moov Research Report

Page 1

Innovation Proposal

Mike Chhay Graphic Design

Michael Mefford

Bryce Albretsen


Civil Engineer

Hayley Cook

Lacey Trujillo


Industrial Design



Understanding the Problem


Understanding the Users and Other Stakeholders

10 – 13

Understanding the Existing Solutions

14 – 17

Understanding the Technology

18 – 19

Understanding the Market

20 – 25

Understanding Society and the Environment

26 – 31

Product Opportunity Gaps

32 – 33

Exploring and Brainstorming

34 – 37


38 – 41


42 – 55


56 – 69


70 – 83


84 – 85


86 – 87


INTRODUCTION moov is researching current designs of power wheelchairs and finding ways in which they can be improved.

Problem areas we have focused on: Accessibility | Comfort | Design End-of-life | Maneuverability | Technology

Research methods included interviews with wheelchair users, caretakers, and manufacturers. We can also better understand the problem areas if we spend some time being in a wheelchair and experience the challenges first hand. Further research was made using articles, journals, and various analysis reports that chart information in an easy to understand and visual way.


UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM Power wheelchair users face many problems in their everyday lives due to the inaccessibility of the wheelchair itself, as well as inaccessibility of the environment.

We are evaluating how the current power wheelchairs are working and are trying to find solutions to improve them in different focus areas. Focus areas include the user’s comfort, maneuverability, accessibility, sustainability, and technology of the wheelchair, as well as overall design and aesthetics. Research will help us better envision the world in which the power wheelchair is being used. Research on the accessibility of the built environment in which the wheelchair is used will also be conducted and considered. By applying multiple disciplines to problem solving, moov will find a design solution to the problems facing power wheelchair users.



lack of mobility

press adjust

limited suspensi

sure tment


Additional research through interviews with users has shown that the comfort of the chair is an important issue. The seat cushion can wear out and can become uncomfortable. Also, due to limited mobility of limbs, chair users must adjust the pressure of the cushion in order to prevent pressure sores. This can be very difficult because a lack of feeling may lead the user to adjust the pressure incorrectly. Automatic pressure cushions with intuitive designs are very costly and many users cannot afford them. The comfort of the ride is also an important issue. There is very limited suspension on the wheelchair, so users often experience bumpy rides, depending on the environment and terrain.


Many power wheelchair users get a new chair every four to five years. This is not because the chair wears out or breaks, but because of technology upgrades. Yet, the current technology available does not satisfy many users who wish to see an interface built into the chair with the ability to move the chair through apps on a smartphone instead of the current joystick, which can be difficult to use. Storage is also a problem. The vast majority of wheelchair users do not have accessible storage where they can keep everyday items like their phone and wallet. This often results in them storing things in their lap, where they are at risk of falling. Weather is an important factor for a wheelchair user. Some of the weather conditions can prevent users from going outside because the chair is ill-equipped. The chair does not have anything to keep the rider cool in hot weather, such as a fan or a shade. The chair does not have anything to keep the user warm in cold weather, such as heated cushions. The chair does not have anything to protect the user from rain, hail, or snow, and can be difficult to maneuver in flooded or snowy areas. Simple things such as rain can determine what a power wheelchair user can do.

technology upgrades limited storage

weather challenges



Users are the ones who are disabled. That includes people who aren’t able to walk on their own due to different diseases or injuries. Elderly people are frequent users because their muscles aren’t strong enough to support their weight. Yet, some elderly are capable of walking on their own but need a wheelchair to use every now and then.

Purchasers includes the users, caretakers, family and relatives.

Influencers includes doctors, physical therapists, insurance people, family and friends.


The needs of the users, purchasers and influencers are comfort, affordability, functionality, and simplicity. Their personalities vary because everyone is different. There isn’t a specific demographic for wheelchair users because people have different conditions. Some people are born with disability and illness. Majority of users are elderly people. Some wheelchair users are very active and get involved in sports. Some are very limited to what activities they are able to get involved in. Depending on their disability, some are helped by a caretaker throughout the day. They are helped out of bed and to get washed up and dressed. If they have a vehicle that is wheelchair accessible, they may be able to drive themselves to work or ride with the caretaker. What causes wheelchair users stress or pain depends on their condition because some may have pain in their lower back, neck, legs, arms or buttocks. Many wheelchair users suffer from stress or pain in areas such as their lower back, neck, legs, arms, or buttocks. This can vary for people with different conditions and could even be affected by things such as the wheelchair cushion.



Most of the products are simple accessories that allow more storage and increased accessibility. Some wheelchairs are beginning to use gyroscopic technology to allow the chair to balance and run on only two wheels on some surfaces. This lets the user raise to a height comparable to a standing person. It is possible to incorporate stair-climbing ability and a four wheel drive feature as well.

