Cartier Street Review, June 2012

Page 79

to the Big Apple and buys a matinee ticket shoring up courage parades to the dressing room filled with old costumes and oilcloths of fate at the sunset mirror Tennessee calms me down and takes my poem in hand, wrily says, "The muse is with those who hear her voice,and you obviously do, you have the gift now take it," and it has not left me.

B.Z. NIDITCH is a poet, playwright, fiction writer and teacher. His work is widely published in journals and

magazines throughout the world, including: Columbia,

The Literary Review, Denver Quarterly, Hawaii

Review, Le Guepard (France), Prism International,

Jejune (Czech Republic), Leopold Bloom (Budapest),

Antioch Review, and Prairie Schooner, among others. He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.


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