentic cuisine in a relaxed ambiance. Great for parties. 7272 E Hwy 86, Franktown 303-663-7800 $$
Unassuming local joint serving up straight-forward Mexican plates.
9771 S Parker Rd, Parker 720-842-5105 $$
Vibrant, cantina-style eatery offering Mexican cuisine in a laid-back atmosphere.
18951 E Mainstreet, Parker 720-842-5181 $$
Bare-bones, family-owned local Tex-Mex eats for breakfast, lunch & dinner. 19553 E Mainstreet, Parker
303-840-0325 $$
Elegant family-owned eatery. There’s a combo dish to please everyone.
19340 Cottonwood Dr., Parker
303-840-6574 $$
Don’t miss the Carnitas! And bring your appetite for the large portions.
10471 S. Parker Rd., Parker 303-841-0160 $$
new american
Set in a former 1890s hotel. Plating hearty American fare like pan-fried chicken & burgers.
403 Wilcox St, Castle Rock 303-814-2233 $$
Uniquely fun sports bar with a creative menu of brats and dogs.
971 Park St., Castle Rock 303-660-2399 $
A favorite gourmet burger joint. Imaginative menu with amazing handcrafted shakes.
3982 Limelight Ave, Castle Rock 303-814-2829 $$
American breakfast cafe where everything is made from scratch.
18595 Mainstreet, Parker 720-476-7162 $$
A casual sit-down destination with a menu that reflects Colorado’s growing season. 2350 Meadows Blvd., Castle Rock 720-455-3664 $
The Parker landmark located right downtown offers a locally-sourced menu. Great service and large portions. 19420 Mainstreet, Parker 720-389-8105 $$ (EC)
A local favorite for breakfast or lunch. American, Greek or Mexican dishes.
313 Jerry St., Castle Rock 303-688-6746 $$
Comfort food and baked goods at their finest. Don’t see it on the menu? Ask for it! Downtown gem. 11020 S Pikes Peak Dr., Parker 720-708-2889 $$
High-end, wood-fired kitchen with a warm ambiance, preparing select American dishes. 10680 Cabela Dr., Lone Tree 303-662-8800 $$
Upscale, yet casual dining experience with a one-of-akind menu. Don't miss the brunch.
115 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock 303-362-0904 $$$ (N)
A modern and open venue that boasts thoughtful and honest cuisine. A haven for the gluten-free crowd. 18595 Mainstreet, Parker 720-826-3689 $$
A traditional family-style Italian pizza restaurant with a Brooklyn flair. 12947 S Parker Rd., Parker 720-851-5300 $
Delicious Neapolitan-style pizza that makes each dish an individual work of art! And don’t forget dessert. 12311 Pine Bluffs Way, Parker 303-840-0518 $
A refreshing take on madefrom-scratch pizza. So fresh they don’t even have a freezer! 17860 Cottonwood Dr., Parker 303-386-3333 $$
New York pizzas & other red sauce staples in a low-key setting. Can’t miss the garlic knots. 16526 Keystone Blvd, Parker 303-220-7422 $$
NY-style pizza, wings, & casual Italian eats, in kidfriendly quarters.
5650 Allen Way, Castle Rock 303-814-8686 $$
Rustic restaurant featuring beef & seafood dishes, plus a sports tavern with an Irish vibe.
363 Village Square Lane, Castle Pines
303-814-2487 $$$
Upscale Brasilian steakhouse with all-you-can-eat meat carved tableside. Guaraná is a must, and try the Creme de Papaya. 8419 Park Meadows Center Dr., Lone Tree 303-481-4001 $$$ (EC)
Chops, seafood, wine, & cocktails served in an upscale setting with a lounge & live jazz. 8433 Park Meadows Center Dr., Lone Tree
303-792-2571 $$$
Texas-themed steakhouse with a great menu and wonderful atmosphere. 11205 S. Parker Rd, Parker 303-805-5848 $$
Upscale hideaway local favorite featuring their signature Volcanic Hot Rock sear-it-yourself experience. 19308 Cottonwood Dr., Parker 303-248-2132 $$$
Quaint Tuscan grill made fresh from local fare. Every dish is a winner!
611 Wilcox St., Castle Rock 303-814-2487 $$
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DCSD: A Look Back at 2024
So far, the 2024-2025 school year has been absolutely incredible! In addition to the many academic accomplishments of our teachers and schools – here’s a quick look at celebrations from the first half of this school year.
Staff Retention Rates Improve Thanks to 2023 MLO
The Mill Levy Override (MLO) passed by voters in 2023 is having a positive impact! The MLO allowed our school district to increase teacher and staff pay, making it more comparable with pay in our neighboring school districts. As a result, we have seen teacher and staff turnover rates decrease, and morale and job satisfaction increase. In addition, our school district is seeing more job applications for vacant positions, including for bus drivers. We were able to restore six bus routes (including two in Castle Rock), meaning those routes will no longer have a rotating cancellation week schedule. We are working to train additional drivers to restore even more routes in early 2025!
Safety and Security
Also thanks to the passage of the 2023 Mill Levy Override, DCSD has hired Campus Security Specialists at each of our elementary schools and added additional School Resource Officers at the middle and high school levels. These amazing individuals are making a tremendous impact - not only on safety but also on our students!
Artificial Intelligence Pilot
In order to help us thoroughly understand and research the possibilities of AI in our classrooms, DCSD entered into a partnership with Khan Academy. Khan Academy offers a new AI tool, Khanmigo, built specifically for education. 18 of our schools are participating in a Khanmigo pilot this school year and we are hearing very positive feedback about how the tool is helping our teachers save time (so they have more time to focus on our kids) and assisting students in the learning process with personalized learning (including tutoring!). At the same time, Khanmigo is a perfect springboard for helping our principals, teachers, students and families alike in safely and ethically utilizing AI in a school setting.
Coming in 2025
2024 Bond Next Steps
We have hit the ground running getting ready to spend the 2024 Bond money exactly as intended by voters. At its November meeting, the DCSD Board of Education approved contracts for architects and owners representative contracts. We are also assembling our internal Bond team, including a bond director who will ensure that we are the best stewards of your taxpayer dollars and that we are incredibly transparent about how the money is being spent. You can see estimated completion dates for Bond projects at each of our schools at www.dcsdk12.org/funding. Additional data and information will continue to be added to the funding website so our voters can watch as the money gets spent exactly as promised.
Our Citizens’ Oversight Committee (Mill Bond Oversight Ad-Hoc Committee) is seeing parent representatives from Castle Rock and Parker. Visit our website to learn more and apply (www.dcsdk12.org/funding – go to “Accountability and Transparency”).
Strategic Plan Meetings
We will soon be hosting a series of engagement opportunities for you to contribute to our upcoming strategic planning process. It is always our goal to be the best school district in Colorado and to ensure that our students receive the best public education possible. We hope we can count on you to join us to IMAGINE what we want our school district to look like in 2035 and beyond and DREAM of the possibilities for our students and graduates.
We wish you a very Happy New Year and can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!
Erin Kane is the Superintendent of the Douglas County School District
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