Although the wheelchair hasn’t improved a lot over time, recent technological advances are slowly improving the wheelchair.

The wheelchairs themselves have not changed much at all over time. Most of the wheelchairs, power and manual, look and function the same. Power wheelchairs are still very heavy and feel bulky. The technology that is improving the wheelchairs is beginning to look more modern and simplifies certain actions for wheelchair users. There are a lot of conceptual designs that could be interesting to see on the market. –Student Wheelchair Researcher


Functionality, comfort, and design is very basic for most wheelchairs. More advanced and innovative solutions to mobility-challenged individuals are rare and hard to get. Generally, more advanced wheelchairs end up being more expensive. Insurance usually does not cover all the cost of the wheelchair, so availability of advanced solutions is limited to those with the resources to afford them. Wheelchair companies, manufacturers, and medical establishments are the main parties responsible for creating products and technologies for wheelchairs.


Existing Technologies/Materials Gel batteries - Very durable Induction motors - Market standard Steel, aluminum, PVC and neoprene Basic DC control modules

Emerging Technologies There are few innovations coming out in this market, especially ones that are relevant to our project. We will list some of the most prominent advancements. Alternative controls such as voice, eye, and muscle movement. The most interesting is the Thought Controlled Powerchair that has started clinical trials. This system does exactly what is said so people with no motor functions can regain mobility. All-terrain chairs are making some progress with chairs that can go more places. This chair so far would not work very well in small and public spaces.

Evolution Over Time The chairs have moved from wood and natural rubbers to mostly steel and synthesized materials. This is largely due to the strength and malleability of steel, but it does require non-sustainable inputs. The chairs were initially powered by a second user that would push the chair. Later, this developed into chair that could be propelled by the user. Now the chair user inputs controls and electrical systems to power the chairs. The initial chairs were all about serving the function of getting the user from one place to another. This has evolved into letting the user go where they want to go not just where they need to go.




The market for powered wheelchairs is very small, which has led to huge inefficiencies and absurdly high prices. Relatively little demand and high prices have led to government intervention in the form of heavy insurance involvement. The market also gives little information to the customers of the products; many times the doctor will recommend brands to the patient based on personal preference. Some white spaces in this market are a lack of customization that users have available. Not being user friendly is a serious market flaw that needs to be fixed. Customers want to feel free, and not limited by their chair. There is also a lack of innovation in the market due to a low demand in the chairs. It is hard to see why the investment is worth it to research new chairs if no one is going to buy them. Another white space is the aesthetics of the chairs which very few companies are concerned with. Hurdles in entering this market are an initial upfront cost to do so. If entering the market means completely redesigning the powered wheelchair then this is a costly task. Another hurdle to be considered is the difficulty in redesigning a chair which has been the standard for over half of a century. Additionally, making a product that is able to work with a variety of different brands will be difficult, creating a standard is essential for many products to succeed in this market.


It is important to have relationships with physicians and physical therapists in the market. They are responsible for advising patients what chairs they need to have so it is an obvious first step in the market. While this is important, having relationships with product distributors, and even more importantly, insurance agencies, is critical. If insurance companies find out they can pay something around half of the price for these chairs, then a company can provide that is going to succeed. This is almost more important than having a relationship with your end customers. The channels that are used in this market are to be going through insurance companies and doctors’ offices. It is important to have a presence with the end customers so they are able to try the product, but they will be going through medical companies.


Key revenue streams are going to be probably in two different forms depending on the product. Direct sales is going to be the first form of revenue. Extending the life of our product is going to be a key advantage that we offer. Therefore, servicing our products is going to be a component when we factor in involvement with customers. Offering extended warranties is going to be a form of revenue, and also leasing the product might be an option. Due to the investment in manufacturing chairs, leasing it out might be a much better alternative for an individual.

As of right now, there are not many key resources to be successful in the market. Companies have become complacent with their current position because there is no need to innovate. For new companies to be successful it is important to create partnerships with companies to develop new products. Creating accessories is important, and being able to work with a variety of chairs is essential, so standardization needs to become commonplace. Another key resource is having the capital to launch a new product and a way to market this new product in a climate that has little demand for it.


A main social issue is the treatment of power wheelchair users by nonusers, especially in public places. Stigmas of disabilities can lead to mistreatment, and feelings of awkwardness or uncomfortability on the part of the nonuser may lead to overly polite or generous offers or aid, which may actually lead to uncomfortability or harm to the user. Public wheelchair users are not always treated fairly in public places, such as restaurants, stores, or on public transportation.


