Talk About Culture

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Talk about Culture An interactive English conversation eBook for Koreans!

Angelie Sawyer 1|Page

Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 To the learner .......................................................................................... 3 How to use this eBook ............................................................................ 4 KOREAN FAMILY ...................................................................................... 6 Talk about the Picture ......................................................................... 6 Let’s talk about you ............................................................................... 7 Watch and Talk ....................................................................................... 7 FOOD & EATING OUT .............................................................................. 8 Talk about the Picture ......................................................................... 8 Let’s talk about you ............................................................................... 9 Watch and Talk ....................................................................................... 9


Introduction As a language instructor and a second language learner myself, I have the benefit of experience in both language learning and teaching. Most Koreans spend their entire lives studying English, but only a few of them can carry on a conversation in English. Give them a grammar quiz and they can easily spot the correct answer and even explain the rule. However, this is not the true essence of learning the language. Speaking is the most important skill to learn and master. It is in speaking that a language learner can feel the satisfaction of successfully acquiring the language. There are already hundreds or even thousands of English communication textbooks that you can find in the bookstore or online. So, why did I even bother to make this one? In my experience as a language teacher, there is no single book that provides me with the following: Great student-teacher interaction Relevance to the learners Useful expressions and vocabulary embedded in a conversation Less recitation, more real life conversation This eBook is especially designed for Korean English language learners, whose levels are in between intermediate and advanced. This is neither a grammar book nor a dialogue recitation book. This is a free conversation eBook that dwells on topics that Koreans can relate to and can talk about in greater detail.

To the learner: I am an English learner myself. I know how you feel “Try to speak in full sentences when when you speak in English. It is not easy - putting the you answer. Expand your answer as words in the right order and thinking about the correct much as you can. Listen to your grammar, not to mention the vocabulary and the teacher carefully and try to make the unfamiliar expressions. Don’t worry much about those conversation a two way process, feel things! The key to mastering how to speak is to speak, free to ask about him/her, too.” speak, speak and speak. Making mistake is normal but it should not hinder you from speaking. Don’t be shy or embarrassed about your mistakes. Learn from them! Try to speak in full sentences when you answer. Expand your answer as much as you can. Listen to your teacher carefully and try to make the conversation a two way process, feel free to ask about him/her, too. Your teacher will appreciate it. But, most of all: “BE CONFIDENT!” 3|Page

How to use this eBook Each chapter of this eBook focuses on topics about Korean culture and living in Korea. The chapter is introduced with a picture relating to the topic. Find out how each page works and get ready to talk a lot!

Look at the picture closely and be prepared to answer questions about it.

TALK ABOUT THE PICTURE introduces sets of questions about the picture. The questions are arranged according to the level of difficulty.

The blue fontsare words assumed by the author to be new to you. They are hyperlinked so you can click them and see the meaning and sentence usage on the Daum dictionary.


LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU diverts the conversation to talking about your own experience. If you feel some questions are too personal, feel free to pass.

WATCH AND TALK aims at improving your listening skills through watching and listening to an American TV show. Each chapter finishes with a 6 minute video clip of the TV show Gilmore Girls. The clip further enhances the topic. Watch it and talk about it with your teacher.



TALK ABOUT THE PICTURE 1.) What kind of party is this? 2.) Who do you think the people behind the baby are? 3.) What are they wearing? 4.) Do children wear this type of clothes every time they have a birthday? 5.) Where do you think this place is? 6.) What are the kinds of food on the table? 7.) Who do you think are the people invited in this celebration? 8.) If you were to host this kind of party, who would you invite? 9.) How expensive is it to throw a party of this kind? 10.) Is the celebration for the daughter the same as that for the son on her first birthday?


LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU 1.) Do you have a large, medium, or small family? How many people are there in your family? 2.) How many siblings do you have? 3.) Among your brothers and/or sisters, who are you the closest to? 4.) What childhood memories can you remember with your siblings? With your parents? 5.) What does your family enjoy doing the most? How often do you do that? 6.) What does your father do? 7.) Does your mother work? 8.) In appearance, do you take after your mom or dad? 9.) In personality, are you more similar to your mom or your dad? 10.) Are your parents strict or lenient? 11.) When you make a big mistake, who usually corrects you? 12.) After your parents get old, are you going to have them live with you? 13.) Who is the kindest in your family? How come? 14.) Is your extended family big? 15.) How many aunts or uncles do you have? 16.) Which aunt or uncle is your favorite? Why? 17.) Are you closer to your paternal grandparents or maternal grandparents? 18.) Whom do you respect the most in your family? 19.) Does your family hold reunions? Can you describe the most recent one? 20.) What do you think causes family feuds? 21.) What rivalries has your family had? Have you felt any rivalry with your relatives? 22.) Which ancestor would you most like to meet? 23.) What makes your family the happiest? 24.) Do your parents help to advise you about your future? What do they say? 25.) Will you raise your children the same way your parents raised you?

WATCH AND TALK Click here to watch a YouTube video clip about this topic. Then, talk about it with your teacher.



TALK ABOUT THE PICTURE 1.) What kind of food can you see in the picture? 2.) Can you name some of the dishes? 3.) Does this look like it is in a restaurant or in a house? 4.) Which of the foods in the picture, would you prefer to eat right now? 5.) Can you cook or make any of these dishes? 6.) If you eat this food in a restaurant, which is the most expensive dish? 7.) What type of side dishes are usually served in a Korean restaurant? 8.) When you go to a Korean restaurant, would you rather sit on the floor or on a chair? 9.) What makes Korean food exotic and unique amongst other food in the world? 10.) Do you agree that “Kimchi� should be the mostrepresentative food of Korea? Why or why not?


LET’S TALK ABOUT YOU 1.) What is your favorite Korean food? What about your favorite Western food? 2.) What do you think about Western food? How often do you eat it? 3.) When was the last time you ate out? Where did you go? What kind of food did you eat? Who did you go with? 4.) Do you drink alcohol when you eat out? Do you have a favorite drink? 5.) Do you like buffet restaurants? Do you pig out? 6.) Do you prefer home cooking or restaurant food? 7.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out? What about eating in the house? 8.) How often do you eat out? 9.) What Korean food would you recommend to a tourist? 10.) Where is the best Korean restaurant in your city? What makes it the best? 11.) When you want to eat a small snack, where do you go to eat? 12.) What snacks do Koreans commonly eat? 13.) Are you a picky eater? What is your least favorite kind of food? 14.) What percentage of your diet is junk food? 15.) Do you cook? How often do you cook for your family? 16.) What kind of food do you usually have delivered to your home? 17.) Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what sweet food do you love to eat? 18.) What was the most expensive restaurant at which you have eaten out? 19.) What kind of appetizer(s) do you like? What about themain dish? And dessert? 20.) Do you eat fast food? What do you usually order? 21.) Why do you think fast food restaurants are so popular? 22.) What are the restaurants like in Korea? Can you describe the atmosphere? 23.) How are manners different when dining out in Korea? 24.) Do you consider eating a pleasure or a routine? 25.) In your opinion, what qualities make a good waiter/waitress?

WATCH AND TALK Click here to watch a YouTube video clip about this topic. Then, talk about it with your teacher.


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