Poesie, by Ed Eubanks

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A healthfood devotee in town Turned all of her sweet suitors down She says “It’s alright For my bread to be white, But my sugar just has to be brown.”

A man on a flying trapeze Seems to harvest his veggies with ease He flies through the air With a bowl and a snare Which he uses to deftly trap peas.

The lonely old bachelor, Clyde Sent off for a mail order bride, But the postman could not Get her head through the slot, So he just left her standing outside.

The cyberspace folks aren’t Siberians And the Niger based folks aren’t Nigerians So it’s no big surprise To the book-reading guys That the library folks aren’t Liberians.

The young Sikh mechanic in Durban Found the plane engine’s workings disturbin He climbed halfway in then it started to spin. And you could not tell turbine from turban

A fisherman, Shamus O’Flynn, Hauled a beautiful young mermaid in. That morning they ate Three buckets of bait. That evening he dined on her fin.

A chemist who worked in Topeka Strove to make a new scent in a beaker When he wore the foul brew Strained from pig piss and poo His dear, frazzled wife yelled “Eureka!�

An old gambler down in Kentucky Woke feeling especially plucky He laid all his cash On a racehorse named Dash And now he feels f - king unlucky.

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