Another issue is the affordability of power wheelchairs. The average chair (for a quadriplegic) is about $20,000 - $25,000. Users who lack insurance or have inadequate insurance coverage may face many financial hurdles in gaining access to a power wheelchair. Another issue is the change in lifestyle created by the use of the chair, which is not covered by insurance. These expenses may include lifts or vehicle conversions to make adjusting to life in a power wheelchair easier.


In the last few decades, people seem to have grown more accustomed to experiencing situations involving people with disabilities, and the built environment has improved enough to make social engagement more feasible for wheelchair users. While many people are becoming more accepting of the normalness of power wheelchair users, many users still face discrimination and mistreatment. A way to make power wheelchairs more affordable is being done by many companies who collect older wheelchairs, make some modifications, and donate them to people in need. This helps those who do not have adequate insurance gain access to the healthcare that they need. There are many materials used in a power wheelchair that must be considered at the end of the chair’s life. Materials used such as tubular aluminum, alloy steel, and sometimes plastics and titanium can be recycled, but are often not. The seating and cushion materials are often very specific and complex because they must be comfortable, easily laundered, endure different weather conditions, allow for air circulation, be flame retardant, and be durable. Due to these qualities, cushions are not easily recyclable. The batteries used have many components including lead, acid, and plastic. There are many manufacturers and third-party companies that recycle these batteries, but the efficiency and battery life can be an issue.


Other environmental concerns relate to the modularity of the wheelchair. Current chairs do not incorporate modular design, and therefore it is sometimes the case that when a small adjustment must be made, an entirely new wheelchair must be produced. This uses many more materials, while disposing of a working wheelchair. There are many programs today that deal with the issue of recycling power wheelchairs or donating used chairs to people in need who cannot afford them. This extends the lifetime of a power wheelchair. Newer models of power wheelchairs are incorporating basic modularity, but only to address user concerns of adjustability, not environmental concerns.




Comfort: The cushions apply constant stress points. The mid-wheel chairs have little to no suspension. The adjustability of the chair is intensive.

Transportation: The chair is secured but the operator is not. Limited public transportation space. The van conversions are expensive and do not have driver/ non driver interchangeability.

User interface: There is little to no technology interface (chair controls on phone). There is little in the way of attachments and options. The recharge system is not on the chair. All-Weather Use. There is no shade cover. The chairs are susceptible to water damage. Almost no off-road capability.

IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Better chair adjustment program Transportation system and service More comprehensive chair testing program An application that allows chair customization as well as user review and forum

Being in Chair: They have limited function. Not intuitive. Poorly engineered.





CONCEPTS We have three concepts that will address comfort, accessibility, design, customization, and storage. The name and main solution of the products are as follows:

Sustainability For each product we have thought about different ways of reducing the environmental impact and the end-of-life cycle for each product.

| comfort solis cygnal | control trunc | accessibility

System Map





Jobs provided





















Jobs provided


Fair wages Good working

Lower healthcare Electricity generated costs Usage Improved health Water and happiness usage

conditions Raw materials Water pollution

greenhouse gas emissions

metals plastics water oil coal

Disposal Recycle

Send to landfill




System Map Details Raw Materials Metals Plastics Water Fossil fuels

Usage Multifunctional design Packaging Change in attitudes and behaviors

Manufacturing Fair wages Good working conditions Production buildings and locations Packaging

Disposal Recycling program

Distribution To suppliers

Biomimicry in Sustainable Solutions Biomimicry is an approach to design based on emulating the strategies used by living things to solve human problems. An approach to biomimicry is using nature’s deep patterns: Using waste as raw material Employing multifunctional design Fostering cooperative relationships We incorporated these approaches to biomimicry in our solutions and products for power wheelchair accessibility, using ideas within each of the four disciplines: Engineering Business Industrial Design Visual Communication Design


Complete comfort

The goal of Solis is to be an all-inclusive comfort suite. Users can be in chairs for more than 14 hours in a day, so making that time as comfortable as possible is very important to them. Solis incorporates a heating and cooling system, as well as pressure relief massage and suspension system. These relieve pressure sores as well as keeping the user at a comfortable temperature, no matter what the environment.


Logo Process


Find your harmony

solis focuses on comfort by balancing outside temperature and adds suspension for smoother rides. The modern design and massage ability is just a bonus. Complete comfort


Product Service System Pitch The goal of Solis is to be an all inclusive comfort suite. Users can be in chairs for more than 14 hours in a day, so making that time as comfortable as possible is very important to them. Solis incorporates a heating and cooling system, as well as pressure relief massage and suspension system. These relieve pressure sores as well as keeping the user at a comfortable temperature, no matter what the environment. Our team has discovered that it has become an unfortunate normality to just accept the days as they come. Solis gives that control back to the user. Whether facing a particularly hot climate or cold one, Solis works with you to make your day as comfortable as possible. Our massage system is fully integrated into the backrest of the chair and is controlled using the controller scheme that is provided on your chair. Users do not have to leave their chair to relax now since this chair offers everything you could desire to remain comfortable. Your travels throughout the day are further enhanced by a state of the art suspension system. The days of remembering where each and every bump are along your daily routine are over.

