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SECTION I, Software Development and Computer Systems, 15 marks each. Total 30 marks. 1

The software development process aims to produce code that is reliable and robust. Describe what is meant by each of the terms “reliable” and “robust”.


Reliable the ability to produce correct results from specified input OR not stopping due to design faults. Robust the ability to cope with unexpected data without crashing. 1 mark each 2

Pseudocode is a text-based notation used at the design stage. Name and describe one graphical design notation. You may use a diagram as part of your answer.


Flowchart OR Structure/Block diagram OR Semantic net OR JSP 1 mark for name and 1 mark for description (this description may include a diagram) 3

During the maintenance stage of the software development process programmers will have to alter code. (a)

Which type of maintenance does not have to be paid for by the client? Explain your answer.


Corrective (1 mark) Code is faulty because of errors introduced by the software development company (1 mark) (b)

Describe one characteristic of code that would make a program more maintainable. One answer from below. 1 mark: • descriptive variable/procedure names • effective use of whitespace (indentation and/or blank lines) • internal commentary • use of functions/subroutines/modules • any other valid

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