Customer Segments Our direct customer for Solis is going to be the major powered wheelchair manufacturers. The typical end user will be able to use our product fairly easily. All controls will be made to work with their controller that they currently use.

Value Propositions Solis brings value to the user by being the only chair seat on the market to offer the comfort features users want. Being a device that users rely on for their entire day, it only makes sense that the one thing they are pressed against for an entire day is as comfortable as possible. This three in one package solves one consumer need, which is the need for comfort. It primarily is a luxury item although a case could be made for health, as it will help relieve pressure sores with the massage piece.


Channels Our best method to reach our customers is through personal interaction with them, web based sales, and phone based communication. We want to have all of our potential customers have examples in their buildings. To make transactions as easy as possible, every company would be assigned a moov representative to handle all sales between their company and ours. Finally, our customers are not responsible for any malfunctions or warranties. moov will take on the responsibility of working with the end-users to ensure happiness with our product, returns, repairs, etc.

Customer Relationships Maintaining a close relationship with companies such as Hoveround will help keep moov informed on what direction our partners are heading in. One-on-one personal assistance lets our customers know that we are committed to working with them to provide the best product possible. As where this is more expensive, it does keep our company more competitive than the competition, something a new company will need to have.

Revenue Streams We will sell our product to businesses for our revenue, and then they will charge the insurance companies to make their money. Our customers will pay us at the end of the month for how many products they purchase from us. Individual payments would be more difficult to track and would cost more in transportation, so we want payments to be for multiple products.

Key Resources The first resource that we require is a workplace to actually build the parts. Smaller demand and a smaller product should mean that a smaller workplace would suffice. Physical resources that are required will be some machinery, office space, and the product components (plastic, wiring, touch heating and cooling components, and massage components, metal, etc.) Human resources are, mechanical engineers, office staff, purchasing agents, designers, and factory workers. The biggest intellectual resource that we require is the financial data for the powered wheelchair manufacturers. Our capital requirements will be a bit higher to do the research and demos in the beginning. We will require a loan to get all of the materials, travel money to speak with partnering companies, and $5000 start up cash.


Key Activities Our first key activity is to partner with a company that has experience with massage equipment such as Relaxzen and Brookstone. A way to legitimize this is to spread the word about our product to end-users before we advertise to our customers. This will generate hype around our product and help companies realize that with Solis, their own chairs look more attractive. Developing our specific stores for channels of distribution.

Key Partners The first of which is the powered wheelchair manufacturers. The second group necessary to partner with is disability groups across the country. People with disabilities we have found like to join together and attend various events together. The third group is partnering with companies like Relaxzen, Brookstone, and Thermodynamics.

Cost Structure Since this is a luxury item though, it is natural for the end user to view the cost as a secondary consideration, and that is being factored into our design Buying the components to make our product is an obvious cost along with the manufacturing costs.

Function Map Function

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4





Pressure Reduction The seat cushion for the chair could take on different characteristics, and some possible ways these could be realized are shown above.


Function Tree The blue shows the transition to the first level, green the second, yellow the third, and red the final level.

Increase Comfort

Temperature Control


Improved Cushion


All Season Use

Reduce Wear




Load Cycle


Pressure Reduced


Block Diagram The flow is color coded from blue to green to yellow and finally red. The order of the sequence is numbered but this is a first time use sequences.

1) Increase Comfort

3) Temperature Control

5) Heating/Cooling

9) Report Status

2) Improved Cushion

4) Reduce Wear

6) Design

7) Durable

8) Materials


Product Specs Demand/Wish D D W D D



Required Dimensions Width 20-30" Depth 24-30" Weight under 5lbs Height 30-36" Thickness 2-4" Temperature System Cooling Fluid Transfer Air pipes Perferated with fans Heating Resistance Motor heat transfer Energy Specs 24V 1-16 mA Cost Heating Pad $15-$250 Cooling System $30-$250 Perferated Material $20-$80 Cushion $30-$90 Hardware $10-$20 Wireing $5-$20 Controls $3-$30 Materials Heating Element Resitance Wires




Industrial Industrial Engineering Industrial Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Team

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Online Team Team

Engineering Engineering

Online Team

Engineering Engineering

Team Team

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Online Online Online Online Online Online Online





1-16 mA Cost D Heating Pad $15-$250 D Cooling System $30-$250 D Perferated Material $20-$80 W Cushion $30-$90 D Hardware $10-$20 D Wireing $5-$20 D Demand/Wish Controls $3-$30 Required Materials Dimensions D Heating Element Width 20-30" Resitance Wires D Depth 24-30" Wireing W Weight under 5lbs Controls Height 30-36" Fluid Transfer D Thickness 2-4" Cover Temperature System Cooling System D Cooling Fluid Transfer Perferated Air pipes Material Fan Perferated with fans Perferated D Heating Tubing Foam Channels Resistance W Cushion Motor heat transfer Memory Foam Energy Specs Air/Water Bladders D 24V Smart Foam D 1-16 mA W Motors 24V 1-16mA Cost D Heating Pad $15-$250 D Cooling System $30-$250 D Perferated Material $20-$80 W Cushion $30-$90 D Hardware $10-$20 D Wireing $5-$20 D Controls $3-$30 Materials D Heating Element Resitance Wires




Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Responsibility

Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Source

Industrial Industrial/Engineering Industrial Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial Business Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Online Team Online Team Online Online Team Team

Business Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Engineering Business Business/Engineering Engineering Business Engineering Engineering Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Online Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online




Complete control

Cygnal seeks to solve one of the biggest problems users have expressed which is the lack of integration with current technology. Todays control systems on powered chairs use outdated technology, lack features to enable ease of use, and are not compatible with any other technological systems people commonly use today. Offering pre-set positions, a responsive interface, and smartphone compatibility will make the user’s experience more relaxing. Featuring a much larger screen size of at least 4” diagonally, users will enjoy a beautiful screen complemented by a host of applications to simply the user’s daily life.


Logo Process



Complete control

The cygnal controller centralizes all the functions a wheelchair needs and then some. Memory settings, GPS, and internet connection are just some of the perks.


Product Service System Pitch Cygnal seeks to solve one of the biggest problems users have expressed which is the lack of integration with current technology. Todays control systems on powered chairs use outdated technology, lack features to enable ease of use, and are not compatible with any other technological systems people commonly use today. Offering pre-set positions, a responsive interface, and smartphone compatibility will make the user’s experience more relaxing. Featuring a much larger screen size of at least 4” diagonally, users will enjoy a beautiful screen complemented by a host of applications to simply the user’s daily life. This product is designed for users who no longer want to wait to adjust their chair for every situation. Now your chair is ready to quickly change its position with user chosen set ups. Cygnal now also features an advanced joystick that is designed to help a user advance throughout the day, not hinder him. This low profile design allows users to easily navigate throughout the day while also allowing full access to the touchscreen control board.

Customer Segments Our direct customer for Cygnal is going to be the major powered wheelchair manufacturers. Due to the nature of our business, an end user would not be able to purchase the controller and then add it to their current chair. Selling our technology to firms who seek to improve their chairs with our controller is the best option. Finally, the typical end user will be able to use our product fairly easily. The design is intended for ease of use for people that still have moderate to low use of their hands.

Value Propositions Cygnal is a chair control system that brings value to the user in two different ways. It first updates a very dated system that is being used. It also brings value by enabling your smartphone to work with the chair. Allowing this connectivity creates a product that is now not limited to the innovation of the company moov, but also allows for app developers to help advance usability with chairs and keep it as advanced as possible.


Channels Due to the market for powered wheelchairs being smaller in size, our best method to reach our customers is through personal interaction with them, web based sales, and phone based communication. Using this method we will distribute our product through powered chair retailers Every company would be assigned a moov representative to handle all sales between their company and ours. moov will take on the responsibility of working with the end-users to ensure happiness with our product, returns, repairs, etc.

Customer Relationships Maintaining a close relationship with companies such as Hoveround will help keep moov informed on what direction our partners are heading in. Being able to sync our advances with theirs ensures that we can have a lasting relationship with their company. One-on-one personal assistance lets our customers know that we are committed to working with them to provide the best product possible. As where this is more expensive, it does keep our company more competitive then the competition, something a new company will need to have. This will help create a loyal community of customers.

Revenue Streams Cygnal will be a primary controller that comes with the chair automatically. We will sell our product to businesses for our revenue. It is their responsibility to receive money from insurance because they get paid for the chair as whole, not individual parts.

Key Resources The first resource that we require is a workplace to actually build the parts. A smaller demand and a smaller product should mean that a smaller workplace would suffice. The biggest intellectual resource that we require is the financial data for the powered wheelchair manufacturers. Physical resources that are required will be some machinery, office space, and the product components (plastic, wiring, touch screen, rubber, metal, etc.) Human resources are software engineers, mechanical engineers, office staff, purchasing agents, designers, and factory workers.


Key Activities Our first key activity is to partner with a company that has experience with massage equipment such as Relaxzen and Brookstone. A way to legitimize this is to spread the word about our product to end-users before we advertise to our customers. This will generate hype around our product and help companies realize that with Solis, their own chairs look more attractive. We will be developing our specific stores for channels of distribution.

Key Partners The first of which is the powered wheelchair manufacturers. 75% of our entire business will be through these companies so setting up relationships with them now is important. The second group necessary to partner with is disability groups across the country.

Cost Structure The first major cost we face is hiring people that know how to do software engineering and getting a facility to assemble to product. Fortunately this is not a cost driven business so we are a little less prone to price fluctuations affecting our business.

Function Map Function

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4

Adjust Position



Display Information

The seat cushion for the chair could take on different characteristics, and some possible ways these could be realized are shown above. 65

Function Tree The blue shows the transition to the first level, green the second, yellow the third, and red the final level.

User Interface

Control Chair Position



Avoid Objects

Control Drive Motion


Relieve Pressure

Provide Status Info

Back & Forth



Seat Position


Seat Height

Adjust Reach Comfort



Block Diagram The flow is color coded from blue to green to yellow and finally red. The order of the sequence is numbered but this is a first time use sequences.

1) User Interface

3) Select Chair Function

4) Position Chair

10) Relieve Pressure

2) Receive Commands

6) Select Drive

5) Avoid Objects

8) Travel

7) Report Status

9) Battery Life


Product Specs Demand/ Wish D D W D D D D D W W D W W W D D D D D D D D

Required Dimensions Width 3-5" Depth 4-7" Weight under 2lbs Thickness 0.1875-0.5" Touchscreen Features Seat Adjust Recline Height Foot Postion Auxilary Features Postion Memory/ Autoadjust Drive Setting Manual Set Speed and sensitivity Limits Auxilary Features Customizable Display Customizable Startup and Alart Energy Specs 24V 1-16 mA Cost Touchscreen $60-$300 Programming $500-$1000 (one time) Arm rest attachment $20-$50 Interface wireing $10-$20 Wiring $5-$10 Materials TouchScreen Software Development



Industrial Industrial Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Team Team

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Team Team Team

Engineering Team Team Engineering/Graphic Design Engineering/Graphic Design

Team Team Team Hire Hire

Engineering Engineering

Team Team

Business Business Business Business Business

Online Online Online Online Online


Online Third Party


Customizable Display Customizable Startup and Alart Energy Specs D 24V D 1-16 mA Cost D Touchscreen $60-$300 D Programming $500-$1000 (one time) D Arm rest attachment $20-$50 Demand/ D InterfaceRequired wireing $10-$20 Wish D Wiring $5-$10 Dimensions Materials D Width 3-5" TouchScreen D Depth 4-7" Software Development W Weight under 2lbs Wireing D Thickness 0.1875-0.5" Interface Connection Touchscreen CoverFeatures D Seat Adjust Carbon Fiber/ Aluminum/ Stainless, HDP, FRP D Recline Arm Rest Attachment D Height holder Metal/Plastic D Foot Postion Carbon Fiber/ Aluminum/ Stainless/ HDP/ FRP W Auxilary Features W Postion Memory/ HingesAutoadjust D Drive Ball andSetting Socket ManualArms Postioning Set Speed and sensitivity Limits Aluminum/ Stainless/ HDP/ FRP W Auxilary Features D Attachment to Chair W DisplayWing Nut Pop joint/Customizable Magnetic/ Screws/ W Customizable Startup Safety and Alart Energy D Failure Specs Mode D 24V D Glitch Prevention D 1-16 mA W Manual mode Cost W Water Resistant D Touchscreen W Temperature $60-$300 Resistant D Programming $500-$1000 (one time) Signals D Arm rest attachment $20-$50 D Direct Connect D InterfaceBluetooth wireing $10-$20 W D Wiring $5-$10 W Wireless Materials 4G D TouchScreen Software Development

Engineering/Graphic Design Engineering/Graphic Design

Hire Hire

Engineering Engineering

Team Team

Business Business Business Business Responsibility Business

Online Online Online Online Source Online

Industrial Industrial Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Online Team Third Party Team Online Team Online Team

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Online Team Team Team Online

Engineering Industrial/Engineering Team Team Industrial/Engineering Engineering/Graphic Design Engineering/Graphic Design

Team Online Team Team Online Hire Hire

Industrial Business Industrial Business Business Engineering Business Business

Team Online Team Online Online Team Online Online


Online Third Party

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Team Team Team Team Team


Complete accessibility

Trunc is a series of various pouches, containers, and device holders along the chair. Powered wheelchairs today offer minimal storage areas, resulting in a users lap being their main area for holding items. Still wanting to maintain a minimal design, this storage system is designed to hold necessary equipment, but also be able to be put away when no longer in use.


Logo Process


Tidy up with a storage system within your reach.

Complete accessibility

trunc will hold your phone, wallet, keys, tablet, drink, book, pen and tools. Organize and access all of your belongings with ease and flexibility.


Product Service System Pitch Trunc is a series of various pouches, containers, and device holders along the chair. Powered wheelchairs today offer minimal storage areas, resulting in a users lap being their main area for holding items Still wanting to maintain a minimal design, these storage containers are designed to hold necessary equipment, but also be able to be put away when no longer wanted. We found it important that users still feel like their chair is not hiding them, which was something we incorporated in every stage of the design. Every storage device that has been added to the chair can be easily folded, swiveled, or pushed away. The first edition is the left armrest that has been designed to feature two containers. The first is a bag positioned under the armrest on a rail. When needed it can extend the length of the armrest. If not needed it can just as easily be pushed back into the chair. The second is the top of the armrest, which can swivel out to allow for a small storage compartment inside of it. If you need a tray on the go, it then unfolds into a tray in front of you. The final device is an automatic container that is normally stored behind the chair. When needed the controller now has a feature to rotate it out in front of you for easy access.

Customer Segments The direct customer for Trunc is going to be the major powered wheelchair manufacturers. This piece of equipment is seeking to add storage to a market that is greatly lacking that feature. The customers we will be primarily selling to typically have between 5-10 powered chair models and we predict they are likely to want to put our product on one or two of the chairs. This design will complement a few designs, but we will be working with companies to make it compatible with at least 65% of their models.

Value Propositions Trunc aims to be the best product users can purchase if they find themselves needing more storage but not wanting to crowd their chair with bulky storage methods. It brings value by giving much needed storage that is within arm’s reach and can retract to space conserving areas. The three main storage areas we are looking at are under the arm rests in the form of retractable bags, a flip up compartment, and a container that is on an automated arm system that rotates forward when needed.


Channels Due to the market for powered wheelchairs being smaller in size, our best method to reach our customers is through personal interaction with them. To make transactions as easy as possible, every company would be assigned a moov representative to handle all sales between their company and ours. moov will take on the responsibility of working with the end-users to ensure happiness with our product, returns, repairs, etc.

Customer Relationships Maintaining a close relationship with companies such as Overwound will help keep moov informed on what direction our partners are heading in. One-on-one personal assistance lets our customers know that we are committed to working with them to provide the best product possible. Also maintaining a presence at community centers who cater to the disabled will help keep end users also interested in our product.

Revenue Streams We will sell our product to businesses for our revenue, and then they will charge the insurance companies to make their money. We estimate that the extra costs companies face for the automatic arm will be in the $500 range. Making it affordable will help keep business stay steady with end users.

Key Resources The first resource that we require is a workplace to actually build the parts. The biggest intellectual resource that we require is the financial data for the powered wheelchair manufacturers. Only they know how much they are currently paying for similar components, and how much insurance is paying them for parts. Our capital requirements will be moderate in the beginning. A loan and then about $4000 in cash will help us launch this product in its entirety.

Key Activities Proving that it is profitable to have chairs that make the users experience better will attract more business. A way to legitimize this is to spread the word about our product to end-users first. To save money, it is important to start finding the companies that are interested in our products early so we can begin to design our products to work with their system.


Key Partners There are two groups that we need to partner with. The first of which is the powered wheelchair manufacturers. 75% of our entire business will be through these companies so setting up relationships with them now is important. We have an advantage moving into this area because they currently do not have the technology incorporated into their chairs. The second group necessary to partner with is disability groups across the country. People with disabilities we have found like to join and attend various events together.

Cost Structure Setting up our given partnerships, designing the dimensions of our storage devices, and setting up a supply chain are needed as preliminary work. The first major cost we face hiring people that know how to do industrial designing to fit other company’s needs. Second, buying the components to make our product is an obvious cost along with the manufacturing costs. Finally, paying for shipments, refunds, and office costs will always be present. Fortunately this is not a cost driven business so we are a little less prone to price fluctuations affecting our business.

Function Map Function

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4





The seat cushion for the chair could take on different characteristics, and some possible ways these could be realized are shown above. 79

Function Tree The blue shows the transition to the first level, green the second, yellow the third, and red the final level.


Hold Items


Make Items Accessible



In Reach

Free Up Space


Not In User Space




Third Party Inaccessible







Block Diagram The flow is color coded from blue to green to yellow and finally red. The order of the sequence is numbered but this is a first time use sequences.

1) Provide Storage

2) Hold Items

3) Make Items Accessible

5) In Reach

6) Motorized

4) Free Up Space

7) Not In User Space

9) Controls

8) Near user


Product Specs Demand/Wish D D W D D





Dimensions Width 16-30" Depth 13-24" Weight under 2lbs Thickness 0.5-2" Motion System Manual Crank Lever Slide Motorized Geared Pulley Cylinoid Actucator Energy Specs 24V 1-16 mA Cost Tray $15-$50 Connection Assembly $20-$80 Restraints $2-$8 Motors $10-$150 Hardware $10 Wireing $5-$20 Controls $3-$30 Materials Tray Wood Glass Plastic Metal Carbon Fiber Restraints Elastic Velcro Tabs




Industrial Industrial Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Team Team

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Online Team Team

Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering

Online Online Online Online

Engineering Engineering

Team Team

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Online Online Online Online Online Online Online

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Team Team Team Team

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Online Online Online


Motors $10-$150 Hardware $10 Wireing $5-$20 Controls $3-$30 Materials D Tray Wood Glass Plastic Metal Demand/Wish Carbon Fiber Required W Restraints Dimensions D Width 20-30" Elastic D Depth 24-30" Velcro W Weight under 5lbs Tabs Height Hook 30-36" D Thickness 2-4" Clamp D Connection Assembly Temperature System D Cooling Steel Fluid Transfer Aluminum Air pipes Plastic Perferated fans W Motors 24Vwith 1-16mA D Heating W Wireing Low Voltage Resistance W Controls Motor Knob heat transfer Switch Specs Energy D 24V Toggle D 1-16 mA Touchscreen Safety Cost D Heating Pinch Pad $15-$250 D Cooling Shock System $30-$250 D Perferated Material $20-$80 Failure Mode W Cushion D Hold Min$30-$90 10lbs D Hardware $10-$20 W Secure Stow D Wireing $5-$20 Signals D Controls $3-$30 Direct Connect W Bluetooth Materials D Heating Element W Wifi Resitance Wires W Infared Wireing Controls Fluid Transfer Cover D Cooling System Fluid Transfer Perferated Material Fan Perferated Tubing


Business Business Business Business

Online Online Online Online

Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Responsibility

Team Team Team Team Team Source

Industrial Industrial/Engineering Industrial Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Online Team Online Team Online Online Team Online

Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Team Online Team Team Team Online Online Online Team Online Online Team Online Team Online

Business Industrial Business Industrial Business Industrial Business Industrial Business Industrial Business Business Engineering Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Business Industrial/Engineering

Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Team Online Online Team Online Online Online Online Online Online Team

Business Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering Industrial/Engineering

Online Online Online Online


Conclusion We believe that our extensive research has allowed us to brainstorm and focus on problem areas that we are able to solve using our products.

Complete comfort

Complete control

Complete accessibility


REFERENCES Primary Sources Lisa Pena, Wheelchair User, Instructor Doug Clough, Wheelchair User Martha Mitchell, Wheelchair User Casey, Wheelchair User Thomas Mancuso, CEO of enabled inc. Pam Larson, Manager of ABIL Chip Mitchell, Ability Center (Sales) Lacey Pavlovec, Coordinator of National Multiple Sclerosis Society Diane Garvy, PHD Director of ASU Disability Resource Center Unnamed individual, Spokes Powered Soccer Player Bryce Albretsen/Anthony Kuhn, Personal Experience (Chair Disassembly) DJ Todd, VP of Marketing Vantage Mobility International Scott McElhaney, Transport Business Owner (Desert Transport)

Secondary Sources Cahill, S. E. & Eggleston, R. (1995). Reconsidering the Stigma of Physical Disability: Wheelchair Use and Public Kindness. The Sociological Quarterly, 36(4), 681-698. Retrieved from <> Smitheran, C. Personal Communication. September 29, 2014. Koontz, A. M., et. al. (2010). Design Features That Affect the Maneuverability of Wheelchairs and Scooters. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(5), 759-764. <http://www.> “Problem & Solution.” Wheelchair Recycler RSS. N.p., 2010. Web. <>. Skolnik, E. G. & TerMaath, C. Y. (2002). Analysis of a Non-Recycling Hydride System for Powered Wheelchairs. Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 47(2), 780. < PCS/acsfuel/preprint%20archive/Files/47_2_Boston_10-02_0186.pdf> “Stakeholder Forum on Wheeled Mobility.” University at Buffalo Center for Assistive Technology, 1999. Web. <>. Redesigns of electrical wheelchairs <> Info regarding wheelchair fire hazard <> Brain-controlled chair <> How the van conversion works <> Laws regulations requirements <>


Mike Chhay Arizona State University Innovation Space 2014/2015

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